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Drakes and Dwellers Ch. 01

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Welcome to Drakes and Dwellers. Beware of the thick goblins.
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"Jason, wake up!"

"Mmmh, five more minutes...."



"I said : WAKE UP!"

"Alright, alright....Jeez."

The young man opens his eyes and is greeted by the sight of a green faced girl standing over him on his bed, leaning down to get in his face and looking quite unhappy at the moment. Her name, or rather his name is Rain'ag'liglor. Or Rain, for short, as he continuously reminds everyone. Although most would easily confuse the half-goblin for a female one, due to his waist-long, slick raven-colored hair, his girly face with his dainty nose, dark green plump lips and his wide, child like yellow eyes. Not to mention his body. Being 4'10 meant that there wasn't much room for all the his meat and fat to develop, so most of it went to his lower half, giving his shortstacked body a pear like shape. Thick, juicy thighs, a large, bubbly rear that easily jiggled at even the slightest twitch, and a slim, 2 feet wide waist make for a perfect combo on a girl. But as the impressive set of cock and balls he is sporting will testify, he is, in fact, male.

"Wh-why are you naked again!" Jason shouts as he jumps out of his bed.

"I was gonna take a shower so I'm letting you know in case you wanna get out of the room since you keep saying you don't wanna see my naked green ass parading around the room." He air quotes.

"You could just wear a towel around the waist when you finish..." The human retorts, rubbing his eyes fully awake.

"No." He the greenskin says. "Walking around naked, feeling the cool air dry off my soaked skin is one of the only pleasure in life and I won't deprive myself from it just because mister human over here can't stand looking at my perfect goblin ass." He makes a pouting face as he hops off the bed.

Jason's gaze lingers on the goblinoid's form a little longer, maybe a bit too long. He watches him walk away towards the bathroom, his hips swaying as his perky behind bounces up and down with each step, showing off said amazing ass, a sight which stirs a desire into the young man. A desire he promptly throws down the basement and shut the door close.

"You're gonna be late anyways." Rain says before entering the bathroom and shutting the door behind.

Jason snap back to reality and checks the time. "Oh shit!!"

"Guess no time for a quick shower neither...." He thinks, before jumping in his clothes, grabbing his satchel and bolting out of the dormitory room.


Two weeks prior, The young human Jason Varey received a letter in his mail. A letter inviting him to study at the great adventuring school of Drakes and Dwellers. At first, the boy thought it was joke, a prank. But having nothing interesting to do that day, he played along.

The letter asked him to meet with his guide at an address in town. Once he arrived, there was no one around. The place was quite decrepit, a few dirty mattresses here and there indicating that this was most likely a spot for the homeless bums to sleep or gather.

"*sigh* What was I expecting...." The young man mumbled to himself as he reread the letter. Just then, as he was about to turn around and leave, the wall behind him started emitting a purple hue.

"What the...?" Startled, Jason cocked his head, his first reflex was to pull out his phone to record. With his phone in hand, he approached the glowing wall and as soon as he touched it, he was sucked inside.


Jason screamed as his vision suddenly blacked out and he fell in the void. He fell for a while until his body met a soft, padded floor and air was forced back inside his lungs.

"*Huuuf*... What the...? Fuck!! What the fuck is going on!!?" He let out in a panicked voice. He looked around, nothing but darkness. His chest heaved faster as he started hyperventilating. Then, another purple hue, outlining a door, a gate, a few feet from him. Once more, he was sucked in and right as he entered the glowing gate, he found himself thrown onto a grassy ground.

"Fuck sake!!" He groaned as he rubbed his pained back. Slowly getting back to his feet, his eyes darted in all directions, analyzing his surroundings. Trees, bushes, trees, and some more bushes. Was he in a forest?

"Ah, you have finally arrived."

The confused boy heard a deep voice from above. As he raised he eyes to see who spoke, a big feathery form landed before him.

"Well met, I am Roland." The creature said as it puffed up its chest and took on a regal poise. The creature was humanoid, with two arms and two legs. A set of feathered wings extending from its back, a short beak where it's mouth should be and two big yellow eyes locked on the boy, making him sweat cold.

"Wh-what the fuck are you?" Jason stutters, betraying his fearful state. He took a step back and he could now clearly feel his legs shaking. "H-How do you know my name??"

"Hoho, calm down child, I mean you no harm." The owl looking creature raised both hands reassuringly. "I apologize if I startled you, I forgot this realm doesn't have much non human creatures like me."

The bird creature's words seemed to sooth or at the very least calm the boy a little. "What are you going to do to me?" Jason asked, his legs ready to burst into a sprint in the opposite direction at any hint of danger.

"I am your guide."

"My guide?"

"Yes, I am to guide you through your years of training at the Drakes and Dwellers school. If you are here that means you have received the letter, yes?"

The letter! So that wasn't a joke? The young man thought to himself. He pulled it out of his pocket and showed it to the creature. "This...letter?"

"Yes. I understand this must be a shock to you. I will explain to you everything. But for now, we must make haste or we will be late."

"Late for what?"

"Departure. The ride is going to leave soon." The creature points at the smoke in the distance. "I'll explain on the way."

"I- I don't know... How long... Would I be able to return home?"

"Of course, it isn't a one way trip, you know."

Jason kept quiet for a second then nodded.

Roland had explained to him that there were different realms, worlds and dimensions across the universe. What Jason and all other normal people call earth, Roland and people from his world call the dreamless realm. A world where magic has no place and where science predominates. A world where only one God existed as opposed to the multitude his realm, the forgotten realm, harbored.

"Usually, it is very rare for someone from your realm to cross to other ones. In your case, it is thanks to one of your ancestors. They were from the forgotten realm." The owlin explained...


"They were from the forgotten realm...." Roland's word resonate in Jason's head as he runs through the corridors of the school.

"Watch out!!"

"Oh shii-!!"


The human, too focused on his guide's words, didn't see the elf in front of him and bumped into her, the impact causing the both of them to fall over.

"You insufferable dimwit!! What do you think you are doing, charging around the corridors like that?" The female elf angrily shouted, pointing an accusing finger at the young man, as she got back on her feet.

"Sorry, I was...I'm in a rush." Jason explained as gets up and resumed running.

"Hey! Get back here!"


"Aright, students. I see everyone is here....Well except for-" The red skinned, devil looking teacher begins before being interrupted by the classroom's door bursting open.

"I'm here!" Jason announces. Everyone stares at the new comer for a good seconds before returning their focus onto the teacher.

The Tiefling instructor waits for the boy to sit down before continuing. "It seems everyone is here after all. Very well, then." He picks up a piece of chalk and begins writing on the board. "Today we'll be studying undead. Shadows to be more precise. Please, open your books at the page 72."


The bell rings and class is over. The students begins leaving the room.

"Mr. Varey, stay for a moment, would you?" The teacher says, without lifting his eyes from the documents he is reading.

"Wh-what is it, sir?" Jason, would probably never admit it, but being left alone in a room with a demon looking guy isn't has him nervous. After all, it has only been two weeks since he found out he was the descendant of some other dimension hero and that monsters, demons, gods and other imaginary creatures exist.

"How are you acclimating to all of this?" The Tiefling finally looks at the human.

"I guess.... I'm not too sure I'll ever get used to it but I'm less worried some vampire will pop out from under my bed and kill me." He half jokes.

"I assure you, there are worst thing hiding under beds than vampires."

"Thanks, feeling much better knowing that. You should be a therapist or something."

"I understand you're worried but inside this school, you are the safest you could ever be. By the way, have you thought of what you would like to become? I noticed you haven't filled out your sheet yet."

"Euuh, not yet. I'm a bit hesitant. I want to be able to wield magic but...." Jason's face sours.

"But you've no affinity with the Weave." The instructor stands up and walks up to his student. "Worry not, focus on what you can do. When you reach level six, you will be allowed to make a pact and become a Warlock if you so wish."

"Really? S-so I could still use magic?" Jason asks, hope filling his eyes.

"Of course! Just don't pick a fiend for your patron, their pacts are really not that interesting." He chuckles.


After monster knowledge class, Jason headed to his next one; History, followed by religion, athletics, and agility.

"Fuck...I'm so sore...." He whines as he makes his way to his room. "Hopefully, Rain isn't back yet, I wanna take a bath..."

The human twists the knob and the door clicks open. "Shit, not locked..." Jason knew that it meant Rain was in fact here.

He slowly opens the door, listening out for any noise. He could hear the half goblin humming. As he enters, he sees dormmate's heavy bag carelessly slumped at the foot of his bed and his clothes thrown around on the room's floor.

"Rain! How many times have I told you to pick up your shit!" The human shouts, picking up said clothes. He find Rain lying on his stomach on his bed, naked, legs waving in the air, humming as he reads through a book. His ass perked out with the perfect view for anyone who might have found interest in staring at his fat rear. And to be honest, most people would. The small greenskin had his fair share of admirer within the student body, his show off personality and, ahem, assets bringing in the gaze of all genders alike.

With his legs spread like that, Rain's green sac rested between his meaty thighs and splayed on either side of his limp rod that was pulled back, giving his cock the illusion of a tail. His grapefruits sized testes looked heavy, full and in need for some relief. The human's stare lingers longer than necessary and the goblin's gonads give a twitch.

"I'm busy. Can't you see I'm reading?" The shortstack retorts as he flicks his page "Actually, you know what? I need some practice with a spell, maybe you could help me out?" Rain says with a hint mischief in his voice as he rolls on his side and resting his head on his hand, locking eyes with the human. The shift in his pose had made his rear squish and push against itself even more and it almost looked like his buns had expanded, becoming even more bouncy and enticing. His uncut 9 inches fuckpole flopped down onto the bed along with his cum kegs.

Jason quickly averts his gaze, feeling a blush creeping its way up his face. "Wh-what spell? You know I can't use magic so I don't how much help I can be..."

"I know, I know...But you have a decent dexterity score if I remember correctly the integration test results, yeah?" The Goblinoid lets out, licking his plump lips with the tip of his tongue.

"So?" The blushing human retorts, his face red as a tomato now.

"SO." Rain begins reciting an incantation. He was a wizard, a strange choice for a goblin but he mother was a powerful human sorceress so it kind of makes sense. His eyes begin glowing blue as do some words from the book he was reading and a few seconds later a deafened ~POP~ sound is heard.

"What....was that?" Jason asks, a little worried. "Did you fail your speEEEELLLL!!!" Mid sentence, the young man feels a hand groping his ass. "What the fuck??" He turns around to check but there is nothing there. Then, again, he feels a hand slip inside his pants and squeeze his left cheek.

"Fail? You would need to be an absolute dumbo to fail this cantrip." Rain smiles, a sharp toothed grin plastering itself on his face. "What you're feeling right now, is a small spell called mage hand~." With a small flex of his fingers, the goblin tightens his spectral hand's hold on his roommate's glute, making him jump on the spot.

"O-Okay...You've show you can cast it....N-now dispel it!" Jason blurts out as he feels the hand massaging his buttocks and sinking its ghostly fingers into his tender globe of flesh.

"Mmmh, I don't know, I think I need to practice a few times more. It's always a good thing to practice a spell an excessive number of time~."

Jason whimpers and his cock grows rapidly in his pants. The ghost hand gives a few more good squeezes before diving further and rubbing a finger on the human's quivering hole, causing his eyes to go wide.

"WOWOWOWOWOWOWOW! What do you think you're doing!"

Rain's smile only grows as he watches the human's reactions. "Come on Jason, I think you know exactly what I'm doing~" The mage hand begins pushing against Jason's right ring, trying to break through his defenses. The human falls to his knees and bashes his face against the floor, hiding his embarrassed and lust filled visage. With a loud groan, the ethereal phalanges successfully get past his outer ring and are already pressing on the inside of his rectum, rubbing its cold finger on his velvety walls.

Jason tries his best to hold his voice but between the spell's action, his own horny mind and the physical stimulation, a long moan leaves his throat and he feels himself twitching with pleasure.

"You know, I noticed how you've been staring at me, with those lustful eyes of yours." Rain purrs as hops off the bed, his tiny bare feet making cute ~PLAP~ sounds as he steps closer to his guinea pig. His spectral hand never stopping from burrowing deeper, probing in all of the human's sensitive spots. The blond haired boy is panting hard now, trying his best not to cum at the unnatural stimulation. "I don't mind though, matter of fact I like it, I love watching you try to resist looking, no, gawking at me~" As he says that, the goblin's erect, throbbing tip leaks a strand of precum.

As Jason's head slowly rises, he finds a giant dark green fleshed pole standing proudly before him and looking menacing, with a single drop of fluid dripping down from it. The faint scent of raw musk, fills the human's nose, exciting him more and causing him to grunt and leak some of his own pre through his clothing, adding to the stain the magical assault has already left on his trousers.

The goblin takes hold of the human's shirt and pulls, urging him up on his knees. As soon as they are on equal footing, the naughty goblin places both hands on either side of Jason's face and rests his smooth, plump lips against Jason's. The taller male's breath hitches as his roommate kisses him and his thoughts goe blank. Rain pushes his tongue deep in the human's mouth and after a brief resistance, his slimy appendage enters and the sweet taste of the small creature assault Jason's mind and he too starts moaning and grunting with wanton.

Their tongues slide against each other, each one fighting for dominance while the ghostly hand fingers Jason's insides with full force. Rain's lips part, and saliva stretches from the both of their mouths before breaking and drooling onto their chins.

"You look like you need a hand...A real one~." The little goblin coos. His fingers slip under the rim of Jason's pants, unbuttoning them and letting the fabric drop to the floor, leaving the human fully exposed, his member leaking hard at this point. Rain pulls back just enough that their eyes lock together while his small hand grasps around Jason's cock. "So hard~." With a gentle squeeze, a dribble of precum squirts out the tip and Rain pushes his thumb on his partner's slit to smear the lewd fluid. Jason lets out a pleasurable squeal and his shaft swells even larger. Finally reaching its full mast of eight inches.

"I'll help you with that~." Rain teases as he kneels in front of the blushing, panting human. With his slender, feminine hand, the small greenskin grabs his partner's angry purple cock head and traces his thumb against its edges, scooping up his pre from the tip and swiping it along the underside. He watches a drop of pre run down Jason's balls, he trails his hand down to them and slides his middle finger along Jason's balls. From there, the goblin begins firmly pumping Jason's erect tool, rubbing his thumb underneath his engorged mushroom head with every stroke, delighting himself in the increasingly loud moans coming from his partner's.

Jason feels his orgasm rapidly approaching and with his mouth barely able to form words between his moans, the boy tries to warn his green tormentor. "R-rain.... I...AH AHHH!!" Suddenly, the wizard picks up the pace and Jason feels the spectral hand twisting, exploring him in earnest, thrusting harder against his inner sponginess.

The greenskin keeps his hand wrapped firmly around Jason's cock as it spasms and shoots a heavy rope of cum upwards and immediately following it's example, the other 9 pumps of virile semen slingshot into the air with such force they rain down over the goblinoid, painting his face and body with streaks of thick, smelly cream, soaking his chest and stomach and splashing across his crotch, spritzing a jet of cum on his pole.

"Hahaha! Didn't know human could nut that hard!" Rain lets out joyfully as he scoops some cream and licks it off his fingers. "Mmmh, not bad." Suddenly, the goblin's face shifts into a frown as his eyes lock onto Jason's deflating prick. "Hey, why are you going soft? Are you okay?"

"Wh-what? Y-yeah, I feel a bit drained but I'm-"

"Then why aren't you hard?!"

"What is he talking about? Does he not know that you that you need a break after cumming this hard?" The young man thinks to himself. "I just need a break... H-humans need a quick break between ejaculations."

"Wait, what?" Rain's face contorts as he burst out into a obnoxiously loud laughter. "Oh man, I really feel sorry for you guys, then. Goblins can keep going on and on and on~" Right after saying that, the horny gobbo gives the drained boy a light shove that causes him to fall backwards and end up on his back.

"Oof, careful-" Jason's protest was cut off by a pair of massive globes of green flesh landing on his face as Rain sits on his face.

"I got you off, now you do the say, cutie~"

Jason hears his dormmate coo as the goblin leans forward. The blond, very quickly, comes to the realization that the sweet aroma filling his nostrils is the goblin's ass sweat mixed with his own spooge. The mixture causes an immediate rise in his hormones and Jason's already spent prick gives a twitch of excitement and soon hardness. The green femboy begins grinding against the human's face, rubbing his hot sack against the teen's face.


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