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Enslaved to the Mob Ch. 12

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Putting things in perspective.
3.2k words

Part 12 of the 14 part series

Updated 10/29/2022
Created 03/26/2009
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(Author's Note: I get a lot of anonymous feedback from writers, and one in particular was from a friend of mine I had not talked to in a while. You know who you are, China Dolly. Send me an e-mail with your e-mail address since you're not on FL anymore. I've missed talking to you... Here's another chapter to my Enslaved to the Mob. It's short, I know, but something I'm proud of. As with all of my stories, all characters are eighteen years of age or older, and the intellectual property of this writer.)


She trembled and sighed as she got behind the wheel of the car, speeding off as she looked to the GPS that led the way. Part of her hated and regretted the choice she made, but it was not easy. No matter what, Angelique knew she could not leave him, not in such a state. Even though he held her captive, even though he held her within his palm, twirled around his finger, she loved him. She loved the man that had saved her, had saved her life in so many ways. He had looked after her when many would have forgotten and gotten rid of her by his own admission. Whether her moral conscious approved or not, she loved him for that. He had saved her time and time again, and now, she was going to save him.

"Don't leave me, Mikhail." She said, reaching for his hand that she gripped tightly as the tears ran down her face. "Don't leave me... Please don't leave me."


The air was cold, moistened with the approaching storm, as the tall, lanky, blonde haired Russian stood alone on the loading dock.

Everything about the evening felt bad. The shit storm was only just beginning, he mused to himself. What had begun as a night of fun and excitement on a rare night off on the Boss's birthday devolved into a night of tension, of dread, and of panic. It all began as peaceful and calm as any night could be with the boys. Now, they were all on guard, fully loaded with every single weapon they had from the depths of the warehouse. No longer was it a simple warehouse, a hub for their illegal arm shipments, but a fortress, so impenetrable, so armed and guarded, and now awaiting the arrival of the Boss.

All the man could think of was how to tell him, if he should tell him at all, about the development in the night of twists and death. Surely a man in his state couldn't take the news he had to deliver, could he? It was sure to ruin him, to destroy him. There was no telling how the Boss would react, what he would do in a blind rage. It was dark times, very dark indeed. He could hold off. The Boss didn't need to know... yet.

Everything had gone down the toilet. The plans were changed. The game plan thrown out of the window. There was no telling what would happen now with him still alive.

From the distance, the sound of a car horn blaring, echoing through the dark and quieted industrial park, brought him back to reality from his contemplative state. There was only one car to be expecting, and from the sounds of the horn, it had to be Him. "Open the gates!" The Blonde Russian roared into the walkie-talkie in his hand, and within moments the iron gates slowly opened, just in time to allow the speeding, large SUV into the awaiting courtyard.

Instantly he leapt from the entrance of the warehouse, moving quickly with the group of bodyguards and soldiers to the car that came to a screeching halt in front of the building. With urgency in their footsteps, they bolted for the car, shouting at each other, and yet, as the blonde Russian named Dmitri came closer and closer to the car, his stomach rolled over in dread at the sight of who was behind the wheel.

"Take him upstairs to the doctor!" Dmitri shouted to the men as they rushed passed him, ripping open the passenger door before pulling Mikhail's unconscious body out with urgent care. He could only watch as the group of foot soldiers carefully carried Mikhail between them, rushing up the stairs and through the entranceway of the old warehouse. It was then, with his Boss disappearing into the building, that he turned his attention to the girl, the girl they all talked about and discussed behind Mikhail's back, the girl that threatened everything.

He moved quickly, going around the vehicle to pry open the front door. Angrily he pulled her out of the front seat, showing no regard for her naked body as he pushed her against the car.

"Start from the beginning, and don't leave out any details." He growled out, his hand painfully gripping her arm.

Fear filled Angelique's eyes as she looked up to the enraged man before her. There was no doubt in her mind that the man meant business, an anger that would result in who knew what kind of injuries. Whether she wanted to admit it or not, Mikhail was not there to save her. In their eyes, she was nothing, an expendable piece of the puzzle that was worthless to them. It was out of fear that she began to retell the events of the past few hours, shaking and trembling in fright as she told the man everything, from the moment the first shots echoed through the peaceful bedroom, to Mikhail's violent reaction, and rolling over in the car.

Through it all Dmitri listened, and listened, saying nothing at all. It was only once her story of event was over, and his mind finished processing everything, that he finally let go of her arm, standing up straight and stern as he straightened his jacket.

"Get your coat. I'll show you to your room."

Angelique softly nodded her head as she went to the back seat of the SUV, climbing in quickly to grab her coat. She was in the process of straightening it out when her eyes found the objects sitting upon the floor of the front passenger seat. The two books, one clearly a photo album with the thick pages, the other what appeared to be a ledger book, and a box, a small metal box that looked like a small safe-deposit box. Whatever they were, she knew it had to be important enough for him to risk his life to go back into the house and save. Without much deliberation, she was quick to grab the objects, holding them tightly to her body as she slowly exited the car with the coat upon her body.

For a second, Dmitri looked upon Angelique, noticing right away that she clutched items closely to her body. What they could be, or what kind of attachment she held for the objects, Dmitri had no idea, nor did he want to. It was just another oddity in a night full of odd, weird events that were far from the quiet normalcy the Organization had gone through. On the spot, he turned, beginning the long climb up the cement stairs into the depths of the warehouse with Angelique not far behind.


The entrance hall of the once great Industrial Textiles International was quiet and tense. The few men that stood alert within the old hall were armed to the teeth with automatic assault rifles strapped to their shoulders and hand guns resting within the confines of their holsters. Seeing Dmitri enter, with the young woman in tow, only made them feel even more stressed. There was no denying what the men thought as they remained guarded.

This was the great precipice, the time where lines were drawn and arguments flourished. For some of the older men, they had seen it all too often. Any time in which the Boss was incapacitated in bloodshed, an act of war, such as this, there always was, and would be, a person lurking, waiting to take control, whether the old Boss wanted it or not.

Dmitri led Angelique past the few armed men in the entrance hall of the warehouse, paying no heed to those who looked to him for any sign of trouble or uncertainty. He was a man with no time, no time at all to sit around and worry. The time for worrying and fretting over the past was over. Now was the present and future, the time to strike and attack, to establish their dominance rather than falling back into the depths of inaction. It was time to step up, where men were shaped and turned into powerful Gods among men. He would be damned if he was going to sit around and wait for their enemies to strike again.

Quietly Angelique followed, her body tense and full of worry. Unlike her guide, she was more afraid than she ever was in Mikhail's presence. She was silent as she followed, filled with some regret over her choice. By no means was it easy, her freedom or the life of her savior and protector. He had given her life, saving her from the others at the Auction, and the dangers that came with the surprise attack upon the Mansion. Now, there was doubt within her mind as to whether Mikhail would survive or not even in his safety. She felt so foolish in some ways to have chosen his life over her freedom. If anything had happened to him, there was no telling what would happen to her. From the way they looked at her, she knew she was nothing to them. There was no connection, no sense of affection towards her that Mikhail had. She was nothing but a hazard, a dangerous sex slave with her picture plastered across newspapers and television news channels.

It was once they were within an elevator, with the door closed, that Angelique's thoughts and feelings were confirmed. Looking over to her, Dmitri gave a predatory smirk to her. "You made a brave choice. Brave, but foolish." He said, his eyes turning up to the Floor Indicator lights above the doors of the elevator. "If he doesn't survive, there will be changes. Many changes to the more potential damaging and dangerous elements of Mikhail's enterprise."

She shot him a curious and frightened look. "What do you mean by that? Why are you telling me this?" Angelique asked, feeling uneasy and timid to be in this man's presence.

A smirk came across his face as the elevator came to a stop. "You'll see." Dmitri said as the doors opened. "You'll see."


The doors to the elevator had opened into a place that was completely different from the old, dirty warehouse below. Unlike the main entrance way that seemed to be more industrial and commercial, the private penthouse above the warehouse felt warm and inviting, as if it was an expensive loft in the city rather than a living space above a warehouse in the industrial part of the city. Everything about it felt clean, comfortable, a home away from home. The floors were polished, made of rich dark mahogany. Pictures on the wall were framed, shining in the lights that brought attention to them.

As the two of them walked down the hall, Angelique's eyes instantly found them, her attention focusing upon them to see the happy, smiling face of Mikhail. She wanted to pause to look at them as if in an Art Museum, but the sound from the room at the far end of the hall jolted her thoughts.

That scream, that painful, agonizing scream of a man from the far end of the hall snapped Angelique's attention to it. Her eyes went wide as she focused upon the door at the end of the hall, with no doubt in her mind as to who was screaming in pain. There were so many things she wanted to know and do at that point. Was he alright? What was happening to Mikhail? She wanted to run into the room, to be with him, but her fear of this man kept her firmly rooted in his wake. The blonde haired Russian leading her was a man that frightened her from his comments in the elevator alone. Once again she had to remind herself that she was nothing to them, nothing but a burden and a kidnapped woman with a lot of heat upon her. She was not foolish, she knew that the first thing he would do if Mikhail died was to get rid of her. The last thing he needed was a young woman with police looking for her, and her face plastered all over the news.

They came to a stop at one of the rooms to the left, and after Dmitri unlocked the closed door, he slowly pushed it open, willing Angelique inside to the private bedroom. Slowly and hesitantly she stepped inside, her eyes looking around at the spacious bedroom. In an instant she felt like she was standing in the middle of a hotel room with its large queen-sized bed, flat-screen television, and modern, posh furniture made of wood and stainless steel. It felt comfortable and warm, even when she felt so utterly on edge and tense with emotions.

She carefully entered the room, her eyes glancing around to the confines of the room. Placing Mikhail's belongings upon a small table, she peered out of the window, her eyes looking out past the sea of buildings to the bright lights of the city. Just beyond the horizon, she could make out the soft, light pink hue of the sky and the coming dawn.

"Perhaps you could enlighten me on something..." Dmitri asked from the doorway. Once again that grin, that predatory smirk was across his face, sending a shiver down Angelique's spine as he leaned so casually in the doorway.

"And what would that be?" Angelique asked as she turned to face him, trying her best to be polite when all she wanted to do was to slam the door closed in his face. Her feet slowly carried her further and further from the doorway, backing up to place the bed between them both.

The smirk grew wider at the sight of her dread of him. It was the simplest things in life that gave him joy. Even through the midst of a Gang War, through the troubles of a Boss on his death bed, he still found pleasure in tormenting weaker people. Angelique seemed perfect to torment, so frightened, so lost, it made him happy to think of the tormenting truth he was instilling into her mind.

"You see, some of the other boys and I am curious about you and the Boss. Any other man would have thrown you out of the room for a shield. What makes you so special, huh?" Dmitri asked, slowly stepping into the room. "We all have our suspicions and own private bets. So what makes you so special for him to keep you this long?"

Dread and panic was immediate within Angelique. It filled her as she watched him slowly closing the gap between them, that gaze in his eyes unsettling. She felt like a little lamb in the presence of a vicious, blood thirsty wolf, the space between them slowly closing and closing and closing.

And yet, the question he posed was one even she was curious about. As she knew all too well, she was a woman with a lot of heat on her, being searched for high and low, and he was a man with so much power and influence. What made her so special that he had kept her alive and well? There were a number of thoughts and possible explanations, some she thought was just too far out there, and some that she did not truly want to come to terms with.

"Maybe he likes my company." Angelique said, trying to keep face as Dmitri came within inches of her.

He smirked at her response, his hand slowly coming to caress her cheek. Ever so gently it traced down her chin, the soft curve of her neck, before his hand carefully outstretched and held her within his grasp. By no means did he choke her, merely holding her in place with a firm hold around the softness of her neck.

"Maybe so. Maybe he just likes your sparkling personality. Or maybe..." Dmitri remarked, his hand slowly pushing through the divide of the coat. Gently his finger tips traced up and down the soft flesh of her firm stomach, slowly teasing and caressing her senses as his fingers trailed ever so closer to the soft, feminine entrance of her pussy. "...He just likes your tight cunt."

Angelique trembled at his mere touch. So much of her wanted to strike him, to scream for help, but there was no Mikhail to save her. She was alone, stuck with no way out. At the complete mercy of him, she was powerless to stop him. Whether she wanted to admit it or not, he was in charge. There was nothing she could do as the tears slowly ran down her cheeks, feeling his thick, masculine digits slowly part her tight labia lips and slide in slowly.

His breath was hot as he sighed, the tight, velvet warmth wrapped around his fingers. It made him chuckle, seeing the pain in her face as his fingers gently curled back and forth, feeling her folds become hotter and wetter than before. "Ah ha... Now I see why he likes you so much..." He breathed out, his fingers ever so gently caressing her tightness. "So tight. Oh so tight... No wonder he wants to keep you alive... Who knows, it may be why I keep you alive."

It was becoming too much for Angelique to take. With her emotions already frayed and stressed from the long, tumultuous night she had endured, the stress that came with not knowing what was going to happen to Mikhail, the mere touch of this sickening, frightening man was becoming too much. Using all of the strength she could muster from the depths of her mind, she pushed herself away from him, freeing her neck from his grip, and her pussy from his masculine, wiggling fingers.

"Get away from me you bastard or I'll scream." She threatened, her trembling hands pulling the long coat around her body as she spoke to him.

His laugh was cold, devoid of that warm amusement as he wiped his fingers clean of her feminine wetness against her bed. "I know you won't say anything to the Boss, if he lives to see the sunrise. Accidents happen. It would be a shame if he found out you decided to jump from the window to your death for freedom." Dmitri mused, his smirk dangerous as he turned from Angelique and slowly made his way from her.

"I would be careful who I insult if I were you... You never know, I might be your next Master." Dmitri remarked with a grin as he closed the door, leaving Angelique all alone within the bedroom with nothing but her thoughts to keep her company.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

dont let that scum tuch her again to me truthful it killed the mood for me so dimetri beter be killed in the next part or i will be so pissed

ChinaDollyChinaDollyover 13 years ago

As usual, it was wonderfully written...though I must admit...I certainly have an affinity towards Mikhail at this point...so I'm hoping the moment He can lift his firing arm that He blows that son of a bitch out of the water...but that is just me...

You called me out, so of course I had to come back out and play. Just keep it quiet please.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

O god, please don't stop. Absolutely favorite story out of the whole website...

KandiikissesKandiikissesalmost 14 years ago

I like where this is going

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago

I loved it! More please!

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