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Dragon's Blood Pt. 09-10

Story Info
A new order is established in Remnic's house.
3.3k words

Part 5 of the 8 part series

Updated 12/31/2023
Created 06/17/2023
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All characters in sexual situations are 18 or older. Thanks for reading!

Dragon's Blood Chapter 9

"I should never have left." My mother stared at me with wide, frightened eyes. She wrapped my blanket around her nakedness. "I would have quenched your thirst. Your sister has yet to marry. Poor Gwells... and Lady Lillia? It took both to satisfy you?" She was mumbling, her eyes darting about my bare skin. "Are you satisfied now? You are, I can see. It's gone soft. Now you can take the potion. Gwells and the lady will be free."

"There are a few things I must elucidate, Mother." I walked over to my trousers and pulled them on. Her talk of freeing treasure from my trove enraged the reptile inside me. I raised one finger. "I no longer wish to go back. That solution was for the Remnic that you left many days ago. The creature before you needs... more." I raised two fingers. "I will not lose what I already have." I fetched Lillia's circlet and tossed it to her. "Like this fine elven jewelry. Put that on." I raised three fingers. "Gwells will not marry. She is happily tied to me now." I held up four fingers, but was interrupted when my bedroom door opened.

"Sorry to intrude, but I'm bored. How much longer must we wait?" Lillia smiled curtly at my mother. "Oh, my circlet looks nice on you, Sophie." Her smile broadened, and she giggled to herself, no doubt marking my mother's disheveled appearance. "Come out of hiding. I'm sure Gwells suffers the same ennui as I." Lillia stepped into the room, took my mother's hand, and pulled her out into the front of the house. I followed.

"Oh... Mother..." Gwells simply stared, her gaze following the trail of cum my mother left behind her.

"Gwells. I'm so sorry. I never meant for this to happen." My mother clutched more tightly at the blanket wrapped around her. "Your brother is... going through some things. Help me convince him to drink the potion. We must restore him."

"Stop it, Mother." I put my hands on my hips and stuck out my bare chest. I had never before taken such a forceful tone with her.

"Remnic?" Gwells looked to me for guidance.

"Oh, what gaiety!" Lillia clapped her hands. Her merry laugh filled the room like a clear bell.

In that chaotic moment, my father arrived home. He looked weary from his daily travails. But his eyes perked up when he took in the sight before him. "What... um... uh... what?" He stared at his wife in bewilderment, his eyes darting from the circlet in her hair to the blanket and back again.

Seeing him cooled my passions. "Father... I can explain..." I said nothing else. I was at a loss.

Gwells looked away. My mother's cheeks turned scarlet.

"Yes?" My father looked at my shirtless chest. "Explain what in the hells is going on, Remnic. I would very much like to know."

"As a man, you must be used to disappointment." Lady Lillia strode over in front of him, crossed her arms, and gave him her most regal look. "I will disappoint you yet again. You will find no explanation here. Your family has offered to help my family on a private matter. And you are interrupting me, one of the ruling Uilins, in a most crucial moment."

"I beg your pardon, Lady Lillia." My father bowed to her. "What would you have of me?"

"I would have you take yourself to a tavern and not return until past nightfall." Lillia rubbed her chin. "On second thought, bunk up with one of your smelly friends. Do not return until morning. I have much work to do here."

"My Lady?" My father blinked at her in confusion.

"Leave your house until the morrow." Lillia shooed him with her hands. "Get, get."

My father gave one last glance at his wife and hurried from our home. Lillia closed the door after him. The second the door was shut she cackled. I joined in the laughter immediately. What a boon to have an elf in my dragon's cache. Hesitantly, Gwells covered her mouth and giggled with us. The only one not to join in was my mother.

"Enough." Lillia clapped her hands. We all stopped laughing. "I want to see you, Remnic. I need to see you couple with your mother. Men are just a hair's breath from animals, and so I would see her at her most bestial."

My mother gasped and stared at the elf with her mouth hanging open.

"You may command my father. Indeed, I find your overbearing temperament worthwhile." I frowned. "But you are mine. Your bidding means nothing to me." I looked around the room. Gwells did not meet my eyes, and my mother continued to stare at the elf. "And even if I wanted to give you a demonstration, I am sated."

My mother breathed a sigh of relief. "Are you hungry, Remnic? Gwells?"

We both nodded.

"I'll fix you something to eat." She glanced at Lillia. "Would the lady like to join us?"

Lillia looked to me for approval. I happily nodded. Her newfound obsequiousness pleased me greatly. "I will join you," she said. "Since we have the house to ourselves, I think I will stay the night." Lillia looked to me again with pleading eyes. I gave her another nod.

"Very well." My mother walked toward her room. "I will get changed and fix something for everyone."

"No need for clothes, Mother." I looked over at Lillia, and she understood me at once. She went to our window, shuttered it, and drew the curtain. "You may return the blanket to my room."

My mother stared at me for a good long while. I thought she would refuse. But after what seemed like an eternity, she nodded and went to my room. When she returned, she was naked. She walked into the kitchen and went about her tasks.

"I wouldn't want you to catch cold. I'll start a fire." I stepped over to the hearth. Lillia joined me. I looked over my shoulder at my sister, who stood staring at me like she had been struck dumb. "Would you care to help Mother, Gwells?"

"I can't believe it." Gwells quickly trotted into her room. She returned a few minutes later as naked as our mother. "I just can't believe it." She joined our mother in the kitchen.

Once the fire was roaring, I looked down at Lillia. "It seems we are overdressed."

"It seems so." Lillia smiled and waited for my command. This thrilled the monster inside me.

"You may disrobe." I removed my trousers and tossed them on the back of a chair. I sat myself in my father's cushioned seat by the fire, my eyes on the women working in the kitchen.

"You have a beautiful family, Remnic." Naked now, Lillia crawled onto my lap. Idly, she played with my somnolent cock. "Will the dragon wake from his slumber soon?"

"After supper. Thanks to you, there is no rush." I smiled.


We ate well. My mother seemed ill at ease throughout our meal. I got up after soup and made a great show of throwing the vial of potion into the fire. Blue smoke hissed into the house and quickly receded. With that matter resolved, my mother seemed to relax. Now that the river of fate was crossed, I assumed there was no need for her to fret over her options. She even ventured a laugh at one of Lillia's tamer jokes.

After supper, the four of us reclined around the fire. I casually gazed from one set of breasts to the next. I was almost satisfied. Almost.

"What happens now, my apple blossom?" my mother said.

Once Lillia had stopped laughing at "apple blossom," I ventured an answer. "That depends. Are you mine?"

Lillia and Gwells stared at my mother, waiting for her answer.

"I belong to your father." My mother's eyes fell to my hardening cock.

"Well then. You may run along and find him at the tavern." I waved my hand dismissively. "I will spend the evening with my sister and the lady."

My mother did not move. She chewed on her lower lip. "I do not want to leave you."

"Fine. You may watch then." I beckoned to Lillia. "You are an expert on the horse, yes?"

"Yes. I was trained to ride as an elfling and have ridden daily ever since." Lillia leapt onto me.

"Your teachers did not know you would use their lessons to mount a dragon." I lined up my cock and let her settle onto it. Each time it spread her, I was amazed it fit. This was no different.

"That would be... ugh... unthinkable... for them." Lillia let out a cry. Soon, she was bouncing on me at a great pace. "It rattles... it rattles... inside me."

I looked over at the women. Gwells had her hand between her legs, working furiously. My mother sat, staring at us, the most overstrung look on her face. It was clear she was fighting, and losing, an epic internal battle. "You may... uh... uh... uh... either join Father," I said. "Or you may... uh... uh... touch yourself... while the lady... rides me."

"I will stay," my mother whispered. I watched her hand slowly creep between her legs. With that pretty circlet still on her head, she masturbated. Her wide eyes watched the lady turn and take me sidesaddle, my arm supporting her muscular elven thighs. "Oh... my... oh... my..." My mother's eyes turned dreamy.

"Yes... yes... fill me with... your dragon... filth." Lillia's fair orgasmic song started. Soon the beauty of her wild music filled the room. The sound of it brought my mother and sister to their own climaxes.

Watching my mother's eyes roll back, I was quite certain that she would become mine before Father's return at daybreak.

Dragon's Blood Chapter 10

"You would not believe what I have learned from the humans, cousin." Lillia smiled pleasantly at the buxom elf seated on the other side of her desk.

I sat in the corner silently watching both of them.

"An earth tremor has shifted the sands inside my mind. Beliefs that once towered upon stout foundations have collapsed. Whole cities of new thoughts now rise." Lillia gestured to show cities crashing down, then rising from the ashes.

"This sounds... disagreeable, cousin. And beneath an elf. Learning from a man?" Bemere sat with her hands on the desk. Her new ring was conspicuous. "I thought you had invited me here to congratulate me." She gave me a cool, sidelong glance. It was clear she was eager to change the subject. Despite the fine clothes Lillia had bought for me, I'm sure I didn't look much like a house servant. I didn't have the training or manners. I bet Bemere could have placed me as a stable boy within three guesses. I corrected myself. I had eighteen years. I was a stable man. I smiled at my internal dialogue. Bemere quickly looked back to her cousin.

"Ah, yes. You are to be wed to that fine, noble elf..." Lillia snapped her fingers a few times. "His name escapes me. But Mother told me all about him. A fine catch. Congratulations. Yes, that is indeed why I asked you here today." She reached into a drawer, took out a whirligig, and set it spinning directly in front of Bemere.

"Oh, is that a gift?" Bemere clapped her hands. "It's so pretty."

"I come bearing all sorts of gifts today." Lillia's pleasant smile persisted. I knew she thought her cousin an insufferable bore, but Bemere was built with curves upon curves, and that's where my interest lay. I had a slender elf in my trove. Now, I needed a curvaceous one. "Let me say a quick spell." Lillia muttered incomprehensible words binding Bemere's will to the whirligig. The incantation took no more than a minute. "You can take your gift."

I watched Bemere stop the whirligig, destroying the vortex that protected her will. She smiled down at the thing like it was treasure. I knew that greedy expression well. My own avarice surged in my dragonish heart.

Lillia stood, walked around the desk, and took Bemere's hand. "A very hearty congratulations on your engagement. If you enjoyed that first gift, you're going to love what I have in store for you next. Follow me." Lillia led her cousin out of the room. I stood and followed them back to my home.


"Lady Lillia." My mother curtsied in the doorway. "Lady Bemere. It is an honor to have you visit my home." Her smile was thin. I knew she disapproved of both my appetite and my plan. But since Lillia had chased my father from our home, it seemed an excellent place to make mischief.

"Yes, quite the pleasure." Bemere's face turned down in a little frown of disgust as she entered the house. Despite the expression, I was taken by her beauty. Her long dress and circlet sparkled and flowing black hair caught the afternoon light falling through the doorway with a glowing sheen. I watched her round bottom roll under her dress as she moved. I was the last into the house and closed the door after me.

"Aren't you excited?" Lillia laughed with joy, a high trilling sound. "You are about to experience earth tremors of the mind. Your mental sands will shift, cousin."

"I'm not sure what could be worthwhile here." Bemere scanned the room. My sister was out, but I could see she had helped my mother tidy before she left. I was proud of our little house, whatever the elf thought of it.

"I am worthwhile." I stepped forward. "My mother, Sophie, is worthwhile." I waved a hand at my mother. She looked petrified that I would speak to an elf that way. She stood clasping her hands tightly before her and chewing her lip. Her rosy cheeks went pale.

"What did you say?" Bemere turned to look directly at me. "You?" she scoffed.

Lillia's eyebrows arched. Her smile turned feral. It was clear she was enjoying the moment immensely.

I let the dragon surge inside me. "You feel that I am the most compelling gift you have ever received. You are honored that Lady Lillia would offer me to you as an engagement present." I pushed my will into hers. She still clutched the whirligig in her hand. Without its spinning vortex, she was quite receptive.

"You are my gift?" She looked me up and down. Confusion furrowed her brow for moment, and then it smoothed. "Yes... you do please me. You are handsome, for a man. And you strike me as one with purpose. But what should I do with you?"

"Play with him, cousin." Lillia hoisted herself up on our table and sat with her legs kicking the air. She watched her cousin intently.

"If you'll excuse me." My mother went to the kitchen and busied herself with chores. No one but me paid her any mind. I watched her begin preparing supper, then turned my attention back to my beautiful new elf.

"Like any new present, you'll need to unwrap me." I pushed the words toward her. Flames licked my mind.

"I... need to unwrap you." Slowly, Bemere walked toward me. Her sparkling attire was muted with the curtains drawn and the door closed. Only a faint glitter shone here and there. She stopped in front of me and looked up. "Help me with your buttons." While she started unbuttoning my shirt at the bottom, I started at the top. We met in the middle, and it fell open. "Oh, my. I thought you were skinny, but clearly your work in the stables keeps you... healthy." She had guessed my vocation correctly after all.

"You must inspect your gift." I opened the shirt wider, inviting her hands onto my skin.

"Oh... I don't know." Bemere balked. She stared at my abdominal muscles. Behind her eyes, I could see her mind turning things over.

"A man is nothing but an animal, Bemere." Lillia's voice was sweet and coaxing. "Would you not pet an affectionate dog?"

Bemere nodded slowly and reached out her hand. She ran it along my stomach. I could see her shudder at the touch, but she didn't pull away. When she got to my nipple, she surprised me and ran little circles with her finger around it. It was my turn to shudder.

"You seek to please me?" I took her finger off my nipple. It was too dry to continue its caress. I bent and took her finger into my mouth, then returned it to my nipple. "Many things are better when wet."

"Oh..." Bemere's face went slack. She stared at the circles she made on my chest. "I don't know why...?"

"It pleases you to please me. You want your pet happy. Is that not so?" I lowered myself to her level, so that we were eye to eye.

"It's... true." Her green eyes met mine. Her pupils were open wide. She was already puckering her lips, anticipating the coming kiss. It occurred to me that she might be something of an empath. My esteem for her grew. I kissed her and let my tongue wander in her mouth. It took only a few heartbeats before her tongue pushed back on mine. Soon, her nails dug into the flesh of my chest. We did not come up for air for a long while. Finally, I broke the kiss and stood tall again. We were both panting.

"We must... finish... unwrapping your present." I removed my shirt completely. She lowered my trousers and my undergarment.

"I don't think..." Bemere stared with big eyes at my hardening cock. "It's... a behemoth. Truly... prodigious. And it's getting... bigger!" Her voice rose an octave.

"It is the typical appendage of a man." Lillia sounded almost bored.

"Are you sure?" Bemere licked her lips. "I think something is wrong with it. It's too big. And it looks... almost reptilian."

I was glad that she couldn't identify its dragon origin.

"All men have such ugly erections." Lillia looked at her nails like they might need polishing. My mother stared at us from the kitchen with her mouth hanging open. "He's your pet," Lillia said. "So, you must make it shrink again. Your gift is also your responsibility."

"It is my responsibility," Bemere echoed. "But how would I even... I mean... it's nothing like an elf penis. I know so little of men."

"Every journey begins with but one step." Lillia winked at me. I tried not to smile back. I could sense that Bemere stood on the edge of decision.

"You have already kissed me." I inched my cock closer to her lips. It was now fully turgid and ready. "This is but another version of the same act."

She looked up at me with questioning eyes. "And... are you truly my pet?"

"I'm afraid Lady Lillia must have mixed that up." I took a handful of her silky, black hair and brought her lips to my cock. She opened wide for me, making an urgent, gurgling sound as it slipped in. "You are now my pet, Bemere. Mine, mine, mine." She could get no more than the head into her mouth, but it was more than enough. She grasped the shaft with her hands and bobbed her head awkwardly.

"Mmmppppphhhhhhhh." Bemere closed her eyes and sucked the rattling head with desperation.

Lillia hissed some words I did not catch. I looked over at my mother and she had a hand under her dress, working her pussy furiously. All had gone quite well. My treasure trove was growing.

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Diecast1Diecast15 months ago

Keep it up. Great story. AAAAAA++++++

rawlyrawlsrawlyrawls8 months agoAuthor

Chapters 1 - 16 are complete, including the finale. Chapters will arrive on Literotica about a month apart.

If you want to read them sooner, or feel like supporting my writing, you can do that here: />

Thanks for reading!

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