by m_storyman_x
It's been so long since the first three chapters were published, I had to start at the beginning to catch up on who was who in the 4th chapter. Loved it! Hopefully it won't take 4 years for chapter five to be published. Five stars and a favorite point!
Great story...please don't wait another four years to continue!
Holy hell you updated! This was a great read. I hope there's more to come either in this series or anything else you have planned. Perfect smiut
I am very much enjoying the story, Dee is a bit of a bitch and I hope she settles down.
Thanks for reviving this story. Even though there is copious hot sex it still has a good plot with some character development. Really looking forward to the next chapter. 5/5
wish i had a family that was that mom and two sisters...and a couple of cousins and aunts i would not mind doing...after dee sucked trev off she should have dove into her sister...far to many combos for this story to and her sister need to jump him together....great story
Why is there no "Part 5" yet?? We readers want to see this continued; you have gotten this far, with the story left hanging, & so much more to write about...
Hopefully, you are doing well in this current world situation; when you can, PLEASE write another chapter, or2, or even 3!!
, because he/she needed 4 years to get from part 3 to part 4, so comeback another few years...
I'm also still waiting for a part 9 of trapped in a game (other writer)....
So you went away from the original storyline which normally would mean a ruined story but as long as you keep the 2 other guys out of the sex scenes with the girls and can actually write another chapter without it taking years to do which I highly doubt going by the trend between each chapter thus far you will have a decent story going for another chapter only part I'm not liking so far is it started out with him and his sister but as you added more girls he seems to have forgotten about his sister which that alone stops a 5 star rating and another thing is you have what being a Virgin actually means kept saying that she was a Virgin never had a dick in her yet she she pushed in without pain or blood hate to say it that's not a Virgin not even close to 1 those things cuts the rating down by quite a bit so with that being said I give it a 3 before you ask who I think I am besides a reader I'm a professional writer so when I say what is wrong with a story trust me I know what I'm talking about
Sorry, only 3 stars for this story. Didn't feel like it was a continuation of the story parts 1 and 2. Very disjointed.
, "professional writer"? Did you leave your punctuation at the office?
This isn't my usual jam, but I'm enjoying it. On to the next part!
Good chapter, with a return to a little more investment, this time as Chris takes a step or two forward. Nice to have Dee to keep things going, but, honestly, Sis deserves the most and best, with Chris a close second.
Aunt Mary, though, a life-long crush!
How strange that he can't seem to keep straight whether or not his father knows he is having sex with his mother or sister. Dad has seen him with both of them.
"How strange that he can't seem to keep straight whether or not his father knows he is having sex with his mother or sister. Dad has seen him with both of them." I know. Also, Chris is now almost twenty, not eighteen. Just go back and read what you've written, to refresh your memory.
, "professional writer"? Did you leave your punctuation at the office? 😂 Nothing like an endless run on sentence, to give it away.
This isn't my usual jam, but I'm enjoying it. On to the next part!