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Emily Saves Her Marriage


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"You're going to love it, I promise! We will be the most intimate of partners. True lovers, baby. Our marriage will be stronger and you will be much, much happier. WE will be much, much happier. We will have the intimacy like when we were first married, just a little spicier. It'll be great, honey! Do you understand the direction I want to take our marriage? I will be in control of your life from now on, for your own good. Talk to me; tell me how you honestly feel, honey. We have to communicate on this..."

There was a long silence in the room, and I started to get scared. Challenging my husband's authority in the household had been dangerous. His eyes blinked rapidly, as if trying to take it all in. He was breathing very heavily.

I swallowed hard in fear for my marriage.

"Damn, I laid a lot on him," I thought, "Did I go too far, too fast?"

He face tensed up and the rolls on forehead grew.

"Oh! God! Please don't say the D-word," I pleaded in my mind, "Please, God!"

He leaned his head back and forth, stretching his neck muscles as he gathered his thoughts. Finally, after the longest minute of my life, he cleared his throat as I held my breath.

My big, strong, hairy husband spoke softly, "I know I haven't been the best husband lately, I'm so worn out. But I love you, Em, and I've always loved only you. You're my rock and I can't imagine life without you. I want to be the best husband I can be for you,.....and.....and I'll try to be the best girlfriend I can be for you, whatever the hell that means, if that's what you really want. "

I finally took a breath.

"Our sex life has gotten stale," he continued. "I don't understand why, but dressing as your girlfriend might be exciting...kind of kinky. It certainly will be a new experience; however, the girlfriend sex part makes me very uncomfortable. I'm just not sure I can do the kind of stuff you seem to be implying. I mean, come on, Em, do you really want to fuck me in the ass? Does that turn you on?"

I winked at him several times with a big smile on my face, but remained silent.

"Really?" he questioned incredulously.

I winked again.

"I just don't know if I can accept..."

"Please?" now I was pleading.

"You're really serious about this?"

"Please?" I said meekly.

We looked each other in the eyes, and it was as if twenty years of shared joys and hardships passed between us. The birth of our daughter, buying our house, my miscarriage, the death of his parents...the memories we shared swirled in our thoughts. My eyes started to tear, and his facial expression relaxed.

He breathed deeply, "Ok, Em........I'll play along...reluctantly...if this makes you happy...for now..."

Suddenly, my husband's eyes held a fire I had never seen before, "I don't know where all this came from or where it's going, but make no mistake, Em. I don't give a shit about those photos. If you EVER cheat on me, in ANY way, I will never forgive you, and will immediately divorce you. No conversation. No explanations. No second chances. Do YOU understand?"

I locked eyes with him, "I love you, babe, and I don't want anybody else...this isn't about long as you give me what I want and need, I am yours forever..."

I walked over to him and kissed him deeply, "Do YOU understand, honey?"

He tilted his head, pulling back, "Are you sure this isn't about wanting a bigger or different cock? I will never share you."

I looked him squarely in the eyes, "I love your cock, and it fits me perfectly. I don't want another."

"Won't you lose respect for me if I'm wearing dresses and stilettos? I mean, come on, I'm not a wimp Em, well, at least I wasn't until now." he said, smirking at himself while looking down at his pink bra.

Again, looking directly into his eyes, "I'll totally respect you for making changes to help our marriage, to get healthier, to lose weight, to love me more, to give me more attention, to become the kind of husband I want and dream about. You will have my total respect...and fidelity, honey."

His eyes grew soft in acceptance and he said tenderly, "OK, I'll try, Em. I love you."

"I love you, too." We shared a long passionate kiss, sealing our new agreement.

I stepped back and stood there smiling as I assumed control of our marriage and of my husband. I was now totally in charge of my husband, our marriage, and our sex life. After 20 years of taking orders, I was the boss. It was one of the best days of my life.

I told him forcefully, "OK, Panty Boy, the first thing we are going to do is go to Kohl's to buy you some bras, panties, nylons, dresses and a garter belt. Give me your credit card. They are having a sale and I saw some red sheer panties that would be perfect for you. And keep that bra on under your sweatshirt. Now move!"


It has been one year since I forced these changes on my husband to our marriage, and I am very happy with the results, and quite frankly, I think he is, too. My husband has lost 85 pounds and now weighs 175. He looks great in his male clothes when we go out to eat or go dancing. His health and energy have greatly improved. Our sex life is tremendous. The male chastity device is the single greatest marriage tool ever, because it totally focuses all his sexual attention towards me! I'm getting eaten everyday and fucked just about every night. He's happy and always smiling.

Nobody but my husband and I know anything about our new marriage. Nobody can tell anything. In public, he is just a good looking slim hunk who dresses in kakis and button down shirts, takes care of me with great manners, and treats me like a queen. At our home, he looks great in a halter top, a short mini skirt, and high heels, and his cock (when unlocked) is always hard as a rock, and available, anytime I want it.

Whenever our daughter is home from college, or whenever he goes out to do yard work, or work on the cars, or goes to his job, he puts on his normal male clothing. It allows him to reconnect to his macho identity, which I believe is a necessary mental release. All other times in our house, he is required to dress as my slutty girlfriend.

Besides dressing the part, my husband has finally become my partner around the house. We now cook dinner together. I taught him how to load the dishwasher and how to vacuum the carpet without putting marks on the baseboard. He's loading the washing machine and folding clothes out of the dryer. I still iron after he burned three of my work blouses; however, I really appreciate how hard he is trying!

I come home from work and after getting a foot massage; I have more time to relax allowing me to enjoy my favorite hobby, growing vegetables. It's fun to have help with the cleaning, laundry, and dirty dishes. Plus, I have a lot more energy for sex!

Again, I credit the male chastity device for helping him to focus on helping me. He chooses to use his spare time helping me, therefore earning sex and orgasms, instead of doing stupid things like fantasy sports leagues. I'm not totally heartless as we did watch the Super Bowl together! I find it very humorous how interested he is in me since he cannot masturbate. We talk constantly about our feelings and emotions.

I have become the envy of all my friends and co workers. They keep asking me if I have a boyfriend, because of the constant glow on my face. Most of them didn't even recognize my husband after his weight loss. I tell them that he truly loves me and made some simple changes. (No, they do not know our secret, I've kept my promise!)

We did have one problem during the past year; our daughter unexpectedly came home from college one Friday evening without calling. She and her boyfriend had a fight. My husband had me bent over the living room sofa, jack hammering the hell out of me, when we heard a tap at the front door and a heard a key go into the lock. He pulled out of my pussy and raced toward the bedroom in his 5 inch stilettos. As he rounded the corner in the hallway, he stumbled on the bedroom carpet, fell and broke his ankle. We adjusted his wardrobe to include some flats and block heels. I was a damn good cowgirl during the 3 month healing process.

It turns out my husband has never been grossed out about his cum as some men. One night after a blowjob, I held some of his cum in my mouth and kissed him deeply. Much to my surprise we kissed for about 5 minutes, and in the pillow talk that followed later that night he told me, "Just about every male tastes their own cum at some point in their life, the one's that say they haven't are liars. If you're willing to swallow for me baby, then I have no problem at all. It doesn't really taste bad and after all, it is mine. Just make sure, Em, it's mine."

"Only yours, babe," I reassured him.

Cream pies have now become a frequent addition to our lovemaking, and hell yes, it gets me off just to see his cum on his lips.

Ultimately, I have decided to take my husband's "girlfriend" sex initiation very slowly. Occasionally I will slide my pinkie into his ass during a blowjob and several times I've gotten my index finger in while sucking on his balls. My husband has not complained yet, but I'm not going to push it too hard or too fast. Even though I have a strap-on, butt plugs and dildos waiting in the closet, I'm going to take it real slow. I've got this relationship going my way, and after all, I love my husband and am in this marriage until death do us part.

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AnonymousAnonymous8 days ago

Bullshit! He needs to get the fuck out now

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

She works seven days a week in retail? What's this, like Charles Dickens' England? And after that, it really went downhill!

TwentysevenTwentysevenabout 2 years ago

I've just come across this story. I find the comments astonishing in their ignorance. His masculinity is not destroyed, he just has a kinky little fetish which is known only to his wife and him. Their marriage is strong and happy. Where are the negatives?

Just_WordsJust_Wordsover 2 years ago

She's a bitch. He needs a divorce.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

evil nasty whore.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

This made my stomach turn. Hated it.

Yuck. Time to call it quits if the only thing that'll save your marriage is turning the husband into a homsexual.

Horrific story.

MarkT63MarkT63over 3 years ago

Very good writing...especially for a first time. I don't agree with cross dressing, or pegging; but to each his own...

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

sad so sad she traing him to become queer to help her with her new boyfriends

26thNC26thNCover 5 years ago
No threats

But a really messed.up.piece of writing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Ha! 5* for humor and creativity, 1* for really sick story line = 3* rating.

Thanks...this was worth a few hearty belly laughs.

That said, the readers' mostly crazed, vitriolic comments produced several more. Don't know how many stories you've written/posted, but my next stop will be to visit your home page and read some of the rest.

oldbearswitcholdbearswitchalmost 6 years ago
It's a very well written story, with one flawed premise, the threat she made to him

Although coercion sucks, some coercion might be OK if it is neither predacious nor blackmail nor belittling. Unfortunately her coercion was explicit blackmail and belittling in the sense she coerced her way to an extremely asymetrical relationship. Selfish AF.

Very good story, something to be proud of, since hubby shut that cuck crap down im mediately, and pushed back against any new predicaments. Most drooling Femdom writers can't wait to write a marriage void of any normalcy, or respite for the husband. That, is simply abuse.

I can sure as hell see why folks were shocked by it, but come on anony, death threats?? Really.

More ugliness from Almost all DQS wives. Jus sayin. Maitlin's wife was as vile as it gets without going into full blown psychopathy.

airwolf64airwolf64over 6 years ago

If you're in a relationship, and your partner withholds sex in exchange of chores, your relationship is over.

Sex is an expression of love, need and want and lust; sex is not a currency.

If any man / woman finds themselves in this situation, you are in an abusive relationship, just leave.

MasterpuppyMasterpuppyover 7 years ago
In otherwords

To save her marriage she destroys her husband. I'd divorce her ass so fast she would stop spinning before the final hearing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
It takes two!

I think it was a great story. Her dressing him in female clothes, which obviously turns him on, and turns her on too, brings together a special bond with husband and wife. She is not forcing him to do anything he doesn't want to, and she is not embarrassing him nor is she humiliating him. The perfect way that they both get to enjoy themselves, have a rejuvenated sex life, and be happy in the life they lead. No one is being hurt by what they are doing. I personally wear women's lingerie 24/7 already. The wife doesn't mind, she even encouraged it to some extent, we share panties, she borrows my pantyhose for special occasions, buys me all in one girdles, panties, and pantyhose. The only thing she objects to is me wearing a bra, or a slip, although we do share night gowns. Maybe someday, she will find my complete dressing up, bra, wig, skirts and make up, is a way for me to feel good about myself around the house. I sure hope so. I already wear all my lingerie under my drab make clothes where ever I go, and dress with everything except a wig and makeup at home all day long while she is at work. I cook, clean, do the laundry and look after the yard, and buy the groceries too. Such a thrill to be underdressed in all my finest lingerie while out and about and chatting with the ladies in the grocery store. Sometimes, my top button of my shirts doesn't get done up and the cashiers get a little flash of my bra or bustier, and they just smile. I love it. My wife, though unaware as to me wearing a bra or bustier, loves it too because she can come home and let me pamper her. You

ScorpioJJScorpioJJover 7 years ago
slippery slope

The husband says he's not a wimp but over time is wearing a chastity device. There had to be a better way to get him to lose weight. Now that he has and the other women are jealous, what's keeping him from dumping her controlling ass?

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

I would packed my stuff, left, found a family law attorney, and divorced her asap.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Not my cup of tea, but...

If it works for a man and wife, if it makes them happy and no one is being hurt or humiliated - I say go for it. It won't be happening at my house, I can promise you that, but what a husband and wife do in the privacy of their home is their business.

I would think things like this can get out of control though. I really don't think the husband is being dominated in this story, he still decides what he will and won't do, his wife still says please from time to time and is very conscious of his ability to say NO and bring everything to a stop. The husband has been agreeable so far, so as long as the "perceived" power doesn't go to the wife's head, everything should be cool. No way I could do it though. If my wife told me she really wanted to do it, I'd have to give it some thought, but I can't see myself ever agreeing to it and would be very concerned about why she wanted it.

Good story though - and after all, it's just a story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

fag cuck shit.

GoodhueGoodhueover 8 years ago
Fuck This Shit!

- Next she'll be inviting Leroy and Rufus over to use the 13 inch cocks they've been slammin' into her for the past year to make her now wimp,cuck of a husband air tight!

- As I said,Fuck This Shit!!!!

rightbankrightbankover 9 years ago
I came here after reading Aftermath

It puts a completely different perspective on the story.

And I gained a greater appreciation for the writing process

(and the personal perks?)


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
Fuckin' weird shit.


Still think there should be a lower grade possible than 1.

TonyKiwiTonyKiwialmost 10 years ago

glad I read your stories in alphabetical order so this story wasn't so weird. Still there was no call for the abusive comments about the author. It is said "walk a mile in my shoes before you judge me" Really people it's just a story, USA remember land of the free, if you can't write what ever here as a release where can you, chill out all. Love and Peace from New Zealand (middle earth home of the hobbits). T

rjordanrjordanalmost 10 years ago
Totally weird

There's no way in hell I would be in a relationship like that. But I'm not in that marriage. There is no way to fault what two people do to make each other happy and stay together. It works for them. It doesn't matter what anyone else thinks.

Totally weird situation, but it works and you wrote it beautifully. 5*, but graded on the curve and I'm an easy grader.


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

UNO ESTRELLA for this one

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
fantasy? or wishful thinking by a male

Did anybody look at the gender of the writer...... it's a male! Some male have these fantasy's of being dominated by a woman , good writing though.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
Story sucks!

Only a woman would write this bullshit!!! No real man would put up with this stupid shit!!! Really no football??? BULLSHIT BITCH!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

I know of no husband that doesn't have a simple set of tools in the garage or car. Given that fact, any male chastity device is easily removed. Divorce her.

lonewolf3307lonewolf3307about 12 years ago
I suppose that I cheated by reading "Aftermath" first but...

...I don't think you could find anything humorous about this story with a search warrant. Even though I feel it's deplorable to make death threats over a story, you had to realize that, if you wrote a story about the total emasculation of a man from a woman's point of view and then put said story in "Loving Wives", well, you had to know that it would be nothing but "red meat" for the "crazies". Your later stories are better, still not funny, but better.

gatorhermitgatorhermitover 12 years ago
Wrong Category

Should have been in Fetish or Satire. Story is well written and kind of sort of funny, but marginally appealing in terms of content for me.

BigJohn601BigJohn601over 12 years ago
No wonder all the hateful comments....

Yuck! But it is afterall just a story and I thought well written if not a bit weird.

chytownchytownover 12 years ago

For the read.

betrayedbylovebetrayedbyloveover 12 years ago
Great Story

What a loving couple do in the privacy of their own home is their business. No one is embarrassed or cuckolded or humiliated. It is a lifestyle choice made by husband and wife. If it keeps them safe and happy and loving I say more power to them.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
earning sex?

not bloody likely.

real men take their women when they want sex, not beg them for it.

t_i_n_at_i_n_aover 12 years ago
Completely possible!

There is not a thing in this story that is not completely possible and rational. Ok, it's not necessary for her to be "in charge" for them to have a new agreement, but being bigendered is much more common than many think! Thanks for this wonderfully realistic story!

njlaurennjlaurenover 12 years ago

The trogs on here rip cheating wives and cucks,yet they froth at the mouth about a tale,albeit different,where a wife and hubby enjoy one another.Hubby isn't forced,it is clear he enjoys it,could stop it,and the wife makes sure he isn't humiliated,it is loving.Gee whiz,he gives her massages and dotes on her,guess that isn't allowed,hubbies only should sit on the couch and fart.

PistolpackinpetePistolpackinpeteover 12 years ago
How he'll look in stilletos is almost as stupid as this....

particular delusion.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Please Write More !

Liked the story very much. Please write more stories like this one. Or have the wife's girlfriends or daughter in on the action for Part 2.

Bravo ! !

LickideesplitLickideesplitover 12 years ago
ANON Danger

Yeah, I've tried that argument with my Sweety (sans Male Chastity Device)! That dog don't hunt! Weird story. He goes from economizing to drag-queen in 12 seconds flat.

jusdafaxjusdafaxover 12 years ago
Piece of CRAP

Why is it that you always seem to get your jollies by castrating the husband. If he isn't a pussy to start with you cut off his balls as soon as the second paragraph starts. I wonder what glass pickle jar holds the balls in your family.

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