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Enchanting Misunderstanding

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As sweet as her cake.
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Sometime in July 2013.

Oops, now it will be funny.

It's Saturday morning and I sit as so often with coffee in our supermarket.

A woman with a cake tray stands in the passage and looks around searching.

Just say, today is already again cake sale from some such club with us up here. One million calories for some good cause for the benefit of the club.

Under loud rattling a lattice wagon rolls up. Loaded with some beer table sets and pushed or pulled by two typical specimens of the male genus from our region.

Wide shoulders, flat forehead and a fashionable five-day-beard are the customary characteristics of the country. This decoration of the male sex is dressed in the usual craftsman's costume, i.e. an Engelbert ostrich trousers, which reaches just below the knee, as well as the matching jacket, which is at least one number too small and stretches suspiciously over the beer ball, called belly. In addition, these clothes are remarkably clean, i.e. they are not normally used for work.

Craftsman top models.

Tables and benches are now being eagerly set up under enormous noise, paper tablecloths are being draped fashionably and one cake after the other completes the spare confectionery.

Let's take a look at the service staff. The boss of the whole thing is a thirty-year-old, quite attractive woman, who has taken over the command with long gestures and poses. She is flirting with the two swing brakes of the superstructure team. After everything is set up, the two are forgotten.

All in all she doesn't look so unpleasant. About 1.70m tall, long, dark brown hair and a face you can look at twice with a clear conscience.

A tight, light blue jeans accentuates her slender legs and forms a pretty butt out of her back. This is followed by narrow hips and two small crunchy breasts.

However, the lady seems to be very convinced of herself. Arrogant and conceited, that's the impression she gives me.

But wait, what do I see there. I look again.

Actually, no ring. Neither on the fourth finger of the left or right hand.

Hello, unmanned at this age? That's almost sacrilegious in our region, when you have to be sixteen to be pregnant for the second time.

Is the lady perhaps tricky, picky or even unwilling?

I still have to find out.

At her side are two young helpers who, with apathetic faces, let the teachings and clues pass over them. The two have no idea, but they get a lot out of it.

One is apparently, according to her appearance, the wife of our founder of religion, because the Bible already says: "The Lord went into the desert and a long drought followed".

The other is one head smaller, pale and has long, brown and stringy hair. And more metal in the ears, nose and probably also in the genitals stapled than a Nirosta double sink in a fitted kitchen. So exactly the reason who brings me to the race when he comes up to me. And to run away.

Well, after a relatively short familiarization phase, the two of them don't get all that clumsy.

The female boss sees that everything works, packs her things and lets the two girls drive alone. Maybe she has something better in mind.

At the beginning the bake sale is very slow, but slowly picks up speed and the two virgins have a lot to do.

There they get some help in the form of my pretty neighbour Heidrun, with whom I already have a lot of intense exchanges of experience. She sees me sitting in the cafe and her face gets the same colour as her hair, namely slightly red-violet.

Now of course nothing holds me anymore on my chair and I approach her quickly. After her first embarrassment has disappeared, a relaxed conversation arises between us. I spare the delicate topics, because the two helpers are still too young and too naïve for our common hobbies. Heidrun thaws slowly and actually starts to flirt with me.

Besides, she sells cakes, pieces of cake and muffins, makes small talk with the clientele and gradually gets going. The two Hiwis see with astonishment, how my fast neighbour manages the thing almost alone. The fact that she also has the time to whisper little insults and obscenities into my ear shows me all too clearly that she once again wants educational measures.

All of a sudden someone is bleating me from behind.

"Say, don't you have anything better to do than to keep my people from working? Just because you're in our club doesn't mean all they have to do is stand around here and keep muzzles on the table. They certainly weren't assigned for that today. Come on, move it!"

Oha, the female company sergeant.

Two brown eyes sparkle angrily at me.

Heidrun waves and waves his arms, but the angry woman is not impressed.

"Come on, come with me" she hisses at me.

I wink at Heidrun, put my index finger on my lips to tell her to keep her mouth shut and follow the commander. She leads me behind the tables, points to some garbage bags and orders: "Take and follow me!

She grabs two carrier bags with glasses and cans and marches towards the parking lot towards the glass containers. Grinning, I follow her.

Heidrun watches me in amazement, then taps her forehead with her finger and shakes her head. I just shrug my shoulders and go on.

No really, from behind she offers a very appetizing sight. Well, from the front of course, too, especially when she keeps her big mouth shut.

Her crisp butt wobbles around in front of me, awakens dirty thoughts in me and a broad grin no longer wants to leave my face.

We throw the bottles and cans into the openings and I look at the "lady" extensively.

"What are you grinning so stupidly?" she suddenly snaps at me. What a sunshine. Friendliness seems to be a foreign word to her.

"In which formation of our music club do you actually play? With the drummers or with the horns?"

I laugh with a loud noise, which elicits an incomprehensible shaking of her head.

"Not with the wind instruments, beautiful maiden," I reply in a happy mood, "more with the gourmets, sucking and plucking.

I push her with her back against a container, take her head in both hands and press my lips on her mouth. Totally dumbfounded, she opens her pretty eyes wide. I'm sure she didn't expect that and I'm already flickering in her mouth. She groans protesting and tries to push me away, but has no chance against my strength.

Suddenly I notice how she gives up her resistance, leans against me and begins to respond to my tongue play. Oho, what a temperament. She wraps her arms around me and her hands walk on my back.

She pinches me in my ass cheeks, presses and presses that it gets very tight in my pants.

"Come on, do something," she asks and bites my tongue lightly. "I want to see how you can pluck, lick and twitch."

I look around quickly. Nobody near and behind the container is a small lawn with some bushes. Exactly the right place to have fun with the right woman.

She squeaks in surprise as I take her on my arms and carry her around the glass container. Carefully I lay her down on the lawn and bend over her. She looks at me expectantly.

"Are you sure you want it?" I ask her, "You don't even know me. Beside, I'm not a member of your music club at all. That is, with member already, but not in the association.

"Anyway, your cheeky and brash manner impresses me," she returns, "if you keep what I expect from you, we are both winners."

Respect, Madame is extremely self-confident and very sure of her charms and abilities.

Again our lips meet for an endless long and tender kiss. Heaven, what does it taste good. Another kiss and another kiss. Take more than two, because snacking is really healthy.

My right hand strokes her cheek while my left goes down on a tour of exploration. I feel her small, firm breasts and start a tender massage. She moans violently and moves restlessly back and forth.

She, she, damn it, what is her real name?

"What should I call you, enchanting stranger? Cake fairy, cake angel or just chocolates? Because what I have here in my hand certainly tastes just as good and sweet."

I squeeze lightly.

"Valerie, I'm Valeriiiiiieeeeee!!" she howls.

I press a little harder and elicit this ecstatic name disclosure from her.

I quickly kiss her again intensively to dampen her noise level.

"Quietly, my wild Val. Or do you want the whole supermarket to go together? I am Arne. This is an abbreviation and means: Arnold never rams open-ended!

Valerie giggles.

"That would be a scandal, especially since my husband and daughter are shopping. And the people from the music club would exclude me from the choir."

Slowly I open button by button on her blouse. My shirt flies into the grass in a high arc. When I touch her warm and tender skin, it feels like an electric shock is running through my body. My hand slides under her bra and I feel her hard nipple in the palm of my hand. Gently I begin to rub back and forth.

Valerie has closed her eyes, lies relaxed in the grass and enjoys my tender massage. What a good and horny feeling.

My pleasure club blows up pompously and wants to the fresh air.

There I feel how a small hand tenderly strokes over my chest, approaches the body center and rubs violently on my front. I can't suppress a soft moan.

And already my hand slips into my jeans and into my panties. Warm fingers enclose my Johnny and rub up and down.

I lie down on my back, spread my legs and I am almost in seventh heaven. That feels good.

Valerie kneels on my side, opens belt and zipper of my trousers and my tike jumps out of the box like a quay and stretches his head upwards.

Warm lips enclose him and Valerie begins with a brass concert that I see stars before my eyes.

"And when they kick you out of the choir," I groan, "you are guaranteed to play the first trombone with the brass players, my darling. And you simply taste incomparably good."

Val snorts me laughing in my stiffeners that I almost collapse a pocket knife in fright.

That gives revenge. I clamp her head between my thighs, a quick turn and she's already under me. She japs quietly, but doesn't let my Hugo escape.

"Hey, don't bite him off," I whisper. "That's no cock to go. I still need him."

"Me too," she mumbles with a full mouth and devotes herself devotedly to her mouth and tongue.

And in front of me now lies that which I am already looking forward to.

Narrow hips and slender legs invite you to spoil yourself.

The button and zipper of her jeans are no obstacle and I already zap the leg dress down to her knees.

Wow, what a sight.

A black lace slip is all that separates me from the goal of my desire. I spread her thighs a little and press my mouth on her shame. What a fragrance, what a delight and what a delicacy await me.

Valerie makes thick cheeks as I push the panties aside and pull my insatiable tongue through her wet furrow. I dig deep into her and feel her trembling and trembling. She chews my noodle so that the sauce almost comes too early.

"Stop, my angel, not like this. I want to feel him deep inside you', I say and withdraw her toy in protest. I turn, pull her jeans down to her ankles, lift her legs and spread her knees wide. A light laugh comes over my lips.

"What is there to giggle about?" she asks me and wrinkles her forehead.

"You're lying there like a baby to be powdered and diapered," I say with a smile, "but unfortunately I don't have any diapers. Or should I run quickly into the market and get some?

"Don't you dare and just leave me here. You don't have to diaper me, but finally start powdering me. I can hardly wait."

I slip under the jeans through between her thighs and my love bone grazes her wet pussy. Valerie and I moan in unison. The touch of her Venus hill with the shorn brown bush irritates my acorn, which is tense to the bursting point. I rub her back and forth, stimulate her pearl and Valerie becomes more and more impetuous. She embraces my hip with her slender legs and her pants make escape impossible. But do I want that? Never!

Then I bump into her and disappear into her to the limit. Her vaginal muscles press and squeeze my tail so that I almost lose control.

Loud clanking and clattering of glass makes us both suddenly freeze. Someone actually throws waste glass from the other side into "our" container. My goodness, if that one goes around the container, then Val and I will have trouble presenting the situation in a reasonably plausible way.

Then the noise subsides and footsteps move away from us. I breathe a sigh of relief and Valerie also breathes deeply. She is as sweaty as I am and not just from our physical activity.

We live here in a small village where everyone knows almost everyone. Moreover, as she said, Val is married and has a daughter, so it would be doubly embarrassing if she were caught in a tricky situation with me.

"Come on, Arne, go on. I don't care what happens, but I want it now."

"Your wish is my command, my love. Let's make the glass container clink."

Slowly I begin to move back and forth in Valerie's love channel. And with every thrust my excitement increases. What does this woman feel good about?

I look her in the eye and can hardly understand why I thought she was a stupid bitch a quarter of an hour ago and barked at me. And now we embrace each other and try to push ourselves to the summit of lust.

My bumps get faster and faster and Valierie moans louder and louder. I press my lips on her mouth to slow her down a little. We don't necessarily have to roar around like market criers to attract audiences.

Val clings to me tightly and presses me against himself. The tender skin of her bosom rubs against my chest and stimulates me immensely. With her slender legs she clings to my hips and bucks me with her abdomen.

Suddenly she holds still for a moment, her love tunnel narrows and cramps and with violent moans she reaches her orgasm. As the culmination of her climax she bites me in the lower lip, as I prevent her from screaming with kisses.

The pain makes me forget any restraint and self-control and I chase my cream in several powerful thrusts deep into her.

Breathing violently, we gradually return to the normal state, but I press my abdomen against her, because I don't want to let her go yet. I feel very comfortable in her and could get used to this condition.

Then I let myself sink onto the lawn and take her into my arms.

Valerie looks at me pensive and says: "And what now? How do you want to go on?

I shrug my shoulders.

"I don't know, my sweet. I am free and unbound and do not have to impose any constraints on myself. But things look different with you. So it's up to you how it goes on."

Val bites her lower lip.

"I may be married, but my husband cheated on me with my sister. Instead of asking him to speak, I also took part. But now I'm even with him and I don't think it was the last time it was between us. I will talk to him and demand a little freedom from him. What do you think?"

I look at them thoughtfully.

"Seriously? So I would have absolutely nothing against extending and deepening our acquaintance. You are a fantastic woman with fire in her ass and temperament without end. If you could still get used to not biting off a piece of me every time, even if it's just your lip, then I'll be there for you if you need me or if you need something, my little cannibal."

Valerie laughs and lays her hand possessively on my meanwhile slackened subtenant.

"Oh, what else did I want to ask you, how do you actually know Heidrun from?"

I hesitate briefly and clear my throat a little embarrassed.

"Talk already," Val demands, "I won't bite you off right away."

"Well, I'm her neighbour. She lives in the house one floor below me."

Valerie opens her eyes in amazement.

"Whaaaat, is that you? Heidrun has already told me a lot, but didn't give me a name. Then she is really such a piglet? I never would have thought. I always thought she was exaggerating and fibbing a little. You must have taken her quite well. I think I'll have to call you for a consultation if you're already living in our doc's house."

"Then just come, my darling. You won't sit in my waiting room for long and get preferential treatment, I promise you. But now we have to go back, otherwise they'll let us search."

A long kiss and then we reluctantly straighten our clothes. Exuberance rarely does you good. Man and daughter will probably soon be done shopping and their work at the cake stand is still waiting for her.

My coffee should also be ice-cold by now and just because my jacket and my motorcycle helmet are still in my seat, it may not have been cleared yet.

Another kiss, unfortunately the last one for today, a checking look whether everything is in order and nothing is noticeable, then we take the empty garbage bags and march back to the supermarket.

Heidrun welcomes us with an outraged look at her wristwatch and when Valerie gives her a charming and relaxed smile, she turns red, pinches her eyes and means me with a meaningful look. I think she'll visit me again this afternoon.

I smile at her, shrug my shoulders for a moment and move back to my seat.

Time to write something.

So that's how I got to know Valerie.

It really shouldn't be the last encounter between us.

Maybe this story will be continued.

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arne54arne54over 5 years agoAuthor

It may seem a little strange, but it happened by mutual agreement and it even continued. Both have come to their satisfaction, and not just this once.

Best regards


ctdansctdansover 5 years ago
I was a bit lost

I am not going to criticize the attempt at writing in english - good effort. But story wise is this about a predator that forces himself on an unsuspecting woman and is fortunate that she does not yell rape but instead uses this encounter as a "revenge Fuck" against a cheating husband?

arne54arne54over 5 years agoAuthor
King Bandor

it means that every Saturday a club (music, dance, traditional costume club) bakes different cakes and cookies and sells them in front of our café.

Best regrets


arne54arne54over 5 years agoAuthor

if my English doesn't live up to your expectations, which I can understand. I have not yet found an editor or translator who can translate my own style well into English. I know these problems with authors of my own language and reading it is not always fun.

I try and promise improvement, but have some patience with me.

Best regards


KingBandorKingBandorover 5 years ago
I don't understand

What does this mean?

"Just say, today is already again cake sale from some such club with us up here."

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