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Dragon Wars Book 2 Pt. 01


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But she wanted him fucking her like mad, as she changed forms and had him take for 12 hours of sex until she could take no more as he never stopped going from one hole to another as though she were in heat. She knew she had chosen wisely for 3 mates.

She changed back and went to sleep after rotating the eggs in the chamber. She knew 10% of the horde would be hers to carry into the next bond. With 2 new mates, they would add and remove from the horde in the coming years. "I chose well for you my mate, and the other mates should be pleased as well."


The Dragon God Lendys spoke with his new champion, "Sloraxanz, you will become my new champion. You are a very old Silver female and now the Queen of the Silver Dragons, but you do not know you struck the killing blow on the Hellfire Dragon. You extinguished the last of its dark and burning heart. As a member of the Dragon Riders.

You are beyond the years to conceive, except if you select the exception for Half-Dragons which are not allowed right now due to the truce. Your lifemate did before the truce and with your blessing. You joined his human lover for nearly 20 years until she died in childbirth, 6 were too many for her.

You helped to raise those she left behind as she had no family. Before they returned to human societies. You honor the woman and lover by using her female form with your mate to this day. At least you did until he died in this fight with his progeny including a few of your own. I require you to head the Dragon Riders going forward.

Get the implications that the Dragon Riders is for life on the part of our Dragons. This latest battle shows this will need to be the case until the Peace Accord is ended at the very least. Bahamut has told me Corellon will be putting a battle sorcerer on the field.

A Silver Dragon lineage Battle Sorcerer with good natural talent. with abilities to deal with multiple forms of breath weapons, and will be a powerhouse caster. I want you to work with this rider, but I do not have his name. You will have to find him.

Together, I want you to take out Dragon champions as they appear in the coming years. Bahamut stated only the Dragons will know of him for now, because of him being a champion and the risk of being a champion. It will be learned later on when needed by the elves."

She bowed her head and sighed, "If I had not, another would have struck the blow. The neutrals did their job and had it climbing up and away. They were the silent heroes. Too many died, including my lifemate and 7 of my progeny. Her children dying to the shortened lives of Half-Dragons but their children carry on in human lands."

Lendys noded, "You could help him find a Silver Dragon mate or another who is coming of age from another species. You could even have an affair of the heart with him if his wives permit it. But never his children."

She sighed, "I will consider it. My lifemate and I talked about this happening. I have to know his personality first. If he is truly a wise and good spirit who would even want to see to my needs in that matter."

Lendys nodded, "Choose something wisely from your mate's horde and hordes of the elders who fell. Something you would put on him even for the battles ahead for an amulet. It will have a divine non-detection embedded into it when you put it on."

Lends knew her heart was broken. She did not participate in Half-Dragons before, except as a non-fertile female with her mate's choice as she joined him in seducing the human woman he found irresistible. It was not an option for over 136 years and he needed her flying instead. But if this champion could keep her heart flying longer, all the better.


Sartior thought to Camathyxius, an Adult Amethyst Dragon just returned to the Kingdom from human lands, "You will be my first champion on this world. You will take 3 mates going forward and will train to become a Dragon for the Dragon Riders in 100 years before this war starts again.

Right now we can only bring peace through force and this gives you 120+ years to have lots of offspring, mostly males to help rebalance the population we have lost. A break in the truce restrictions granted by IO for our role in getting the fiendish Dragon killed.

Your Grandmother, 14 times removed, and Queen has been made aware of your selection. You are the first and as long as we have a large enough population, you will not be the last. She has a necklace for you to bring you luck and to make you my champion.

The crystals, emeralds, and sapphires will go in turn based upon the greatest need. With that order as of today, based on keeping the population in balance. You will be known in the Dragon community and the air when the time comes."


The Lady of Dreams, Corellon, and Vandria Gilmadrith were in the Dream State when The Lady brought forth Kartanous'Via Goldeagle who looked at the 3 Gods and took a knee quickly.

Vandria Gilmadrith spoke, "You yearn for battle and to be on the front line of the battles to come. Your time will come, as my known champion on the field. Your days of tournaments are over. You did well, and would likely win the next 2 in the time you have left.

But the necklace you will get in your chest will disqualify you from participating in those tournaments. Thus, you shall not be allowed to enter them. You will begin tomorrow, but you will not be recognized in court for 10 years.

Once your training is over and that will explain why you have not participated in the last 2 tournaments. This serves a purpose. You have a long day ahead of you, prepare 3 teleportation spells for tomorrow."

Corellon looked at him, "Your holy symbol will reflect both my daughters and mine, as previous Blade Singers in your position. We need you to join with your Grand Master to learn under General Silvertree for 30 years after you graduate. Let him take you to see the General when the time comes.

General Silvertree is a daughter of the previous Champion Tallion, and will not live far beyond that. That last part is not to be shared. We want you and your Grand Master to go back and train one other student each. At separate academies, to get them up to where they will be 3-time champions in each if you do your work.

They will then, for 5-10 years, move out to being trainers to other fighters and back to being instructors as Grand Masters for 10 more Blade Singers after that each. The last 2 of which for each of them will do the same. Honing the generations to follow and to keep our numbers up before they enter combat.

When you wake you will find a sealed tube, take it to your Grand Master and let him know the 2 of you must see the King. Today you will learn a few lessons in humility, both in giving and witnessing it. Prepare 3 teleportation spells for today, but save them for your travels alone.

He will ask you why the Gods did not inform him of you, he will ask a lot of questions. You are to tell him, 'Corellon stated to me, that there are times where the champions' actions will dumbfound him or his heir to the throne Brancart'via Goldeagle.

Our Kings must simply support the requests given and act on faith. Like reading journals and training the heir who should be present upon your return from the Vault.' You will find a list of items being identified by the Lady of Dreams once you are in the Vault alone.

You will take them, store them in your bag of holding, or wear the ones she tells you. She will guide you in the vault as to which belong to you, and which items belong to the other 2 champions you are gathering them for.

Now he will ask questions like, 'What are you taking, why alone, and why he should believe you?' You inform him, 'In 10 years you will be made known before the court. What you are taking is going to the other champions.

You will be the only champion on the field who knows them all. We are not giving this information to the King or his heir this time. At least not yet. Somethings have to be taken on faith. Like how you knew that Brancart was his heir to the throne.

That the sealed case that only a ruling King or Queen can open has a writ in the case that he needs to take action upon immediately. Usually reserved for one King giving instructions to his heir after being crowned, in case of an unforeseen death.'"

The Lady of Dreams smiled, "I will act as the messenger to the various champions, but those contacts will not happen until the gear you gather is in their hands and they rest again. You require 3 sets of diplomacy stones, one set for each of the new champions from the King.

Get them before going to the vault as you will need one set while you are in there to seal the room. Your lesson in humility is being the errand boy for us today. To remind you that different Gods have different champions and their goals are not your own as you all have different targets.

That Gold Elves are not the only race involved and not the only champions on the field. When you return to the King with his heir, you will show them both the symbol in your chest along with your Grand Master.

They are all sworn to secrecy as are any others we request to join you. You will return to him to be recognized in court in 10 years. Let them know, 'The Gods will be testing them on the journals and the lessons they impart.

The journals that they should also be keeping, going forward, for the Kings and Queens who follow. To include in their wills, that the next heir, if they should fall, is to find the time to read them all before proceeding with being crowned instead of trying to lead blindly.'

Visit the Master Enchanter Moon Ring in the Capital. You will want to walk there to save on spells. Tell her, 'You are there to pick up a package she has wrapped in satin cloth with 2 crescent moons upon it.'

She knows a courier from the Gods will come to get them, not that you are a champion until 10 years from now. They are paid for by the Grand Cleric of Corellon's church. Those are for the other 2 champions. One will have a Moon Stone with two Silver Crescents in it.

That one goes to Corellon's Champion. The other will be made of silver wood from a dead Silvertree and Pegasus feathers. That one goes to Rillifane Rallathil's champion. Yours will be in the vault.

You will visit Shirana Elm first, Champion of Rillifane Rallathil, and the only female champion on the field. With her family at her home. Secure the home, inform her she is the chosen Champion of Rillifane Rallathil.

Inform the others they are not allowed to discuss her being the champion with anyone or the fact that you are the champion of Vandria Gilmadrith until it is known in 10 years. Show her your amulet in your chest to prove who you are.

She is to put hers on immediately before you leave. Though she may keep her shirt on if she desires and is likely to insist. It will make a familiar sound and you can unseal the room and depart after that, barring any questions that can only be answered when she sleeps next.

Then go to the Academy in the Capital of Xantria and find the room of Fallius'Sia Moon Bow. Secure his room alone, tell him, and show him who you are. Same instructions, not for 10 years. But not to any other elf other than his wives and the Dragons he will be training among.

Instructions he will get in his sleep. He is a Battle Sorcerer going to the Dragon Riders. We lost many Silver Dragonblooded Sorcerers and Half-Dragons in Dragon's lands fighting the Hellfire Dragon. Give him his items, and ensure he puts his necklace on with his necklace to Corellon as he is Corellon's Champion.

His will adhere to his chest. Both of those amulets have Elven mythic components in them. You are not to identify them. They are for the champion alone to discover over time. We are doing it differently and will contact them after they are armed and protected. Once again, leave, Return to your Grand Master and continue your training."

Kartanous'Via Goldeagle nodded and asked, "Anything else? I am not sure who to address. I guess I would start with Corellon or should it be Vandria Gilmadrith?"

The Lady of Dreams laughed, "That is more than enough for one day, You are Vandria Gilmadrith champion. If present, start with her. Corellon has his champion to look after so you will hear more from me most often. Something not covered in etiquette classes my husband."

Vandria Gilmadrith simply nodded, "Stand. We know it is a bit overwhelming but you are a great Blade Singer and you will have to be a leader on the field. When you return you and your Grand Master will be in different units.

You need to impress as you will be coming in as a sergeant while he will come in as a Lieutenant. When you both return you will likely be Captains before stepping off to train and return at that same rank. Rest well. You have a long day ahead of you, Champion."


Kartanous woke, cleaned up, and studied his spells. He was dressed and ready to go when he noticed the scroll case sitting on his pillow where his head had been earlier. He sighed, "Not the food from the dining facility last night."

He grabbed the scroll case and headed to the training ground after attaching it to his belt. He was a few minutes late and knew his Grand Master would be getting on him about being punctual. He bowed to Grand Master Goldeagle as the Grand Master spoke, "Felt like sleeping in today?"

Kartanous chuckled, "Not my plan, too much to do today. Including getting you to take me to see the King, Grand Master."

Grand Master Carmican'Via looked at him, "Trying to get out of training this morning?"

Kartanous chuckled, "Let me just say, I know who the next heir is to the King and he is younger than you, Grand Master." He flashed the scroll case on his belt. "Do not ask me where it came from here, Grand Master."

Grand Master Goldeagle stepped next to his student and took him to the Palace and straight to his father's audience chamber. They both bowed to the King. King Goldeagle looked up and was perplexed, "What brings you here my son?"

He pointed at his student Kartanous who sighed, "Can you secure the room, Your Majesty?"

The King secured the room and Kartanous took the tube and set it on the King's desk. Who was shocked at the very least to see this in the possession of a child let alone with his son present, "Where did you get this?"

Kartanous looked at the King, "Off of my pillow this morning. I was told to come to you and obtain 3 sets of diplomacy stones 'now.' Then get access to the Vault by myself to retrieve gear. I don't even know what gear yet.

What I am about to say is a secret for the next 10 years while I finish training, I am the Champion of Vandria Gilmadrith. Sent here to gather gear for the other 2 champions coming onto the field and myself. Today I am the errand boy, Your Majesty."

The King looked at him, "You have a holy symbol in your chest?"

Kartanous shook his head, "Not yet. What they want me to use for that is in the vault, Your Majesty."

He sighed, "How will we know what you are taking? How do I know this is true?"

Kartanous groaned, "They figured you would ask that. I was told to tell you, These are the words of Corellon as he and the Lady of Dreams were present as well. He stated, 'That there are times where the champions' actions will dumbfound him or his heir to the throne Brancart'via Goldeagle.

The King must simply support the requests given and act on faith. Like reading journals and training his heir who should be present upon your return from the Vault.' Later he added and I am paraphrasing a bit. In 10 years I will be made known before the court.

What I am taking is going to the other champions and myself by their direction. I will be the only champion on the field who knows them all. They are not giving this information to you or your heir this time. At least not yet. Somethings have to be taken on faith.

Like how I knew that Brancart was your heir to the throne or that is a sealed case that only a ruling King or Queen can open. One from a ruler to their heir normally after a sudden or unexpected death. It has a writ in the case that you need to take action upon immediately, Your Majesty."

The King grabbed the tube and it was a writ to address changes to the Blade Singer Code. Including issuing rings of a given design to all Master Blade Singers and another design for Grand Master Blade Singers. With a note, 'The first should go to the remaining widow of Tallion Silvertree, Cussia Silvertree. ---Corellon.'

The King sighed and pulled out 3 sets of diplomatic stones, "Take those. Show him down to the vault. I will be along shortly to open it, my son."

They both bowed to the King while Kartanous grabbed the stones and put them into his bag of holding.

The King signed the writ, sent the note along with it to The Blade Singer Council for immediate action and to ensure the note was followed IMMEDIATELY, via a messenger.

The messenger left and the King left to go to the vault. The guards in front of them kept them from getting within 50 feet of the vault door until the King arrived with the Queen who both had keys and had to unlock 4 locks at the same time to open the vault. This was the first time King Goldeagle had opened the vault.

Kartanous sighed, "Give me 30 minutes, Your Majesty. I would hope it does not take longer than that."

The King sighed and the door was closed behind Kartanous. Kartanous pulled the 3 stones and activated them. He saw motes of light circling a staff, a sword, a ring, a set of bracers, a plain-looking bow, 2 cloaks, a heraldry sash, and a necklace.

He heard, "The necklace is yours. The ring goes to the Queen to wear on a hand that does not have a magical ring upon it, the one who has the keys. When the next King marries his Queen, the ring goes to her. Again no other magical ring on that hand.

It is tied to the sword which is yours, but it is hers to protect. It is the Sword of the Crown, only wieldable by a named member of the Royal Family, even if by marriage. It is a greater Orc, Drow, and Giant bane weapon. It is a relic. When you die, the sword senses you dying, it will teleport itself to the hand of the Queen only.

As long as she is not in an extra-dimensional space and she wears no other magical rings on that hand. Else the sword could be destroyed or captured on the field. It is one of a kind and the responsibility falls to the Queen to ensure it is returned to the vault until called upon again.

She should be in the room so she understands this duty and why the ring is important when you go back to the King's Audience chamber. Now put the necklace on."

Kartanous did so and it rang out a horrid squealing sound and the Lady of Dreams sighed, "The familiar sound you will hear twice more today. The staff, heraldry sash, and bracers go to Correllon's Champion. The bow and the grey cloak go to Rillifane Rallathil's Champion. Store those.

The other cloak is a high-end standard non-detection cloak with high protection and resistance built into it. It is yours. It is not a relic. The Staff and Bow are Greater Relics but they do not belong to the Gold Elf people. What happens with them, the other Champions will be briefed upon. You can tell nobody what you have given the other champions, even them.

They will ask, you cannot do so. When you leave, walk to the enchanter's shop as instructed. As you will need your 3 teleportation spells to get to your other 2 destinations and back for training. Do not take your Grand Master with you. The King will try to insist. Tell him 'To play nice from me.' Turn off the stones and store them, it will open soon enough."


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