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The Satyrs were incorrigible, their lives apparently centred entirely on hedonism. Finding that they could not entice her to land, they became surly. Their catcalls became caustic and, like an overly-proper dowager living near a building site full of obnoxious construction workers, she tended to avoid them whenever she could.

She had revisited the island of centaurs. Here too Amos was proved right, for the creatures seemed as vapid as they were beautiful. Even the female Meera had seen engaged with the Eloi seemed unchanged, untroubled, no different than the rest.

She thought she had seen a dryad, but wasn't sure. She made a point of stopping by their beach every day to allow herself to be inspected.

The only creature she had found to talk to was Amos and she found herself lingering more and more near him.


"Amos! Amos!"

The Minotaur looked up, towards the shore. Meera was swimming towards the shore, her hand raised. He began to amble into the water, waded out into until he had reached a comfortable depth for her.

Her face was flushed, her smile as broad as he had ever seen it.

"What is it, Meera?" he asked.

"Look what I found!"

She raised her arm up towards him, opened her hand. In it was a pearl, perfect in its roundness, perhaps the size of a large grape.

"Isn't it wonderful?" Her song was full of happiness.

He extended his hand, stopped just short of picking it up.

"May I?"

"Of course!"

With surprising delicacy, a massive thumb and forefinger picked up the silvery orb. Amos put it into his other palm, poked at it, rolled it under a fingertip.

"It is very pretty, indeed, Meera. Where did you find it?"

"In the shallows, a couple of islands over." The mermaid could barely contain her excitement. "The one where the really tall blue flowers grow, you know that one? There were oysters or clams or something, lots of them - and this!"

"Ah. Where there more there?"

"No. At least, none that I've seen. What should we do with it?"

Amos not-smiled. Her excitement was contagious, like that of a small child.

"Well, for now, I think you need to put it in a special place." He thought for a moment. "Perhaps we should keep this news to ourselves, just for now."

"But...shouldn't... couldn't I at least tell Keeper?"

Red eyes closed for a moment, reopened.

"Meera, Keeper doesn't work for us. He isn't on our side."

She stared up at him, eyes wide.

"Meera, Keeper works for Them," he said softly.

He took her hand, pressed the pearl into it, gently closed her fingers around it.

"Someday, Meera, you might need a big favour from Keeper. I think that would be a good time to show him."

Only partially deflated by what Amos had advised, the mermaid was still excited. Her happy chatter amused the Minotaur and he began to share her laughter.

"Perhaps it's time for another celebration," he eventually said, chuckling. "Speaking of Keeper, he dropped off some more wine while you were gone."

He scooped Meera out of the water and carried her to land.

"I just wish he wasn't such a pleasant person," he said, pouring,


"Who else?"

"Don't you trust him?" she sang.

"Not an inch," Amos replied morosely.

His muzzle turned down towards her. "I'm quite grateful to him for these small luxuries, Meera, but I think that you are about the only person in the Garden I can actually trust."

She thought about that, then leaned in against him, gave him a hug. She realized that, grotesque though he was, Amos was the only person she could relate to here.

Her head against his chest, she could hear his massive heart beat slowly and again her nose picked up that unfamiliar spicy scent from his skin. Against her inclinations, she felt her arousal inch upward. For the first time, she felt a tautness in her broad nipples. Looking down, she saw them begin to swell.

Whoa, girl,  she told herself. This is not a good idea.

Her hesitancy lasted but a few seconds, ending when Amos shifted his position under her head and the evening breeze brought his scent more strongly to her nose.

Almost instantly, her nipples were hard as rocks and she could feel a heaviness in her loins. A blaze of desire burst into being within her, a fire of such intensity she had never known in her human form.

Her mind was made up in an instant.

"It's OK, Amos," she sang softly. "I - we - can do this."

She bent to his enormous pole, lightly kissed its cue ball-sized head, looked up into his red eyes.

"Meera..." he said, cautiously.

"Hush, Amos. It's all right. Let me help." She again bent to his member. Keeping her eyes locked on his and smiling broadly, she gave him a wide, firm lick with her tongue, slowly, from the base upwards. And again.

While continuing to please his shaft, her hands came up between his thighs. Her fingertips lightly tickled behind his sac.

Amos' eyes closed in pleasure, opened again as she seized his hefty balls, rolled them in her hands, weighed them, caressed them.

Meera could see his nostrils flare as his breathing sped up.

Still fondling his balls, she switched her tongue to begin swirling around his swollen crown, lingering each turn on the supersensitive triangle under its head.

Amos groaned slightly. "It's been so long, Meera!"

The mermaid smiled more brightly, then tried to fit his head between her lips. It proved impossibly large, so, while continuing to tongue-bathe his head, she wrapped her hands around his length.

Such were the size of the veins under his black skin that she could feel his blood pulsing under her hands. Pulling her head up off his crown, she gave a happy smile to the minotaur, took a admiring glance at his organ before teasing its slit with her the tip of her tongue.

Amos' odor filled her nostrils; to her astonishment, Meera found her desire surging still higher; she could not remember ever being more aroused. Her swollen nipples burned with lust, her lower lips begin to protrude, sweet fluids oozed from between them.

As her tongue flicked and flipped at his cock, she ran her hands lightly up and down its shaft, teasing and stimulating its velvety covering. She giggled when it twitched, heaved under her darting hands, giggled again at the sight of his sac tightening, pulling up hard against his body.

Her laughter floating over the island, she tightened her hands and began to quickly pump up and down. He shuddered again, more strongly this time.

Meera herself hissed in surprise as a massive hand engulfed one of her breasts, squeezing gently. She gave a soft cry as one of Amos' enormous fingers traced the length of her sex, dragging a line of her moisture up her stomach before returning. She gasped at his gentle probing, gave a cry as the huge digit penetrated, stretching and filling her.

Increasingly overwhelmed by his efforts, Meera tried to focus on Amos' pleasure. She began to give his head gentle nips with her teeth, redoubled her pumping of his shaft.

"Meera," he groaned, "I'm going to..."

"Really?" she sang, releasing him. "Well, Amos, we cannot have that." She pulled away, dropped her hands.

The black organ pulsed and surged in front of her as the minotaur gave a deep groan.

Amos' complaint died as she shifted her position to bring her bosom within reach of his cock. As his hands guided his hardness in between them, Meera's pushed her enormous orbs together. For once, her breasts were in scale; Amos' organ barely protruded between them.

She began to rock her body back and forth over his cock. Looking down, she gave a slight giggle at the sight of his midnight head emerging and disappearing between the pale skin of her boobs.

Again she gasped as Amos gently worked the finger filling her sex in and out, filling the mermaid with a growing fire as it twisted and turned within her.

The minotaur began to pant in his need and Meera found herself matching him. Her breath became more ragged as her arousal soared.

Amos' hands seized Meera by the shoulders and began to move her entire body over his cock. His eyes were closed now, his breathing rapid. Meera, freed from having to move herself, relaxed and let herself drift into a wave of sensation.

Her nipples felt engorged, swollen beyond belief. She could feel moisture from her slit trickling down her belly as Amos' immense wood continually stroked her soft boobflesh.

"Don't stop, Amos!" she sang, "Don't stop, don't stop!"

He did however. Meera felt his hands tighten over her shoulders as the huge cock between her boobs pulsed, jerked. Jets of semen fired over the both of them, again and again.

The minotaur opened his eyes and, seeing Meera still unfulfilled, shifted his grip to her nipples and gave a gentle pinch to each.

That was all it took. Her orgasm arrived like a sunrise - bright, endlessly colourful. It went on and on, rolling her like a pebble in the surf. The mermaid couldn't breath as his continual stimulation stoked the glory of her cumming.

Eventually, her hands came up to his and pushed them firmly away.

"Stop, Amos!" she half-commanded, half-begged. "I can't take any more, please!"

Huge arms lifted her off his chest, placed her softly beside his body. She laid her head on his shoulder, snuggled in. Looking down his body, she could see his enormous sex, still slowly oozing. She reached down, stroked it lovingly with a fingertip before falling into the deepest sleep she could imagine.


Meera gradually learned the ways of the Islands, eventually being at least partially accepted by the dryads. More and more often, they would quietly emerge from the vegetation to join her on the shore.

Childlike only in size, she found them the most graceful, the most beautiful of all the beings she had seen since her arrival. The females were exquisite, with soft green skin, perfectly-proportioned breasts and hips. Their teeth were brilliantly white and their frequent smiles engaging. Male and female, they seemed to exude good nature. Hugs were common and the mermaid could see clear affection between couples.

The dryads seemed to Meera to be incapable of planning for tomorrow, caring only for their peaceful present. Happily, she thought, they shared neither the satyrs' self-centred carnality nor the centaurs' aimless silliness.

Yet Meera was mildly frustrated by her inability to communicate with them. The only language they shared with her was laughter - and they laughed a lot. On days when the mermaid would beach herself on their island, they would silently emerge from the trees, one by one. Gathering in a circle around her, they would soon be chattering softly to each other in their own birdlike tongue.

They seemed to find Meera's long tail and huge breasts enchanting; a press of both sexes would soon surround her, their hands gently patting and stroking her body as she lay by the shore. Sometimes she would fall asleep in the sun, often waking to find two or more of the gentle spirits cradled in her arms.

She shuddered to think of the Eloi being loosed upon the gentle people.

When she asked Amos about this, he snorted softly.

"I think, Meera, that some of us here are just for decoration.

"I think I'm safe, for instance," he said, waving his hand over his enormous sex. He thought for a moment. "The pegasus is probably OK, too," he mused.

He caught sight of her wide eyes, turned away with a frown.

"You, dear Meera," he said softly, his gaze deliberately away from her, "would be wise to keep out of their way."

She shivered at that and Amos gathered her up in his arms.


Later, Meera could not have said how long it was before she met the Eloi in person. Time had become a drifting concept to her and she was content to let it be so. On the Islands, tomorrow always seemed to look after itself.

She had been waiting just off the island of the Dryads, remaining quite still so as not to startle them. Even now, the small people were easily frightened if she made a sudden movement.

She thought  she had seen three gentle green faces peering at her from between branches and leaves. It was hard to be sure. One moment there was nobody, then it would seem that she was looking at a delicate face, curiosity written on its brow. A moment later, with no movement, there would be only leaves again.

"Hello," she sang. "It's only me!"

A small wave splashed the back of her neck.

With a short note of surprise, she turned her head to see the bow of the silent Eloi boat almost within reach, dozens of eyes staring at their prey.

She attempted to dart under the water, but was not quite quick enough. A dozen slender hands held a dozen wands aiming in her direction.

She froze, just under the surface of the channel.

The sensation was amazing.

Yes, she found herself compelled by the wand's... magic? science? - for in the grips of the compulsion, although retaining her intellectual distain for the cruel and effete Eloi, she found herself unable to resist their will.

Yet this coercion was not a trap or net, something into which and by which a terrified victim was dragged, kicking and struggling. Meera felt utterly calm, totally relaxed. Even knowing her emotions were imposed, she felt perfectly content, indeed pleased  at being so uniquely lovely, pleased  at being so desirable, so desired.

She drifted leisurely upwards, her head, shoulders and bosom gently rising from the surface, emerging into the sunshine.

Three of the Eloi leapt from their barge, laughing with delight and anticipation and splashed into the shallows where she had now drifted. One seized her tail while the others each grabbed an arm. Stronger than they looked, the three carried her over the white beach before depositing her on the grass.

The entire boatload soon surrounded her, men and women, chattering in their joy at having found a new source of amusement, a new toy. Silvery spheres drifted in every direction as the creatures stroked, prodded and pinched the captive mermaid.

Turning her head, Meera caught a glimpse of Keeper, still seated at the helm of the silvery boat. His face was expressionless, but Meera thought, just for a moment, that she could see a glimpse of sympathy in his eyes.

The mermaid's enormous breasts fascinated the Eloi. Far too large for their hands to contain, the soft orbs rippled and shook as her captors played with them. Long fingers, strong as they were soft, pulled and twisted nipples protruding from soft brown areolae. To Meera's amazement, she felt them grow hard under the constant stimulation.

Two, one man and one woman, finally pushed their way in and began sucking and licking her breasts, broad tongues moving ever closer to her now-swollen nipples. Against her will, Meera gave a deep sigh of pleasure.

She gave a small cry of surprise when a long finger began tracing her genital slit. The sensation was emotionally disturbing, but, she realized, intensely pleasant physically.

A mouth fell on hers and she opened her eyes to see those of one of the women just inches away. The artificial beard felt odd, but there was skill in the woman's lips and Meera obediently opened her lips to the demanding tongue. It swept inside, its tip traced the inside of her gums, the roof of her mouth, under her own tongue.

The finger penetrated her below. There was some difficulty, for Meera was still quite dry. In response, one of the Eloi called out and the others backed away, leaving the mermaid on her back, staring up at the circle of beards and hungry eyes. Many of the thin tunics, she noted, were already tented.

One of the men again raised his wand and aimed it at Meera. She gasped again as she felt an unexpected, inexplicable rush of desire, of arousal, of excitement. It rushed through her body in a wave, almost visible as it swept over every inch of her skin, sank deep within her to her very core.

However artificial its cause, it was impossible to distinguish from the real thing. Without any thought, Meera broke into a brilliant smile, sang of unending passion, of sheer joy.

The wand-holder laughed, the rest echoing him before diving back onto her supine form. To Meera's surprise, her arms were up, welcoming them.

The Eloi surrounded the mermaid, their bare bodies - for tunics were now flying in every direction - rubbing against hers. The Eloi at her nipples were shouldered aside, replaced by more demanding mouths. Hands stroked and played with her tail. One of the women began to grind her sex against it.

Even that felt erotic, she realized in surprise - more so when a second woman climbed onto her tail, facing the first, and the two began kissing and fondling each other as they worked their sexes on Meera's tail.

Dozens of hands swept over her body, caressing, exploring every surface, every fold. Her waist-length red hair seemed to delight the Eloi, particularly the women - half-a-dozen of them were running their hands through it, laughing and whispering in their pleasure.

Fingers flexed within her sex - stroking, probing, rubbing, twisting. Meera could feel the joy building within her. Her excitement surged when the Eloi on her nipples - both men now - began nibbling them gently with their teeth.

Around the mermaid and those using her was a larger circle of Eloi, watching delightedly, chattering and pointing. Above them floated the silvery camera drones; every so often, even those on her breasts and pussy would pause and strike a pose.

Two more Eloi men pushed their way to the front, cocks swinging as they moved. Kneeling beside the mermaid, they each seized one of her hands and moved them to their members. Understanding instantly, Meera began pumping them, thumbing their mushroomed heads.

The finger at her pussy was withdrawn and Meera gasped as it was replaced with a very real cock. The man, grinning madly, had had to kneel on either side of her hips; he now began to stroke in and out of the mermaid.

Meera watched as he hit his own climax with a cry. Instantly, another pulled him off, his cock still leaking semen, and dove onto the mermaid.

A woman approached her, lifted her head, presented a silver goblet to her lips.

Wine had never been so welcome, so wonderful. She gulped deeply and felt its warmth build inside her.

Her vision was blocked out suddenly as the woman threw the goblet aside and knelt on either side of her head, lowering her own sex to Meera's mouth. Obediently, she began to lick and stroke the woman's labia with her tongue, munching with her lips.

She felt a fire building in her, a kind of pressure she had never known as a purely human woman. Two more men attached themselves to her breasts, a third replaced the second at her sex. One of the two cocks in her hands exploded, leaving her hand wet and warm. Instantly, it was replaced with another.

The woman on her face began to moan and cry out. Meera seized her clit with her lips, pulled and sucked.

The two Eloi at her breasts gave not-quite-gentle pinches to her nipples. Meera shuddered, her huge boobs shivering as her own orgasm hit her. It echoed from her head to her tail, rebounded and started all over again. It built and built, filling her in golden glory.

Perhaps triggered by Meera's cries, the woman above her gave a huge shriek and rolled off. Her orgasm continuing, the mermaid took the chance to gulp in air, fell back into its blaze.

Another Eloi approached, lust in her eyes.


Hours later, freed by the now-sleepy horde, the mermaid fled from their careless, thoughtless lust. The further she got away from them, the more the effects of the wands faded.

Soon after, the immense arms of the Minotaur gathered her up in a soft, soft hug and brought her against his muscular chest as she gasped out her story.

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