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Falling for the Law Ch. 08-10

Story Info
Marley and Allie draw closer, the chief starts a new case.
10.6k words

Part 3 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 01/23/2022
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Allie woke early that following morning, Marley still nestled in her arms as she stared over at her beautiful face. The blonde beauty looked almost angelic, her blonde tresses spread out against the gray pillowcase, her chest rising and falling almost imperceptibly as Marley peacefully slept. Allie wanted desperately to kiss her again as she'd seemingly done a hundred times the previous night. But instead, she let her sleep, sliding carefully out of bed and gathering her things.

Allie didn't typically work on Sundays, but Ted had asked for the morning off so that he could attend his infant son's christening.

Quietly closing Marley's bedroom door, Allie made her way to the living area, where she quietly dressed; that task completed, she searched for a pen and a piece of paper, finding both in a kitchen junk drawer.

Scribbling a note, she then grabbed a tape dispenser from the drawer and tore off a piece, taping the message to the front door. Standing there, she read it one more time, wondering if she was going too far in revealing her feelings. At last, though, Allie decided that she had to be honest, hoping against hope that she knew Marley's heart too.


Sorry, I had to leave you this morning; it wasn't what I wanted. But I had to work a few hours this morning to cover for one of my officers. I hope we can get together later, though, but I'll wait to hear from you on that.

Last night was, well, it was the single best night of my life. You are witty, intelligent, brave, and stunningly beautiful. And I hope that you've guessed by now that I'm falling for you. No woman has ever made me feel the way that you do.

Love, Allie


Allie walked into the police station just a few minutes later than she usually arrived, a veritable bounce in her step as she greeted the dispatcher.

Once she had her coffee, Allie retreated to her office and settled into her desk, her mind going back to the night before.

She'd expected Marley to be tentative and unsure of herself, and perhaps she had been at first. But after her first climax, Marley had been anything but shy, the sexy blonde confidently setting aside her past sexuality and embracing her future. Marley had worshiped Allie's body the way only a woman could. No, that wasn't quite right. She'd done it in a way that only a woman with deep feelings for you could accomplish.

When Marley had slowly made her way down Allie's body, her intent dawning on the auburn-haired beauty, Allie had tried to assure her that it wasn't necessary. In response, Marley had merely smiled up at her seconds before sinking her tongue between Allie's silky folds and dragging it up to dance delightfully against her clit.

Allie had blissfully relaxed then, her concerns for Marley forgotten as she'd relished the feel of the sexy blonde's tongue dancing against her turgid clit. After only minutes, Allie had come with a boisterous shout as her feminine juices had coated Marley's face, the beautiful author writing an erotic sonnet with her tongue as Allie's core convulsed in sheer delight.

The pair had finished their first session of lovemaking with Allie flipping Marley over onto her back and mounting her, their legs interlocking as their groins came together. Allie had begun to rock back and forth, her well-lubricated pussy grinding against Marley's in a display of sensual friction. They'd come within seconds of each other, both women keening an erotic duet of delight before Allie had collapsed down next to her lover and lovingly wrapped her into an embrace.

Just the memory of it sparked a heat between Allie's legs, her heart aching to call it a day and race back to Marley's place and resume her position against the sexy blondes, warm and nude body.

Her sense of duty stopped her, though. Marley had her job, as did Allie, and neither of them could afford to get so caught up in the feeling of something new that they allowed it to affect their everyday lives. Still, Allie struggled to keep her mind off the nude blonde beauty she'd left behind not so long ago.

Standing, Allie made her way back to the break room, where she stood refilling her coffee cup as naughty thoughts passed through her head.

"Somebody looks like they're in a good mood this morning."

Turning, Allie found Molly Turner, the station's receptionist and secretary. She was the one who fielded all of the incoming calls, acting as a buffer for Allie and the other busy officers she employed. Allie considered Molly worth her weight in gold, which was a substantial amount because Mrs. Molly Turner was a heavy girl. More than that, Molly was also Allie's best friend and closest confidant. It had been Molly who'd helped Allie pick up the pieces of her life after Stacey Bennett had broken her heart.

"Why do you say that?" Allie asked coyly while trying to maintain a straight face.

"Well, partly because you're standing there grinning at a cup of coffee like a blithering idiot, but mainly because a little bird told me that you were out at the old Johnson place last night with, and I quote, "some hot little blonde number."

Allie couldn't help the grin that came to her face, the memory dancing with Marley coming to her mind. She'd by far been the most beautiful woman there, all of the men present ogling her like starving men waiting in line at an all-you-can-eat buffet.

"Alright, Gardner, spill it and don't you dare leave anything out."

Knowing Molly wouldn't let her get by without sharing and seeing she had little choice, Allie told her all about Marley. She left out the intimate details of what had happened after the dance, but the implications of her current mood were suggestive enough.

"You slut! You got laid last night, didn't you!" Molly said in a low voice, her eyes going big as she wagged a finger in Allie's direction. "I can't believe you've had this going on and haven't shared it with me."

Holding both hands up in a gesture of supplication, Allie said, "I didn't want to say anything because I wasn't sure that it was real."

"And now?" Molly asked excitedly, her voice full of hope.

"I think it is," Allie replied, nodding her head as she did, the tone of her voice almost matching Molly's sudden exuberance.

"I'm so happy for you!" Molly squealed, wrapping her arms around Allie and pulling her in for a hug. The typically reserved police chief went with it, knowing that it was futile to resist Molly once she was worked up over something.

"When are you going to see her again? Ooo, when do I get to meet her? Can you get her to sign her book for me if I buy it? Is she really as pretty as they say?" Molly asked in rapid succession.

Laughing, Allie said, "Let's see, in order, hopefully later today, not yet; I still want her all to myself right now, yes, and she's the most beautiful thing I've ever laid eyes on."

"Prettier than, Stacey?" Molly asked, her tone low and conspiratorial.

"If Stacey was a painting you had done by a good artist, then Marley is an exquisite Rembrandt."

"Wow," Molly said with a grin, "you really do have it bad."

"You have no idea."


Allie's phone sounded just after ten that morning, signaling an incoming text. Pulling over on the side of the road, she looked at her phone.

Marley: I was so disappointed when I woke up, and you were gone, but I understand that your work is essential. Yes! Yes! Yes! I definitely want to see you once you're free. Call me when you get a chance, and we'll figure it out.

Dialing Marley's number, Allie waited patiently for the cell call to connect.

"Hey, you!" came the sound of Marley's voice.

"Good morning,"

"It is," Marley replied sweetly. "The only thing that could have made it better would have been waking up next to you."

"That would have been nice," Allie said with regret. "Unfortunately, it couldn't be avoided."

"I understand. What time do you get off?" Marley asked.

"I should be done by one."

"Good," Marley said. "Let's get lunch at the diner, and then maybe you can show me your place."

"Lunch sounds great, but my place isn't much to look at."

"That's okay," Marley said seductively. "I really only want to see your bed."

"Why's that?" Allie asked coyly.

"Well, I've always heard that women prefer the home-field advantage when it comes to sex, and I want to see if you can fuck me even better in your bed."

"Then my bed it is!"


Marley was waiting in a booth for Allie when she arrived, the sexy blonde's face lighting up when Allie walked through the door. Marley scooted over and patted the bench next to her, signaling that she wanted Allie to sit next to her. The auburn-haired police chief sat down next to her, Marley instantly hooking her left arm in Allie's right and laying her head on her shoulder. Allie's heart swelled at the thought this woman would be so open about her sexuality after such a short time.

"Officer," Marley said in greeting as she lifted her head slightly and leaned in to kiss Marley, their lips coming together softly three times.

"Hey, baby," Marley said softly as their waitress Tammy made her way to the table. She had a broad smile on her face, winking at Marley as she reached the table.

"Well, I see that you two finally figured it out." Tammy replied, tapping her pen against her ticket book.

"What?" Marley asked, feeling a little confused.

"You're together, like a couple," Tammy said, rolling her eyes as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. "I thought that first night you two met in here that there was something there. But I knew for sure the second time you guys came in here."

"Well, you were right!" Marley said brightly as she seemed to snuggle in a little closer against Allie.

The two placed their order and then went on talking, Marley telling Allie about the latest chapter in the young author's book. Allie listened intently as she stared at the beautiful blonde, marveling that she had this woman in her life.

When Marley was done, Allie said in a low voice, "You seem awfully at ease over all of this."

Marley gave her a shrug and said, "For years, I dated boys but never really felt the giddiness of attraction that many of my friends described. Oh, I faked it when they asked, but it was never really there, even with my husband."

"And with me?"

"With you, I have trouble sitting still. I can't stop thinking about you and the things we do together. But it's more than just the physical aspects. I don't feel as though I have to put on an act with you. I can be myself, and you accept that; heck, you seem to like it."

"I love it," Allie said, leaning over and kissing Marley lightly, causing the sexy blonde to flush.

"Back to your point, though, I have had sex with a small handful of men, and each time we were though, I was like, "meh," Marley stated with a shrug. "It was stimulating but never to the point that I was close to coming. But with you, I felt ready to explode the moment you pushed me against my door. You just read my body in a way that no man has ever come close to doing, and I loved the way you kept pushing me to the edge again and again. That constant buildup made my climax so intense that I thought I might lose my mind."

Marley paused as if to let that sink in. Her face then reddened as she leaned in and quietly said, "Plus, going down on you was so hot. I think I'm addicted."

That got a laugh from Marley, just as Tammy returned with their food, sitting it down in front of them and leaving the check. But before they could start eating, Allie's cell began to ring.

Looking at her called ID, Allie said, "It's the DA, I have to take this."

Connecting the call, Allie said, "What do you have for me, Marge?"

"Bad news, I'm afraid," the DA said. "I just talked to Judge Davis's clerk, and he's going to rule against us on the Lucas petition. Apparently, his lawyer raised a royal stink and threatened to appeal any decision that went against Lucas. The clerk told me that Davis doesn't want to take a chance on his decision getting reversed."

"Gutless wonder," Allie groused. "How's he going to feel when one of our residents overdoses because Lucas sold them drugs, not to mention how violent the asshole can be."

"I know, believe me when I tell you that I gave his clerk an earful."

Once Allison had ended the call, Marley apparently saw the look of concern on the police chief's face and said, "What's wrong?"

Turning to her and seeing the worry on Marley's face, Allison reached out to caress the blonde's pretty face and said, "Nothing for you to worry about."

That seemed to pacify Marley. But beneath her facade, Allie was worried.

Very worried.


Marley followed Allie to her house, the couple parking on the street just outside the chief's two-bedroom bungalow. The dwelling was set on a quiet street with many similar homes. It was charming in its own way, the small lot well-manicured and the house's exterior well maintained. The pair held hands as they walked up the cobblestone path, Allie holding the door for Marley as they entered the house.

"What were you talking about earlier? This is nice," Marley declared, and she truly meant it. The main entrance opened to the living room, the open floor-plan revealing a kitchen beyond it. A small bar separated the two.

"It's quaint," Allie said, "And it suits my needs. I don't spend a great deal of time here except to sleep.

"Ooo," Marley cooed, "I want to see where that happens.

Allie led Marley to her bedroom, the door opening to reveal a queen-sized bed, the remainder of the room sparsely furnished with a mixture of secondhand furniture. An armoire sat opposite Allie's bed, twin nightstands flanking the pillows on each side. Marley couldn't help but smile at the sight of the nightstand on the near side. A lamp sat on its surface and lying next to it, a pair of reading glasses resting atop a copy of Marley's lone published novel.

"You've been reading it?" Marley asked, picking up the book as she sat down on the edge of Allie's bed.

"Of course, I have," Allie said as she stood before Marley and took the book from her grasp, opening it to where her bookmark rested. "I've got a vested interest in the author."

"And what do you think, so far?" Marley asked as she stared up expectantly at Allie.

"I've really enjoyed it," Allie replied, setting the book back down on its resting place on the nightstand. "I've been really impressed with the attention to detail you've included as far as the investigation, particularly considering it's a period piece."

Marley could help but smile at Allie's praise, the police chief's endorsement of her craft carrying extra weight. The rookie novelist had spent countless hours interviewing retired police detectives from that period in an effort to make her story read as authentic as possible. In the process, Allie had become quite versed in the investigative techniques of the old-timers, filling multiple notebooks with their thoughts and stories.

Setting aside the pride she felt at Allie's praise and remembering her true purpose for coming here, Marley reclined back on the mattress, propping herself up on her elbows while attempting to affect as seductive a look as she possibly could.

"Well, since you're enjoying it so much, what would you think about fucking the author?" Marley asked, biting at her bottom lip as she stared up at Allie, drinking in the sight of the sexy law officer.

"Just like that, huh?" Allie asked as she settled her knees between Marley's legs and lowered herself down on top of the blonde goddess, their lips coming together in a fiery crash as their tongues found each others, twisting and tangling in an erotic knotting of flesh inside Marley's mouth.

"Do you always hook up with your readers?" Allie teased her lover as she began to kiss her way down Marley's long and regal neck.

"Just you," Marley replied with a moan as her hands settled on Allie's firm backside, pulling her in against the ever-present throbbing between her legs. "Think of yourself as a specially chosen focus group of one."

Not saying a word, Allie raised up and began undoing the buttons to her shirt. Marley matched her intent, reaching down and grabbing the hem of her top, pulling it up and over her head before unhooking the lacy bra she wore and freeing her breasts. Allie had barely been given a chance to do the same before Marley had sat up beneath her, the sexy young writer's mouth laying claim to her left nipple and enveloping it in moist warmth as her tongue pancaked against the turgid nub, sucking hard as her hand grasped Allie's other breast and begin to knead the supple flesh.

"Fuck, baby," Allie cooed to Marley as the blonde felt her lover's hands knot themselves in her curls, pulling her mouth in tighter as she wantonly fed on her nipple. In response, Marley bit down lightly on the swollen nub, tugging at it as Allie praised her efforts by thrusting out her chest to give her lover better access.

"I need to taste you again," Marley admitted as she released her hold on Allie's breast and stared up into the sexy officer's eyes, seeing them darkened with the same lust that she felt coursing through her own body. Not saying a word, Allie gripped Marley's shoulders and pushed her down onto the bed before standing and quickly undoing her belt and allowing it to drop to the floor as she unbuttoned her pants and shucked them down over her shapely hips, freeing her panties along with them.

Crawling back up on the mattress, Allie straddled Marley's legs and began to duckwalk up her body. Marley felt her own eyes go big as she realized Allie's intent, her mouth beginning to water even as she felt her pussy begin to leak fresh juices between her thighs. Allie finally came to rest with her knees situated just above Marley's shoulders, a scant few inches lying between the auburn-haired beauty's wet cleft and Marley's waiting lips. She then watched as Allie grabbed a pillow, cupping the back of Marley's neck and tucking it underneath the blonde's long wavy tresses.

Marley breathed in deeply, bathing herself in Allie's fragrant arousal and feeling herself go lightheaded as she basked in its glory. Hooking her hands on the outer flesh of Allie's thighs, she pulled down, drawing the chestnut-haired beauty's sex down to her lips and burying her tongue into Allie's abundant wetness, the heady flavors coating her tongue and causing Marley to moan as she began to suck lasciviously at Allie's ripe peach.

"Fuck, yes," Allie proclaimed as she began to gently rock back and forth against Marley's thrusting tongue. Marley stared up at her in awe, feeling her own arousal grow as she watched Allie's hands cup her large breasts and begin to tug at her prominent nipples, stretching the gumdrop-shaped bundles of nerves away from her body. "Eat me, baby," Allie begged as she continued to grind against Marley's mouth. "Let me come on the sexy face of yours!"

Marley redoubled her efforts, wanting that as well. Finding Allie's opening, she stuffed her tongue up inside her lover's honeypot and began to suck at the gooey goodness she found there. Hooking her right arm over Allie's left thigh and positioning her hand against the auburn-haired beauty's clitoris, she dragged her thumb through Allie's wet furrow before bringing its pad to rest against her lover's turgid button, pressing against it and beginning to stimulate it in tight circles.

The dual stimulation gradually seemed to push Allie towards her release, her moans becoming a constant wail as her thighs clamped down against the sides of Marley's skull, her right hand cupping the back of the blonde's head and pulling her mouth into firmer contact against her sex. The chestnut-haired beauty came loudly, her feminine essence flooding Marley's face as Allie's thighs quivered in apparent convulsions of delight, Marley struggling to breathe even as she continued to lick and sup at Allie's quivering pussy.

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