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Dragon Wars Book 2 Pt. 01


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As he sent the one woman I asked to follow me as your next wife. To be married within the month after my passing, after she comes of age and takes her vows at the latest. She will tend to me and my delivery and my children when I am gone.

She will tend to you and keep your faith strong for the many years ahead in your life. Sometimes fate intervenes and sometimes it is a mischievous woman who does so. Rosette, don't move and watch. I am going to demonstrate, one last time, how a Half-Dragon mates. So you will know what to expect."

Rosette stepped forward, "If this is the path Tyr has chosen for me, then I will honor it."

Renee looked into her husband's eyes. Boran nodded, "As you wish my wife."

Rosette took a seat and watched them silence the room and then the clothes were removed to her shocking gasp as his pants hit the floor.


The next morning King Goldeagle held a meeting with his 4 eldest sons, "I received divine direction on who my next heir should be. The one who I should be training to take over is Brancart'via Goldeagle. The Gods expect my 3 eldest sons to be in the war.

You were all trained under different Grand Master Blade Singers. You may not know that all of them were trained under Tallion Silvertree. To get Gold Elves into the field, and to lead troops, the three of you as Blade Singers are expected to be on the front lines."

The third eldest Carmican'Via Goldeagle looked at his father, "We already expected that. Something our Grand Masters told us, we should be training others, which we have been, or engaging in combat.

While heirs to the throne, our place is to be battle-hardened for the war that is to come. I will be stopping after this last student. We want to move on to the next stage together in the field. Kartanous'Via Goldeagle, A distant cousin of ours, Father. To learn from those who have battle experience. "

The eldest Larsan'Via Goldeagle smiled, "Also to have lots of heirs to grow our families. We told our mothers about this when we started training. Apparently, they did not tell you. Leaving the choice to you."

Parsantor'Via, the one named after his grandfather smiled, "The other thing we were told was to enter the field as nothing higher than a Lieutenant and then prove ourselves on the field. If we are meant to be Generals we will rise to the occasion. Someday one of us could be your Elven Field Marshal or our brothers from the looks of it.

They said Tallion knew the Gold Elf Houses would only be placated by having Gold Elves in key positions, but they should never be seen as token positions. They should be earned through honor and skill to Corellon. We, Larsan, and I will finish with another student each and then seek those commissions.

To start learning from the Generals on the ground who have the battle experience from Tallion's trainers. He gave us our first set of training, to be Blade Singers and trainers. To become Generals would require time in the field under Generals with actual Field experience to draw from. I, myself, want to go to the navy. I want to work for the Admiral."

Larsan looked at his father, "General White Oak is where I want to go. To learn more about the Wood Elves, Wild Elves who do not support us, and those of the Fay and Centaurs who work with him, but not the Kingdom for some reason."

King Goldeagle explained what drove that division. Carmican smiled, "I want to go to the aerial units. As does my apprentice Kartanous. He will be the last one I teach, he has 10 years to go and will finish at 75. He just won his first tournament in Xantria. I suspect he will do it again. We are all training others at different academies. To not be a single target for the enemies of our family."

King Goldeagle sighed, "The Asperii mounts were wiped out yesterday. A few young ones are left, there might be a few by the time you finish. But not enough to be a full unit. A fight in Dragon Lands. A Hellfire Wyrm, a monstrous Dragon, there was an entry in the journals that I never read. Not until last night about it being in this world.

I had been tearing into the new Gold Dragon King when the crystal went dead and the Lady of Dreams chastised me in my head about ignoring those journals. It is where all 4 of you will start, is reading her journals. Starting with Brancart as you have the time as you are training at the Academy to the masses.

You will find time to read them first, then the rest of you. You will learn a lot about champions. Like they do things to see that we are prepared for a battlefield that is yet to be defined and years after their deaths. As Tallion has done, it seems. The warning about the creature that attacked the Dragons was in the journal.

Yet they had no idea where it would go or when it would appear. We will see if we can get you onto a Pegasus Carmican. There are not many of them left in elven lands from what I have been told. I don't know about Kartanous if there will be enough or any at that point. We will see how the young do in the coming years."


King Fire Axe worked his transition after this latest attack. It killed his eldest son and his entire family. He had to train up the younger son he had who was appeared wiser in diplomatic matters than his brother. He knew how to drive a hard bargain with the humans. Yet he was not as skilled with an ax as his elder brother who died.

A boulder was not a weapon he could have blocked though, as it crushing his entire home. 7,206 dwarves died during the collapses caused by the duel eruptions. It could have been more but they were still moving people from their old home territory to this one.

The Elven Field Marshal had been responsive to requests and to inform him of the Hellfire Dragon that caused the destruction. He had been warned of the creature the day before by the Dragon Ambassador. The Dragon Ambassador came before him again and gave them coordinates to tunnel up and to the southeast of where they were located. King Fire Axe looked at him, "Why?"

The Gold Dragon Ambassador smiled, "The body of the Hellfire Dragon is buried and burned into the side of that mountain. When it dies it becomes all raw ore from what the creature consumed. Mithril, Adamantintium, and Gemstones. It is another source of materials.

Dragons could mine it themselves instead, but we are not out to compete with you. We would ask for a reduction in cost to the ore you do sell us by 10%, else we will mine it ourselves over the next 200 years and return to buying from you when it is depleted as that Dragon was half the size of a mountain."

King Fire Axe sighed, "I will send 2 dwarven mineral experts up. If they agree, then we will mine those veins."

The Dragon Ambassador chuckled, "There are no veins. It is all of those things and nothing worthless. You would have to mine this location 5 times over for what is in that corpse. Its wings snapped off in the fall and we will keep those once they have been cooled off."

King Fire Axe brought in 2 mineral experts. They left with the ambassador and returned 10 minutes later.

One of them chuckled, "Never seen anything like it. It is as he reported it. A trove, one rock with veins of the other, but no worthless stone in between with chunks of gemstones everywhere. Hotter than our forges right now. Over halfway buried in the side of the mountain as it burned its way into the ground.

They need to know as they will bury it further to hide the corpse from our enemies or work to mine its body themselves. They had Silver Dragons working to breathe on the wings to move them as they plan to keep those. A good 50 years' worth of metal in those wings. Still, steam roars off those damned things, Your Majesty."

King Fire Axe nodded, "We will mine it, we accept your gracious terms in this matter. Bury it for now and let it cool." He handed the information off and his miners started working a passage to the crash site as the Dragon Ambassador left.

King Fire Axe was no fool. He knew they did not want to be miners. They would rather have the dwarves do it and it would buy them more time in this location. They would tap the new forges within the week, having had the Dragons help them move them from the old site to this one saved a lot of time. It had bought Dwarven goodwill from his people.

They had plenty of ore ready to process from this new location and only the Dragons and Elves got discounts for this location, the same discounts. Them keeping the wings was a surprise, though. It showed a commitment to the statement at the very least.

He was informed that the champion of Moradin and Clanggedin Silverbeard were both dead due to the collapses as well. That meant 2 new champions would be coming on the field. Only the one to Dumathoin remained and was getting older.

The one who found them this new home and one of the few who still carried the name, Heart Stone. He had his hands full and staying within the Alliance was the right call. Something he needed to express to his other son, Metrox Fire Axe who was young and willful at times.


Metrox Fire Axe worked on his transition plan. With his brother's passing along with his children, he did not want his father turning to an uncle or nephew in his death and naming them to be an heir over him. His father saw him as weak, yet he saw his father's faith in this 'Alliance' as a weakness.

Things he did not share with his mate. He had an older mistress in his employee. A serving woman and cook in the Palace from house Heart Stone, 1 of 2 left. With her killing his father, he could have the Champion of Dumathian arrested as he was crowned King, then work to break this Alliance and go from there.

Metrox was a greedy businessman and his father thought that made him a diplomat. While he paid off instructors when it came to teachings about foreign diplomacy with the Elves and the Alliance as he found the entire subject boring beyond all end.

He fucked his mistress in her quarters with privacy stones instead and Rashan smiled, "I will go from a servant to a Queen with you?"

Metrox smiled at her, "I will ensure you get everything from me, including your illegitimate children raised to where they belong." He slammed his 6-inch cock that was 7 inches around forward and filled up her aged pussy one last time."

She would die along with her children for the attack to seal the deal this was a Heart Stone traitor. How he would get rid of the aged champion who bore the same name.


Moradin did not warn the aged King. He had a good heir lined up with 12 younger sons. His only remaining son would not be doing this now if not for the untimely deaths of his elder brother and his entire family. His brother saw him for the weasel he was. He knew he had been fucking the serving staff and cooks.

He briefed his father on such but King Fire Axe took no issue with it telling his son, "When you are King, then you can take it up with your brother. Until then, keep working heirs." Not only was Grantox killed but his entire home was crushed by that boulder as they ate together.

Moradin looked at Dumathan and sighed, "Your champion is getting up there in years. The Drow army has not shown. Send him after this new 'King to be' who will see him killed and attempt to withdraw from the Alliance. Give him the facts about his niece and her brats. All of it. This will be a champion facing off with a soon-to-be-crowned 'illegitimate King.'


Grantox Heart Stone, now the last of his clan, left the forge room in a hurry. Dressed in his armor and his big two-handed maul. He battled through 12 guards sent to bring him in and another 20 outside the throne room. He busted open the doors as the crown was being placed on the new King's head. He yelled out, "Stop! You killed my niece and her illegitimate brats from you. Ask him of his plans to withdraw from the Alliance! To send our people to being hunted by the Elves and Dragons."

King Metrox pulled the crown on his head and out of the Grand Cleric's hands, "Your niece killed my father, a part of your plan to seek power!"

Grantox shook his head, "By the will of the Gods to expose you as unfit. They speak to the Clerics, Champions, and the TRUE King. Now that that crown is on your head, you think they speak to you?"

Metrox heard nothing but yelled out, "We will withdraw from this Alliance, let the elves and humans come! The Dragons would be barred from entering as a neutral zone."

The Champion chuckled, "The Dragons would roast you alive! The treaty would forfeit these lands to the Elves! You withdraw, you make all of these people homeless and destroyed by the Dragons to drive us away!

You would know that if you had read the fucking Alliance treaty instead of buying off your instructors to make your father think you were a diplomat. You worked with humans, people who you could strong-arm for a better deal. You are a thug who planned this regicide."

Metrox looked over, "In the name of Moradin strike him down!" The champion reared back as guards came at him and he chucked his two-handed maul end over end and smashed in the King's face and crown into the Adamantine throne and buried it 2 feet deep. As the guards swarmed his already bloody body. He looked over, "King Thadius Fire Axe, you are going to need a new crown maker."

As the champion fell over dead from being cut down. Thadious heard Moradin in his head, "You are the new King, what the champion stated was true. He was getting old and this was one battle he could handle for us. He was correct. Withdrawing from the Alliance is against my wishes.

He was the last male of clan Heart Stone. The boy was King in name only and plotted the killing of his father with an unfinished and improper coronation. Let it be known and see the champion is returned to the stone properly, not the usurper.

Else every guard he faced that still lives and you will have to atone for this action! His wife and her children did not know of this action but are a threat if they remain. Banish them all to the military service and the surface immediately, They are only useless stone now."

King Thadius held up his hand, "The champion spoke true! Every word or it! He saved us from a great enemy and it was from within. See that Metrox's body is dismembered, dumped into the Underdark, and burned at different locations. No returning his body to the stone. It is the wish of Moradin who just spoke with me."

The Grand Cleric looked over, "Moradin told me as well. The King will need a new throne."

King Fire Axe looked at the damaged throne and shook his head. "Clean it up. Let it serve as a reminder that no King comes before a Champion of our Gods and acts against him and the will of the Gods. None that will live for long!

The Champion is to be returned to the stone properly, Metrox's family is disowned from the royal line forever, to be referred to as Stone from this day forth, even in death. Send them to our Alliance forces immediately on the surface.

They will serve in the military above ground when they become of age to fight on the surface including his clueless wife. They are banished now from this clan and from seeking mates from within this Clan. Any that have mates are to be banished as well with their children.

This coronation was not done by us and was improper and not completed by our Grand Clerics. It was a failed attempt by the actions of a usurper. Thus it will not be recognized. This is a matter of dwarven business. No need for the elves to know of Metrox's plan for us.

Just more on the surface disowned from the clan. Just that I am the new King. Our Dragon Allies have their ways and word will likely reach them, but they should be warned. We need this kept as our state of affairs and will respect this judgment in regards to Dragon and Half-Dragon mates if any. "


The Dragons used human explosives to cause the burial of the Hellfire Dragon's main corpse.

Its wings that had snapped off in the fall would take days to cool. they kept those to prove their crafters could use the resources immediately.

They saved who they could, 5,315 Dragons and eggs were killed in the fighting. Those injured were tended to. The Grand Field Marshal's young survived and were being looked after by another family for now as he worked to return to the War Room almost a month later.

The turmoil in the Dwarven lands was reported and the Ambassador informed them the New King was, "Keeping it as an internal matter and expected his Dragon allies to respect that decision by keeping it to themselves. All Dragon mates in that group of stone should end immediately."

The Dragons did not have any Dragons mating in that group but did have Half-Dragons who were cast out because of it who went to the alliance military. They did not interfere.


The Drow lost another 22,845 in the lava flow in the days after the breach before it finally stopped. They felt the shocks from the surface that reopened that vent and caught them by surprise. They knew whatever caused the problem created havoc above.

Loth chose a new champion finally, she barely had power for one and she needed this one to live for centuries to be able to give her more abilities and to recover her strength. Still young, pregnant from a shadow Half-Dragon, and with Dragonblood in her. She was another Arachnid Blade Master.

Loth made her will be known. "Raxtorrinax, You will be my champion, but not surface for another 400+ years. You will send assassin squads behind the lines. Once we know where those are located. They will hunt champions and Generals. Poisoning food supplies or ambushes away from their troops.

Have them dig small tunnels, only those wide enough for 2 people. Well supported. They need to find out what is up there and be invisible and with rings of polymorph to assume surface elf forms or humans.

To sneak in with stealth with a 12 man team to scout and report back. To spread out into 2 6-person squads and report back every hour to Queen Westoraxon. 17 tunnels across the lands, no more than 240 Drow for this mission.

Once viable openings are found. It will take months or a year or longer to get to the surface this way using existing slaves. That gives you a few replacements. An even mix of males and females. For the next 400 years, we will be the thorn in their side while we grow our population and then decide the place to tunnel up and attack in force.

Away from that fucking ocean! Gather intelligence, send it back in troves so you know where everyone is at. For fuck sake, get a map of the surface to work from as it has all changed as the underground layers shifted as well and not all in the same direction!"

Raxtorrinax thought back, "What do I do in the meantime, Mistress?"

Loth thought back, "Sit in your Mother Westoraxon's War Room, manage these assets while you watch, and observe your Mother's rule. Ensure my will is done. Also, keep fucking breeding with that Half-Dragon with a ring of polymorph on him when your cycle comes up. He is your property now until he dies.

She has been told of your selection. You ensure she does not get any delusions of grandeur. No major attacks. She gets out of line, then you will kill her and become the Queen on my orders only when the time arrives.

Keep it to hit and run attacks only. The safety of my Kingdoms first in these efforts especially with the fucking ocean. Teleport in and back as needed. Battle Mages and scout assassins only. When they are ready."

The young woman smiled and thought back, "Of course, Mistress."


Corellon looked out as he had yet another meeting with Aerdrie Faenya, Deep Sashelas, Elebrin Liothiel, Erevan Ilesere, Fenmarel Mestarine, Hanali Celanil, Labelas Enoreth, Naralis Analor, Sehanine Moonbow, Rillifane Rallathil, Solonor Thelandira, and Vandria Gilmadrith.

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