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Erin Ch. 01

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I meet a sister I never knew existed.
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I was always close to my parents. They were older than most other parents of my friends, but they were the nicest people I've ever met. I assumed since I was the only child and came to this world late in their lives, they gave me everything they may have never had when they grew up. We weren't wealthy yet not poor either. They showered me with gifts on every occasion: birthdays, anniversaries, holidays, good scores on exams. If you think this approach spoiled me, you'd be right.

When I started college, we found out Dad had Alzheimer, and slowly, his memory and behavior changed for the worse. To top it off, by the end of that year, Mom began having bouts of a nasty cough. Radiologic tests confirmed a terminal lung cancer.

The next weekend, Mom asked me to join her and Dad to talk about the future. I tried to encourage them, saying I heard about new treatments for both lung cancer and Alzheimer. Mom stared at Dad and then turned to me, "Dan, we talked to our physicians and even got second opinions from specialists. They all sounded hopeful about experimental drugs, but it was obvious there was nothing for us yet. Anyway, the reason we wanted to talk to you was not us but you. Eventually, Dad and I will be out of your life. It's time you learned the truth: We are not your biological parents. We adopted you at the tender age of 1 year. We were told your real father had disappeared and your mother was an alcoholic who dumped you at the hospital without notifying anybody of her name or giving any details about her life. Nobody knew her and she never returned to claim you. We are not sure if she is still alive... These days, with 'Ancestry.com' and '23 and me,' you can search online for biological relatives - Mother, father, cousins. What do you think?"

I was still in shock with the revelation that my parents were not my real ones. Suddenly, so many things looked different. I mumbled, "Please, let me digest the unexpected news." Next, I went to my room.


In my room, I cried. I haven't cried since I was a child, but now I did. For the first time in my life, I felt miserable, powerless, and desperate. The health of both my loving parents was declining. Not slowly or graciously, but precipitously. A free fall. And then I was told I was not their flesh and blood. My whole life was a fake and soon to be worse...

I slept only 2 hours that night. Much of the time, I was tossing and turning, thinking about the future. Toward morning, I fell asleep but woke up after a nightmarish dream.

The weeks that followed, I was too distracted to concentrate on my studies, and my test scores began declining. Once I even failed an exam, which never happened to me before. I knew I had to do something about it.

As Mom suggested, I registered to both ancestry.com and 23 and me and waited to see whether something would come up. In the meantime, I started focusing more on class - It wasn't so much for myself, but for the parents who were there for me all my life. I could not disappoint them after everything they had done for me!

A few weeks later, I got a message from ancestry.com, 'Login and check the results.'

I went online, and was amazed to find out I had 3 cousins and... a sister, name Erin. I ignored anything else in my schedule and looked for her. She had a Facebook account and several fuzzy pictures on Instagram. It turned out she was older than me by a year and lived in Phoenix, Arizona, with 2 'sisters' and 'a mother.'

I sent her a message, 'Erin, according to ancestry.com we are brother and sister. Were you adopted as a child? If it's OK with you, I'd like to talk to you on the phone or at least e-mail you. Thank you, Dan.'

Her answer arrived the next day, 'Dan, I didn't know I was adopted. After getting your message, I talked to Mom, and she confessed the truth. I was stunned, and only now I feel strong enough to answer. Yes, I'd love to talk to you on the phone and meet you.'

'We live far apart. I reside in New York and go to college here. My phone number is 212-...-..... Please call me when you have free time.'

Erin called my phone half an hour later, "Dan, is it you?"

"Yes. Nice to hear your voice, knowing it belongs to a sister I never knew existed."

Her laugh was very pleasant, "So you are my little brother."

"If you call 1 year difference between us 'little,' the answer is yes."

She giggled, "Dan, we must meet. Can you fly to Arizona, or you want me to come see you in the Big Apple?"

"Have you ever been to New York?"

"Not yet. It's on my list of places to visit."

"Look, it's mid summer now. I checked online and the temperatures in Phoenix are only slightly less than on the surface of the sun. I am afraid to boil in your neck of the woods. I'd rather you come here, where it is around 80 degrees in midday, and I'll take you to see the city's attractions."

"I can come to New York for a long weekend in 10 days."

"This will be perfect! We live in a big house. You'll have your own room with an attached bathroom. Once you purchase a flight ticket, give me the details and I'll pick you up from the airport."

All of a sudden, she sounded serious, "You realize I know nothing about you. How do I know you are not a criminal, trying to manipulate me?"

"Erin, you are right to be skeptical. Next thing I am going to do, is send you a couple of my pictures, and attach the notification I got from ancestry.com."

I chose 2 recent pictures of me. The first was with my adopted parents, and the other of me alone, strolling in a park nearby.

Her response was immediate, "Ancestry does say we are brother and sister, but I still have my doubts. You are much taller than me and very handsome. We couldn't have been conceived by the same parents..."

"Thank you for the compliment. Unlike you, I thought it wasn't polite to comment on somebody's appearance before you meet the person, otherwise, I'd write to you that you looked gorgeous in your Instagram."

"OK, Dan, I'll get the tickets soon, and send you my itinerary."


Erin's flight was a redeye and landed around 7 am on Friday. I was there to pick her up. I recognized her immediately: Her face features were not so clear in her pictures but looked much better in real life. What can I say - I liked her face from first sight. She was 5'6", 125 pounds, had long, dirty-blonde hair, and wore loose shirt and jeans pants. I went to meet her and she smiled, "Dan, you really are tall! Most men I met online tended to lie about their height and weight."

I smirked, "If I knew I'd meet such a pretty girl, I'd wear nicer clothes..."

"You don't need to, I do not like men who overdress. I prefer to meet the real person, not somebody he wishes to be, if you know what I mean."

"I think I get your point. Did you sleep during the flight? Would you like to go straight home or get a breakfast on the way?"

"I had a window seat and slept like a baby. But breakfast will be nice."

"On the way, there is a good place, called Penny House Cafe. They have good sandwiches, bagels, and omelets. You wish to try it?"

"That will be fine. I am not that picky about food, but I like a good strong coffee."

I smiled, "They make 'Redeye,' 'Blackeye,' and 'Hangover Helper' to name a few. I am sure you'll find a decent coffee there."

Erin ordered a Blackeye coffee with the avocado bagel. I took a Greek omelette with regular coffee. While we were sitting, I ogled her face. She had almond eyes, small straight nose, and luscious lips. It was apparent she didn't try to work on her face because there was no evidence of lipstick, makeup, or other artificial cosmetics. Her face was naturally pretty. However, she didn't look like me at all.

Did she get her look from one parent and I from the other one?

I noticed that her eyes explored me as well. A couple of times, our eyes met and we smiled. I said, "It's natural to be curious and glance at each other. Personally, I am surprised we do not look alike at all. But it may be a good thing - If you'd look like me, you'd be much less beautiful..."

She giggled, "So now you flatter me. Are you trying to get something in return?"

I smiled, "Not yet. I just know everybody heard about New Yorkers not being polite, and sometimes even rude. I try to impress you I am not one of those, but I am not lying to you. I really think you are good-looking."

Erin chuckled, "Where have you been all my life? Every girl likes to hear a compliment, even though I woke up before landing and didn't have time to take care of my face."

Fifteen minutes later we arrived home.


My parents weren't home. I showed Erin her room and brought her luggage in.

"Girl, you can rest a little and when you feel like it, we can go somewhere. We have 3 days, in which we'll do whatever your heart desires."

"I'll need 15 minutes to unpack my stuff, but after that, we should go somewhere."

"We are on the west side of Williamsburg in Brooklyn. It's a 2 minute walk to the East River, where you'll get the best view of the tall buildings in Manhattan."

"That will be nice. As you probably heard, Phoenix is very flat. Our tallest building is 480 feet, but there aren't many others like it."

"From the place we'll be, you can see the One World Trade Center, which is 1776 feet, and many other skyscrapers. The sight is nice most of the time. I like to watch it during sunset - It's one of the best views I've seen."

"Dan, let me change and unpack. I'll be ready in 15."

I waited for her in the living room.

She came out with her hair tied behind her head in a ponytail. Above the neck, she looked like a 15 years old. However, her body was of a mature young woman - A colorful tee shirt covered a pair of C-cup breasts, and her feminine hips gave her a nice guitar shape. I whistled.

She blushed and gazed at me, "Is it inappropriate to dress like that in New York?"

I giggled, "In our town, you can dress anyway you want. My whistle had nothing to do with your clothes but what they were hiding inside..."

She laughed, "Well, that's the way I usually dress in Phoenix. And you be nice. Stop ogling me. Let's go."

We strolled to the North 5th Street pier. Erin stopped and stared at the beautiful panorama of Lower Manhattan. I watched her in profile and she looked gorgeous. I pulled my phone and took pictures of her gazing at the distance. She sighed, "It is an amazing place."

I pointed southwest, toward Williamsburg Bridge, "Let's go there."

Erin was gliding rather than strolling. I followed her. Her backside looked as attractive as her front - Her round ass cheeks swayed seductively before my eyes. I had to remind myself she was my sister...

We returned home an hour later.

My parents were already home and I introduced everybody. Mom seemed very happy I found a close relative and treated her like she was her own daughter. She hugged Erin, kissed her cheek, offered to make her favorite meals, and even show her around.

I had to stop her, and said, "Mom, she is MY sister. It's my responsibility to show her the city's attractions, but I promise to bring her back in one piece."

Mom smiled, "If you insist," she turned to Erin, "Let me know if Dan misbehaves, I'll use the wooden spoon on his butt."

Dad didn't talk much but he seemed happy to see everybody in a good mood.

Erin glanced at me, "On the plane, I had several hours to kill, so I made a list of things I wished to do here, if possible."

She pulled the list, and I read out loud: Statue of Liberty, at least one museum, Brooklyn Bridge, A Broadway show, spending time on a beach, a good restaurant, Empire State Building, Central Park, dancing in a New York bar.

I began laughing, "Girl, we have 21/2 days left. No chance of doing all these. Each attraction is in different direction, and the traffic here is slow. Together, we can make a more realistic itinerary. Actually, I am happy there are multiple attractions you won't be able to see - It will give you an excuse to visit again."

Erin's eyes glistened, "If you are nice to me, I'll visit anyway. But you have to promise to come to Phoenix, too."

"I'd love to do it, but not when it's 120 degrees. When it's higher than 100 degrees, I start to melt..."


After lunch, I booked a ferry tour to Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty. These days Ellis Island is a remembrance place of it's glory days, as the immigrants gate to America. I've never visited it before and was quite disappointed, but Erin was emotional about the place, telling me few of her friends' parents came to the USA through that place.

From there we continued to the Statue of Liberty. There were times tourists were allowed to climb the hand carrying the torch but no more. However, the statue was impressive anyway.

I shot Erin posing as if she was helping Lady Liberty lift the torch. Erin liked the picture, and said, "You are a good photographer. Have you considered learning advanced picture taking?"

"I've shot some photos in my spare time, when I had an opportunity, but I never saw it as something I'd invest time learning."

"You are good. You saw on my Instagram that my pictures are less than optimal. Will you be nice and make me some pictures I can be proud of?"

"I'll try. It's time to head back home for dinner. Later on, if you are interested, we can go to one of Brooklyn's bars and have fun there."

Mom prepared a homey meal: chicken in the oven with orange sauce, mashed potatoes, pickled beets, and macadamia fruit salad. It was clear Erin never had a meal like that, but she loved it. When she was done, she went to Mom, kissed her forehead and announced, "Rose, this is the best meal I ever had. You spoiled me. How can I go back home and eat the much simpler and very-much less tasty food I have at home?..."

Mom smiled, "You exaggerate, of course, but thanks for the compliment anyway."

Erin went toward the sink and looked at me, "Lazy boy, bring me all the dirty stuff. Your mother slaved before, and now it's our turn."

I gazed at Mom, saw her smiling, and complained, "I barely know this girl, and she is already making me work."

Erin giggled, "Rose, is he always such a cry baby? I expected you to discipline him. No woman will ever marry him if he doesn't shape up."

I pulled my phone from my pocket and started dialing. Erin asked, "Why do you need to make a call right now? It's the weekend."

"I am calling the airport to find out when is the next flight to Phoenix. You are leaving right now. You being here will make my life hell..."

Erin grinned, "As an older sister, it is my duty to teach you how to behave. Jokes aside, when is a good time to go to the bar?"

"Not before 10 pm. Won't you be too tired?"

"I don't think so. When you mention 10, it is only 7 in Phoenix. My body is still tuned to Arizona time, so I should be OK."


At 9:30 pm Erin came out of her room dressed to kill: She had on a short black dress and 3" heels shoes. Her hair was left loose and framed perfectly her pretty face. Unlike before, she had a touch of makeup and light red lipstick.

I stared at her with my mouth open. She chuckled, "Dan, are you trying to catch a fly with your mouth?"

I woke up, "Sorry, I was waiting for Erin. Who the hell are you, and what are you doing in my house?"

"Brother, it's evening, and we are going to a bar. Do you really want me to go there with pants and sneakers?"

"It's not what I expected. You look fantastic!..."

She smirked, "My experience taught me that when a guy flatters TOO MUCH, there is a hidden agenda behind it."

I smiled back, "Dear Erin, the way you look now, I better be ready to fight all your new admirers at the bar."

We arrived at Femme Fontaine BK at 10:30. People were moving around, drinking, and dancing. I called the barman before and promised a hefty tip if he could ensure 2 open seats for us. He said he couldn't guarantee it but he'd try his best. When I arrived, I showed him 2 bills of $50 each. He told me to wait 5 minutes. Ten minutes later, Erin and I sat near a nice plant.

I asked Erin what she wanted to drink. She looked at me, "You choose for me."

I had no clue what to order her, so I approached the barman and asked his advice. He smiled, "Let me make something special for the lady." I saw him pouring into a large glass at least 3 ingredients before adding a reddish liquid on top with a piece of pineapple. "Sir, 99% she'll love it. Take my word for it."

I brought the glass to Erin and a beer for myself. She tasted it and then sipped a little. Then she smiled at me, "It's sweet and tasty. Let me tell you a secret - I never drank alcohol before."

"How come?"

"My adoptive parents are religious and never drank wine. I recall one time my father hinted that my real mother was an alcoholic, before Mom shut him down to never speak about it again. Phoenix is a hot city and I always preferred cold drinks."

"It will be interesting to see how the alcoholic drink affects you..."

Fifteen minutes later, her glass was empty. She seemed more cheerful and suggested we dance. I was never a great dancer, but it was slow music, so I gave in.

I held her in my arms and together with other couples, we started moving on the floor. Erin whispered, "I love this place. The music is nice." Her hands moved around my neck and her body clung to mine. I could smell her floral perfume as her covered tits crushed my chest. Her eyes were shut and her mouth partially open with an expression of pure pleasure. She looked so beautiful and... sexy, that my dick began engorging. Instinctively, I tried to separate our lower bodies but she resisted. I pushed her gently away from me and she opened her eyes, "Dan, why?"

"Erin, you are too close to me. It's not a good idea."

"Don't you like me anymore?"

I whispered, "I think I like you TOO much. One organ in my body found you too sexy and began reacting."

She looked me in the eye, and mumbled, "I know. I felt it. That's OK. It doesn't bother me, and it feels good to know a handsome guy finds me attractive."

We continued dancing, and I got the impression she was clinging to my lower body more than before...

I whispered, "Erin, what are you doing?"

She smiled at me, "I like you. A lot!"

A minute later my pecker was rock-hard and pushed against my zipper. Erin's pelvis gyrated on my stiffy. She closed her eyes again and her face tilted up in my direction. She looked like an angel!

I was too aroused to think clearly, and watching her glowing face pushed me to lean into her and kiss her lips gently. She did not react and continued moving as before.

I kissed her again, this time slightly harder. She sighed, "That was very nice."

Then she opened her eyes and murmured, "Again."

In the struggle between my cortex and my lower brain, my midriff one prevailed. I bent down and French kissed her full lips. They spread for me and my tongue invaded her hot mouth. Seconds later, she returned my kisses and one of her hands moved down to caress my chest.

Luckily, several other dancing couples surrounded us, and I saw nobody watching us. Next, her hand slipped to my 6-pack, massaging my flat tummy.

My lips disengaged from hers and I asked, "What are you doing?"

"Dan, I like you. For some reason, I feel very horny..."

"Erin, let's go home. I think it's the alcohol. You need to sleep it off."

"OK, party pooper, let's go home."

When I was driving home, her hand caressed my thigh the whole time. Her eyes were closed and, as before, the same expression of pure delight decorated her face.

After parking the car, I led her to her room, kissed her good night, and went to the bathroom. I returned to my bedroom and was ready to sleep, when the door opened, and I saw Erin's shadow entering, lifting the blanket, and getting in.

I didn't move. She shifted toward me and hugged my body. She was naked!


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