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Faithful? With a Different Ending

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Wife torn between two lovers.
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Faithful? New ending This is a new ending to a fictional story by kcfirst who has graciously allowed me to be creative in using his same interesting storyline and characters.


Damn, I just got the PI report. This is the fourth investigation in as many years.

Jason Thomas, PI, had just done this one. I had used four different PI firms in the last four years; using random cities, random times of the year, etc., thinking that my wife and her lover had fooled the previous ones, but this new investigator would find their cheating.

I just got off the phone with Mr. Thomas. He told me that his people here, and his associates in Dallas had surveilled both my wife Molly and John Decker for a week, both when they were at their office the first four days of the week, and in Dallas where they both attended a work seminar for three days.

My wife Molly was the administrative assistant to John Decker, CEO of a fully owned subsidiary of a major international company. As admin. Assistant she generally traveled with him; and he traveled a lot.

Mr. Thomas said he would send a written report, but in general he found: The only thing that was at all suspicious was their dancing. My agent described it as looking like two people in love. There was no inappropriate touching, but certainly a closeness, and he usually had his arm around her all the way back to their table.

Four PI reports at random dates over the last four years have found basically the same information; nothing!

Molly and I are both 36 and have been married for 15 Years. We were exclusive for the last three years of college and married shortly after graduation. Molly is a doll, not beautiful, but would be considered pixie cute, with a fantastic 5' 6" body. She is very outgoing, and people enjoy having her around.

Her boss, John Decker, is about my size, 6' 1", 190 pounds, but if it was between the two of us, John would get the attention of all the girls. He is quite an attractive man.

I have talked to Molly a few times about her apparent closeness with John Decker. The first few times she said there was nothing between them except work. She promised that she would never fool around behind my back, and even offered to take a lie detector test, any time I wanted. She said he was just a coworker, and a "good" friend. The last time we talked about it she referred to him as a "special" friend. I guess he got a promotion!

Molly and I have gone out for dinner and dancing a few times with John and his wife Gail. John and Molly talk to each other, and dance with each other much more than they do with their spouses. One time when John and Molly went out on the dance floor, I noticed Gail gave them a raised eyebrow as if saying "what, again." I guess she notices their closeness also.

I have talked to Molly about finding another job, just for me; just because I am very jealous of her being so close to John. She says "that's silly;" she loves her job; and tells me again that "she would never go behind my back; and that she would be willing to take a lie detector test."

I have spent thousands of dollars with private investigators over four years, and found nothing. I have no evidence of them having an affair. Molly has not denied me sex or not shown an interest in sex. When sucking my cock, she is engaged and appears to be enjoying giving me pleasure. She has an orgasm about 50% of the time we fuck. She is not snippy or short with me in our daily lives but one thing sticks out. Whenever we go to an event where John is present, the sex when we get home is tremendous. Ravenous, insatiable sexual experience.


Last night Molly was sitting at the kitchen table when I walked by. In a more serious tone than usual she said, "Tom, can I talk to you for a minute." When I sat down, she said, John and Gail have invited us to their lake house for the weekend. I told them I was sure we would love to go; but I would have to check with you. I think it would be great; Ok with you?" The first thing that crossed my mind is "5 days a week at work isn't enough, now you want to be with him on the weekend too." I tried, but couldn't think of a reason not to go. With obvious displeasure I said OK.


Friday mid-morning Molly and I prepared to head to John and Gail's lake house. At the last moment I thought about adding a rain jacket. My bag was already downstairs so I opened Molly's bag to put it in there. To my surprise I saw some new sexy lingerie. Hum, I did not think it was going to be that kind of trip. We had a map to show how to get there; but I tried to surprise her by asking "have you been there before." She said she hadn't been, but I'm not sure I believed her.

We drove for about 50 miles, finally coming to the lake at about ten o'clock. It took a while to find their house, but when we finally did, there were four people on the front porch waiting for us. The only one I knew was John. I assumed Gail was inside. In addition to John the welcoming committee consisted of a very large, well-built man, a middle age woman that appeared to be his wife, and an extremely attractive 20 something woman. She had long red hair, and I would consider her to be beautiful. Everyone besides her had on shorts and t-shirt. She had on a skimpy bikini.

We parked and headed for the porch. After we were introduced to everyone, I asked John where Gail was. He said she wasn't there, but gave no explanation as to why. It seemed a little strange that we came to visit John and Gail, and Gail wasn't there.

Probably because I had wondered for years about Molly and John's relationship, my "Spidey senses" started getting active. "Was John fooling around with this beautiful young woman? Did Gail find out? What does Molly know about this young lady?" Molly didn't seem at all surprised to see her here!

Molly and I were shown to our room. We dropped the small amount of luggage we brought, then joined the others in the great room.

The building and the interior were very rustic, and very large. I'd guess there were 5 bedrooms, and as many baths.

The very large man, introduced as Larry something, asked if I would like a beer. I said "sure," and he motioned for me to follow him to the kitchen. He seemed very intent on getting me into a one on one conversation, away from the others so I talked to him for 10 to 15 minutes. He was a very pleasant man, but after a while I was ready to join the others.

Strangely, as we came back into the great room he loudly announced "we're back." Even stranger, Molly and John were off in a corner, and I would swear they were surprised, and just separating from a lover's hug. Both of them were red faced, and appeared to be stepping away from each other.

I didn't like any part of what I'd seen so far: Gail's not here! Larry seemed to want to keep me talking in the kitchen! Who is the young gorgeous girl? Molly seems to have been in an embrace with John.

I had to ask Molly what the hell was going on, so I started walking back to the kitchen, and motioned for Molly to follow me. She had to see that I was at least confused, and probably quite upset.

Instead of following me into the kitchen, Molly stopped and asked John if there was some place private that she and I could talk. No one seemed at all surprised at this request. My "Spidey senses" were flaming at this point.

John pointed out a room we could use, and Molly and I went in and closed the door.

"Molly, what in the hell is going on?" She had the expression of finally having to confront something that she was dreading talking about.

"Tom, I haven't been totally honest with you about this weekend, but please let me explain everything without interrupting. When I'm finished, I'll answer any question you have, and I'm sure you'll have many."

"First of all, Gail decided not to come this weekend?"

"Gail, John, and I have had several meetings over lunch and dinner, planning this weekend. When I'm finished, I think you will see why you weren't invited to these meetings. Everything is basically Gail's idea, with some input from both John and I."

"John has accepted a promotion which will require a move to England. He and Gail will be moving in two weeks. His replacement will be a woman from the Cleveland office. I'm sure that John leaving, and a female replacement will please you."

"There are three things that I need to tell you about John and me. First of all, as I have always told you, John and I have never had an affair. We have never been in the same bed together. Secondly, and this is the hardest thing that I have ever had to tell you. I love you as much now as I ever have, but I also am in love with John. Let me emphasize, I didn't just say 'I love John', I said that I am 'in love' with John."

I couldn't be quiet any longer. I jumped to my feet and screamed. "I can't believe it, you brought me to that asshole's house to tell me you're leaving me for that same asshole. I'm out of here, you can find your own way home! Oh. That's right, we don't have a 'home' anymore, you're off to England with the asshole."

I started to the door, as Molly grabbed my arm, and yelled: "Please Tom, that is not at all what I said. Please sit down and let me finish. I love you and I'm not leaving you, ever, ever. You're my husband, and I will be with you 'until death do us part.'

I calmed just slightly, and sat back down.

"Let me reiterate, everything is basically Gail's idea."

"I guess the next thing I should do, before continuing with why we are here this weekend, is tell you other people are, and why they are here. The nice man that you talked to in the kitchen is Larry. He is head of security at our company, and is only here to make sure everyone is happy."

I broke in, "so he is here to keep me in line, right?"

Molly didn't answer, just continued with introductions of the other people. "Jacki, the beautiful girl, is here for you, if you so desire. She is a sweetheart, and also a high-end escort. The middle-aged lady Janet is actually Larry's wife, and also a great cook."

A light suddenly went on in my head. The rest of this charade all of a sudden became quite clear. I could see exactly what Molly, John and Gail had planned. 'Molly knew that John would be out of her life after this weekend. The two lovers, John and Molly, will take the weekend to finally be together as lovers. After that, John and his wife Gail, will be off on their adventure in England. On Sunday, after I watch my wife make love to someone else all weekend, she and I will hold hands as we skip merrily to our car, and live happily ever after. Is this woman crazy?

They brought Larry in to make sure I don't kill John, or just happen to drown my unfaithful wife. Jacki is here to offer me companionship, with the same goal as Larry, but a little different approach. All of this to give John and Molly a weekend of love and sex. He gets my beautiful wife and he hires me a whore.

"All right Molly, I don't agree with any of this bullshit. Where the hell is Gail? You say this is all her idea, Where the hell is she."

"She decided that for her emotional wellbeing, it would be best for her not be here.

"Her emotional wellbeing" I shouted. "What do you think this will do to my emotional wellbeing?"

Molly patted my arm and continued "In return for the weekend, John has signed a post nuptial agreement that if he and I have contact, of any kind, at any time in the future, John would get nothing in a divorce. Gail gets 100% of the assets."

"I have signed a similar paper for you." Both papers begin when John and Gail leave for England.

"Great trade, I become a cuckold and get half a house for losing my self-respect. You always told me that John was a shrewd businessman, I never expected he would propose such a one-sided exchange."

" Since John and I work together, both papers also stipulate no sexual or romantic contact between this Sunday evening and when they leave for England Tom, I will truly be all yours after this weekend, and I swear to spend the rest of my life making up for the hurt I'm causing you now."

"And what if I just say no to the whole goddamn thing now, and ask you to either join me for an immediate trip back home, or you stay here with John; and say goodbye to our marriage.

"Tom, it's not like that. Please understand that although you are my lifelong soul mate, I need this weekend with John for closure."

"Also, Gail is expecting a call from you. Since this is primarily her idea, she will explain everything to you. Her number is on the kitchen counter."

"Molly, I'm asking you one more time not to do this."

Molly walked to me and gave a passionate kiss on my lips, then said, "It'll be OK, you'll see."

Molly walked out of the room and took John by the hand, as they disappeared from view.

Larry kept his eye on me and constantly stayed between me and John.

I thought seriously about just leaving, and filing for divorce, but I had to know what this is all about, and how far it would go.

I found Jacki and told her, "she is tempting; but I'm not going to help Molly shatter our wedding vows. Molly will have to do that all by herself." I told Jacki that "as far as I was concerned, she could go home, or if she is curious, she can stay and laugh at all the insanity."

I decided to call Gail. Maybe she could shed some light on this train wreck. She must have been expecting me; she answered on the first ring. She must have also added me to her caller Id. With a sad voice she said, "how is this whole sad affair going, are you still at the lake house?"

"Gail, what the hell caused you to come up with this disaster. I don't know about you and John, but this is going to ruin my marriage to Molly."

"Tom, let me explain my thinking. I admit that I was thinking of my own marriage to John. I didn't give a lot of thought to you and Molly. I think that women can move forward and forgive an affair easier than men can."

"So you are ok with them fucking and leaving a big "C" for cuckold branded to my forehead. You line your pocket with cash and I lose my wife, my marriage and self-respect. What a heartless bitch you are!"

"I'm sorry Tom, I know that John deeply loves Molly, and has suffered for four years with her refusal of sex. She always told him that she wouldn't have a cheap affair behind your back. I offered them a compromise; a weekend of sex and love, in exchange for not contacting each other ever again. I could just see them, thousands of miles apart, but in constant communication. I was afraid of where that might lead. If they ever communicate in the future, in any way, it could financially destroy each of them. I didn't invite you to the planning luncheons because you would just say "hell no" to everything."

"Gail, I thought Vicki was the only whore in this fiasco, you are a bigger whore than her. You don't have any sex but I get royally fucked over and you walk away without a care, just like a whore walks away from her client. I thought more of you than that Gail. I am glad you are leaving this country."


The next time I saw the lovers was at lunch. Janet obviously had been told where to seat everybody. John sat at the head of the table, Molly by him. Larry was between me and John with Jacki next to me. Janet, when she wasn't serving, sat across from her husband Larry.

Everybody had heard my conversations with Gail and Molly. There was not a sound except for silverware scrapping the plates until Larry spoke. Since he had engaged me in a stalling conversation in the kitchen earlier, he decided to open Pandoras box and ask me a question. "So. Tom what other house repair projects have you got lined up?

"I have a huge project that I will start on as soon as possible". Which brought Molly's eyes up from her plate. "Molly believes that a home should have many pictures on the wall of family, friends and good times. Looks great and I love looking at the remembrances over the past 15 years. However, those picture hangers leave holes in the wall and I need to take all the pictures down, fix the holes then paint the wall."

Molly turned and asked "Why are you doing that?

"Remember our friend Sam the realtor? I just called him and he said he loved your picture wall but it had to be redone before the first open house. Houses don't sell well with lots of personal items, you want to make rooms look bigger."

The next noise was Molly's silverware dropping on her plate. "There is no need to sell our home. No reason in the world."

"Molly, that's what people do when they get a divorce, they sell their house as it is no longer their home." I turned to Larry and continued "I need to rent a storage unit somewhere for Molly's Christmas decorations. She just loves the Christmas season with all its parties, friends coming over plus family get togethers. There are almost 2 pickup loads of just Christmas boxes that have to come out. Sam says he can get a contract signed in 30 days and close within 90 days so we can be out by Christmas. I just don't know where she wants me to go with those boxes." I turned my face away from Larry and looked directly into Mollie's wet eyes, as if to say "there, what do you think about that!"

"Tom, everything is going to work out fine, you don't have to do this?

"It appears it will work out fine for you, Me not so much. You get to have a Romance Novel experience with the man of your dreams. Romeo gets the greatest conquest of his life, then dumps you because he has gotten what he wanted, flies off to Europe without the baggage of a naïve woman weeping for losing the love of her life. All I get is a Cuckold T-shirt to wear the rest of my life. You guys really got a great plan. If you are going to cuckold me, I am not going to wake up every morning looking at the woman who humiliated me. I could not take it."

"I am not cuckolding you; I will not humiliate you; I love you too much to hurt you."

"Lying to me means you are hurting me. You've lied to me and had a 4-year love affair, now you want me to sit in the great hall of this mansion for 3 days listening to you get fucked by Romeo. If that is not humiliation give me a definition of what you are doing."

"It's not like that. It's not dirty, sleazy sex. It is physical contact with someone you love who is leaving forever. Women are different from men. They are more intimate in their relationships. My relationship with John was plutonic, no sex. Now I need that intimacy with John so I can move him out of my life. After this event today, I will return and we will be back to being great friends and lovers. That is my pledge to you."

"So, you are fine with kissing me with the lips that sucked Romeos cock?" When you smile or groan while having sex with me is it me or are you still thinking of Romeo? And I can't trust your pledges, you have been lying to me for years about your relationship with Romeo. You lied to get me here on false promises. You lied that Gail was to be here. If it has anything to do with John Decker, then you are lying to me."

"It was my love and respect I have for you that we did not have sex during those 4 years. Holding hands and kissing was it. That was respect for you. I did not tell you because you would be hurt and I did not want to hurt you. You are the best man I have ever met in my life and I want you with me for the rest of our lives. I need you; I love you"

"Okay if I am Mr. Wonderful why did you have this affair? What is so special about Romeo that you would risk our marriage. I hear you say you love me; I have not heard why you spent 4 years with him."

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