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F6: Deidre


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She quickly put the paddle down and ran over to me. "What's wrong Chris baby? Are you ok?"

"No," I said trying not to show how hurt I was.

"I can't.." my words were cut off by a sob. "I can't watch you with another man. Please let me go? Please?"

"Oh no baby. You have the wrong idea. I promised you that I'd never betray your trust, and now I need you to trust me. Please baby, I love you and I would never hurt you."

I was confused. She seemed to sense my turmoil and kissed me. "Trust me baby."

I just nodded because I couldn't trust myself to speak. She kissed me again and returned to the general.

"Ok worm," she said to him. "Is the worm allowed to touch himself in his mistress' presence?"

"No mistress," he answered sounding more like a chastised child than the powerful man he was.

"Is the worm allowed to cum in his mistress' presence?"

"No mistress."

"Does your mistress ever touch your pathetic little penis?"

"No mistress."

"What will happen if your mistress sees you try to touch yourself or if she sees your penis."

"My mistress will punish me severely."

"How will she punish the worm?"

"She'll dry fuck him with a big dildo."

I suddenly hoped that she would never dry fuck me with anything, but other than a few light spankings, she'd never "punished" me.

"Have you cum since you were last told to by your mistress?"


"Once what worm?" she yelled forcibly followed by a sharp slap with the riding crop she was carrying. I saw the welt rise on his pasty thigh. "Once mistress," he said through gritted teeth.

"Why did you disobey your mistress worm?"

"My wife blew me mistress."

Wife? This guy had a family and he paid to have someone half his age treat him like a piece of shit. I guess the rich and powerful see things in a whole different way than the rest of us. But how does one explain to his spouse that he can't ejaculate because another woman forbade it? My train of thought was interrupted by a series of loud smacks as she whipped him with the riding crop. His thighs and the sides of his ass were filled with angry red welts.

"How does he explain that to wifey?" I wondered.

"There is a real man in this room worm," she said to him.

"Yes mistress."

"He's not a worm, worm."

"No my mistress. If my mistress says he's a real man I don't doubt my mistress."

She walked over to me and caressed my face. She spoke to him, but was gazing into my eyes. "Never doubt my words worm. This real man is all mine."

* * * *

Two months later I gave up my apartment and moved into Deidre's town home. That day with the general she told him that she wouldn't see him anymore. "I have no room in my life for worms," she told him as she led him out into the living room to get dressed. She'd left the door open and I could hear them as he dressed.

"I'm going to miss you Deidre."

"I know Josh, but I am dedicating myself to that man in there."

"He's a truly lucky man," he said.

"No, I'm the lucky one," she said. "I am looking forward to a long life with him. Call Natasha and she can get you with another mistress."

He told her good bye and I heard the door close. When she returned to the dungeon she was naked. She removed my cuffs and put her arms around me and kissed me deeply.

"Take me to bed and make love to me Chris. I really need you."

That was the first time that we'd gone from dungeon play to lovemaking. We made love often, but rarely after a tie session. She always seemed to know when I needed to just make love to her, and generally I knew when she wanted that. Once while making love, I got into some kind of dominant mode and took charge. When I wanted her doggy style, I lifted up off of her and had her get on all fours. It didn't dawn on me until I was sawing into her that I had done that. The thought supercharged me and soon I was grabbing her hips and pounding into her.

I know she came several times, and once I unloaded, we collapsed together. She turned to face me and kissed me. "I loved that Chris."

"I love you too Deidre. You truly make me a happy man," I said returning her kiss. As we kissed I could feel my cock coming back to life.

"Oh, we're not done yet are we?" she said as she fondled my stiffening cock.

"We'll never be done," I said as I moved into position to enter her again.

* * * *

Two months later we were in the laundry room. Being busy through the week we had to do all of our laundry in one day. We knew that most people in the complex used the swimming pool on Saturday afternoon so we usually chose that time to wash clothes.

I had just loaded one washer with our delicates, and another with whites when I turned to see Deidre had a mischievous look in her eyes. I knew that look well, she was in "mistress mode." I wondered if we were going to go play before we were done or after. Either answer would have been wrong.

She came close to me and for the first time I realized that she'd brought her coffee with her. With a wicked gleam in her eye, she "spilled" her coffee down the front of my shirt and pants.

"Oopsy," she said. "Now we have to wash that out." She removed my shirt and threw it into the proper washing machine. She went to the basket and came up with some silk ropes.

She sashayed over to me and tied one end of the rope to my left wrist. "Put the rope up over the pipe Chris," she said indicating the pipe directly over my head. I did as she instructed and the she tied my right wrist.

I wasn't too worried because it was hard to see my predicament unless you walked in and went to the end of the row of dryers. But my comfort level took a hit when Deidre announced that my pants had coffee on them too and removed them, leaving me naked in the laundry room. She put them in the washing machine and started it. For a while she sat and read. I could see her eyes dart to the front of the room every once in a while like someone was coming in. That made me nervous. I could see her nipples pushing at the fabric of her shirt, so I knew she was turned on. My arousal was even harder, pardon the pun, to miss.

When the washing machines finished, she moved all of our clothes to the dryers. Just as she started them I heard someone come into the laundry. I was about to panic. Deidre calmly walked to the front and was talking to whoever had come in.

I was relieved when I heard them start a washing machine and leave. Deidre came back to where I was. "Oh that was so close," she said fondling my rock hard cock. "Mrs. Temple was five feet away from you baby. She might have kept walking in and saw this."

She stroked my cock a few more times and then threw her arms around my neck and kissed me. Then she climbed onto a washing machine and flipped her skirt up. She had no panties on under her skirt. "Fuck me baby," she said.

From where I stood I was able to thrust about half of my cock into her. After several minutes she threw her arms around my neck again and pulled herself onto me fully. She wrapped her legs around me and rocked her hips. I was able to start swinging my hips increasing the action between us.

She was able to bounce and meet my thrusts, and the sound of our flesh slapping together was louder that the drone of the dryers. I could feel my orgasm building and increased my thrusting. Deidre in turn doubled her efforts and I realized she was about to cum herself. When the first waves hit her, she bit into my shoulder to muffle her scream. I felt her juices running down my balls and thighs as I grunted and shot my load deep inside her. Our thrusts slowed and we stood there coupled and sweaty. I kissed her throat and shoulders. She then locked her lips onto mine. Moments later the dryers began shutting off. She dismounted me and untied my wrists. She lovingly handed me a shirt and pants from the dryer. I kissed her again deeply. As we broke the kiss I heard Mrs. Temple say, "You two shouldn't do that in the public areas you know. The kids might run in here and see."

Deidre and I shared a look, and I knew we were thinking the same thing. I thought "What would she have said if she'd been here five minutes earlier?"

We don't do that in public very often, especially now that we have our son. But once in a while we find a babysitter and go have an adventure. Of course at home the nursery displaced the dungeon, but everything fit into our bedroom just fine.

I don't know how my life would have turned out without Deidre, but I count myself as one of the luckiest men on the planet to have her.

* * * *

Rest in peace Slyc, you will be sorely missed.

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AA82ndAAAA82ndAAabout 1 year ago

I have read a bunch of the comments and I am amazed that they never cover your writing style. Love your stories as they shift and recompose to make every incident interesting. Thanks for sharing. Kristina needed to explore and would have made a boring uninteresting wife.

dirtyoldbimandirtyoldbimanalmost 2 years ago

LOL, I kept waiting for something good to happen. Joint chief of staff in front of a stranger? NOT ever happening. Allow her to tie me up, not happening until many months or years into an exclusive relationship. Yes, "West coast of Russia? hope it was a typo.

NitpicNitpicabout 2 years ago

Another load of crap.Why would he go back to Deidre after the way she dumped him,plus she was the Washington bike.

dennisjndennisjnover 2 years ago

Not bad but "We spent most of that one off of the west coast of Russia." the west coast of Russia is in Europe not Asia.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Jó írás lett volna ha nem hozta volna bele a Bdsm,sado mazo történetet ! Nem egy főnyeremény Deidre mint feleség, aki nem kispályás tapasztalt szado-mazo beállítottságú,hiszen a szeme láttára is meztelen férfit kötözött ki , de mi van amikor nem látja ha dolgozik,vagy küldetésben van !? Nem különb a régi menyasszonyánál! A következő lépés ,hogy kikötözi őt és előtte szexel egy másik "mesterrel",s el kell hogy fogadja a megaláztatást!

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