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Falling Out of the Sky Ch. 01

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An average guy gets Super lucky.
3.4k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 07/23/2023
Created 07/21/2023
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This is my story and is also published elsewhere.


"So what I'm saying is, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be a bother on you the other day, and I certainly didn't intend to cause as much havoc as I did...I just...I'm sorry I don't even know your name so this is awkward. Sir, I would be honored if you would allow me the pleasure of being your loveslave in furniture...I just need to be near you and show you my love. I...recognize this is rather sudden but since you broke up that little spat that Berserker and I were having the other day I realized that you're my heart and soul...and that my greatest joy could be found in serving you."

I stared mouth agape at the stunningly beautiful young woman before me. A short, lithe figure dressed and styled in goth apparel, with shining purple eyes and jet black hair. Her dress could be loosely described as clothing but more closely resembled a black lace lingerie bodysuit with strategically placed strips of fabric, wrapped in a leather corset that accentuated her spectacular curves. I knew whom she was, at least, from the news. They called her Madame Demonica. I'd met her before, only once, a couple days prior outside of a liquor store in Miami. I'd found her and another woman unconscious in an alley surrounded by broken glass from what looked like a whiskey bottle. Both of them had been bleeding from the ears and nose, and I'd taken them to medical care as quickly as I could as I knew an ambulance could take some time. I briefly considered it odd that she'd been released considering she likely had warrants out for her arrest, before remembering she likely hadn't been released at all.

" beloved...master...I'm sorry can I ask your name? It would make this much less awkward. I'll be sure to observe honorifics if you wish but it would fill me with joy to know my beloved's name...if that would please you sir". She pleaded nervously, tripping over her own words. None of the confidently sexually powerful witch who blasted heros out of the sky and swayed men to war with the cleft of her breast and a lingering word, she behaved more like a nervous teen talking to her crush.

" name is Ty. Uhm...could you explain to you came to this conclusion? That you wanted to...serve me?" I asked nervously, running my hand through my hair and down the back of my neck. I honestly had no idea what was going on, let alone how to deal with it. I'm a sales rep for a liquor brand, not anyone who deals in superheroes or villains.At my acknowledgement of her words, her eyes lit up, I suspect either my name or the fact I wasn't outright rejecting her logic. She leaned forward, giving me a cheeky smile, and I suspect an intentionally tantalizing look at her exposed cleavage.

"Oh see that's simple, you see I'd stolen an item called the Dowry of Inanna from a rich collector's yacht, it was a gem created by one of the seven gods of creation to...well the technical term would be marry but it was more of a soul binding than marriage, basically to force the goddess Inanna to marry him. It's reality level magic, creation energy from the start of the universe, designed to enslave a god. An artifact like that could power my magic and keep me young and beautiful for...well I don't know exactly when the sun will burn out but sometime after that. Berserker, that ginger do-gooder bitch, saw me flying across the city and threw a bottle of whiskey at me. Seriously, who does that?" She paused to make sure that I was on her side in this matter, so I gave a sympathetic nod.

"Anyway, I can deflect things like that if I see them coming, but I wasn't expecting it and it hit me out of nowhere. I'm guessing I blacked out for a minute because next thing I know I'm falling towards the ground too fast to weave spellwork. Well the dumb bitch tried to catch me, like, falling me. Not that I'm not grateful, the pavement would've been much less soft. But essentially I landed in her arms, the dowry activated and blew us both apart, I was wed to the next person I saw, who happened to be the man who picked me up off the pavement and loaded me into his truck and took me to the hospital. Oh my god I never said thank you for that did I?!" She jumped from her chair looking as though she'd committed the worst crime imaginable. "I apologize Ty my love please feel free to punish me in any way you see fit...or allow me to make it up to you with my love and my devotion!" She begged, throwing herself at my feet. I jumped back slightly, causing her to wince as if struck by cold water.

"No no no you're okay. I'm sorry, I just...this is all very sudden. I went out last night to get white wine to make a sick friend chicken soup and now the world's most powerful criminal sorcerer is proclaiming her love to me from my couch. You have to understand that it's...jarring" I chuckled nervously. Looking at the flawless woman before me I felt every single flaw in my own body. Don't get me wrong I'm not ugly, just, not perfect. I'd like a better jawline, my hair though long got frizzy in the dry summer air. My teeth weren't perfectly white or perfectly straight. And lastly although I was tall and pretty muscular I much more resembled the term Dad Bod that Adonis. I was taller than average at 6′4 but it mostly just made my already big form look even bigger. All of these things usually rested far from the forefront of my mind, but staring down at a woman who looks like she was sculpted out of clay to tempt god himself, well, a mirror is more unkind the longer you stare.

"Oh My love...I understand. I'm so sorry for dumping all this on you at once I just...wanted to make you aware of my devotion as soon as I could. And please, don't think of me as a criminal or a villain. Granted I've been known as one in the past, and even I can acknowledge that my actions weren't always...above board. But, I'm yours now. If you wish me to turn over a new leaf and do only righteous deeds you have but to ask. And if you wish that I should conquer the world in your name, give me the world and you'll hold it in your palm. My morality...much like the rest of now at your disposal. is very...flexible" She smiled seductively, inching even closer. This time I didn't shy away.

" you get up off the floor? I'd like to speak as equals for the time being even if you don't feel we are" I chuckled again, still nervously. She nodded and climbed onto the arm rest of my chair, leaning against my side. It wasn't what I'd meant, but being so close to someone so beautiful wasn't something anyone would complain about. Seeing her up close like this I could get a better feel for her body. She was around 5′4 with large full breasts, I'd estimate triple D or F cups, that seemed to spite gravity in their lace veils. She possessed a plump but respectably bouncy ass and voluptuous and supple thighs which she pressed against my arm. She smelled like honeysuckle and fresh cut grass, a nostalgic smell from my childhood that filled me with warm feelings. I suspected it was one of her enchantments, but it was so alluring I couldn't shake from my mind that she smelled like home. "So...what you're saying is you accidentally smashed a rock and now you're my wife?" I asked nervously. She smiled and looked at me in a way that a parent would look at a child when they said something adorable, but hopelessly stupid, but with her angelic features it made my heart flutter.

"That's one way to look at it, yes. I mean, if you'd like to marry me in an actual ceremony I'll happily be your would be..." Her eyelids fluttered briefly and I could see and feel her body twitch a little. "I know that you loved me that much in return would bring me no end of pleasure My Love." She smiled, accentuating the final syllables. "However if you should choose to view me as simply a pleasure object, to be used at your discretion...or even just a slave to order around at your whims...I'll do any of it with eagerly" She purred. Her eyes now seemed heavy and half lidded, and her smile had turned to one of predatory seduction instead of anxious excitement. It took me a moment to process what had just transpired, but a new scent of arousal cut through the magical ones.

"Uhm...what can I call you? Lady Demonica seems a little...well, clunky, for just casual conversation like this..." I chuckled nervously.

"Monica is fine, it's my given name anyway. Monica Roos, though I try to keep that a secret...but I know I can trust you Ty. I mean, you're my soulmate, plus if you wanted everyone to know I'd shout it from the rooftops...if that would make you happy." She looked as though she desperately wanted something, but just couldn't as, her body was shivering with anticipation.

"So Monica, let me get this straight. You, the world's most powerful dark mage and frequent super criminal, are now head over heels in love with and married to me. You consider yourself my love slave wife who will happily fulfill my every wish and request to your own detriment. You have no issue with this, or desire to undo the magic that did this, and only want to make me happy?" I asked nervously, my mind racing with both guilt and desire. I rationalized that any man would be in my situation, I mean, where would anyone else's mind go?

"Pretty much, as long as I'm with you and serving you I'll be the happiest woman in the world. And as for going back? I'd be a fool to! The pure bliss that comes from simply being in your presence is better than the best feeling I'd ever known before! Also you calling me your wife? Like christmas and my birthday all in one!" She smiled, bouncing in place and sending tremors through her breasts.

"I...I don't know if I can take advantage of this situation?! I mean, you can't consent under magic can you? But if what you're saying is true I'd be practically hurting you by denying you? But..but I can't just take advantage of someone whose been brainwashed and can't consent right? This feels...questionable" I sighed, my good nature winning out over the lecherous urges. I internally cursed my mother for raising a southern gentleman instead of a rake like my father. Monica frowned for a moment, then leaned in closely to my ear.

"Ty, my lover, I consent. I consent to everything from here on out. Now please, my heart and soul, allow me to make you happy. All you have to do is say...yes" She hissed, her hot breath tickling my neck as her hands found my chest and began rubbing sensual circles. Her movements were practiced, and calculated, she knew my resistance was slim, and I suspect she knew it would be almost effortless to break it. "Say yes to me...and let me show you how good of a wife I can be"

"Yes" I murmured hungrily, turning and capturing her lips with my own, and taking her by the waist to pull her down onto my lap. She didn't hesitate for a second, instead wrapping her arms around my neck and capturing my lips in a kiss that melted any semblance of resistance I had left. Her lips were softer than silk, and they tasted like honey and fresh Rainier cherries. Her hands tangled in my hair and pulled me in, her warm body grinding down onto me and against my chest. Her breasts pressed into me, soft and supple, dragging up my chest. I heard her snap her fingers and felt her skin press to my own suddenly. She separated our lips for a moment and smiled down at me.

"I didn't think you'd mind..." She whispered, looking nervous. I smiled and nodded, rising to try and recapture her lips. "When you're consummate our me wife and I will make us one. Until you're ready though...just relax and let me show you my love" She whispered. Her pleading adoring gaze was like a hard drug, fueling my already fluttering heart and fogging my thoughts. "If that's alright...I mean" She asked nervously, her confidence cracking slightly at my silence. I'm sure I looked like a stoned fool with a dopey grin on my face at this point, as my body desperately just wanted more of her kiss and warmth.

"Monica...I...uhm...I don't know how to feel about what you've told me today. Beautiful wives don't just fall from the sky. I don't know what to think. But, I do know you're making me feel better about it all...and I don't want you to stop." I mumbled, trying to form words in my hazy state. Her eyes lit up, brighter than fire, and her entire body changed suddenly. I'd given her a path to her goal and she seized upon it. Her movements had previously been more confident and practiced than any woman I'd been with, but now she was...perfection. She captured my lips in such a way that I felt somehow like the aggressor, yet powerless to resist at the same time. Her body returned to mine, this time a warm and powerful all consuming sensation of flesh on flesh. My need was rising, and I found myself grinding up into her. My cock was rock hard against my jeans and screamed to be freed. I tried to part my lips to whisper the magic word, but she simply took it as an invitation to capture my tongue with her own. The last thoughts in my mind began to melt as I became a creature of pure need. I groaned into her mouth, and she must've taken it as the password, because my cock felt open air for a second, before I felt myself being slowly welcomed into heaven.

"Oh you're big..." She whispered against my lips, in a tone that I took as appreciative surprise. I groaned and tried to buck up into her, but her legs locked me down into my chair. "Let me" She whispered. She slowly lowered herself onto me, enveloping me inch by inch until I was completely inside her. Her whole body was vibrating, and her walls spasmed around me. She was cumming, continuously. I was close to my own release just from foreplay. "I will take such good care of you" She whispered, slowly rising and then falling again, drawing out a groan from me as her body tried desperately to draw my release.

"I'm not going to...last long...too beautiful...too tight" I whispered, trying desperately to remember what math or baseball even were. I felt her wiggle her hips a little and almost lost my control in an instant.

"With your permission I'm gonna give you control over when you release...and the ability to bounce right back...not that I think you wouldn't anyway." She grunted. I nodded, and she snapped her fingers again, this time I felt a sudden relief from my need for release. I still felt my pleasure, and every bit of the wonderful sensation, but now I was in control. The haze lifted from my mind as I regained my senses. I took my hands from her hips and gripped her ass, holding her in place and beginning to set my own tempo. She whimpered and my ego soared as I realized the pleasure I was giving this beautiful creature. It spurred me on and I was soon pounding into her furiously. She threw her head back in ecstasy, cursing under her breath. I was in paradise, my entire being focused on driving her mad with pleasure. I felt a sudden urge, taking a hand off of her and reaching up to grab her by the back of the head, tangling my fingers in her hair and pulling her whole body down onto me. I forced her lips to my own and kissed her with every bit of confidence and dominance she'd given me, forcing her lips apart with my own and claiming her mouth. She gasped a little as I did, surrendering immediately to my embrace. When I finally allowed our lips to separate I felt a growl echo in my chest as my whole body began to ache. I didn't have to cum, I wasn't losing control, but fuck more than anything I wanted to spill my seed inside this beautiful woman.

"Monica, I'm going to cum in you. And when I do I want you to have a mind shattering orgasm. I want you to feel all the pleasure I'm feeling. I want to put all other pleasures you've known in your life to shame... tell me how" I growled. She smiled at me, still twitching in continual orgasm, she pulled herself tight to me, digging her nails into my back.

"Give me permission to stop holding myself together...let me show you my devotion and adoration" She hissed, grinding her hips into me. Without hesitation I grabbed her hips again and began fucking her with wreckles abandon, driving into her with a desperate need, till I finally began to see red, and buried myself to the hilt while roaring the command.

"Cum for me!" I bellowed, releasing my own orgasm inside my beautiful sorceress and nearly losing consciousness as my cock fired off inside her. Whatever spell she'd worked on me not only gave me control over my orgasm, it also prolonged it and increased its volume, as I flooded her with cum. Enough that I soon felt a hot trickle down my taint. Monica for her part was stiff as a board, but I could see and feel her orgasm tearing through her body. Every muscle was as tight as piano wire, and her eyes had completely rolled back in her head. As my orgasm subsided I leaned back into the chair, pulling her down onto my chest. She was mumbling something but I suspected by her state it was gibberish. I groaned in bliss and pulled her into me to snuggle up, slipping from inside her and spilling the mixture of our pleasure down my lap and doubtlessly staining my chair. I chuckled at how trivial that was, considering I had one of America's most wanted mewling happily in my lap. After a moment I looked down at her and saw that she'd fallen into a sleep, mumbling happily as she slumbered. Honestly it was about the cutest thing that I'd ever seen, making me smile involuntarily.

"My husband" She grumbled through her slumber, making my cheeks hurt with how wide my grin stretched. Sudden? Perhaps, but it's not like I was looking at a lot of marriage prospects previously.

"Let's get you to bed, wife" I chuckled as I shifted her and picked her up into my arms, standing and walking down the hall and laying her gently into my bed. I slid in beside her and wrapped my arms around her, pulling her frame to my own. The now cooling wetness on our bodies was mildly unpleasant, but her warmth and the contented purring she made as I cuddled her eclipsed it in my mind. I'd have more questions in the morning, many things would demand both of our attention and honesty. But, taking in the wonderful beautiful creature in my arms, the new scent of wood smoke and fleece blankets wafting from her hair, I recognized within myself that I was happier in this instant than I had been in years. Despite myself I realized, I'd no intentions of giving this up. Beautiful wives don't just fall from the sky, but if they did I intended to keep mine.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

This is a really good setup, hope this is going to be a longer series exploring more of that alternative superhero world.

Greasy_BallsackGreasy_Ballsackover 1 year ago

Love this story on Mcstories. You should make more like it.

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