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Family Help

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A family helps a younger brother in his sex life.
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I belong to a simple society of people. We don't hold with most of the modern things. We're family oriented. We till the soil and help our neighbors. We breed the animals on the farms and help with the births. The act of mating is common knowledge although we do tend to hold our families private.

My wife, Katie, and I were getting ready for bed when my younger brother, Daniel, who was staying on the farm with us the weekend, knocked on our bedroom door. Katie, so as not to cause undue emotion in Daniel, pulled her gown closed and sat facing the other way from the door.

Daniel is 18, almost 19, and about 5 feet 10 inches tall, mostly slim, a farm raised man. I opened the door and there stood Daniel in his nightshirt, barefoot.

"Samuel," he exclaimed, "you have to help me. If I don't learn something about women I'll lose Sarah. I love Sarah but there are other suites. I'm going to lose her."

Katie and Sarah are close friends and Katie quickly came to the door and took Daniel's hand and led him into the room.

"Daniel, calm down. Come and tell me."

She led him to the bed and they sat on the side.

"I know Sarah wants me but every time I try it happens," Daniel said, "I know she knows. I have to stop and go and clean up. Sarah and I want to have love like you and Samuel before you were married but I can't stop it from happening. I'm going to lose her if I don't find out what to do. Please help me."

Sarah turned and looked up at me, right in my eyes, then back to Daniel. I don't think she actually saw me when she looked, I think she was deciding what to do. Then she looked back to Daniel and by the look in her eyes I could tell she had decided.

"Daniel, take your clothes off and lie on the bed," she said, still holding his hand. "Don't bump your head on the headboard."

Daniel looked at me as Katie stood up and starting pulling his nightshirt off.

"Come on, it's ok," Katie said, helping my now complete necked brother lie on the bed. The bed frame was extra large and extremely sturdy, made by a neighbor, and the mattress was very firm.

"Now close your eyes and say the names of everyone you can think of. Don't go too fast," Katie said.

She then got on the bed and straddled him. She moved upward until her privates were on Daniel's privates. I don't think I've ever seen a penis get that hard that fast and Daniel's penis was larger than I remember when we were washing in the creek. It seems like it was up around his belly button. She starting moving her hips well up Daniel's penis and then back down.

Katie was wearing underpants she made out of an old sheet, very thin material with ties on each hip. Over that she was wearing a simple gown, open in the front, with string ties at the neck. Nothing else, which pleased me. As she continued I'm sure her underpants were getting completely wet which would reduce the friction a bit. Daniel opened his eyes once and Katie quickly said for him to close them as he continued to recite names slowly.

I was sitting cross legged on the bed next to her as she continued. I could see the muscles in her legs flex when she pushed her hips forward and pressed her clit and vagina against his penis. After a few minutes I leaned over to Katie.

"Would you like me to untie your underpants?"

She had her eyes closed but she turned to me with them open and with a smile slowly moved her head up and down. I reached around her hips and pulled the tie loose and did the same for the one near me. She raised her hips up slightly and I pulled the underpants backwards from between them.

I know her mind was not on having sex with Daniel but on the next thrust after slipping her underpants off when her clit slid up Daniel's penis and the very wet outer lips of her vagina enveloped him she bit her lower lip just briefly. She also moved her legs a bit higher up Daniel's side so as to adjust her position. Daniel stopped saying names and moaned deeply.

"Daniel, open your eyes and laugh," Katie said. "Daniel. Right now. Open your eyes and laugh as loud as you can. Laugh!"

I couldn't believe what I was seeing. My younger brother Daniel was lying on the bed in our bedroom on his back, completely nude with his hands at the side of my wife's knees. My wife was sitting astride him, nude under a very flimsy gown, open in the front, with her breasts swinging to and fro while she rode forward and backward pressing her clit and vagina down on his penis while my brother, with his eyes very wide open, laughed at the top of his lungs.

"Daniel," she said, "when you get control, stop laughing and close your eyes."

Daniel stopped laughing and closed his eyes.

I noticed that Katie was sweating a little and I whispered to her.

"Would you like me to take off your gown?"

She just nodded her head up and down and I reached over and undid the ties above her breasts. She had her hands on Daniel's chest and she lifted them up one at a time while I removed the gown. It was the most beautiful sight I have ever seen in my life. The muscles in her hips were mercerizing as they contracted and released as she moved.

"Do you mind," I said, whispering in her ear again as I lightly touched my fingertips to the lower part of her back.

"I'm just curious," I said. She smiled very nicely and nodded her head slowly up and down again.

How Daniel could take such treatment and not have an orgasm was astounding. I certainly couldn't last that long. I lightly slipped my hand down between the folds of her bottom, past her anus to the ripples around her vagina. She was very wet. Carefully fitting in with her rhythm I slowly slipped my middle finger lower. I was surprised when I could feel the skin and ridge at the bottom of the head of his penis. At the amount that she was pressing, she must feel the head right at the entrance to her vagina. When she started her backward movement I could feel a slight hiccup in her hips. Daniel's penis was hitting her pubic bone and she was tilting her hips up slightly so his penis would slide past it, into her clit.

"Daniel," she said, "Open your eyes and look at me."

Daniel opened his eyes to see Katie completely nude and her very firm breasts very near his face. He then looked down between them and saw his penis emerge from between her legs.

"Daniel," she said, "You must control yourself. Your wife may have many orgasms but you cannot have so many so you must learn to control yourself. You must learn to enjoy the feelings you have and allow your wife to enjoy hers. Do you understand?"

"Yes," Daniel said, looking into her eyes.

Daniel closed his eyes while moaning a bit. Katie looked at me with a look that said, "What do I do now?" I looked at her and shrugged with a little tilt of my head. She looked at me for a couple of seconds and whispered, "Yes, I think so."

Katie moved her knees up higher beside Daniel and took his hands from beside her knees and placed them on the top of her legs, up high so his thumbs were rubbing her public hair. She bent over, letting her breasts brush his chest. Just as her hips went forward enough for his penis to clear her pubic bone she stopped moving and raised her hips so that his penis was pressed right at the entrance to her vagina. I slipped my finger down just a little more and could barely feel Daniel's penis there. She slowly rotated her hips around the head, moistening it.

"Daniel," she said, "You can thrust a little bit. Not too much, just a little."

I could feel Katie lift up a bit as Daniel's penis pushed upward, nudging her vagina.

"Slowly, Daniel, and don't stop," she said.

Then after a few thrusts like that she didn't lift up and my finger slipped down his penis as the head pressed upward into her vagina. Each time he moved upward I could feel her squeeze her muscles around his penis and her bottom around my fingers.

"That's good Daniel, you don't have to control yourself anymore, just enjoy yourself," she said.

She was making it as erotic as she could so Daniel would have an orgasm.

Katie stayed bent over Daniel for a little while as he thrust his hips and then she slowly started to straighten. She was soon moving straight up and down, going lower and lower. I could soon feel Daniel's testicles as they were pulled a bit into her vagina so I removed my hand from under her but I kept it on the small of her back so she knew I was enjoying everything too. I could only image what Daniel's thumbs were doing.

Daniel was mashing into Katie's clit and she was breathing a bit harder. Daniel couldn't last much longer but Katie was closer. I could feel her body shudder and move a bit odd as she obviously experienced a very intense orgasm. She just kept going, hardly missing a beat.

With a stern groan, Daniel pushed upward with a mighty thrust, and then again, and again, and again, pausing each time. Katie pressed down hard every time and squeezed as hard as she could. It certainly wasn't the first orgasm he had ever had but I would venture it was the best.

They stayed that way for awhile, getting their senses back then Katie slipped off and put on her gown and left the room. Daniel got up and we talked while he put his nightshirt back on. When Katie returned she sat on the side of the bed with Daniel.

"Daniel," she said, "when you make love, never open your eyes wide and laugh out loud. It will be very embarrassing."

Daniel just smiled and nodded.

Later, Katie and I were more intimate that usual and when 4 o'clock came, Katie and Daniel both were up to help with the milking. Strange.

Enough time went by that we knew that Katie wasn't with child, but if she was it wouldn't have mattered. If Daniel was a father with Katie rather than I, it would have been about as important as washing your elbow. All children are loved the same. Daniel and Sarah were married in the spring and Katie and I found we were with child then. And it was more than a few times that I saw Katie and Sarah whispering and giggling while visiting.

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26thNC26thNCalmost 2 years ago

The family that cucks together.

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