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Drilling in Space

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A gay MM romance set in space and the distant future.
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In the year 4020 the entire Earth was engulfed in a devastating race war that consumed and destroyed the planet.

For a hundred years every nation fought with every weapon they had in a global carnage that killed most of the population.

Nations stopped at nothing in destroying neighboring countries with any force necessary, from military arms to nuclear bombs.

Surviving factions of regular people from all over the world banded together with their own race and battled the elements to stay alive as global environmental conditions turned sour and radiation began killing off even healthy soldiers from every faction.

The battle ground to a standstill as people began focusing on surviving the increasingly harsh consequences of the war.

Pollution and radiation made the planet uninhabitable and one by one factions began leaving the planet in the largest space vessels they can find, taking only what they could carry.

Years passed and each faction survived by using resources found on asteroids and fuel extracted from moons.

Each faction expanded their vessel using space junk such as old satellites and forgotten vessels from aborted or failed missions.

As each vessel grew over time and the populations onboard grew with them, generations began to forget about their home planet as all knowledge of their origin was replaced with only knowledge of space and faction life.

It's now the year 5035 and the Milky Way has been deserted for more than a thousand years.

Each faction is now made up of several enormous vessels, each residing in different corners of a new galaxy called the Salty Milk.

Factions avoid contact with each other at all costs but aren't always successful as the wide-open nothingness of space means that journeying across the galaxy is often needed for fuel, food and supplies.

One such ship, the Penetrator, is out and searching the stars for much needed resources for their home faction.


The mysterious dark grey and green moon had finally loomed into view from the deck of the Penetrator.

The enormous ship sat in the deep space like a dead fish suspended in a mirky lake. The crew felt restless as the ships captain paced the length of the deck in frustration.

All that could be heard all around the deck and in surrounding rooms and offices was the thumping sound of the captains heavy boots hitting the metallic floor.

Captain Nieda was a tall and imposing man with wide shoulders and a heavy step. Such a tall man would normally stoop as if to compensate for his height, but Nieda stood tall and gazed down from his high view with piercing blue eyes and a tense stare.

The captain was trying to think of a plan forward for his team. The ship had reached the end of a 4 month voyage to find this moon and extract its resources, but they had only recently noticed that they were not alone.

A rival ship from the tiny 'Cub Faction' had reached the moon first and were much closer and in position to extract the moons resources.

Cub was a far smaller faction, and was likely to have less arms. But the members of the far larger 'Otter Faction' had no way of knowing what Cub did or didn't have.

It's likely that the enemy faction had expected trouble and may have brought extra weaponry, perhaps more than Otter did.

Captain Nieda could only stare and think to himself and try to come up with a plan that wouldn't get everyone on board killed.

Captain Nieda had a tight, muscular body that was the envy of everyone on board. His six pack abs showed prominently through his military issued shirt, and his ten inch penis couldn't help but be noticed as it rested down the left side of his starched officer's pants.

The officers and crew could see the faint outline of his thick cock through his pants, however only was when they could take their eyes off his biceps, his stomach or his eyes.

After ten minutes of silence the Captain finally spoke, waking everyone out of the sex dreams they were having with the bulking captain.

"Percy," The Captain said while turning to the ships cloaking officer.

"Yes Captain?"

"Is there any chance the enemy ship has noticed our presence?"

Percy checked his monitors dutifully, but was sure he already knew the answer.

"There is no chance that they can have seen us yet. Our cloaking is still at 100% and they have no scanners that can reach this distance.

"We don't know their technological prowess for a fact" the Captain reminded him sternly.

"We haven't had contact with them in some time."

Percy opened his mouth to open a rebuttal, but he knew the futility of the action and instead posed a new question.

"Will we be moving to make a strike sir?"

"We will move" the Captain replied,

"but not to strike...


Jenkins was the navigational officer, upon hearing his name he jumped to attention.

"Evasive action Delta" said the Captain, as he swiftly strode from the room and towards the rear of the vessel.

Jenkins knew what the plan was because he and the Captain had drunkenly created the plan while on leave after their last mission, but he never thought that he would actually have to put the plan into action.

Jenkins grabbed the radio transmitter from beside his left hand to radio the Captain and confirm,

"Are you sure Captain? This plan is untested and extremely risky."

"The plan will work Jenkins, and I'm relying on you" the Captains voice fuzzed back through the receiver.

Jenkins knew what his job was and got to work positioning the ship and preparing the evasive action.

The ship groaned to life and began to swivel its position in space. The rear stabilizers began to roar to life and push barrels of hot fire into space as the ship pivoted into the ideal position for the Captains riskiest plan yet.

Captain Nieda scrambled through the rear of the ship until he found the escape pod crudely marked 'Delta' with red paint that he and Jenkins had drunkenly put there the year before.

After a few minutes of moving crates and searching around he spotted it, opened the tiny hatched and shuffled his hulking frame into the tiny space.

Once he was completely inside he pushed the talk button on his radio.

"In position."

Jenkins knew his job and was ready for action. He sprung to life and began calibrating equipment as he fired the ships stabilizers past 100%.

The stabilizers began to belch out enormous amounts of blue fire as they roared and bellowed and heaved the ship around in space.

The ship continued to turn and spin as it gained faster and faster momentum on the spot.

Jenkins continued to fire the engines allowing the ship to spin faster and faster as Nieda prepared on his end by opening up the space door to his escape pod and holding it in place with only a small brake lever.

Finally the ship was at the perfect amount of velocity and once it had reached the exact right speed, angle and direction in relation to the enemy ship Jenkins his the emergency magnetization button.

The ship suddenly ground to a halt as the magnetization forced everything to stop moving, centralize to the ships core and shudder to a standstill.

The sudden stop of movement caused the tiny escape pod to rocket from his position hanging to the ships hull and propel into space.

The tiny escape pod flew through space powered by nothing and unaffected by gravity or friction. Because it had no power source at all, it was completely undetectable by the enemy.

While inside, Nieda got into his space suit and secured his helmet, then at the exact right moment he counted down, held his breath, and released the door hatch.

In a split second Nieda was hurtled into space and the escape pod ripped apart from its own conflicting momentum.

The Captain barreled through space until he reached out at the last moment and grabbed the hull of the Cub vessel.

The first thing the Captain did was open a force field net and cover a square foot of the outside hull so that when he opened the side of the ship the pressure of space wouldn't suck the entire vessel inside out.

The captain then turned the laser ring on his middle finger around so that it faced out from his palm before pushing his hand onto the enemy hull.

The ring began to do its work and cut through the hull as he moved his hand in a large circle.

After throwing the piece of hull out into space what was left was a large hole, covered by a thin blue force field.

Nieda slipped through the force field and entered the enemy ship.

Captain Nieda crept through the enemy ship, keeping to the walls and staying in the shadows.

No Otter member had ever stepped foot onto a Cub ship before, so the sights and smells were completely unfamiliar to him.

The wall decorations were a deep red in colour, in contrast to the blue and silver that adorned his own ship and others from his fleet.

He heard conversation in the distance but couldn't understand a word of it.

He knew that he had to get to the bridge and then from there he'd be able to disable their vessel scanning and weapon capabilities and he'd be able to get back to his own ship and continue the mission un-noticed.

Nieda continued to creep through the ship, trying to figure out the logic of the design and stumble upon the right room when he suddenly heard people coming and knew he wouldn't be able to hide in time.

He brought his laser ring back out and began to quickly cut a small hole in the wall to his left, just above the floor where the light didn't quite reach.

He opened out the wall, crawled through then replaced the piece of wall right as the men walked past.

Nieda didn't notice it at first, but he was crouching in water.

He had been so preoccupied by the oncoming guards that he hadn't been paying any attention to where he was going or what surrounded him.

After a moment he finally noticed and looked around to see that the segment of wall he had just replaced had been covered in tiles on this end. He was surrounded by steam and crouching in water.

He swiveled around and there in front of him was a man brandishing a gun.

The man had been taking a shower and the water was still running. He had seemingly had time to reach for and grab his gun, but not enough time to find or put on any clothes.

Nieda had seen drawings of the Cub race, a people previously known as 'Latino' in books written describing the Earth years; but none of the faded old pictures in text books had prepared him for what was standing in front of him in this moment.

This was a young man of average height standing there with black hair and deep brown eyes. His skin was the color of rich coffee and was smooth and hairless.

His chest was muscular but still thin, and below it was a flat but strong stomach.

Under that was a small patch of wet pubic hair that clung to the base of a soft dark penis that hung low and with a foreskin still attached.

All foreskins on Otter were removed days after birth, so Nieda had never seen one before and was entranced by what he was seeing.

The mans balls hung as low as his penis because of the hot shower, and he strong legs stood in a defensive stance as he readied himself for whatever this strange man who busted into his shower might do.

"Quién diablos eres tú?" The man asked, still brandishing his weapon.

The Captain had no idea how to respond, except by beginning to unbutton the shirt that clung to his body, dripping with water that still poured out of the shower head.

"Retrocede, demonio blanco o te Mataré, joder!"

The man was not playing around, but the Captain still had no idea what he was trying to say.

By this point he'd taken off his shirt and was standing there with his arms out and hands open.

The mystery man was clearly becoming aroused as he stared at the Captain. His penis was slowly beginning to enlarge, and as it did a pinkish head began to emerge as the foreskin slowly rolled back to make way.

After a minute of standing like this the mans dick was all the way hard and his penis head had completely made itself known.

The mans smooth penis had grown to its full six inches and bent slightly to the right and swayed whenever the man changed positions.

The Captain was also feeling really horny, and through his soaking pants his ten inch penis was showing very strong and was pushing up through his pants. The strong head of his circumsized penis was clearly visible through his pants to the very horny Cub who was staring very unsubtlely in its direction.

Very slowly, the Captain began to lower his hand towards the mans torso.

At first the man thrust his gun forward in a motion to make the Captain reconsider, and the Captain did stop in his tracks for a moment.

But after waiting a moment the Captain resumed lowering his hand down towards the other mans torso and touched his chest lightly.

He then ran his hand across the mans nipples, down his chest, down his flat stomach..


A door elsewhere in the living quarters burst open and both men turned sharply in reaction to the noise.

Guards began pouring into the adjacent room and the sound of their voices permeated the thin bathroom wall.

"Salte!" The man shouted as he crouched to the wall, removed the piece that the Captain had cut and moved aside as Nieda scurried out of the hole before replacing the piece.

Nieda listened as he heard the muffled voices of the men discussing something angrily on the other end, and mentally reminded himself to try and check on his new friend before he left the vessel.

The Captain continued to move around the deck, carefully stepping lightly until he found himself in an important looking room with a red flashing light.

The room was unmanned because the crew was working a drilling line that they were lowering to the moons surface.

Nieda looked around the control panel searching for the right button to press, or the right lever to pull.

Even though Nieda had been a ships captain for roughly five years, he'd never actually worked at a desk like this and had no idea what needed to be pushed or broken to stop communication, weapons or scanning functionality.

After searching fruitlessly for ten minutes he decided that just destroying the entire room would surely disrupt enough systems that the entire ship would become stranded and unable to notice the enemy ship nearby.

Nieda reached for the back pocket of his pants and pulled out a tiny electro-magnet explosive device.

He pushed the button and placed it underneath the terminal desk and left the room, standing just outside.

Seconds later the device beeped three times and on the third beep sent out an electro-magnetic wave that shook the vessel and shorted the power.

All of a sudden the ship lurched forward and begun hurtling towards the moons surface.

Nieda grasped at the walls around him as he ran awkwardly through the plummeting ship while being thrown in all directions.

Every room he passed he quickly checked as he ran to find the mystery man he couldn't get out of his mind.

The Captain was safe, he always had a teleportation band on his wrist that would return him to the bridge on his own ship whenever he pressed it and held it down for three seconds.

However, he had no plans to make the journey alone.

The next room he checked was the right one. Nieda opened the door of a room to see three guards pointing guns at his man who was now standing against the wall wearing only some sweat pants he'd hurriedly pulled on when the guards had come crashing at his door.

The guards turned to look at Nieda as he came into the room.

Nieda rushed at the first guard and tackled him as the room lurched violently upward. The guards were flung across the room and began to shoot at the Captain.

Captain Nieda kicked the nearest one in the face before grabbing his mystery man and holding him close.

Counting to three he then held down his wrist and closed his eyes.

The room began to burn as the two men waited for an eternity for the bracelet to count down

1... 2... 3

The room flashed with a bright burst of blue as the men disappeared from the combusting room aboard the crashing ship.

The ship had entered the moons atmosphere and this caused the teleportation device to throw the men three kilometers from the ship and drop them in some dark green bushes under a black and grey tree beside an empty lake bed.

The men lay for a moment, nauseous with teleportation sickness.

The moment passed and a blinding white light pierced the horizon as the Cub ship hit the ground and exploded in an enormous burst of fire and smoke.

The two men sat up and watched the explosion together, spellbound by the sight that they were witnessing.

They then turned and faced each other, ignoring the strangely beautiful nature that surrounded them; nature that had never been seen before by human eyes.

"Whats your name?" The Captain asked, hoping the man could understand.

"Sam" the man answered.

They looked into each others eyes and absorbed each other. The Captain then leant in and kissed his new man deeply.

Sam reached down and pulled off his loose fitting sweatpants.

The pants slid over his hard dick that bounced out and jutted into the air, dripping in pre-cum. They then slid down his smooth legs and were kicked into the bushes.

As he kissed him, the Captain ran his hand down Sams bicep and Sam responded by moving and sitting on Nieda's lap.

The Captain held onto Sams torso as Sam kissed him deeply and wrapped his legs around him.

The Captains dick began to harden quickly, but had nowhere to go.

"Ouch" the Captain said into Sams mouth as his dick begged to be released from the top of his pants.

Sam stood up and noticed the problem, so he decided to help the Captain solve it.

Sam knelt down and unbuttoned the same shirt that had seen Nieda unbutton in his shower earlier the same day. As he unbuttoned the shirt, he tenderly kissed Nieda's chest muscles, stomach muscles, then kept kissing as he unbuttoned the captains bulging trousers.

As Sam unbuttoned Nieda's trousers, his smooth coffee body arched and he stomach lowered and ass pushed higher in the air; his asshole ached and begged to be attended to.

Sam kept unbuttoning the Captains trousers, then lifted and pulled them down. As he did this, the Captains massive cock which was being held down by his trousers flew up towards his face and smacked Sam in the cheek, then rested on the Captains rock hard stomach.

The Captains dick rested in all it's glory just above his stomach, reaching high above his belly button.

As Sam looked at the thick, circumsized dick lying in front of him; he couldn't believe what he was seeing. He had never seen anything like it in his life, but didn't want the Captain to know that. So Sam reached down, placed his tongue on the captains balls, then licked all the way up the Captains shaft until he reached the salty pre-cum presently leaking out of the Captains penis head.

After doing that, Sam pushed his mouth over the end of the dick and forced the dick into the back of his throat.

It took a few tries, but Sam was determined to take the entire thing inside his mouth. He pulled back, then pushed his face again towards the Captain, taking the dick deep inside of his throat. Sam ignored his instinct to gag, and looked up at the Captain through the tears in his eyes.

Eventually Nieda could take it no more, he lifted Sam with his strong arms and Sat Sam down on the head of his waiting cock.

The cock found Sams begging asshole, and slowly began to force its way inside.

Sam looked into Nieda's eyes at first with a look of pain and worry, but that look slowly turned to pleasure as Nieda's fat cock stretched Sam's asshole wider and plunged deeper inside his body.

After a few minutes of slowly sliding down, Sam came back up, then plunged back down again.


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