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Evil Bitch Ch. 09

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Mom arrives in London and shows Melody how its done.
10.5k words

Part 9 of the 16 part series

Updated 11/01/2022
Created 04/14/2012
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Mom makes a sudden unexpected visit and Jon is glad to see her, all of her.

Another fun chapter to write I hope you enjoy. Please vote and comment and if you have suggestions for Jon and friends feel free to share. I can't wait until the twins and Veronika get back from their breast augmentation surgery. Talk about a full house, hehe. Can you say puppy piles?

Breakfast in Bed:

It was Sunday morning and the cook returned with our breakfast but there were conditions of course.

"I can hear you in there," she called out from the hallway. "I am NOT; repeat NOT coming in while you are doing the nasty. You can come out and get your food your own selves."

However as she left I heard the distinct giggle from the older lady as she bustled down the hall. She was correct of course we were doing the nasty as she put it. Melody was on her back with Mary lying on top of her while I alternated fucking their pussies. They were kissing like old lovers and I suspected there was more to Melody's virgin story than met the eye. I suspected the naughty little slut had fibbed to me not that I really cared whether or not she had been a virgin. A bit of role playing is healthy in any physical relationship. Now I did suspect Mary hadn't been laid in a very long time from her hormonal level and the amount of pain she had been under for so long. So she got more of my attention for right now and Melody didn't seem to mind at all.

After a strangled cry from me and the two of them sharing a load of cum we were ready for food. I know that I was. Mary dutifully hopped off the bed and cracked the door open to make sure the hallway was empty before slipping out naked to retrieve our meal. I will give her kudos for managing to keep her eyes and their dramatic improvement a secret so far. Though we had kept the curtains closed from the morning sun and that had helped bunches on that front.

We fed each other as we devoured the delicious meal that the cook had prepared for us. Damn it I had to learn that woman's name before I left London for Berlin. After our bellies were full a group shower was in order and that led to a little slap and tickle in the bathroom. This was followed by Mary seeking out her own room to sleep the day away as she was scheduled to work that evening. Melody decided on some sunbathing and I was prepared to polish my schedule for tomorrow at the plant.

I was nervous as all hell about giving a speech in front of executives as well as managers for the recently converted plant. But this was the job description and by god I was going to impress everyone, including myself. The nerves didn't go away so I put on some shorts and a shirt and tied on my tennis shoes and decided to go for a run. Now granted I have never run a day in my life I was prepared to learn the hard way. I stretched out picked out a playlist from the music Sterling provided me. Then I headed out the front door towards the front gate. The man at the gate stared at me openly and just waved me through with a smile that screamed 'bloody American'. The first mile was my first great achievement and the one that followed that and the six that followed that.

I returned some time later to Cyan's manor house covered in sweat and aching from head to toe, no surprise there. I was ushered directly to the shower informed that I stunk to high heaven. Who was I to argue with other people's sense of smell after all? So after a nice long shower I was fed and spent some of that time profusely apologizing to Faye our cook. Being the kindly lady that she was she let me go on for quite some time before finally accepting my heartfelt apology.

Speaking of heartfelt my chest felt like an elephant was sitting on it and decided it was time to lie down and rest after my exertion. The pain went away eventually and I chalked it up to stress and a touch of heat exhaustion. Mary woke me up for dinner and though I hadn't planned on it I ended up sleeping nearly six hours. As I sat up in bed I could see her eyes gleaming green in the dim illumination of my room, it was both creepy and cool as all hell! By the time I dressed Mary was long gone off to other duties no doubt. It was just Melody and I in a small dining area, the main dining room was just way too big for just two people.

"You look better now that you've rested," Melody commented. "I was a little worried after seeing you come in from your run."

"I feel good as new," I told her. "Tomorrow is the big day."

"Stop it," she warned me. "Don't even go there until we step into the plant on Monday."

"You are right of course," I said trying to push out the thoughts haunting me.

We ate in silence and it was the timely intervention of Umbra that saved the day. She set of a soft chime from the watch telling me that she had something worth my attention.

"Let's hear it Umbra you are a life saver."

She appeared in her full holographic glory and looked quite pleased with herself.

"I have done extensive research on the Singing Stones and found some very interesting things out. The stones themselves are part of private property on the very edge of London. That property belongs to the Duke of Exeter. Now here are the strange things. The title of Duke of Exeter was dissolved roughly six hundred years ago and yet the property and land rights still exist under that defunct title. Moreover there is a seat in the House of Lords where for the last six hundred years the Duke of Exeter has abstained from each and every parliamentary vote. It was also that very same defunct Duke who formed the Exeter Company that founded, wait for it, Arkham Massachusetts. Lastly there is a missing persons report for one June Redding who was doing research into the Singing Stones and vanished without a trace."

"Okay let's start with the last one first," I said. "What exactly was she researching?"

"According to some of the papers she published in various archaeological periodicals. She claimed to find a connection between the Singing Stones and the writing style known as Ogham."

"Why do they call them the Singing Stones," Melody asked.

"They are made of a shiny black metallic rock that when struck with the same kind of stone they ring like a church bell."

"Do you any pictures of them Umbra," I asked and she gave me my look right back.

With a dramatic gesture the semi circle of shiny black stones appeared in the air between us. The stones were rough hewn and appeared as if little work had been done by human hands. Then Umbra illuminated the characters that she had called Ogham. The bright blue symbols were odd since they weren't etched on the flat side of the stones but on the corners instead. The markings were unremarkable appearing as a series of hash marks radiating from a central line that ran vertical along the edge of the stone.

"Why would anyone be interested in some old stones and their markings," Melody asked.

"Besides their historical value," I replied. "Is there any other information tied to the disappearance?"

"Yes Master," Umbra replied. "There was the woman who placed the missing persons report, Tasha Nichols."

"What do you have on her?"

"She teaches music, specifically voice at the Royal Academy of Music here in London. Before that she was a world renowned opera singer until she retired to teach."

"Sounds like two birds with one stone to me," I muttered.

"I don't follow you," Melody said with a confused look.

"It's nothing just a little side project I am working on," I told Melody. "See if you can get me an appointment with Tasha Nichols please."

"Sure boss," Melody replied as Umbra blinked and put on a brave smile.

After Melody had left the table to make a few phone calls, my avatar glanced over at me.

"I know you could have done it but Nick did hire her as my assistant. I have to give her something to do."

"As always Master is wise and generous," she said with a genuine smile this time.

"Do a full work up on Nichols and Redding and I will look over it in a day or two."

"Yes Master," Umbra said and vanished.

I didn't pursue the Duke of Exeter subject in front of Melody fearing a connection between the Sublime Master and the Duke. I had long quit believing in coincidences after my appointment and taking up my ancestor's ring. Digger being here almost like he had been waiting for me. What had Faye said, he just had to hold on a little while longer. Was that because of my arrival here in London? He had said the way had been prepared and gods that smacked of planning and foresight on someone's part, Nyarlathotep. I was beginning to feel like a piece of some massive chessboard that I could barely perceive. Sublime Master Takes King, check and mate. But who was the enemy king? Who was foolish enough or hell powerful enough to stand up to someone or something like the Black Pharaoh?

It was time for a little light reading now that Sterling had translated that unnamed book from the library. But before that I visited the kitchen and there still going strong was Faye the matriarch of House Michaels. She was preparing the meals for tomorrow by the looks of it and barely threw a glance my way as I snuck a glass of milk.

"It's good of you to keep your fluids up sir," she said over her shoulder.

"Damn woman," I said in utter shock. "That was uncalled for."

"Hardly, but then again when I was twenty I could have kept up with the likes of you."

"You were a heart breaker Faye?"

"Oh I broke more than a few hearts sonny boy," she chuckled. "There a few men out there still nursing a bruised ego after a night with me."

"Bravo," I clapped as we talked. "I am glad that British honor is not dead."

"Sleeping perhaps," she rewarded me with a wink. "...but not dead. So are you going to tell me what it is you did for my little Mary?"

"UM... I'm not sure what you mean," I stammered taken completely off guard.

"Please sir she is like a daughter to me," she said her back straightening. "So don't bullshit this poor old woman; I know you helped her with her headaches and that is a blessing to be sure. Maybe I don't have the right to ask but I just need to know that she's going to be alright."

"I am not admitting to anything you understand," I prefaced my next statement. "But I think she'll be just fine."

"That is all I needed to hear," she said wiping away a tear. "...damn onions."

"Goodnight Faye," I said kissing her cheek.

"Goodnight Sir and god bless you."

I sat up in bed pillows propped up behind me. I called up the holographic copy of that nameless tome I was prepared to christen Digger's Canticle. Page after page of my ancestor's thoughts, deeds and teachings passed before my hungry glance. Apparently I wasn't the first in the Miller line to find himself strapped for understanding of the legacy as he called it. The Canticle had spells and rituals galore that the author had collected from various sources. Some of them being within the family and others he eluded to vaguely from outside. Did he mean outside the family or outside something else entirely? He never made that point clear. I had to admit if I were going to create a how to book on the workings and duties of the Sublime Master this was a damn fine start.

I was about half way through the volume when a soft knock came to the door. Did Melody want to tuck me in bed?

"Come in," I called out.

The door opened and Mary let herself in and closed the door behind her. She moved to sit near the foot of the bed and had something covered in a piece of cloth.

"So what are you hiding there," I asked as she smiled and slowly revealed a hand carved box.

I gasped at the beauty of the craftsmanship of what appeared to be ivory or bone. I don't know if it was from weathering or age but the color of the material was somewhere between rosewood and oak. The only reason I even knew that it had to be ivory was the utter lack of ringed pattern wood would display even varnished. The subject matter of the carvings was fantastical depicting ethereal elves and earthy dwarves and the last majestic dragons. There were symbols woven into the boxes exterior on all sides from the moon to delicate clouds and even the fearsome thunderbolt, all three of them.

Once again this wasn't a random event unfolding this was a deliberate manipulation hidden behind the desires of a young woman. I felt it in my bones and damn it there was little I could do. Either I turn her down and break her heart or accept and feel another link in the chain fall into place. I let out a heavy sigh as she lifted up the box and settled it into my lap.

"Mary where did you get this," I asked so softly I wasn't sure I had even spoken.

"It has been in my family for many years."

"Why are you giving it to me?"

Was there a hint of bitterness in my question? Or was it just fear mixed with anger knowing that hidden within was another of Nyarlathotep's mechanizations.

"You don't like it," she asked her bright green eyes welling up with tears.

"No it's gorgeous Mary but why now why this?"

"It belongs to you Jon," she said with a smile as if she had said 'I belong to you'.

"Explain please so I can understand," I begged her feeling the decision slipping away into the ebb and flow of probability.

"There is an old story tied to the box..."

The Esoteric Order of Ghibrail:

In the time of the Old Gods before there were kings or countries or the arrival of the White Christ there was Ghibrail. No one knows where he came from but he arrived at a time where terrible events were unfolding. The heart of those matters was a man. But not just any man he had proclaimed himself the High Priest of the Old Gods. He had managed to gather many tribes beneath the standard of the Gods and at first it appeared to be a good thing. Evil often hides beneath the mask of the righteous. When his banner could be seen from one coast to the other he knew it was time to consolidate his power. To do this he needed a symbol a very powerful symbol.

So the High Priest went to woodland people who some called the Fey others the Elves. He spoke with the silver tongue of deceit and treachery and sadly the Elf King was swayed. The High Priest asked for them to forge for the Old Gods a weapon to be blessed and shared by all the peoples who held them sacred. The elves agreed and they went to the dwarves had long held sacred a stone that had fallen from the heavens. Feeling that this was the proper moment and time they offered it up as their part of the weapon. The elves approached the dragons and they agreed to lend their power into the forging process and would help heat and temper this most sacred of weapons. The greatest smith the race had ever produced left his hermitage and took up hammer and tongs one last time. The first dragon breathed upon the stone and melted it and breathed and breathed until no impurities remained. Then the molten metal was molded and shaped. The second dragon breathed upon it and froze it solid thereby hardening it. Over and over this process was repeated flame, hammer and frost.

Finally the blade was ready for its final test. White hot the blade was thrust into the body of an anvil and if it didn't bend it was swiftly taken to the stream. There it was thrust into the water edge facing upstream where a piece of wool was tossed. If the blade could cut the wool without hindrance it was ready. It was not. Twelve times the blade was broken and the process repeated until a full year had turned. Then at last the blade survived the final test and was proved worthy. The weapon received its finally sharpening and christened. The dwarves who had given up their most sacred treasure called it moon silver. The elves who had spent so much time and effort named it sun steel. The dragons who remember the name of the first star in the heavens named it not for it was a thing of singular beauty and would know it on sight. To complete the sword the first dragon offered a fang to be used for the hilt and the second dragon gave up a long bone for the scabbard.

On the spring equinox the sword was presented to the High Priest. He called down the power of the Old Gods and the blade was blessed. Then he drew it forth and showed it to the people who had gathered at the sacred stones. As he knew they were entranced by the unearthly beauty of the Elvin weapon. To show that none could defy him the High Priest slew the elf king and sealed both his power and his doom. The king cursed the sword before he died and the humans fled the field with their costly prize.

The other human tribes hearing of the power of the sword bent knew to the High King once priest and a nation was born out of blood and murder. Now to protect his line and perpetuate his name the High King chose the most beautiful woman in his domain even though she was of humble roots. Hearing of the wedding of the High King a stranger appeared at the festivity and he was allowed to draw close to the couple. He looked at the once priest and his bride to be and spoke.

"I am a simple man who is stranger to this land, this nation and its people. Yet even I am not blinded by the evil that has infected this celebration. Your king would rule you with a treasure not won by combat or honor but by blood and by murder."

"I will slay you for your lies and the dishonor you do to my name," the High King replied taking up the sword.

"Any man can kill with a sword but how many have the courage to kill with their bare hands?"

The king accepted the challenge not knowing the stranger was trained in the ways of the East and the One Form that is Many. The priest was beaten badly but still he rose to defend his tainted honor only to taste the earth once more. Finally showing his true nature he snatched the sword from the high table and drew it intending to end the stranger. The moment the sword cleared the sheath the elf king's curse took hold and the blade bit deep upon its owner. The High King died by his own hand that night. The stranger unafraid picked up the sword and pulled its bloody length from the king. He cleaned the blade and sheathed it once more.

The stranger turned to leave by the maiden chosen for bride followed him. He travelled to the edge of the human lands until he reached the sacred stones. There sat in morning still the elves, the dwarves and the dragons. The stranger desiring to return the blade and break the curse drew the sword and allowed it to taste blood freely offered. Though mortally wounded he did not die that day. The triple goddess appeared from her sacred cave and not once, not twice but thrice struck the stranger and the blade. The sword called moon silver and sun steel was broken into three equal parts. The elves took the lowest part as far away from the tip that had slain their good king. The dwarves took the middle piece that was the heart of the weapon. Finally the dragons took up and removed the third piece that had cleaved three hearts. The goddess healed the stranger who forever bore the scar of the triple lightning bolt across his heart.

In the human lands those of great power took up the stranger's cause. To honor him and consolidate power they took up the sign of the three swords. There was one sword to slay the forces of chaos, one to keep the secrets of the Order and one for the undying man who inspired it all. While beneath a kindly moon the stranger and his bride were married and the dragons gave the third shard to those who serve. They took up the sign of the triple lightning bolts inspired by the goddess herself."

I looked from the box to Mary and began to wonder at how little or how much of her story was true. I turned the box this way and that examining it very closely. It measured nine by three by four inches with a sliding lid dominated by the intricate etching of a western dragon. The other reliefs carved into the box seemed to follow most of her story. But the thought that I held dragon bone in my hand was just too much for me to accept. I held the box upside-down and found only the bottom free from any sort of marks including an artist's glyph. Something heavy shifting inside when I moved it so it was time to see what treasure she was offering me.

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