by NeedYou
I couldn't believe the writer was a guy because he knew women so pussy got really wet reading..loved the descriptions and the timing of everything. Thank you for my orgasm!
OMg you had my pussy throbbing while I read your story please go on mmmmmmm I so want to be fucked like that woo hoo
This story made me cum so hard.. Please write more.. Please. :D
Written to make a girl cum & sigh happily afterwards :) I just had to stop reading & send my boyfriend an email at work to tease him, and I wasn't even halfway through the story. More please :)
Written to make a girl cum & sigh happily afterwards :) I just had to stop reading & send my boyfriend an email at work to tease him, and I wasn't even halfway through the story. More please :)
lady's pussy. It drove me to masturbate for an hour. All men and some women should read this one!!!
I would love to hear about getting it doggy style... Its my favorite.
Please do part three...... U make my pussy so wet. I came even.harder on.this one than I.did on ur last story. Damn I'm so hot right now.
Your stories turn me on so much. I need someone like you in my life. Do a third please!
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Omg yes you should continue the story what an erotic adventure. I was getting hot just from reading the excitement and the pleasure being fulfilled was just amazing. Loved it
' “Oh fuck this is so good”, he moaned to herself!'
Brilliant. Just brilliant.
With all that screaming, wolf howling, and her nipples growing by the foot, it is no wonder your heroine became somewhat exhausted. It seems the writer also became a bit overtired too because grammar, spelling and sense went out the window.
It appears that some female readers liked this wretched excess. As was said of the lady who kissed the cow, " there is no accounting for tastes."
“Eat me! Eat me!! Oh hurry! Lick my pussy! YES!!!!! YES! That's it!! OH!! YES!!!!! OH FUCK!! OH YES!! OH YES!! LICK IT!!! LICK IT!!!!!!! YESSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!! GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” “Eat me! Eat me!! Oh hurry! Lick my pussy! YES!!!!! YES! That's it!! OH!! YES!!!!! OH FUCK!! OH YES!! OH YES!! LICK IT!!! LICK IT!!!!!!! YESSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!! GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” “Eat me! Eat me!! Oh hurry! Lick my pussy! YES!!!!! YES! That's it!! OH!! YES!!!!! OH FUCK!! OH YES!! OH YES!! LICK IT!!! LICK IT!!!!!!! YESSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!! GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
What wonderful writing! What a way with words! What REALISM! You are the queen of, well, of... Sorry. Time to watch cartoons.
I came. It's a story to get off on. Not to challebge your brain. Stop nitpicking grammar Nazis.
This is exactly what happens when you GIVE IN to your inner carnal desires!!! After chapters 1 & 2, Now I need a mate to Match me and can Handle what I'm actually feeling right NOW! You definitely know how to weave a fantasy story to bring the pure lusting animal out in all of us!!!!
You need to have someone who's at least made it through high school to at least help you with your spelling. And this is TOO damn repetitive. The way to make sex more exciting and arousing IS NOT to keep writing the same thing, in the same words, over and over again. You seem to believe that nobody's fucked before. I'm sorry, but millions have.
great story! no one actually has sex that long, but that's not why we read these stories. Keep going!
The first readers comment sounds ignorant. There are couples who can fuck for hours. Hard and long. I have been there. Now, to be realistic. There are refractory breaks. But, if couple has great chemistry? Combined with good health, stamina and timing is right along with privacy and no worries about interruptions. That particular couple can bang. Someone like that doesn't come around often and if its a married or longtime steady couple. It may not be all the time that the couple has rocking sex (Relationship do go through phases)....But, it can and does happen.
The writer did a decent job. Sometimes, these stories may seem quite over the top. But, I'd rather read this at times than the endless bad news we read on a daily basis going on in the world. This is a form of brief escapism....And it's dealing with 2 human beings. Not some other way over the top freakish stuff on this site.
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WoW! I can't move and I'm out if breath as I climaxed along with her.! You have quite a gift for writing!
yes, very hot, i love the roughness of it, the demand, the intensity the sucking and licking of titties and pussy oh yes, nipple sucking and clitty sucking yesssssssssssssss pussy juice all over and pumping his thick hard cock into her .... pumping his seed into her ... both of them demanding more and more and more