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Dustin's Wife Ch. 03

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Vicki's story.
7.2k words
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Part 3 of the 5 part series

Updated 11/02/2022
Created 04/03/2006
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This series is an adult based writing. It is intended for adults 18+. It contains graphic sexual scenes and lots of dirty words. If you need to go to the dictionary to know what any of the words mean, then you are too young to read this.

Chapter 3: Vicki's Story

As I sit here writing this I am waiting for two men I hardly know to take me shopping for a fake dick. I am excited at the thought. I have already played with myself twice and feel like I need to again. I am excited but I am also scared beyond belief. I don't know what road I am traveling or where it will end.

I don't know who I am any more. For the past 12 years I have been a faithful, church going, shy wife, now I'm a sex crazed slut who is whoring with two of my husband's co-workers, and loving it. I don't know how I got to this place in my life. I do know how it started. I got married when I was 20 and was a virgin until my wedding day, (but not a virgin when I got married, that's another story.) Well, technically a virgin. Although I was a virgin I did have a working knowledge of the male sex organ.

Penis, they said in school and that's what I thought of it as. Until I also learned it was called a cock, prick, dick, pecker, fuck stick, and my favorite - pleasure pole. Because I experienced a whole lot of pleasure from that slab of man meat they take for granted and some women desperately crave. I have become one of those women.

I was 18 and babysitting Jimmy Hall. No, Jimmy isn't the one responsible but he is the starting point. Or to be more precise - his father is where it begins. It was due to him and his appitites that I became a teenage cock hound.

But to be fair, I have always been fascinated with what a man has between his legs. I guess it's more above than between. Women have it between, men have it above. Whatever. Where ever. I have been curious about it. Soft, then hard, then soft again. Peeing in the snow. A shaft with a bulbous head. Like a spear ready to stab a woman between her legs. God, I love em.

That's where Jimmy's father comes in, and cum in he did. In my hand, in my mouth, in my hair, on my boobies, and on my face, everywhere but my special place. I was saving that for marriage. I wanted to have something special for my husband. If I had known how little attention my husband would give it, I would have fucked my brains out back then.

I was raised very sheltered in a religious house and s-e-x was never discussed. As an only child I had no frame of referrence for men. The girls at school were no help. Sex was either great or horrible, depending on who you spoke to. I saw some pictures but that's not the same as a live model. My parents did not let me date, because boys only wanted one thing. I knew what that was but didn't know why. Or how.

My parents wanted me to learn the value of money so they insisted I do babysitting. The first couple jobs were for families that had little girls. No penises there, or is it peni? Anyway, a few months after I turned 18, I got a job with the Halls. They had an 14 year old boy. Now I'm not perverse enough to go messing with an 14 year old, but he did have a penis. No, I did not do anything sexual with him, not when he was 14 anyway, but I was curious as to the mechanics of how his thing worked. Peeing standing up, how do you aim it?

Every chance I got I peeked at him. There were a couple times when I saw a bump in his pjs and knew that was called an erection but I still didn't know what it looked like. One night he got out of bed to pee and left the door open a bit. I was peeking thru the crack but he was turned and I couldn't see anything except a stream coming from that area.

"What are you doing Vicki?" A voice asked from behind me.

It was spoken in a whisper so I wasn't scared enough to scream or bump the door. Thank god for that. Can you imagine how embarrassing for it to get around school that I was a peeping Betty on a little kid peeing. However, I was still scared because I got caught. I figured the voice belonged to Mr. Hall and I was right. He and his wife had gotten home early. "Mr. Hall, please, it's not what you think." I sputtered.

Jimmy had finished and opened the door. When he saw the two of us standing there he asked. "What's going on? Where's mom?"

"She's waiting in the car to take Vicki home, son. Everything's fine. Go back to bed." His father said. As he went to his room his dad said. "I'm proud of you for getting up and not wetting the bed." He was a good dad. Jimmy closed his bedroom door and Mr. Hall turned his attention back to me. "Okay young lady, what have you got to say?" He looked upset. "Why were you watching my son in the bathroom?"

"I didn't see anything, I swear. He was turned and ... and ..." I started to cry. "Please (sob) don't (sob) tell (sob) my (sob) parents. Please." The car honked. "That's Mrs. Hall." He said. "She's waiting to take you home. We will talk about this later. I need to think of what to do, depending on your reason. Don't mention this to my wife and I won't tell your parents. Yet." He smiled. I didn't realize at the time it was a 'We've got a secret, you and I' smile. A smile that so many older men have given young girls and older woman to young boys, I guess. A smile that says we will work this out later, in private. And there's no reason for my wife to know.

I dried my eyes on my sleeve and ran to the car. As I ran down the stairs my boobies bounced against my sweater, my boobies felt funny, funny tingly not funny ha ha. My nipples were stiff and ached a little bit but I didn't know why. Maybe it was that smile. I have always had big nipples, even before I had boobs. They were a constant source of embarrassment and at times got me in trouble with my parents. When I started to develop, around 10, I had to stuff my bra with tissue. Not to make my breast look bigger but to keep my nipples from poking out. If I didn't my dad would point to my chest and suggest maybe I needed a thicker bra or an extra shirt.

The only time I could go braless was when I slept. By the time I was 13, I had to wear my bra to bed. The friction of my pajama top caused me to get tingly and I had these weird erotic dreams. Not sex dreams, but dreams of being rubbed and caressed. More than a few mornings I woke up with my panties wet, and my extra pillow between my legs.

As for my chest, aww my chest, they started growing at 10 and kept on until I was 18. I wish my body had. I'm only 5'2" now and 5' as a teenager. The rest of my body was, and is, in proportion, other than my oversized chest. Slender waist and slim hips. My dark hair contrasted my white skin. And I'm told I have big, doll like eyes and a full pouty mouth. But, like I said my knockers were the attention getters.

At 14, they were round like grapefruit. The boys at school would stare at me and some even tried to grab them. A couple did and then ran away laughing. By 18, they were a bit larger than cantaloupes and just as round. I would look at them in the mirror and think they looked like two bald heads with strawberries on top. My nipples were at least a half inch and longer if they got stiff, with dollar sized areolas. When excited they went from pink to a dark red.

Mr. Hall called me the next day after school. I told my parents they wanted me to babysit. Their house was only three blocks away and as I walked I got nervous about what to say to him. For some reason, maybe it was just female instinct, I pulled the tissue out of my bra. My nipples were stiff from fear and anticipation. Even my bra couldn't keep them down. They poked against my t-shirt like two little missles.

I put my arms over my chest until I got to the house. I rang the bell. I didn't know what I was going to say if Mrs Hall answered, but something, maybe that same female intuition, told me that his wife was not going to be at home to answer the door.

"Come in Vicki." Mr. Hall said sternly. I followed as he walked to the livingroom. "Mrs Hall took Jimmy to soccer practice. I called you here to talk about last night." He talked with his back to me. It wasn't until he turned to sit down that he noticed my chest. "I hope you have ... ah ... good ... ah ... excuse." He was now staring at my chest as I stood in front of him. To be fair, they were at eye level. And could you do better?

"Please Mr. Hall, don't be mad. It's not what you think." I said. "I was just trying to get a look at his ... you know ... thing." It sounded bad after I said it.

"Okay." He had regained his composure. "Tell me why I shouldn't call the police." He was staring into my eyes.

'POLICE!!!' I'm worried about my parents and he's talking police. "Oh please Mr. Hall, please don't call the police." I started to cry "I - I - "

"Calm down Vicki. I didn't say I WAS going to call. I just wanted you to explain what you were doing and why. I now know the what. I need to know the why. Do you like little boys? Is that it?"

"No. Mr. Hall No. It's not like that." I was calming down but still scared. I figured the best solution was the truth. "I don't have any brothers or male relatives and I was curious as to what a p-penis looked like."

"Don't they cover that in school?" He asked gently.

"Yes, but I don't know how they work and pictures aren't the same as seeing a real, live one." That was stupid. Of course it would be live, who wants to see a dead one? That would be gross.

"But Vicki. you are a very pretty girl and I'm sure with the way you look." He was waving a hand at my chest. "There are lots of boys at school more than willing to show you their - things." My nipples got tingly again when he said I was pretty. Mr. Hall thought I was pretty

"Oh there are but then they would want me to have sex with them and I'm saving that for marriage. I just wanted to see one up close to see what it looked like. Because I never have and..." I was rambling. I'm not sure why. Maybe it was the way he was staring at me. Looking at my eyes and not my boobs. No one did that.

"So what you're saying is all you wanted was to get an up close and personal look at a real, live cock?"

That word slapped me in the face. It's not that I hadn't heard it before, just never from a grown-up and certainly not in regards to an 11 year old's penis. I had not thought of Jimmy's penis as a cock, but I guess it was. Or does it stay a penis until the owner realizes he can do more than pee with it, then it becomes a cock. Mr Hall talking like that got my face hot and my nipples were straining so hard they hurt. I crossed my arms over my chest and lightly moved them across my nipples to ease the ache. It felt good. Really, really good.

"If that's all you wanted. All you have to do is ask." Mr. Hall said. He leaned back against the couch and spread his legs. My face was burning now, Blood was thumping in my ears. Was he offering to show me his? Oh my god - Mr. Hall has a penis. Of course he does, he's a man, silly. I had not thought of grown men as having that. I only thought of boys my age. I stared at his crotch. Mr. Hall saw where I was looking. "Ask me if you can see my cock, Vicki."

My throat was dry. I was really scared and excited. More excited than scared. I may never get this chance again. It was so nice of him to offer. He knew I had a problem of finding a penis to inspect and was kindly offering to help. I could hear my heart beating. A voice in my mind told me it was wrong but I had to see. I had to know. I took a deep breath. I was going to see a grown up man's penis, eh, cock.

"CanIseeyourcock." I blurted out as one word.

"Say please." Mr Hall said, smiling.

"Please, Mr. Hall, can I see it, please."

"Of course you can, my dear. Why don't you kneel between my legs so you can get areal good close look." He was smiling that 'secret' smile. My heart was beating like a - I don't know what - but it was beating faster than it ever had. My face was flush. My arms across my nipples were sending shocks through my body. I felt lightheaded. I put my hands on his knees and slowly knelt down as he spread his legs more. I sat back on my heels with my hands on his knees.

Little did I know then that this was the position men most desired in their women. Who cares what her face looks like when you are staring at the top of her head. I held my breath as he unzipped his pants and put his fingers inside. A small whimper of anticipation escaped my lips as his fingers withdrew, pulling out his - Is that it????

There before me, poking out from the opening in his pants, was a shrivled up, little, pink, mushy blob of man flesh. It was about two inches long and it rested on a wrinkly skin flap that looked like it had two large grapes in it. My girlish disappointment must have showed on my face because he said. "Not what you expected?"

It was not. I expected a real LIVE cock and this looked like an old dead whatever. Maybe that's what happens when you get old. It's alive until you have a kid or two then it dies and becomes a penis again.

"You were telling the truth, You have never seen one before." Mr. Hall said. "Vicki. Vicki. look at me." He said sternly. I moved my gaze from his thing to his face. Even though I was feeling disappointed I was still breathing heavy. It may be dead but it was still a penis. "Not all cocks come out as raging monsters. It's asleep. It needs to be woken up." He said confidently. I must have looked confused. "YOU - need to wake it up. Touch it."

I hadn't even thought about doing that. I thought he would pull it out. It would look like the pictures. I would stare at it and then go home. That voice screamed in my head again, don't do it. But I had gone this far, I wasn't going to stop now. This might be my last chance. I stuck out one finger and poked it. I jumped a bit when it moved. It moved, maybe it wasn't dead afterall. I poked it again. It moved again and seemed a bit bigger.

"Not like that. Like this." Mr. Hall grabbed my hand and wrapped my inexperienced girl fingers around it. It was soft and squishy. It was warm and as I held it, it got bigger. It was turning into a cock right before my eyes. He moved my hand slowly up and down. It really grew then. It grew thicker and stiffer. My mind screamed - RUN AWAY - but there was another part that said this was good. Holding his stiffening thing made me feel warm between my legs. "Oh yeah sweetie. Just like that." Mr Hall groaned.

He liked what I was doing. I guess I was doing it right. I moved my hand faster. It was now about 3 inches around and 5 inches long. The head was about as big as a walnut. I saw the pee hole in the end. It wasn't long before it was as stiff as a steel rod. Now that's a cock. His sack underneath had filled out too. I was mezmerized at the sight of it. My nostrils filled with his musky man scent. I let go and it bobbed up and down. Like a cobra to a piper my eyes followed it's movement. "There you go. What a good girl you are. You woke it up." Mr. Hall said.

"Thank you." I said. I was glad I did a good job. I scrutinized every inch. The thick vein underneath. The ridge where the head began. The grapes that moved in his hairy sack. The viens running along the side of the shaft.

"I am circumsized but some are not." He said, teacher like. I pushed the head down so it was pointing straight at me and let it go. It bounced back up and then up and down a couple times. The head felt spongy under my finger. "Want to see what else it can do?" He asked.

I couldn't speak so I nodded my head. He put my hand back on it and told me to keep stroking it. I jerked it and it felt good in my hand. He showed me where to hold it. He said that a lot of times women grab too close to the base and end up jerking the balls and not the cock. He put my hand in different positions to show me. I giggled a little when his balls danced with the jerking. I decided on a place about an inch from the head.

Mr. Hall was breathing faster and his hips were moving as I concentrated on pulling his cock. It was getting hot in my hand. He grabbed my hand and spit on it and put it back. It caused lubrication and my was sliding rather than just pulling the skin up and down. There was some fluid seeping from the pee hole and I rubbed my palm over the head. "Oh god Vicki. You do that so good. You're a natural." He groaned again.

Then he surprised me by reaching over and pulling my nipple. A shock went through me right to my toes. No one had ever touched me like that. Now it was my turn to moan. I felt like this a little when I touched them but never this intense. My head was woozy. "Ohhhh. W-w-w-hat are y-o-u doing?" It was hard to speak and even harder to breathe. I kept jerking him and felt his cock swell. It was still growing.

"That's it. Faster baby, faster. Oh shit, I'm cumming." Mr Hall shouted. I jerked him as fast as I could and a glob of white stuff exploded from the end and landed on my cheek. I slowed my hand. "Oh god girl, don't stop now." He begged. I continued to pump it again as the stuff spurted out a couple more times then slowly trickled down my fingers and into his pubic hair. The tip was real red and when I looked at his face it showed great pleasure in what I was doing. I liked that I was making him feel good because he was making me feel pretty good with what he was doing. This whole time he was tugging on my nipple and I felt like I was going to explode too. But I didn't. Not then anyway.

Mr. Hall stopped pulling on me and then stopped my hand. He wiped it clean with a hankie from his pocket and wiped my face. I could smell it. His thing got soft again as I watched it. "Oh wow." I said.

"Was that what you were expecting?" He asked as he stuffed it back in his pants. Don't put it away my brain cried, I'm not done with it. "Uh-huh." Was all I could say. My chest was still aching and my crotch was itching. "Okay now that you have seen a penis I assume that you won't be trying to peek at my son anymore? Am I right?"

"Yes sir." I answered still staring at his crotch. He noticed.

"You know Vicki. Any time you want to do this again all you have to do is ask. I think you should go now before my wife gets home. Here's 10 dollars to show your parents for babysitting."

I was giddy walking home. I had not only seen but also touched a penis and I turned it into a cock. I smelled my hand as I walked home. It smelled of cock and man juice. The friction between my legs from walking made my knees weak. I grabbed my boob and squeezed. My nipple felt like a pebble against my palm. I rubbed my hand around my boob and like Mr Hall I tugged at my nipple. I got light headed and there was an explosion in my brain. My knees buckled and I fell against the fence. I was having a hard time breathing so I stayed there for a few seconds while I recovered. What ever that was, it felt great. I would have to ask Mr Hall the next time if he knows.

pt 2

It was two days after Mr Hall had been nice enough to show me his penis and let me touch it until - the only word I can think of is - it puked. My brain was still processing the information and in school I checked the books to get the technical terms. Climax was a much nicer word than puke. When I got home from school, Mrs Hall was there talking to my parents. Uh-oh. I thought I was in trouble. But I wasn't. Mrs. Hall told my parents she was there to take me out for a soda and discuss a new schedule for more hours of babysitting. My dad was fine with that because summer was in a couple weeks and it would give me less time to think about boys.

I thought we were going to the drug store but she stopped in the woods near town. I was scared. I thought she found out about her husband and me and was going to hurt me. She must have figured what I was thinking. "I don't want to hurt you, I want to thank you. I know what you did with my husband and I would like you to continue." She said.


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