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Dragon Wars Book 2 Pt. 01

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Prior to the truce end, trouble and new champions arise.
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Part 4 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 03/19/2021
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Synopsis: Tallion passed on and felt betrayed by Bahamut having never spoken to him again. The Half-Dragons were made lesser by Bahamut's actions and that led to a loss of morale among the Gemstone and Metallic Half-Dragon populations. They all started worshiping only the Gods of the non-Dragon parent having felt betrayed by the greater deities of Dragons.

Tallion never made his thoughts known, even to his children, other than to say he had stopped worshiping Bahamut for his actions. Now they were needed more than ever, but the truce kept their numbers low and Hell was coming for them all.

Inspired by multiple RPG universes but not endorsed by the former or current owners of the franchise. © EmotionalStorm September 2021. This story cannot be transferred to any other site besides without the prior authorizations in writing from the author and EmotionalStorm must be credited for this work.

Author's Note: For those who have not read my bio, please note I write as a form of therapy for a Traumatic Brain Injury. I know the English majors will probably encounter issues that annoy them. If these are your focus, instead of the story itself, then this is not the story for you. I am not and will never be a professional writer.

I do it to tell the story, for those who wish to read them. I have worked to try and improve my writing style while struggling with this issue. I have added some editing software and written a few other stories. Now I am revising and editing this earlier work to try and bring it up to a higher standard from what I have managed to learn over the last few years.

Warning: Each book will have 1-3 main characters, that delves into their bedrooms and their overactive and in some cases, over-the-top sex lives. From normal to torturous. To better understand differences across species and social groups. Also, those that are outside the norm.


The Shadow Dragons had fewer than 40 left alive. Less than a tenth of their previous numbers from the cataclysm. Their Half-Dragons never got modified as they were not Chromatic Dragons or followers of Chromatic Gods. They slipped through the truce cracks on the surface. IO did not consider them to be a big threat, especially when those sealed tunnels filled with molten rock and the 2 mated parents and the young were killed. All of them by the Hellfire Wyrm that tunneled in from below and headed for the surface.


Horgax 1st, year 364 5th Age of Dragons

Of all the Dragons the Hellfire Dragon was the Apex predatory. Short of a Celestial Dragon, but they would at least listen to IO in most cases though they followed Celestial Gods over him and they avoided planetary involvement for the most part.

A Hellfire Dragon was unbridled. Its devil overlord being cutoff or as IO stated, it was free of those leashes, as its offspring would be unless captured by someone from the Hells who managed to divine its true name. Normally surrendered by the parent that they already controlled.

Thus, it was a wild card of destruction. The One had thrown 2 into IO's deck that could kill them all and still meet the demand he made for Dragons to be the Apex predator of this world. IO had not considered this move by The One. He should have considered it given all of the other Gods who had this reset done before him.

The chaos The One threw at them all for making such a request. The difference being was he had Dragons who represented every end of the alignment spectrum. Just as AO did with humans. Except IO's Dragons lived for millennia, the longest of any race.

A Hellfire Dragon could live twice as long as any Metallic or Chromatic Dragon, potentially longer in hibernation though most never reached that age. This creature would be devastating and was on the hunt in the middle of a truce. It was not bound to him as it worshiped no God.

It would only take direction from 'The One,' if anyone. Not that The One would be motivated to influence the creature in these matters. IO informed both Tiamat and Bahamut that it was out of its cage and on the prowl. IO could not track it except when and where Dragons died or had been engaged.

It had spent years building its strength eating rare and deep ores and gemstones before seeking chaos on the surface. Loth lost 2 of her new and smaller cities. Losing 194,912 followers in the chaos from the volcanic breach, though she did not know what caused the breach.

It finally surfaced as it pushed lava and its body out the throat of the Dwarves' volcano, which caused an eruption on the surface. The dwarves had been tunneling toward the conduit of the Volcano to move their forges into the new area when the violent earthquake and explosion hit.

The walls held together on the Volcano, mainly due to the fact they had yet to tap into that area and the fact it was only an adult Hellfire Dragon. Its size was about half the size of a mountain that had fit inside the existing volcano without breaking it open just broke off 10 feet from the dome's edge on the backside from its tail that whipped about as it worked to gain altitude.

King Goldeagle was knocked to the ground as he walked into the Throne Room. He got up and ran for the War Room and threw open the doors. The Silver Dragon Grand Field Marshal looked over at the Elven Field Marshal and yelled, "YOU HAVE THE WATCH! Dragon lands are under attack from a Hellfire Dragon!"

King Goldeagle attempted to stop the Dragon Champion who pushed past him instead. The King looked at the Elven Field Marshal, "What in the Nine Hells is a Hellfire Dragon and why is it attacking in the middle of a truce with the Chromatic Dragons?! Where does the Champion think he is going!?"

The King heard from Corellon for the first time, "He is headed into the fight to save the world, it is not a Chromatic Dragon and it exited the magma channels that had been its home and entered the area around the Dwarven Kingdom through the volcano. The Dwarves will need your assistance.

Work with your Field Marshal and get aid going to work rescue operations. Your Dragon allies are in a fight for all of this world with our Dragon Riders and other forces. You cannot stop a Champion from following the direction of his God. You do not have that power, even for our Champions. Your mother warned you of this fact. Now you are seeing and dealing with it first hand!"

King Goldeagle pointed at the Elven Field Marshal, "Get the Dwarven Field Marshall on the communications and coordinate any rescue operations. Something just exited the Volcano, some kind of Dragon. Corellon just told me. They are fighting for the survival of this world it appears."

The Elven Field Marshal looked over, "Yesterday morning he ordered every Silver Half-Dragon or hybrid with a cold-based breath weapon to Dragon lands. Also, every Elven Silver Dragonblooded Sorcerer in the military to Dragon lands.

All while ordering all other Half-Dragons, Human, Halfling, Gnome, and Elven casters out of the area. Unless they were Battle Mages or Arcane Archers who could prepare cold-based spells and had them ready. I will work on your requests now, Your Majesty."

King Goldeagle heard from the Lady of Dreams this time, "Stay focused on the task given to you by Corellon! IO warned both Bahamut and Tiamat that it was on the prowl but did not know where it would come out or when. The volcano was the best guess.

The best weapon against the creature was and remains to be cold and cold-based spells. It could have just as easily come up under the Chromatic Dragons. Yet that many Dragons, that close to a major magma vent made them the most likely target. They worked to plan for the worst. Just focus on what was asked of you for now."


The Hellfire Dragon emerged and set its sights on the metallic Dragons as it spread its giant wings for the first time. In particular, it aimed itself at the Adamantium Dragons first. They would be a rare treat to consume such creatures as were the Mithril Dragons as they would typically flee to another plane if capable.

It realized it was cut off from the planes and that meant they were likely to be cut off as well. It also smelled the Gemstone Dragons further away. It had spawned a single infertile offspring, the creatures did not breed like other Dragons, typically releasing 1-2 fertilized eggs into the molten core of a world as an adult.

They would hibernate as an adult until then, spawn, and go back to sleep until called upon by their Devil Overlord who controlled it with its true name. What it spawned centuries earlier had a true name no devil knew, but was infertile by some higher power.

Like him at the moment, it would run free of any controls if it happened to die. It was awoken by the cataclysm that shook the world and pissed it off. After consuming much in ore and gems to gain additional strength, size, and power it was now on the hunt to consume even more.

All to aid its singular goal, the destruction of the world. All of these Dragons, together collectively, was a highly unusual display of Dragon unity. All in such a confined space. This world was different from the knowledge imprinted into it from its sole parent.

This world was a feast for it! Many of the Dragons, given the warning to the Kings and by Bahamut, moved eggs and younger bound couples into secure shelters. They used a mythic spell on them to make them semi-permanent for the couples inside.

During the first pass the Dragon Riders came in from the sides, and Adamantium Dragons worked to flee the area by luring it away from the young and toward the neutral Dragon lands. A plan had been formed in haste the day before. The Hellfire Dragon spotted the Asperii riders and turned its head and sent them all to dust in its hellfire breath weapon.

Lesser creatures who were not worthy of ingesting alive. They would not live long inside of its maw. They died quickly unless they managed to teleport away. Several did, a few Blade Singers who tried to teleport onto the creature to stab it. Many were turned to ash immediately.

General Moon Blade managed 3 strikes into the creature with his sword, even his fire resistance ring was not enough against the heat of the creature's body. He went for the eye and only the final one struck home, but it felt more like an eyelash under a lid than any damage to this creature for its glowing hot hide consumed the Champion and this infernal dragon's physical damage reduction was immense.

Archers and battlemages who survived the breath weapon teleported home or to the ground. Many badly burned arrived in the Capital sending the churches into a panic for all of the wounded coming in. The Hellfire Dragon swallowed Dragons, sometimes 2-4 at a time in the air as it sucked them in.

It went low and crushed thousands of structures before rising again and consuming more Dragons who tried to scatter, most failed, or got too close to its molten hide that started to turn black as it cooled. Those injured by its heat crashed toward the ground or they teleported away.

It finally started to notice all of the damage from the sides that it took. It turned its head on its long neck and breathed down its own body. It killed thousands of Half-Dragon and hundreds of Silver Dragons as it was turned and led into the Neutral Dragon Valley.

Many of the older and some of the ancient neutrals worked with the younger Gemstone Dragons to get into the creature's mind. They knew they would only survive if they kept it from going back into the magma channels. They focused on flipping its instinct, to burrow it had to head up instead of down.

The easiest way they could think of was to keep it out of the ground. As thousands of neutral Dragons all worked together. The second group went for the more complex solution, led by most of the ancients and they tried to make it think it was in the magma channels already to stop attacking altogether.

That second effort failed as the damage mounted it kept breaking the illusion. Over a hundred of the Gemstone Dragons, 2-6 at a time, were scooped up and swallowed as it turned from the ground. The remaining set of Neutral told the preditor that it needed to heal. To tunnel toward the heat of the sun as it attempted to burrow into the heavens.

The Silver Dragons and the riders continued to hammer it with cold spells and icy breath weapons until it suddenly stopped and fell back toward the ground dead. It crushed hundreds of dragons and riders in the fall that snapped off its massive wings. The Volcano erupted again from the impact.

Parts from the Hellfire Dragon set the woods on fire as the body parts burned into the mountainside. Two Dragon champions died in the combat as well as the Elven Champion Moon Blade. The Silver Dragon Champion and Grand Field Marshal managed to survive, it was on the other side of its body when many of its comrades fell, including his bonded mate.

Yet, he was seriously injured by the heat from the infernal creature's body as he was unable to avoid completely the haphazard freefall it did in death. The Dragons worked getting figures on the dead and the injured. Bahamut, Sartior, and the Lady of Dreams gave accurate numbers to their given followers either Kings' or Queens' as many of them were lost in ash.

New Champions were being advised by their given Dragon deities. King Goldeagle of the Elves was pissed as the Dragons never warned the Elves of the existence of such a creature. The Brass King was dead and the new Gold Dragon King that survived now ruled.

The new Gold Dragon King told King Goldeagle, "We were only warned it was on the prowl yesterday. No Dragon God can track the creature, not until Dragons died or it entered our area. In this case, they knew some Shadow Dragons died in the Underdark.

It was heading upward for the surface. No idea as to where it would surface. The dwarven volcano was a strong possibility. A message was sent to King Fire Axe of the possibility of a Dragon rising from his Volcano yesterday when we were informed. Did you attend your intelligence briefing in the War Room yesterday?"

King Goldeagle knew he had skipped it as all had been quiet, "I did not, but should have warned this was coming."

The Gold Dragon King sighed, "My predecessor, nor I, could tell you where or when it would surface. The volcano was a likely place to surface, but it could have done that in the Chromatic Dragon lands just as easily. It could have come in under your Capital for the relics you have stored there from the Gold Elves that you hold in reserve. It took the path of least resistance in this case."

King Goldeagle glared at the crystal, "How do you know of any relics we have?"

The Gold Dragon King sighed, "We had Dragons fly over searching for any tunnels for the Drow years ago. Did your mother never talk with you about your history? We could detect a Half-Dragon and scouts underground.

What would make you think a shallow vault under the Palace or the churches in your Capital would not be 'seen' by those requested spells? By the request of Grand Field Marshal Tallion Silvertree with the backing of your mother Queen Goldeagle.

We have our ways and those will be needed sooner rather than later. I cannot tell you exactly what you have. Enough to know it is significant and likely useful for the war ahead. To answer your unasked questions about the state of our kind, we lost 75% of our adamantium Dragons.

Their new King is an adult in a bonded relationship as all of the old to ancient Dragons of that species are dead now. 30% of the Mithril contingency. 35% of the Gemstone Dragons, yet most were their Ancient Dragons. The head of the Neutral Contingency is now an Amethyst Queen who just entered the Ancient category.

A very old King for the Mithril Dragons. Every sitting King and Queen we had died in this attack as we fight from the front and not from a throne room! Our Grand Field Marshal will be returning but is in mourning for the loss of his wife and he sustained heavy injuries in the fighting."

The crystal went dead as the Lady of Dreams spoke to King Goldeagle, "Stop trying to find blame! Look in the mirror if you must. This was not the Gold Dragon King's fault or any of their faults. They dealt with it and the death toll could have been the entire world! You ignored your duty to screw around with your infertile wives instead.

You missed a briefing because of it and never stopped to get it later. We lost 43,211 Elves including all of the Asperii who could not take that thing's breath weapon and left them as ash in the sky!

There are young left, but not enough to rebuild a herd. 18,407 of the Elven dead were cold-based Sorcerers in the military. Around 32% of our total cold-based Sorcerers as many were not in the military, raising families, and teaching at the academies instead.

More are coming of age. You have no effective ariel units anymore as the Pegasus are slow to breed. Many went with humans and one of their champions. A paladin champion for a religious order originally from the southern continent.

Over 10,000 humans and 2,000 Pegasus went with them on 24 ships, being led by their God Helnar. They left 10 years ago by ship. 14,328 Half-Elven Half-Dragons died. 60% of our Silver Half-Dragon fighting force. The humans had a higher percentage die.

Only because they had fewer Silver Half-Dragons to begin with. All of them were Silver-based Half-Dragons or hybrid Half-Dragons. All others were cleared from the area. We know the Dragons lost over 5,000 Dragons.

We will never get an exact count from them but they lost a lot of the Ancient Dragons and many young because those shelters failed. The enchanters for them died and the spells ended. Many more could still die.

Not all were consumed, many were crushed, injured, or maimed. Not counting any that were buried into their layers! We have 3 champions yet to fill now, the Dragons will have to replace 2 of theirs. Only General White Oak is still alive of your Wood Elf Generals and our only Champion on the field.

General Black Oak and Willow both died in the attacks and will have to be replaced. Before you get any ideas about sticking a Gold Elf or Moon Elf into those positions, don't do it. Your support from the Fay and the Centaurs in those 2 areas is only there if a Wood Elf General is there to lead them.

They work with the Wild Elves, at least in keeping boundaries those 2 races can cross that your forces cannot without armed conflict. You will have no voice with them if you put others into place. The Fay and Centaurs will only work within Wild Elf and Wood Elf lands.

They are NOT a part of your military. But they have local alliances with the local Wood Elf Generals. General White Oak already has a position in that area that is just as critical and has the same restrictions. Read your mother's journals and you would know this, consider that divine direction!

King Goldeagle, her first husband, never sent diplomats to the Fay or Centaurs, they thus refused to work with the Queen or King of the Elves directly. They were not consulted in the lands given away beforehand. Some of which were sacred to them.

You will need them when the Drow return. They will work with Wood Elf Generals only in fighting a local threat only. Wild Elves will not cross borders into Wood Elf lands or anywhere outside of their lands, we are working on a few exceptions but it still takes time.

Stop concerning yourself with how much the Dragons know about what you have available! Start reading your mother's journals to better understand your role in things. She left you a lot of good advice in those books.

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