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Click hereErectile "Dysfunction"
I was approaching fifty when I experienced the first major drawback of aging. It took a few months to realize what was happening, but when I did it filled me with anxiety. I felt humiliated and emasculated whenever my wife saw me fail.
The first time my erection was a little soft I figured it was just a result of the extra few pounds my wife had put on. I begged her to wear sexy underthings from then on, and the special visual stimulation helped - for a while.
But my cock refused to cooperate, growing softer and softer gradually over time. The pills my doctor gave me didn't work great, and the hundred dollar a bottle pills on the internet didn't do jack. Every once in a blue moon my penis worked great so I would double down on the pills hopefully. But in the end they failed me and I failed Gianna.
In desperation I called the number advertised on the radio. After driving an hour to the clinic for a consultation the doctor gave me a thorough exam.
The Urologist started with blood pressure and temperature readings. Then he took a blood sample.
He checked my heart and my lungs. He checked for testicular cancer as I lay back on the table naked from the waist down. He ran a tube down my urethra to check for a bladder infection. Near the end he checked my prostate for a long time with me bent over the table. Then he even pulled on my soft dick for a bit to confirm that it wouldn't respond to tactile stimulation. Inside I felt very turned on - I have a little kink regarding medical stuff. But on the outside, nothing happened.
In the end I was told that I was overweight, had high blood sugar, had clogged my arteries, and I only had one choice - give up all sugar, flour, and carbs.
He explained more and I complained heartily, "What? You mean I have to live on like, goat meat, and kale?"
The doctor was sympathetic, "No, no, not at all. But don't you like steak and cheese?"
"Well yea, what man doesn't like steak? But do I have to trade my ice cream for spinach?"
He put his hand on my shoulder, "Tony, you're not quite hearing me. You won't be trading ice cream for vegetables. Vegetables have carbs too. You have to give up all carbs, all of them...and it'll take up to a year to clean out your damaged arteries."
On second thought I could give up the vegetables, but I didn't want to give up cake. "Isn't there any other way?"
He looked closely at me for a few minutes. Then as if he was struggling with himself and lost, he offered me another solution. "Well, I could make up a lotion for you, rub it on your penis when you want an erection, and if you respond I think you'll like the results. But I warn you, it's kind of expensive, once I make it you have to use it within minutes, and it only works for one erection.
"Yes! I'll try it. Right now!"
"Now? Your wife's not out in the waiting room, is she?" I shook my head slowly.
Then he answered matter of factly, "There's a room down the hall with a chair and some magazines. It's for the men who are being tested for infertility. You can go there after." I was overjoyed at the prospect of jerking off again after about a month without any sex of any kind.
Doctor Walt disappeared into the back room and when he came back he had a small plastic cup of lotion. "OK, I'll rub it on you and if it works you can start treatments as often as you want to come in."
I lifted the hospital gown, laying out my uncooperative member for the doc to treat. He rubbed the compound on me, always stroking from the base to the tip, even working it into the slit on the end and over my balls. The feeling was electric and surged through my body, but especially in my now turgid cazzo.
Great balls of fire! It worked! I humped at his hand until I got control of my urges.
I was so thrilled I wasn't even embarrassed. I looked at his face, beaming. He responded, "Run along now, lad. Once you lose it, it'll be gone. Unless you want...nevermind." I hobbled down the hall holding my robe closed in the back while covering my hard-on in the front: just in case some nurse was still in the clinic, even though by now it was after closing by a few minutes.
In the little room I settled down into an easy chair and took care of business. A short time later I emerged sheepishly knowing that the doc was fully aware of what I'd done in there.
I wrote the check with no reservations. Doc told me he would do me a favor and I could make an appointment for the last time slot of any day, and bring my wife along too, as long as we were discreet.
Gianna noticed the change in my attitude right away. I told her that I'd gone to a clinic and that it worked. We would just have to go there when it was time to engage in marital relations.
Being an assertive Italian woman she shrieked her objection, "Magari! ...But you can't a man be otherwise." Then calming down as quickly as she'd flown off the handle she patted my cheek, "We go once a month."
A month later we entered the clinic just as the receptionist was leaving. The decrepit old doctor with one foot in the grave let Gianna wait in the little room, which was fixed up a little nicer than before, then he and I went to the exam room for the treatment.
Just like before, he left to mix it up. Then, after he rubbed it on my hardening cock, I rushed to Gianna and performed my husbandly duty alla pecorina. It had been so long since we had fucked that she screamed louder than I was comfortable with. It was so satisfying to be a man again. At home again she suggested we should go twice a month - for me.
This went on for six months when Walt did us the biggest favor ever. He lived a whole lot closer to us than the clinic so he said we could start going to his home office. Gianna then agreed to go once a week.
One fateful day I was waiting in the doc's exam room, only this time Gianna was with me while he was in his den making the preparation. He came back and I raised my gown impatiently. When Gianna saw how it was applied her eyes went wide, her pupils dilated, and her cheeks flushed. I knew she was excited and ready to fuck too at the sight of my manhood.
I grew to my full seven inches and Gianna interrupted the process, "Doctor? So what it is in the compound?" She looked from my slick dick to the doctor's face.
The doc rubbed my cock intently, "It's an animal based prostaglandin that's been modified with a unique protein."
Gianna cocked her head suspiciously. Then suddenly and without warning she dabbed her finger in the lotion and tasted it. "You sick bastard!" She yelled a litany of curses half in Italian and half English, "You're rubbing the semen on my Tony and charging us to do it! Andare a puttane!"
The doc stumbled back, clearly afraid of her wrath. "It works doesn't it. And nothing else did, right?"
I stopped her. "Gi, he's right. It works. Let's not rock the boat."
She glared, "Cum can't do that. What'sa this unique protein?"
The doc glanced at my hard cock. "Look, he's gonna lose it soon. Why don't you two do what you came for, then I'll explain it all."
I needed to cum badly so I convinced her that he was right. I also wanted to fulfill a little doctor/patient fantasy of mine by doing her in the exam room this time.
In my mind I was the patient and she was my doctor - probing and prodding my submissive body until she was so turned on she needed my hard hard cock. I had visions of lying on the exam table as she sucked my stiff dick. I imagined her putting medical instruments up my rectum.
What we actually did was to kiss until we couldn't take it any longer. I never for once took my hardness for granted as it poked her soft tummy. The happiness of a working dick is one of life's great unsung needs.
Then she bent over the table while I pulled her hair violently, jamming my hips at her ass and my grateful cock up her twat.
I worked up to a frenzy then unloaded. There was so much it ran down her leg which she had to wipe up with the paper sheet from the exam table.
When we were done she yelled out to Walt. "Come back here and explaina yourself or we're gonna call the polizia."
The doc returned ashamed. Then he started with a story about mercury in fish. He talked at length about how small fish absorb a little mercury but when they are eaten by the bigger fish the mercury gets concentrated. Then, in turn, when those medium fish are eaten by the biggest fish the mercury gets even more concentrated.
Gianna lost her patience, sounding very American, "Get to it quack!"
He finally spilled the beans, "Men have a virility. A life force. It's in the semen. If a man ingests the semen of other men it gets concentrated. And if a man eats the semen of men who eat semen it gets even more concentrated. Eventually it's strong enough to work even if it's applied topically."
Gi laughed heartily, "So what you're telling us is that you're a...a pompinara..." She looked at me for the word and I gave her the translation. Then she went back to abusing Walt, "So you're a cocksucker of cocksuckers!"
Walt hung his head, staring at the floor, adding, "and...of even more cocksuckers."
Then she surprised me, "So if Tony ATE your cum the effect would last longer?"
Walt stammered, "Um, yes. It would still have to be within minutes, ideally seconds, or even milliseconds. But yes, then he could have erections all week like I do."
She jumped at the chance without consulting me at all. "We'll be here Friday at the six."
All week I tried to reason with her, "It's good enough to get it rubbed in. Let's just keep doing it the way we have." Besides I liked imagining I was a patient fucking his pretty female practitioner. She didn't know I'd been thinking that, and of course, didn't play along, but it was good enough for me to do it in the room with all the medical stuff around.
But she was resolute, "You're gonna be the normal again. And you're gonna make love to your wife in her marital bed where it's supposed to happen. And that'sa that!"
We went back on Friday and just when doc was going to go into his den Gianna said, "Wait. I want you to inject it directly into his digestive, like wine - so the time is as short as possible."
We all knew exactly what this meant and when we looked at her in disbelief she doubled down, "Antony Francis Agosti, you're gonna do exactly what I tell you to do and I don'ta wanna hear any complaining."
She glared at me sternly, "Now kneel down so the good doctor can give you the treatment."
I had no choice. Though suddenly giving up cake didn't seem so bad. "Can't we just put it in a pill?"
"Open uppa your mouth Tony. Time is of the essence."
Still wearing his exam gloves, Doc unzipped his fly releasing a pretty average looking cock. I was impressed that a guy who had to be closing in on ninety could get hard at all. Then my dear sweet Gi asked coyly, "Would you like me to show you my breasts, Walt? To speeda things up?"
To her chagrin he replied, "Sorry Mrs. Agosti. But as handsome of a woman as you are, I just don't work that way." She 'hmmm hmmed' knowingly. Then he added, leering at me, "But if Tony were to show me HIS member that would go a long way..."
"Do it, Antony! Besides, we wanna know when it works."
The doc stood in front of me, wanking his pud with it aimed directly at my open mouth while I knelt on the floor pulling on my soft one. And Gianna, well she watched the whole affair and I could hear her breath getting faster and faster as the seconds ticked by, bringing us closer to the fucking I was gonna give her.
Doc said, "If I could rub his fury balls it would excite me." Gianna told him to do whatever he needed to do. When I turned to look at her momentarily she had her jugs out anyway and was pinching her nipples.
Standing in front of me, masturbating himself, he bent sideways to caress my nuts lustfully. The feeling of latex gloves on my jewels turned me on to no end.
Meanwhile, Gianna spoke sedately, pretending as if nothing were out of the ordinary, "So just why is the lotion so sensitive to the time?"
Walt was jerking hard and I was worried the old man was going to give himself a heart attack, but he did his best to answer, "It's the oxidation, the air, it degrades the protein." In turn, I asked him about his heart and he explained that the treatment cleared out arteries too.
She distracted him even more, "And what is this protein? Why can't we just buy it?"
He answered again, "A colleague of mine discovered it. But neither of us are researchers. We don't know what this mysterious X factor is. We call it V-force."
Now it was his turn to lose his erection a bit. Too much talking.
Gianna asked even more questions, "The air makes it weaker? By how much? How fast?"
When she was satisfied with his answers she bent low to my ear, "Antony, amore mio, we want all the power we can get. You're going to eliminate the gap so there's no air at all."
It was one thing to swallow a bitter medicine. It was quite another to have a hard cock in my mouth. I hesitated. But Gianna didn't care, "I've done the, uuuh how you say, bocchino, for you and I don't see why you won't do it for me. If notta for your wife who deserves to be treated like a Madonna, then for your heart."
It may have been true that she'd done it for me but I could count the times on one hand. She wanted me to do this weekly. And it was 'gaio'. I shook my head vigorously until Gi got down on her knees to look me right in my eyes, "Cretino, do this for me can..." She hesitated then switched to Italian, "Leccami la figa." As tempting as the offer was to lick her pussy, I refused despite only being able to count on one finger the times she'd allowed that. Then she looked at the doc just to make sure he really didn't understand any Italian as she upped the ante. The words she bargained with came out of her mouth distinctly "OK then, leccami il CULO."
I stared back. I'd wanted to do it but she always said it was too dirty. Nevertheless, I agreed to her terms with ambivalent enthusiasm.
Walt took hold of my head inserting his cock into my mouth which had the desired effect of restoring his rigidity. Shamed, I averted my eyes. Looking around the room I focused my gaze on the tongue depressors, and the blood pressure cuff, and the reclining table where I'd fucked my wife last week. The erotic sights inflamed my fetish.
Gianna cried out, "Mama Mia! It's working already. Tony you're halfway there."
The taste was unpleasant as you'd expect. It didn't smell bad, but it didn't smell like an elbow either. Moist and warm, the life of the thing was so foreign.
She reached over cupping her hand under my penis, allowing its weight to fall in her hand so she could gauge its progress.
Doc became more animated as the two of them turned me into a cocksucker. Gianna kissed my shoulder, "Thanks to you for doing thissa for me."
I wasn't feeling particularly gracious as she thanked me. If anything I felt resentment that she'd pushed me into cocksucking without fully appreciating my loss of my masculinity. How was losing my manliness going to truly restore my manliness?
With one particular energetic thrust a drop of precum leaked out onto my tongue - then I felt the power! My cock surged, there was a newfound tingle in my balls, and I felt ten years younger.
Walt's cock was warm and alive, radiating pure lion-hearted potency. I couldn't help but crave the moist sensation between my lips.
I threw myself into the task not wanting to wait even a second longer to receive his cum. I was going to have a week of erections and get to kiss my wife's ass to boot. Furthermore, this was going to save me from an early heart attack too. Every man would want this. I was going to have great sex and my cake too.
I sucked and licked Walt's cock and massaged his balls too. I enjoyed the feeling of his hard cock in my mouth and was really looking forward to coming back week after week.
Doc pulled out until just his virile head was between my sucking lips and started jacking himself with his blue gloved hands.
Next to me Gianna was rubbing her huge breasts on my arm commanding Walt to give me his cum, "Sborra!! Sborra!! Sborra!!"
It was all too much for me. Walt shot his manly cream into my mouth, on my tongue, and when he pushed forward some went straight down my gullet being exposed to absolutely zero air.
My hips pumped forward involuntarily and I shot my own load on the floor.
Gianna was there, yelling at me, "Tu coglione, nessuno mi lecca il culo!"
Halfway out the door she called back angrily, "We're coming to here again tomorrow!"
Walt smirked, "I'll be ready."
I smiled back broadly, "Me too." The disappointment of annoying the wife and having her withdraw her offer to allow me to lick her bumhole paled against my desire to suck Walt's cum again.
But how was I going to get all the cum I wanted and make Gianna happy too? It was an impossible choice.
Author's note:
There really is a connection between ED and the health of your arteries. There really is a substance that helps, though it's not in cum. It's Nitric Oxide, increased by beets or bacon and the special pills the doctor gives you. And low carb eating really does lower BG.
Anyway, if you liked my story please give it a good rating. Add it to your favorites to read later if you want. Follow me and you'll see all my stuff.
I try but don't always succeed in creating a good story. Please add comments so I know what I'm doing well and what to improve on. If you want to talk I'll answer your friendly comments.
I often attempt to create tension in the main character's motives. In turn, this often means that characters in the story have flaws and might not even be nice to each other all the time.
I really appreciate polite comments! It's what motivates me to write more.
Second story, makes me want to read more. It's a pleasure find a good erotic writer.
Thank you for the language lesson! Antony’s change of, um, heart and subsequent enthusiasm was a great read.
Clever twist on the doctor/medical thing, amusing, effervescent, enchantingly written.
'The happiness of a working dick is one of life's great unsung needs.'
Dis function is superb!