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Fall of the Star Sentinels Ch. 05


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"Don't worry about later," Sloth said, soothingly but insistently. As if it really was as simple as that, the anxiety gnawing at Riley started to dissolve. "Just think about now. Think about how good this feels. Why would you want to think about anything else? It's easy, when you let go. Just focus on this. On me. On how my hands feel."

"W-wh-" Riley yelped abruptly when Sloth slipped one of her hands underneath her body, reaching all the way to cup one of her breasts. "Mnn... what are you..."

"Lots of tension here too." Despite what she was doing, Sloth still sounded desperately sleepy. "Need to take care of this, if you really want to relax."

"W-what?" Riley repeated, dumbstruck. She hadn't been expecting this. Nor had she been expecting it to feel so good. Riley was no stranger to sex, but she wasn't used to being touched like that, and with her body so relaxed it was impossible for her to reflexively tense up or pull away. She was already warm and soft and sleepy, and her body seemed to hum and throb in response to the pleasure, like she really had been crying out for it all this time. She started to squirm, more out of instinct than genuine resistance, but it was beyond trivial for Sloth to keep her within her grip.

"And... here," Sloth continued. Sitting beside Riley on the bed, she slipped her hand under the prone magical girl's stomach and pulled her panties aside. Riley immediately cried out when she felt the demon's fingertips stroking the lips of her pussy.

"Ah!" Riley moaned. It felt so good. Unbelievably good. She wasn't sure if it was the drug, or Sloth's skill, or simply the relaxed, hypnotic state she was, but her body felt far more sensitive than she was used to. Every touch was like fire. "S-sto... stop... ah!" She could barely speak through moans, and found herself burying her face in the soft, soft bedsheets in a desperate attempt to suppress the lewd noises forcing their way out of her mouth.

"Shh," Sloth soothed, and Riley's protests stopped. She kept groping and teasing Riley's body. "Just lie there. Rest. Let me take care of you. You don't have to do a thing."

"N-no," Riley whimpered. Everything about this was so unfamiliar to her. She was lying on her front, exposed, squirming and moaning whilst a demon girl had her way with her body. That wasn't right. It wasn't how Riley did things. She was always strong, always a fighter, even when no-one else was. She was the last person who should succumb to a demon. And in bed? In bed she was always a top. She liked to be the one taking control and setting the pace, and she also liked to focus on her partner's body more than hers. Riley wasn't used to having the script flipped on her like this.

"Let me take care of everything for you," Sloth continued breathily. She was drawing her fingertips in slow circles around Riley's pussy, a slow rhythm that was both soothing and maddening at the same time. "You need to learn to be a little lazy, Riley. Let someone else do all the work for a change. You'll love it."

"I... I..." It had been hard for Riley to think before. Now, it was all but impossible."

"You'll love it," Sloth insisted. Still groping Riley's tits, she curled her hand to extend two fingers and started to push them inside Riley. "Your body needs it. You need it. You need to stop questioning everything so much, Riley. Stop thinking so much. Get lazy. Just sink. You can do that for me, can't you? Just sink. Sink deep."

"S-sink..." Riley echoed sleepily. Her moans were growing quieter, but not from a lack of pleasure. She was just becoming too drowsy even for moaning. Just as Sloth had promised, it was surprisingly easy to sink. She could simply snuggle deeper into the bed, letting its amazing softness lull her even deeper into a hypnotic stupor. It was wrong, yes, but as time wore on, it grew easier for Riley to stop thinking about that. Just as Sloth had said, there would be time for that later, right? But now, this moment, was the first time in forever Riley had felt like she didn't have the weight of the world on her shoulders, and she couldn't quite bring herself to give up on that so fast. So, what else was there for her to do but sink deeper into this slothful haze?

"Good girl," Sloth praised, and rewarded Riley's compliance by starting to drive her fingers in and out of Riley, skillfully reaching deep inside to tease her g-spot. "See? It's just like I told you. You needed this. You wanted this. This is the kind of girl you are, isn't it? Just a stupid, sleepy, weak little thing."

That managed to pierce Riley's trance, just for a moment. "N-no," she protested.

"No?" Sloth replied, an impish smirk on her face. "Are you sure about that, Riley? Just look at yourself. Look at what you're doing. Are you sure? Are you really sure?"

"I... mmph..." Riley didn't know. She wasn't sure of anything anymore. The way Sloth was fingering her pussy made that totally impossible.

"OK. Let's see, shall we?"

As she spoke, Sloth started pulling her hands away, slipping her fingers out of Riley's pussy and drawing them backwards and upwards. To Riley, the sudden deprivation left a hole in her heart. She whined, and found herself lifting her hips and shifting herself back to try and restore contact. Before she knew it, she had her ass high in the air, eagerly presenting herself for Sloth to toy with, and she was making high-pitched needy sounds with each breath. Sloth giggled in delight.

"See? Look at you." Riley was about to protest, as futile as that might have been, but Sloth's fingers against her pussy silenced her. The few brief moments of lack of stimulation had somehow made her grow even more sensitive. "You're just a dumb, stupid, sleepy puppet," Sloth continued, her voice both mocking and affectionate at the same time. "You need to learn that. I mean, look at you. All I had to do was move my hand a little, and I got you exactly where I wanted you! But that's OK. That's good. Being a puppet is easy. It's simple. It's relaxing. You don't have to think. You don't have to move. A puppet gets controlled by its strings, just like you're getting controlled by me. It's so simple, isn't it? When you're a puppet, you can be nice and still and calm and sleepy and totally, totally mindless."

"I... that's... I... ah!" The pleasure was too great for Riley to form words, and her mind was melting too fast for her to form thoughts. But she knew she was so close to utter collapse. She wasn't sure if she cared about fighting anymore. She was just so exhausted. The weariness went down to her very soul, and she was so tired of it. She didn't want to fight anymore. She just wanted to lie here, on this bed, forever.

"Just say 'yes', Riley," Sloth urged, yawning. As tired as she seemed, the demon girl clearly had no problem continuing to pump her fingers in and out of Riley's pussy. "That's all. Just say 'yes' to me, just once, and I'll make it last forever. That's all you need to do."

"Y... Y..." The word was on the tip of Riley's tongue for several long, agonizing moments before her willpower finally broke. "Yes!"

"Oh, perfect!" Sloth exclaimed, with naked glee. "Now, we can have some real fun."

Without warning, Riley found herself being lifted by the demon's strong arms, and flipped over onto her back. In an instant, the demon was down between her legs. Riley gasped. She knew from experience what was about to happen, and it made her cheeks turn crimson with heat. She'd had girls go down on her before, of course, but never like this. Never so submissively. It was unbelievably embarrassing, as Sloth immediately seemed to sense.

"Remember," Sloth said, an impish glint in her demonic eyes. "You just lie there. Sink. Be lazy. Let me do all the work. Let me do everything."

Riley squirmed. It felt so wrong, but it was so undeniably appealing. To her, a veteran magical girl, there was something sinful about simply doing nothing. She was always so driven, and lying back and letting someone do all the work was the most indulgent thing she could imagine. Was it really OK for her to succumb to such hedonism? In truth, Riley didn't care. She was too tired to care about things like right and wrong anymore. All that was left in her was some residual embarrassment, and Sloth seemed eager to take advantage of that.

"It'll feel so, so good, I promise," Sloth added, before lowering her lips to Riley's pussy and extending her tongue.

From the very first moment of Sloth eating her out, Riley was squirming and writhing like a girl possessed. Nothing had ever felt so good. Not only was she more relaxed and more sensitive than she'd ever thought possible, she'd also never considered what a girl with a tongue as long as Sloth's might be able to do before. The demon was driving her wild, reaching inside her so deep she was pleasuring places that Riley had never even known about before. She had no resistance, no defenses, no acclimation. She was completely at Sloth's mercy, and Sloth knew it. The demoness was taking her time, teasing Riley endlessly, denying her release and knowing that she was too exhausted to bring herself to orgasm.

"Look at you! You're so wet," Sloth teased. "Guess you really are enjoying this, pillow princess."

The phrase made Riley blush anew. "I'm n... not!"

"You are now," Sloth giggled. "Just try and prove me otherwise."

Riley tried - and failed. She could do little more than squirm uselessly and make small, indignant, pathetic noises, and once Sloth turned her attention back to the fallen magical girl's needy pussy, even that facade of displeasure collapsed into more pleasure-filled moaning. She couldn't think. Her head was full of pleasure, and pleasure was all that mattered now.

"See?" Sloth continued, using her fingers to toy with Riley's sensitive clit. "Just a pillow princess. A weak, lazy, sleepy, dumb, little pillow princess."

Riley moaned loudly. She couldn't deny it, but the humiliation burned within her, and she knew deep down it would feel so good to succumb and confess, just like it had done at each and every stage of her corruption.

"Just say it for me already," Sloth ordered sleepily. "We both know you will. You're just a puppet now, remember? No more fight left in you. Admit it."

It burst out of Riley with force, like she was eager for Sloth's approval. "I-I'm a pillow princess!" she moaned. "Just a stupid, sleepy p-puppet."

"Good girl!" Sloth praised. "Now, cum."

She used her tongue to thrust against Riley's g-spot, and along with the command, it was more than enough to send Riley over the edge. She came so hard she almost blacked out. Her body shivered and shook for a moment, before going completely and utterly limp. She was utterly helpless, caught in a storm of pleasure. She'd never let herself give in so completely to pure ecstasy, and now that she had, Riley knew she couldn't go back. She was hooked. She couldn't go back to all that exhausting denial and discipline. It wasn't her. Not anymore. This was better. Cumming her brains out like a submissive pillow princess was better. With that final, inward realization, her corruption was complete. She couldn't go back. She could sense it. Riley didn't care. This was her, now. She wanted this. Mind, body, and soul.

As the pleasure faded, Riley was left feeling overwhelmed by an even deeper sense of exhaustion than before. Darkness clung to the corners of her vision, threatening to claim her at every moment. She needed to rest. She'd needed to rest for far, far too long. The former magical girl was about to simply pass out, when she found herself being moved around once more. It was Sloth. With surprising tenderness, the demon turned her over onto her side, in just the position she always liked to sleep in. Then, the demon busied herself making sure there was a pair of nice, comfy pillows under Riley's head, and making sure she was surrounded on all sides by soft blankets and cushions. Riley purred happily. Letting someone else take care of her felt amazing, and the best feeling of all was when Sloth curled up right next to her, spooning her from behind. She might have been small, but as the big spoon, Sloth was making Riley feel entirely comforted. Riley shifted a little, nestling her head against Sloth's huge, soft tits. Sloth let her.

"That was exhausting. Let's sleep now," Sloth yawned. Riley didn't need any more encouragement. As Sloth curled her long tail up around both of them, Riley closed her eyes. The last words she heard were: "When you wake up, you'll be all mine. Forever."

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Marklynda2Marklynda2about 1 year ago

Ah surrender, the ultimate pleasure. Another well thought out and written chapter. I look forward to reading the next. I appreciate your and your Muse's imagination and abilities to bring it to your story. Thank you for sharing your vision and talents.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

This story somehow ends up being sweet AND hot as sin, wow

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