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Driving Me Insane

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A 22 year old Pakistani girl is seduced by her old driver.
6.7k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/15/2023
Created 03/09/2023
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This story is inspired by a very hot British film with a few changes. Hope you guys like it.

"Ahhh ummm, Chrissss babyyy!"

Ramsha moaned as her boyfriend spooned her from behind, squeezing her boobs and slowly filling up her pussy with his dick.

"A little faster, please, Chris!"

The man obliged as he turned his girlfriend's face towards him and kissed her. They broke the kiss and she stared into his eyes, burning with love and lust.

"Go deeper, baby...I am gonna cum!"

"Oh yeahhh? Take itt!"

"Chris...Chris...ahhh oh god!"

"Fuck you, baby! You're such a sexy babe!"

"I'm cumming, Ramsha!"

"Just a little bit longer, baby, pleaseee!"

"No no, I can't help it! You're just too sexy!"


Chris came. He really couldn't help it. He lost his virginity at 15 and had slept with more than 30 women. But he had never slept with someone from a different race. Little did he know that at age 28, a young Pakistani woman will make him question his sexual prowess.

"Chris keep going, please!"

"It's over, babe! But I can still help out."

Chris rubbed his fingers over Ramsha's clitoris. It usually worked like magic on her body but that day, she was a bit disappointed.

"No, stop, Chris!"

"Baby, let me make you cum!"

"'s alright!"

Chris was confused. His dick continued to shrink inside her as he did his best to have a go at a few final pumps.

Ramsha turned around and kissed her.

"I love you! Now, let go of me please!"


"Shush! I'll be back!"

Ramsha cleaned herself in the washroom and returned to Chris on the bed. They cuddled and giggled. Even though Ramsha was of Pakistani origin, her body was flawlessly white. Her hair were dark black and they complemented Chris' blonde hair perfectly as the kissed.


She finally spoke while drawing circles on her boyfriend's body.

"My parents have shortlisted a guy for me."

"What do you mean shortlisted?"

"For marriage. Arranged marriage!"

"What the fuck is that?"

" know it. Love marriage is a taboo in my parent's side of the world. Usually, our families find folks for us."

"But that doesn't make any sense. Why would you say yes to such a thing?"

"I haven't. But it's an honour thing. You have to understand."

"I can't even comprehend what you're babbling about. How can I understand?"

"See, I'm turning 23 in September. Which is a good enough age to get married and have kids...I mean in our tradition. I know it's all bullshit but one day or the other, I will have to get married."

"And who is this guy?"

"His name is Sarfraz. His family is from Lahore...just like my folks'. But he's been living in Birmingham. They will visit us in London next week. I'm so tensed."

"I really don't understand how you can't say no!"

" cousin recently did the same thing. She said no, and was later caught having an affair with a Hindu guy. Now, that's like the biggest taboo for us Pakistani Muslims. So, what happens? She was sent back to Pakistan and married to her 48 year old his third wife. She's 25 and already has 3 kids!"

"But isn't there a way to avoid this? Run off or something?"

"Run off to where? Plus you don't know how well-connected my dad is. He know an MP like literally everywhere!"

Chris went silent. First he couldn't make her cum and that was already disturbing his mind. Now, this.

"Chris...but there is a way we can fix this."

"How's that?"

"If you promise to marry me. If you ask for my hand from me dad!"

"Marry? Baby, you know this isn't the right time for me with the acquisitions and all!"

"I know but if you could just ask my dad, we could get engaged at least. My extended family will still look at me with scorn, but my dad is still relatively quite cool. There will be a lot of drama but he will eventually give in. I'm sure of that!"

"Ramsha, babe, this is too much for me right now. I'll..."

"But don't you love me?"

"I do love you. But's our cultures clashing!"

"But you always knew about this. I told you on our first date! And you were okay with that!"

"Can we please have this conversation later? I have to go to Mike's place for a brainstorming."

Chris got up and started getting dressed. Ramsha just lay there, naked, in a physical and metaphysical sense.

She was born and brought up in London but her family were very strict. She never had a boyfriend even though she was always the prettiest girl in her school and uni. There were many approaches but she had the confidence to turn everything down.

Then, Chris came along. Young, handsome, successful and her boss! He was dating his assistant when Ramsha started interning at his start up. Within a month, he fired her assistant from both his personal and professional life and started dating Ramsha. He was still in his 20s yet among the top 25 entrepreneurs of London.

Something about Ramsha made him crazy. Something exotic and erotic. Even though, she said that she can never have sex before marriage, one thing led to the other and the promise was broken. Now, they had sex every day...every afternoon during the lunch break.

Ramsha understood the taboo of losing virginity before marriage and dating a white guy, but as a true Londoner it was only a matter of time before the Western side of things took over. Now, she was madly in love with Chris and his dick and would masturbate herself to sleep every night.

But this new development at her house, this was to be a big issue. Did Chris really love her? Will he dump her now? What is she going to do?

Encumbered by these thoughts she walked aimlessly when Chris closed her eyes with his hands.

"What is it baby?"


There was a gift in front of Ramsha. She unwrapped it to find a beautiful red-coloured Punjabi suit.

"Aww, Chris, this is so pretty!"

It was indeed stunning. Embroidered by silver grey patterns, it shone brightly against the light and perfectly complemented Ramsha's skin.

"And this as well!"

He then handed her two long and gorgeous silver earrings.

"Wear this outfit the next time we meet!" He kissed her.

"Thank you, baby! But...but you know how much I hate my culture, right? Wearing traditional attire makes me feel I'm still being dominated by the patriarchal structure that plagues South East Asia."

"But for you, my love, I will definitely wear this soon!" Ramsha said reluctantly seeing Chris' face drop.

They kissed and left the apartment.


"You okay, madam?" Asked Ramsha's chauffer, Ahmad Ali.

"Yes chacha!" Ahmad had been Ramsha's family driver for more than 40 years. Her grandfather had brought him to London when he was quite young. He saw the birth of Ramsha's father and Ramsha herself. So, everyone in the family called him chacha out of respect.

He was treated as part of the family, but of course, while maintaining a healthy distance. Ramsha's father had helped her daughter study and get married back in Pakistan. His granddaughter was now studying in Brighton, a pretty young girl almost the same age as Ramsha.

Ramsha used to be fond of Ahmad Ali as a child, but as she grew older and became influenced by the Western culture, she started to despise him and consider him inferior to her.

He was now 68 years old, his skin wrinkled. His face had lost the glow, and a wavy, messy beard flew down till his chest, black at the roots and rest white. He had a few strands of hair left, but he kept his head covered with a Muslim hat. His lips and teeth were rotten because of his chain smoking. He was short, almost 5'6 and had become fatter over the years.

All of this made Ramsha feel almost repulsive towards him, but she never disrespected him and always greeted him with a smile. Her father trusted Ahmad Ali more than anybody in the world, and that's why his duty was now solely to drive her around, especially since she became such a gorgeous young adult.

"You don't look okay!" He looked at her through the rearview mirror.

"I'm fine chacha! Please drive."

"What an ass!" She mumbled to herself.

There was silence for a few miles before Ahmad Ali broke it again.

" should marry this Sarfraz guy. He's a good Muslim. Which is hard to find in this mad country."

"What?" Ramsha was taken aback by his statement.

"You heard me. Our religion is our greatest strength, no matter where we live. And this guy is perfect for you. To protect you and bring you closer to your faith again."

"Chacha! I'm sorry, but can you mind your own business?"

"Listen, you're like my daughter, or rather granddaughter. The earlier you find the path of the Almighty and settle down with a loving husband, the better your life will be. This Western infidelity will ruin your life."

"Chacha, I respect you a lot, but for god's sake, you're not my father...or rather grandfather. I don't need any advice from you or your almighty. Just drive!"

Ramsha's beautiful face became red with anger as she clenched her fists. The drive back home was quite awkward.


3 days later

"Welcome home, baby! Ah, this was the longest weekend ever. I missed you!"

Chris lift Ramsha in his arms and carried her inside from the main door. He kissed her lips and then pinned her against the wall.

"You didn't wear my gift!"

"I'm sorry, Chris. I really wanted to won't believe!"

Her head fell down and she went quiet.

"What hon?"

"This asshole of a driver! Creepy old man. He was lecturing me about being a 'good Muslim woman', to wear decent clothes, marry a good guy and basically give birth to some more tiny little Muslims. So, wearing that in front of him, I don't it felt like a defeat. Fuck him, and fuck this culture!"

"I'm so sorry honey. Shall I go talk to him?"

"What? Nooo! If he sees I'm with a white guy, all hell will break loose! He might end up telling my dad!"

"I can't believe I'm being punished for being white, in me own fucking country haha!"

"Shut up, you!" Ramsha finally smiled.

"Make me!"

They kissed passionately. Chris tried to take her to the bedroom but she stopped him.

"No. Here! On the table!"

She hurriedly removed her pants, turned around and offered her pussy to Chris.

"Take me, white guy!" She laughed.

Chris fucked her mercilessly, and she was drowning in bliss after yet another unforgettable fucking session. She was madly in love with him.

"Chris, I met that guy on Sunday. Sarfraz."

"Ohh! How is he?"

"I don't know. I couldn't focus. We went to a café and talked for an hour. All I know is that there was no such point which can help me say no. This is getting real!"

She brought a bottle of vodka from the shelf and gulped it down.

"Whoa! Whoa! Slow down there, princess!"

"I'm fucked, Chris. You do not understand!"

"Babe, surely there will be a way out."

"Not unless I find something truly horrible about that guy. But, guess what, he doesn't even fucking drink!"

"He lives in London. Surely he can't be spotless. Let me ask my guys if they can dig something out."

"I don't know. He's a 'true Muslim', as my fucking driver puts it! Oh lord, I hate this. I hate being a Pakistani. I hate being a Muslim."

"Ramsha. Trust me, babe. I will not let you go. Give me a chance to do something. I really didn't know it will get this serious so soon."

"I'm sorry, Chris. I'm so sorry, baby! I have been so selfish. I didn't realise, you're also being hurt in all this!" Ramsha started crying.

"Come here, love! It's gonna be okay. It's gonna be okay."

After a few minutes, Ramsha walked out. She went and sat in the car.

"Madam, are you okay. Your eyes look swollen."

"Can you like ever shut the fuck up?"

"I'm sorry!"

"No, I'm sorry too. I'm just...just drive chacha!"

Ramsha removed her coat and let her hair loose. She opened the first button of her shirt to feel a little more comfortable. Ahmad Ali was staring at her through the mirror. She obviously didn't realise it.

"You know, Ramsha bitiya, hair are the most beautiful part of a woman's body. That's why she should keep them covered to avoid stares from vile men!"

"I swear if you start lecturing me again, I will tell my dad. My parents never had a problem with my lifestyle, who the fuck are you to question?"

Ahmad Ali went silent for a few minutes. Then, a long tunnel approached.

"Are you sure your parents don't have a problem with your lifestyle?"

"What the fuck do you mean?"

"I...I know everything, madam!"

"What everything?"

"That you are sleeping with a white man!"

Ramsha was stunned. Words couldn't escape her mouth. How did he know, what all does he know, is he trying to trick me. All these thoughts stormed her mind.

"You're joking, right? I'm doing no such thing."

"It's okay. I'm not making assumptions. I have proof!"

He took out his phone and showed her a picture. It was just from a few minutes ago! He took it from the window. Ramsha being taken from behind, as her boobs dangled and her head swayed in pleasure.

"You sick bastard! I will kill you!" She started hitting me.

"Shhhh! Quiet!" He roared. "I'm trying to help you!"

"Help me? You asshole. I'm calling the police!"

"Madam. Calm down! Listen to me!"

Ramsha realised there was no signal on her phone. Everything was planned. He stopped the car.

"Ramsha! Listen to me. I want to help you. Now, if you do anything stupid, this picture goes out on the internet. Then you know what happens to you, to your dad. If you complain to police, even then this picture goes out. I'll go to jail, serve a few years, and get out. But a picture once leaked, never goes out. It will stay there forever. And this is just one of many!"

Ramsha didn't reply. She just stared at him in tears, shaking with fear.

"Ramsha. Madam. Now, I don't want to do such a thing. You're very special to me. I've known you since the day you were born. And I want to help you!"

"Help me how, you bastard!"

"I can help you get rid of Sarfaraz forever, in a way that it will never look like your fault. And I will then convince your father to allow you to marry Chris, he trusts me. I've known him since the day he was born as well."

Ramsha was now hearing with curiosity.

"And? What do you want?"

"I want you. Just for one night!"

"WHAT THE FUCK! You can't be serious. You gross old man! Help! Help!" She shouted but the road was empty for miles.

"Shush! Don't shout. Think clearly. It's your choice. Just one night, and then you can live your dream life. I promise!"

"You sick fuck. I call you chacha! I'm your granddaughter's age. Fucking weirdo. What happened to your religion now?"

"I love you, Ramsha. I've loved you since the day you became a fine young girl. And where there is love, there's no sin. God knows my heart is pure."

"Fuck you and your god. I want to dieee aahhh!"

"Ramsha, beta, I'll drop you home now. At 7 PM, you will get a call from your father to stop talking to Sarfraz. That chapter closes then and there. Then, at 8 you will meet me at The Residency hotel, room number 1203, and spend the night with me. If you don't turn up by 9 PM, this picture goes out to all your friends, family, colleagues and porn sites. Now, you decide!"


Ramsha was lifeless when she reached her room. Waves of emotions bombarded her mind. She wanted to cry. She couldn't. She wanted to shout, but no voice came out of her mouth. She stood in front of her mirror and tried to recognise the person in front of her. But she looked right through. She had only a few minutes to make up her mind. But deep down she knew that her mind was already made up.

She thought there were many options to consider. But, there were none. She was stuck. On one side, it was losing her respect, her family, and perhaps, her love. On the other, just a few hours of torture.

"It's just one night!" She thought. "And he's so old, I don't know how long he will go on."

"'s cheating. I'm cheating on Chris. And having sex with that vile old bastard? Fuck!"

"There is one way out...I can just end it all, just right now."

She stayed with that thought for a while, but she was cowardly to do that, plus she thought how her parents would feel. How Chris would feel. And all for that asshole? And what's the certainty that he won't release those pictures even after I'm dead?

Finally, she gave up. She was ready, ready to fuck a man old enough to be her grandfather, to protect her love, to protect everything she loved.

She removed her make up and messed up her hair. She wore an old, ugly dress to look as undesirable as possible and booked a cab to the hotel.


"You are here! I knew it!"

Ahmad Ali responded as he opened the door to his date for the night. He looked at his watch, it was 6:50.

"You're early. Couldn't wait to spend a night with your chacha, eh?"

Ramsha just walked in without saying anything.

She removed her panties and dropped down on the bed, closing her eye.

"Go on then! Let's get it done with!"

"Ahh, not so early, my child. We have the whole night, remember?"

He was wearing a green kurta pyajama with his usual hat rather than the shirt and pant he wore while driving. His white beard curled till his chest. The loose outfit made him look slimmer than he was as he embraced Ramsha into a hug. She was lifeless. She didn't resist him or hug him.

He dimmed the room's lights and brought a bottle of wine.

"Even though this is haram, I know without this you won't be able to calm down. Go on, have a sip or two!"

Ramsha looked at him with disgust. Her eyes were teary, and it looked like any moment she might explode. He didn't care.

She took the bottle from him and drank half of it in one go. It instantly made her head spin.

"Good!" He smirked.

Then, he got behind her and played a song on his phone. A romantic Punjabi song from the 70s. He hugged her while digging his nose in her hair.

"Ummm you smell so good!" He sniffed loudly.

He turned her around and held her in his arms to dance. She was still lifeless as before. She had given up her body and Ahmad Ali was just moving her around. It was as if she was his puppet being pulled by strings.

Ahmad Ali then moved his hand towards her belly and pressed it softly. He moved her hair over her left shoulder and kissed her shoulder. Still no response from her. Ramsha felt that if she didn't comply, maybe he will get bored, or gain some conscious and let her go. But Ahmad Ali wasn't gonna do such a thing. He came prepared.

He lost his wife years ago, and ever since then, he had learnt all about sexual seduction from the best prostitutes of London. He was ready. He placed his dick on Ramsha's ass and started blowing lightly at her neck.

That made her shiver a bit. He knew he was going in the right direction. He kept blowing and blowing, and suddenly kissed her neck. Ramsha let out a soft sigh.

"She isn't dead after all!" He thought to himself.

He kissed her from her neck to her shoulder, slowly, teasingly, and then suddenly, he bit her earlobe.

"Ouchh!" That was the first word Ramsha had uttered in a long time. She was taken aback by what happened and inadvertently pushed her ass towards Ahmad Ali.

"That's it! It has begun!" Ahmad Ali mused again.

He didn't leave her earlobe and cusped her breast with his right hand. With the left, he pulled her closer toward him.

"Stop, please!" Ramsha couldn't take it. It was only the first few minutes, and she was going crazy. She hadn't anticipated this before agreeing to Ahmad Ali.

"We're only getting started, child!"

"What an asshole. He calls me child and does this! There's a special place in hell for him!" Ramsha thought. Even though her face looked like that of a zombie, her mind was pacing with thoughts. She hoped someone or something would intervene before...before 'it' actually happens.

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