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Dueling Duets Pt. 03


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I got so hard at this display, that laid me on my back at the edge of the bed, and then she climbed onto the side of the bed so that her legs were hanging off the side of the mattress. She grabbed the canopy supports and started going to it again. In a short while I exploded into her while she was orgasming once more.

By this time, we were both exhausted, and I could feel the night ('the last night!' I thought) was coming to an end. We talked for awhile, and the conversation came around to how this affair would impact my marriage. I'd thought a lot about that the last couple of days. I told Lisa that I knew that Judy really loved me and might do something terrible if I started screwing around on a regular basis. So I was going to try to get her to change a little bit, let her know how much it would mean to me, and see if the marriage could be salvaged. Of course, after this evening I didn't really want to end my affair with Lisa, but she had been pretty firm about it the other night, so I didn't mention my desire. She told me that she was glad that she'd been able to satisfy me, and I saw an opening. I told her I would like to have just one more time. I explained to her all the fantasies I had while I serviced Judy in our marriage bed over the years, and how much I wanted to have someone else there.

I was surprised when Lisa didn't immediately reject the hair-brained scheme, and I continued to press the issue. I told her that we could be really safe, and Judy always went to the club on Thursday nights to play bridge and never, ever came home early. I had this all figured out, and told her of the exact plans I had considered. I could tell she was on the fence, and then I got her to climax by nibbling her ear and fingering her again. Afterwards she agreed, and we made our plans for the escapade.

I knew I couldn't go home that night, and I was hoping that Lisa would sleep with me. But she decided to go home, and tucked me in before she left.

I made sure that Judy's plans didn't change, and Thursday I got home early so I could make sure that she was going to the club. After she left, I drove over and picked up Lisa, who had driven to a wooded park a few blocks from our house. I drove around a couple of times until I finally spotted her, way in back out of eyesight, and she got into my car. She sat very low in the car, so none of the neighbors would spot her, and we got into the garage. Lisa was wearing this hot black outfit, and when we got to the bedroom, she stopped and looked everything over. I then realized she was trying to remember exactly where everything was, so we could leave the room in the same shape we found it. She took off her earrings, bracelet and necklace and then I stripped her to her panties. Of course, they matched the dress. She proceeded to get me to a point where I had less on then she did, and gave me a great blow job. She swallowed all my come again, and I was just coming out of it and was about to go down on her, when the door to the bedroom opened up and Judy was standing there. She looked at Lisa and I, and then started to cry. I thought she'd show some emotion, perhaps get mad and throw something, call me names, anything. Instead, she just turned around, and closed the door behind her.

Understandably, Lisa was quite upset. She threw her clothes on, and told me it would be alright. Then she left the room. Our bedroom has windows on all three sides of the house, and I could see Lisa walking dejectedly down the street toward her car.

I slowly put some clothes on, and wondered what I should do next. While I sat there in a stupor, it started to get dark. Finally I roused myself and went downstairs. Judy was sitting in the blackness in the family room. I walked in and sat down beside her.

"How could you?" she stuttered between sobs. When I had no answer to this question, she said, "You must hate me,"

"Hate you? Oh, no, Judy, I love you."

"How can you say that, when I found you in our bedroom with that . . . that bitch!" This was the first time I'd ever heard her use any kind of profanity.

I then spilled my guts, and revealed the entire truth. How the affair had been going on for just nine days, and how tonight was going to be the very last time. That I had never been with any other woman, and I promised never to do it again.

Judy asked a lot of questions about my motives, and when I tried to soft-peddle the effect that our relationship had, she called me on it. "You mean I never satisfied you, don't you?"

"Now, Judy, I didn't say that."

"But you didn't tell me that I excited you like she does, did you? Oh, maybe this thing is my own fault. Maybe if I acted like all those whores, you wouldn't have done something like this. Or maybe I should go out and have an affair of my own, that would get you going, wouldn't it?" I thought she was just rambling, and didn't respond to that at all.

A little while later, she started in on Lisa. Told me how she had seen her around the club throwing herself at all the men. She observed that Lisa had probably been with every man out there, and that she used me just to have a complete set.

"Well, no, that's not true. She told me that I'm the first guy she's ever slept with at the club." Somehow, this didn't seem to make Judy feel better.

In the end, I turned it back around to how I loved Judy, would never hurt her again, wouldn't see Lisa anymore, all the promises you make, and then Judy let me hold her for a little bit. After awhile, Judy got up and I could hear her messing around upstairs. I went up and found her stripping and remaking the bed. I didn't bother telling her that Lisa had never touched the sheets; somehow I knew that wouldn't be the proper thing to do. Judy went off to sleep in the guest bedroom. I wasn't back in good graces yet. I decided not to ask why she came home early from the club. Some things are better left alone.

The next day I tried to blow off work and spend the day with Judy, but she wouldn't have it. She told me supper would be at the normal time, and she'd expect me then. I called the florist and had some roses delivered to Judy, and had my secretary go out and get some chocolates to take home that night. I tried to call Lisa, but couldn't get through to her.

That night, Judy had thrown the roses in the garbage. Oops. I had the box of candy in my hand, and she told me not to bother. Over dinner, she started telling me that she was going to let me stay, on the condition that nothing would ever happen like this again. Of course I agreed. I was supposed to go off with some business associates from around the country the next Friday for a week of golf, and I suggested that I cancel it and take her to a nice place, wherever she wanted to go. She told me she couldn't be bought off, that I should just go on the stupid trip.

Judy wanted to know some details. I told her of how Lisa and I just hit it off, and our affair just happened. I referred to Monday's night liaison without spending too much time on the environment. She questioned why we had been in our bedroom the previous night. Thinking that perhaps only the truth would be believable, I said, "Judy, I don't know quite how to say this. I mean, for years I've dreamt about having a sexy woman in my bed, and then Lisa came along . . ."

I knew these weren't the right words as soon as they came out of my mouth. Judy began crying again, but then she began to hold me and kiss me, and we went up to the bedroom and she told me to make love to her. It wasn't Lisa, but it was a better effort than Judy had made in years.

As we laid there holding each other, Judy asked me what would happen if Lisa's husband found out. Apparently, she was worried that he'd create problems for us. I told Judy about Lisa and Don's open relationship, and that there wouldn't be a problem. She seemed to accept that, but then she got up from our bed and left me to sleep alone.

Saturday, I asked her if I should go to the club for my regular golf game. She told me to go ahead, we were going to live our lives as if nothing had happened.

When I got to the club, I saw Don, Lisa's husband go riding off in a cart by himself. One of the problems at the club is that we have a very small practice range, just big enough for three or four players, and it's a long way from the clubhouse. This gives us an excuse for not practicing. Normally, I go up to the locker room, give grief to all the guys for 45 minutes or so, go down hit a couple of practice putts and I'm ready to go. But today, I decided to hit some range balls for a change.

When I got out there, Don was by himself practicing as I had hoped. I didn't have the slightest idea what I was going to say to him, but I knew we needed to make peace. I didn't even know if he knew about Lisa and I. When I drove up, he looked at me, got a big smile on his face and started busting my balls. Told me how he was glad that Judy hadn't killed me because my partners would have made him pay the money I should have lost. Stuff like that. We started talking a little more seriously, and I started to tell him how sorry I was. He wouldn't let me, and started sympathizing with me that the affair hadn't ended up on a happy note. Now this was a man at peace!

As we started to end the conversation, Don asked me if I had found Lisa's jewelry. I thought she'd taken it with her. Apparently, Judy had found it when she made the bed that night. I told Don that I'd try to get it back.

I got home from the club at the usual time, and Judy wasn't there. When she came in, I asked her what she wanted to do that night, and she suggested a Chinese restaurant that we liked and a movie. Now, Judy never liked to go to flicks that were rated even PG-13. But tonight, she chose a sex comedy with some racy scenes in it. As we sat there, she held my hand. I put my arm around her. When we got home, Judy went into the bathroom and came out wearing just her bra and panties. When we made love, she actually got on top of me and made me come. It was the first time I could ever remember her in a position other than missionary.

For the next week, Judy was acting strangely, for her. Very nice to me, if you know what I mean. She let me make love to her three or four more times, and one night she was out until 8:00 doing something. Another time, she was talking furtively on the phone to somebody. I just let her be.

I tried to talk her into going with me to the golfing resort, and she reiterated that I ought to go on it by myself. She made darn sure that she had the address and telephone number of the place we were staying; I knew she'd be checking up on me. Friday morning, the day I was leaving, she saw me off with romantic kisses and a promise of a wonderful surprise when I returned. Very odd, not Judy at all. I worked a half day, and then drove to the airport for the flight. I sort of didn't want to go. When we got to the resort, I found a message from Judy, asking me to call home. I phoned, thinking there was something wrong, and just got the answering machine. I left a message, and I called back around 10 P.M. Judy was home then, and told me she had just wanted to make sure that I got down there safely.

For the next few days, we talked a once or twice each day. Nothing special, and she was using little nicknames for me that she hadn't uttered in years. Oh, on Monday she asked me if I was with any women, but she was just kidding, I think. Wednesday morning, she called my room at 8:15 as I was just bout to go to breakfast, and told me she had been thinking.

"David, I want to tell you how really sorry I am that I walked in on you and Lisa that Thursday evening." This was the first time she had mentioned it since the day after the incident. Of course, I apologized again, and told her that it was all my fault.

She stopped me and said, "I know, dear, why you were here in the house with her. You explained it all to me. And I disturbed you before you got to fulfill your fantasy."

"Judy, that's not important now."

"But I think it is, my love. You wanted her so badly in our bed, and I didn't let you have her. I shouldn't have come home early. It was all my fault." I didn't know what to say. "No, don't bother to deny it. I've gotten over my tiff. You were right, I haven't been responsive to you in bed, and I'm going to get better, a lot better. But, dear, I know I'll never be able to come close to Lisa's abilities in bed, and I'm afraid that you'll think of the opportunity that you never got a chance to sample her here.

Then she explained that she wanted me to bring Lisa home, and screw her in our bedroom! I argued with her for quite some time. While this was going on, the guys came and knocked on my door. I told them I'd meet them at the course. I went back to the conversation with Judy, and made absolutely sure she knew what she was advocating. She told me that she had already discussed it with Lisa, and that she was willing.

Judy seemed adamant. I figured what the hell, if this will make it easier on her to accept the affair and move on, I'd do it. (Not that spending one more night with Lisa was that much of a sacrifice, mind you!) We talked about how this could be done. Judy told me that Lisa was flying in Friday night, and that I could meet her at the airport. We could come home and take care of it. Of course, I wondered what Judy would be doing while all of this? She asked me if it was all right to fly up to New York for the weekend with one of her bridge friends to watch a couple of plays and do some shopping. I told her it was all right by me.

Before we hung up, Judy gave me the number of the hotel that Lisa was at in Seattle, and told me to call her quickly. I dialed the number immediately, and was speaking to my lover. She didn't' have a lot of time, but she told me that she and Judy had a long conversation the evening before, pitching the idea. She told me that if I thought it would help the marriage, she'd do it. She suggested that maybe I just wanted to not have the sex, but tell Judy we did? I told Lisa how much I wanted to eat her pussy again, and that I had no intention of passing up another opportunity with her. We quickly confirmed the logistics on Friday night, and I went off to the golf course.

For the next two days, I played terrible golf. Couldn't keep my mind on the game. I kept imagining Lisa in the sack, and then Judy. I started thinking about having both of them at the same time. Maybe Don would want to swap? All of those silly fantasies.

Judy called again that night and Thursday. Both times we discussed the arrangements, and Judy teased me about how much I'd enjoy the experience.

After an early round on Friday, we all flew back to out homes. My flight got in at 6:30, so I picked up my luggage and moved my Caddy into the short-term parking area. I met Lisa at the baggage claim area around 8:00, and then we drove out of the airport. We live on the opposite side of town from the airport and traffic was horrendous. Lisa and I felt each other up, getting ourselves hot. On the ride, I suggested that maybe Lisa could take Judy under her wing and help her make the transition. Lisa said she'd think about it.

We got into the garage, and Judy's car wasn't there. We walked through the kitchen, and Lisa got a glass of water. As she was doing that, I went up behind her and started chewing on her ears and fondling her breasts. She reciprocated, and we moved up the stairs playing with each other and starting to take our clothes off. Finally, we got to the bedroom. The door was closed, and I remembered that Judy said she'd leave us a surprise of some sort. I opened the door, turned on the lights, and sure enough, I got a great surprise. My wife was on the bed, dressed like a whore with stockings, a black negligee and a tight black and gold necklace. Underneath her was Lisa's husband and they were fucking to beat the band. My first reaction was anger. How dare this guy screw my wife! Lisa hadn't seen them yet, and still had her hand on my nipples from behind. It didn't take me long to realize that I wasn't being real coherent here.

Then Lisa saw what was going on, and gave a loud gasp. Judy yelled to Don not to stop, and then told us to come over and watch. Lisa and I went over to the bed. After the initial blow to my emotions, I started realizing that I was enjoying watching the two of them go at it. Lisa sat me down and continued to undress me. I just let her do whatever she wanted, I had to watch my wife doing her acrobatic act with Don. Soon I found that Lisa and I were completely naked too, and Lisa laid down beside Don and spread her legs wide open. I climbed on her, and it wasn't long before my raging cock was spewing sperm inside her cunt. I must have been a lousy lay right then, I couldn't think about anything but Judy. She was screaming hysterically about something.

Judy was calmer all of a sudden; I couldn't figure out why. She leaned over and hugged me while I was still between Lisa's legs. I remember feeling her tits against my side and I couldn't remember when they felt so good. All of a sudden there was movement around me. Judy seemed to be getting out of bed, and Don and Lisa were sitting up. Lisa put a robe on, or was it Judy? It was Judy, but I'd never seen her wear anything like the translucent wrap she was now wearing. Her hair was shorter, too, and her face looked 10 years younger. Looking at her, I suddenly realized just how sexy my wife was.

Don asked me what I was doing here. What was I doing here? Oh, this was my home, this was my bed, and I belonged here. Then I realized that he meant what was I doing here with his wife having sex? I could handle that question. I explained that we were there because Judy wanted Lisa and I to have sex that night. It seemed rather obvious to me.

Lisa started to fill in some of the details, but told me to touch her. I started to feel her breast and nipple, and then saw that Don was doing that to her other breast. I realized that Don was Lisa's husband, and that I had no right to be doing anything like that to his naked wife, even if she was in my bedroom. I pulled my hand away, but Lisa grabbed it and put it on her pussy. I started to finger her. Don didn't seem to be upset. Judy came back in and gave us something to drink. It might have been wine. Lisa finished up the story of how we were there, and then asked me to lick her pussy. I started to, but then got asked a question about my golf trip. Don seemed to be confused, and thought I was coming home on Sunday, when I was already here.

I went on eating Lisa's cunt, and soon she came. When I was done satisfying Lisa, Judy started talking about how she'd played a trick on us all. Sort of like the time that she'd saran wrapped Jennifer's door one April Fools day so that when she woke up she'd wonder how she'd get to the bathroom. Somehow, the trick had gone wrong, and she'd wound up as Don's lover. I really didn't understand it at the moment. Then she came over to me and asked me if I could forgive her. What was I supposed to forgive her for? Then I was kissing a very beautiful naked woman who happened to be my wife. It didn't take me very long to realize that I should make love to her, and she got on top of me. I looked around for Lisa, but she wasn't in the room. Was I just having a dream? No, this was my wife on top of me.

Judy and I made the best love of our lives and she kept screaming in orgasm time and time again. My head began to clear. I realized that somehow, Judy and Don had become lovers. I was smart enough to realize that he had gotten her to enjoy sex, something I'd never been able to do, and I knew it was okay. Judy and I cleaned up and got dressed, then Judy whispered to me that Lisa and Don had gone into the guest bedroom. She told me to knock on the door and ask them if they wanted me to drive them home. I asked Lisa why they didn't just drive themselves home, and she said they didn't have a car, so I did as she told me to. When they were ready to leave, Judy said good-bye to Lisa and Don and I drove them home. Lisa kissed me goodnight, and I thanked Don for what he did.

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