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Fallen Princess, Risen Queen Ch. 03

Story Info
A princess, a mistress, resistance, concession.
7k words

Part 3 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 08/12/2021
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Author's note:

This is a series about corruption. Corruption stories tend to theme around non-consensual sex, or reluctant consent. This story has lots of both. It also has a lot of different kinds of sex, including with non-humans. Check the for the complete list.

Trying to self-edit this one. We'll see how it goes. Feedback welcome!

Breaking Dreams

Antariel dragged herself from a thankfully deeper, more peaceful sleep, after her earlier dreams tormented her. She felt Rana next to her, though Kana was missing. She turned to the nymph, who opened her eyes and looked up at the elven princess.

Rana wore a happy smile as she spoke with sleep still in her face. "Good morning, princess."

"Good morning, Rana," Antariel beamed the nymph a smile. Her smile faltered when she wondered if it could possibly be morning. "Is it... is it morning? I only intended a short nap. How long did I sleep?"

Rana shrugged, then caressed her cheek. "You slept for as long as it took for you to feel rested. You look like you're feeling better."

The princess felt a pang of guilt that she wasted so much time lazing away in a bed. She quashed the feeling with a reminder that this wasn't the palace, and time had no value here. "I think I am." The nymph was so beautiful and brought her so much joy, that Antariel hoped to give her some back.

Rana looked up at her, neither expectant nor judgmental, before Antariel's lips lightly landed on the nymph's, who moaned and caressed her waist. Antariel tasted the nymph in the soft kiss, like a spring rain.

Antariel held the kiss for a few lengthy, delicious moments then smiled. "Thank you."

"We live to serve, princess," Rana replied and pressed her face against the princess' bosom.

"Oh!" the princess sat up in surprise.

"What?" Rana asked in concern, giving her room.

Antariel felt her breasts, holding them in her hand. They were considerably larger than the day previous. They went from the size of small orange to roughly the size of grapefruits. She could now be certain that this tower was changing more than just her mind -- it was physically altering her. Had such a thought occurred to her when she had arrived, it would've been met with horror. Now, she didn't know how to react.

"How do they feel?" Rana slid her hands along the elf's stomach and caressed the skin beneath her breasts.

"They feel..." she gave them a gentle squeeze and felt a jolt run through her. "Good," she smiled.

"Oh, good," Rana said before she bent her head down and took a nipple into her mouth.

Antariel moaned and threw her head back as she closed her eyes. It felt more than good. Her whole body immediately felt like it was on fire. She marveled that if this was the normal state in this tower how could anyone possibly turn it into an effective army. Rana's tongue moved over her nipple and soaked it as she suckled on the elf's breast.

"Good morning, princess," drifted the light voice of Kana, who was carrying two articles of clothing. Antariel forced herself to sit up to see. She gently stroked Rana's hair, who got the message and pulled away from the princess with a wide smile.

"Good morning, Kana," Antariel yawned as she climbed out of bed.

Kana, with Rana's help, presented the princess with two dresses. They were a similar color scheme as the previous: a dark red, with light purple highlights. However, they were two very different styles. One was styled much like yesterdays, the bottom hem going all the way to her ankles. The other was styled much shorter, and she was certain wouldn't each reach her knees. Such a dress would've gotten her kicked out of every hall in Eltanor had she ever considered wearing it.

Antariel sighed as she stared at the two options. Clearly Kariz had her urges in mind with the second one. But she couldn't help but think a long slit up the first one would've solved the problem just as easily. Well, she didn't want to suffer leers on the way to meeting Kariz, so she chose the first one.

Clearly, she would just have to control herself a little better today. As long as she made it the whole day -- She looked to Kana.

"Is there," she drifted into a sigh, as she already knew the answer. "There is no underwear?"

Kana shook his head, obviously sorry to disappoint her. "This is all I was given."

She wondered if he was truly disappointed, or if it was for her benefit. Once again, she would be barefoot, and once again her pussy would soak the dress. Antariel was glad that at least the punishment was light.

After they finished with her makeup and hair, she started to feel anxious. What if she did screw up and became overly aroused again? Before she got dressed, while sitting naked at her vanity, she asked, "Is Kariz expecting me soon?"

"No, princess," Rana replied.

"Can..." she paused and tried to figure out how to phrase it.

"We live to serve, princess," Kana said when she didn't continue.

Antariel smiled at them. They really made this whole situation more bearable. "I just, I really need... release," she stumbled over the explanation. "I don't -- I don't know what to do."

"What has excited you?" Rana asked as she moved behind her. The nymph rubbed her shoulders with a light touch that was more caress than massage.

Antariel bit her lip when something came to mind immediately. How could she admit this, even to these two long-lived nymphs? She didn't want to admit it to herself, much less to anyone else.

"Close your eyes," Kana whispered and stroked her arm while Rana rubbed her shoulders.

Antariel closed her eyes and breathed out slowly. She tried to calm her indecision and let the nymphs smooth voice sooth her.

"Picture in your mind's eye," Kana whispered while he stroked her smooth skin. "The image that excites you."

Antariel had already conjured the image: Varandur, his arms held by the elbows, being plowed by the chamkraz. He came on the floor, and Antariel breathed out shakily. In the image in her mind, there was so much cum everywhere. She could practically smell it.

"We want what you want, princess," Kana whispered. "We want you to feel good. We want you to find release," he caressed her skin. Antariel swallowed, the sexual imagery still locked in her mind. She knew what he was saying was true, and she could feel his words relaxing her.

"Yes," the barest whisper escaped her.

"Describe it," Rana whispered.

"I see," she hesitated only a moment, "An elf noble. Nobleman. He's being... penetrated. From behind. By a krazthorh." Antariel swallowed, nervous despite their words. "And he's climaxing."

Saying the words aloud only heightened her already climbing arousal. Kana's hands left her, but Rana's grip became firmer, digging into her shoulders more deeply, trying to relax her. Antariel did relax her shoulders, the anxious tension retreating, as the sexual tension advanced. Rana moved to her neck and rubbed in small circles along the side.

The touch soothed but the urge grew within Antariel. As much as she wanted to deny it, she knew that if she wasn't stimulated enough, she wouldn't get the release she truly needed. She kept her eyes closed and sighed deeply.

"Thank you," she whispered to the nymph.

"Just relax, princess," Rana's low voice soothed. "Do you know what would please us, more than anything?"

Antariel knew the answer, but it sounded so presumptuous. She couldn't bear to say it, but she didn't want to lie to the nymph. "Please tell me."

"It would please us if your release was so powerful, that it sprayed everywhere, and you felt better than you ever had," Rana murmured in her ear. Antariel swallowed, as the words helped her get closer. "Don't open your eyes yet. Just turn in your seat."

Antariel nodded as she placed her trust in the nymph. With a few jerking motions, she turned in her seat. Rana's hands moved down her back, and the nymph planted kisses along her spine. Antariel heard some noises, as though someone had entered the room. Antariel started to protest, but Rana made soothing shushing noises. Antariel breathed out slowly as she tried to relax. Rana's hands slid down her hips, and along her thighs, gently pulling at them from behind.

Antariel opened her legs, and her pussy responded to Rana's hands. She was glad that she hadn't yet put on the dress, though she wondered if she had ruined the stool she was on. She felt Rana's presence move in front of her.

"Open your eyes."

Antariel opened her eyes and saw Rana, then past her one of the krazthorh and Kana. Kana was completely naked on his knees, and the kraz was holding his elbows. The kraz pumped his large cock in and out of Kana's soft ass, while Kana's own cock bobbed up and down, slick with precum. She gasped as arousal exploded within her, unaccompanied this time by any shame. Rana, on her knees, pressed her mouth against the princess' dripping pussy and pushed her tongue inside of her.

Antariel let out a shrill cry and whipped her head back as she grabbed Rana's head. She held the young nymph against her pussy, as Rana continued lapping and thrusting her tongue into the elf. Antariel had to control herself enough to look at Kana and the kraz. She refused to miss this.

"His cock feels so big," Kana moaned, "It's so hot inside of me!"

Antariel groaned gutturally, her hips thrusting against Rana's face. Rana's nose rubbed and bumped against Antariel's large clit.

"Fuck me!" Kana cried, "Fuck me harder!" The kraz responded and hammered into the nymph's tight ass.

The princess cried out, "Yes!" and gripped Rana's head as tightly as she could. Her mind was on fire, her skin felt electric, and she could feel the nymph's tongue probing deep within her. She'd never imagined any sex could feel so decadent, so wanton.

"He's coming," Kana shouted, and pushed back as hard as he could against the thick cock of the beast man that hammered into him. "Coming!" he shouted, and the kraz bellowed, let go of Kana's arms and yanked his hips back against his own. Kana climaxed hard, shooting pulse after pulse of cum onto the floor.

Antariel's legs locked around Rana's head, and she pulled the nymph in tight. The nymphs mouth clamped over the top of her sex and clit, then sucked hard. Antariel screamed as she squirted her girl cum into the nymph's hungry mouth.

After a few moments, Antariel's awareness slowly descended, and she realized Rana was nearly blue from holding her breath. "Oh gods!" she exclaimed as she let her go.

Rana fell back and took in a few gulping breaths. As soon as she could speak, she said, "Thank you mistress!"

Antariel was stunned as she realized this was the first time Rana hadn't called her princess. She also realized Rana was still naked, and was laying on her back, her nipples hard on her pert, small breasts. Her legs had splayed open, and her puffy sex glistened. Antariel heard the kraz shuffle out of the room. She glanced at Kana, whose hips twitched as he came down off his own high.

Rana came back down herself and sat up quickly. "Oh, I'm sorry princess," she murmured and got up to get dressed.

"Wait," Antariel held her hand toward Rana to stop her. "Why did you call me mistress?"

Kana shuffled over to Rana, and the two stood naked before Antariel. "We live to serve," they repeated in low voices.

"Come here," she whispered as she opened her arms wide. The two immediately went to her embrace. She kissed each of them on the cheek. "You two make me feel so good."

"I live to serve," Rana gave her a kiss on the cheek.

"I live to serve," Kana repeated as he also kissed her cheek.

Antariel leaned back to look at them both. "And the way you can serve me, right now, is to answer me completely honestly," it occurred to her that she sounded like Kariz. "Would you like me to be your mistress?"

Antariel saw their faces light up when she asked that question, and she couldn't hardly believe it. "Yes princess," Kana said quickly, "Absolutely princess," Rana added.

Antariel laughed lightly, in part from confusion, and in part from relief that they wanted her so. She nodded. "Then I shall be your mistress. You... probably won't be needing clothes in this room."

"Yes, mistress," they spoke simultaneously, and wore large grins.

Antariel couldn't have helped it if she wanted to. The words sent a thrill through her, like everything in this tower seemed designed to do. Had she adapted, as Kariz said she would?

She looked at the dress she had chosen. Apparently, the answer was 'Not completely.' She still didn't want to shame herself in front of everyone who saw her. She still wanted to try to maintain some dignity, even if Kariz had stripped most of it away.

Antariel wasn't a fool, she knew it would be hard, but surely, after such a powerful climax, she could resist Kariz taking more.

Antariel approached Kariz' Court, and this time she walked through the large entry without hesitation. He had never asked her to wait, or to not approach, even when he was fucking someone -- as he was today, of course.

Today it appeared to be one of the purple-horned persons that had assisted him in the Great Hall. As she approached, she could see that Kariz' cock had sunk deep into the person, and the position made it seem like he was fucking their pussy. Yet, she also saw what must have been a large, hard cock that bounced up and down beneath the silk cloth draped over the purple-horned person's crotch.

So, they didn't just look androgynous, they had both, apparently?

Antariel was glad that while the scene aroused her, she wasn't instantly on the verge of wetting her dress. She didn't want to ruin this one the way she had the other, right? For now, she hoped that she wouldn't be punished, and hoped that she didn't want it.

Suddenly the purple androgyne was crying out, and cum erupted through the silk stretched over their cock. Kariz slowed, seemingly confused for a moment, and sighed. He lowered the assistant to their feet, and they stumbled only a little as they slid off his cock.

"Well, I'm glad you were able to enjoy your reward," Kariz smirked. Long strands of precum slowly dripped between them, before falling to the ground.

The assistant turned and bowed, "Thank you, my lord, I--" Kariz waved them off, and the assistant turned and left. Kariz turned to Antariel without saying a word, staring at her.

She took that as her cue, walked up to the throne and knelt before him. His hard cock was slick with precum and other fluids, but still smelled distinctly of him. She quickly wrapped her hand around the shaft and took the large head into her mouth. She could barely fit the whole thing.

She sucked hard on it, harder than she meant to, maybe.

When she sucked on him, Kariz grunted, then grabbed the back of her head. He pushed his cock well past her lips. The head of his cock filled her mouth, then hit the back of her throat. He groaned deeply, and cum flooded into her. She couldn't believe how many huge jets of the salty, creamy liquid shot down her throat. Kariz withdrew his cock as it continued pulsing, and he came into her throat, then the back of her mouth, then the front of her mouth.

As his cock left her lips, she gasped and knew how much trouble she was in. The effect was immediate. The muscles in her body twitched, and she became more aroused than she had since she arrived. Desire flooded her mind and body, as her pussy soaked her thighs. The taste couldn't compare, for it wasn't salty or creamy, it was pure fiery arousal shot directly into her.

Her eyes fluttered open, and she tried to stand on shaky legs. With some fear, she realized she wasn't going to make it. She stumbled forward and Kariz' firm hand grabbed her shoulder. She gripped his arm as she tried to right herself.

But she couldn't. Her urges were pounding at her head, girl cum was already running down her thighs.

"Well?" he asked, as though he could feel her urges as well. "What are you going to do?"

She couldn't believe this was happening again. She grabbed the front of the dress, ripping it again, and shoving her hand through the slit to get to her pussy. She immediately thrust three fingers into herself, pumping her hand as hard as she could. The wet sound of her masturbation filled the empty room.

"And so, I see you have ruined another dress." Through her haze, she could hear Kariz' frown.

"I'm... sorry," she grunted from need. "Didn't... mean to."

"Bend over," he commanded.

Antariel put her hand on the throne, bending as low as she could. She tried to spread her legs wide, so that she could keep playing with herself, but the dress interfered.

Kariz grabbed the back of the dress, and yanked it off her body, which hurt more than she expected. She cried out, but immediately spread her legs and began playing with herself harder. The brief pain seemed to just add to the sensory overload. She wanted to climax so badly, but again she felt so frustrated. Perhaps because of earlier? Did that backfire in spectacular fashion? Part of her mind whispered to her that it had failed so badly, she must have wanted it to fail. And now she was again bent over, forced to hear Kariz' disappointment.

"That was an interesting choice of dress. Why did you pick that dress, over the other?" His hand came down, slapping her ass.

She cried out as he began spanking her much harder than before. The sting was so sharp, it took her breath away a moment.

"Answer!" he called out, as his hand crashed down on her ass, leaving it bright red.

"Ahh! Kariz, I felt shame sir, I was shamed to wear the other dress," she cried as tears ran down her face.

"Why did you not embrace the shame, as I said," Kariz asked loudly. He grabbed her hand that was pumping into her pussy and yanked it over to the throne, slapping it down. Then he slapped her ass again.

She cried out, grabbing the edge of the throne to try to steady herself. He pushed his fingers into her soaked pussy but just rubbed them inside her rather than pump them in and out.

"I'm sorry... Kariz, sir, I... thought I could... control myself." Her words came out in ragged gasps, as tears of shame burned down her cheeks.

"And how well did that work?" Kariz spread her cheeks wide with thumb and middle finger of one hand, while the other began rubbing her girl cum into her pink asshole.

"Ahh," she groaned, "It... didn't," she wanted to try to say something more, but her arousal was too strong. She wanted so badly for him to touch her, even if it was a slap on her ass.

She cried out in pain when his finger pushed passed the sphincter and pressed deep into her ass. The pain was hard to focus on though. The sensation, like the rest of them, was pushed into her bosom's pestle, where it was hammered by the mortar of arousal.

"How about now, princess?" he asked, as he finger fucked her ass. Some small part of her appreciated that he wasn't overly rough. "Do you feel less shame now?"

Antariel shook her head, her words stolen from her. It felt like she kept getting pushed to new heights of shame. Her hips moved on their own though, as the burning feeling of his finger was soon swallowed by pleasure. Of course, she thought bitterly, of course this made her feel good.

"What did I say about shame, princess?" he slowly pushed a second finger inside of her. His two middle fingers were now lodged deep within her ass, which stretched her out further.

"Embrace the shame!" she cried out. The sensations within her were so mixed, she could only live in the moment of feeling them. Shame, pleasure, pain, all competed for her mind.

"Again!" he said as he pulled his fingers out before he shoved them in deep into her ass.

"Embrace the shame! Embrace the shame!" Her hips thrust back against him with every push. The burning left her entirely, leaving behind a sensual fullness. "Embrace the shame!" Arousal built up within her, to excruciating highs. The burning fire within her heated her entire being, and on it she was pouring the hot grease of shame.

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