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Fantasy Answered

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Nate is recruited to address her daddy issues.
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Please note that this story explores an incest fantasy. It's plenty hot, but if you want true incest, better look elsewhere.

"Okay, Nate, I've got a serious topic to discuss with you, and I'm trusting you to keep this discreet. We've been friends forever."

"Of course, Sheryl," I responded. "You're my best friend from way back. I think you know me by now."

"I'm not sure I know you that well when it comes to this topic!" she laughed. "But I do trust you."

"So what's up?"

"You know I have a lot of friends here at school. Girls talk. One of them confessed a fantasy to me. She would love to play it out if she could find the right partner. I said I may know someone who would handle it in the right way. She got intrigued real fast. Interested?"

"Whoah! I didn't expect that. You've set me up a few times and they've been good choices. One made it to serious girlfriend. I trust your instincts. What's the fantasy?"

"Nate, keep an open mind on this."

"Do I have to seriously hurt anyone?"


"Then let's hear it."

"Okay, you win. She has serious Daddy issues. She wants to live out an incest fantasy with a father figure."

"Sounds pretty hot."

"You're not scared off?"

"Sheryl, I've heard it's common enough. It doesn't mean they want the real thing to happen. It's often a way to explore some sexy power dynamics. The father figure would appear to have the authority, but his little princess has a lifetime of wrapping him around her finger. And even if she secretly fantasizes about her own father, she can channel that fantasy in a safe way without messing up her family."

"And you know all this--how?"

I laughed. "Listen, best friend, I'm a horny guy that tries to know everything about sex. So maybe I've read a few things about women's fantasies."

Sheryl gave me a long look. "So I've got a pervert for a best friend?"


We both laughed.

"Okay, it looks like you would be a great choice for her. I'll give you one more piece of information. She has a little crush on you. She wouldn't have any problem playing out this fantasy with her crush."

My cock hardened at this admission.

"Think I would crush on her?"

"Yes. She's your type. A kinky pervert."

We laughed as only good friends can.

"She's easy enough on the eyes," Sheryl continued. "Beyond that, you'll have plenty of time to learn yourself, but I think you'll like what you find. So you're in?"

"Absolutely. Helping a girl play out a fantasy? I'd have to turn in my man card if I didn't want to do that."

"Yeah, right. But you're not in fantasyland yet. I'm making both of you get tested and give me the results. She wants this as realistic as possible, so no condoms. And I'll vouch for her on the birth control front. She's protected."

"Makes sense. In the meantime, I'll come up with a plan. I'm thinking her father visits her at school for a night? I can get a hotel."

"That would work great and help play into the fantasy. Take her to dinner like a father would his daughter. Maybe she finds some excuse to stay over. I'll talk to her about it."

"I'll get tested tomorrow. Maybe we set this up two weekends from now?"

"Sounds good. She'll appreciate that you're moving out on planning. Like you really want to do this. I'll share her name when I get both of your results."

"Actually, you don't have to. I trust your judgment on who she is. It might make her more comfortable if she doesn't have to reveal herself until she knocks on my door."

"Nate, that's a good idea. She'll love you for looking out for her, and her trust level will grow. And thanks for the vote of confidence on my judgment."

Then she narrowed her eyes and looked into mine.

"Wait. I know you. This isn't just about her. This will turn you on, won't it?"

"Me? I'm just here to give a girl her fantasy."

"Right. And the fact that you bang some surprise hottie that comes to your door has nothing to do with it."

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"She'll enjoy knowing that she's fulfilling a fantasy of yours. In fact, if you two hit it off, she could work with that in the future."

"What do you mean?"

"I think you have some planning to do, fantasy boy."

I knew my friend well enough that I wasn't getting anything more out of her. And the idea did turn me on. Sheryl had good taste. As she said, I'd get to bang some hottie soon after learning who she was.

"See ya around, Sheryl. I'm sure we'll pass our labs. Tell your friend a couple of things from me. First, what endearment does she use? Princess, baby girl, angel, something else? And I take it that she'll lead the seduction and I'll be the reluctant father figure, but check that. Finally, let her know that I really want to do this. Any friend of yours is going to work well for me, so she can relax. I'll be hot to trot."

"I'll pass those things along. Nate, thanks. This went easier than I thought."

"You doubted me?"

"No, I guess I didn't. I wouldn't have gotten her hopes up if I didn't think you'd do it. You have a soft spot for women, Nate. What I didn't expect is how this might play into your fantasies."

"I still have no idea what you're talking about. But I'll get some planning going." And I was out her door.

The next week went quickly. Sheryl reported all clear on the STD tests. I blew a number of loads onto my abdomen while I anticipated this fantasy. I also texted a few ideas back and forth with Sheryl, who was coordinating with this fantasy girl. The weekend visit idea worked for her. She would show up after a "sports practice," so she would have a change of clothes in her bag. Her bag would have her name on it, so we could maintain character. I would have a business relationship with a firm in town and would stay over Friday night to see my daughter.

Thursday before the date, Sheryl had me over.

"I want to give you a little background on fantasy girl. She's a senior that I've mentored for a number of years. So a year younger, but she's grown up and is a lot like us graduate students. Serious about her studies. Enjoys having fun, but knows how to balance that with school. Really wants to play out this fantasy before she graduates and loses the opportunity, although she's considering graduate school herself."

"Sounds good. I can work with that."

"Nate, I want you to really take care of her. I respect her a lot. Do your best for me, please?"

"Sheryl, I'll give her my best. I've been thinking about this, and I'm going to get into character and stay that way all the way through. In fact, I'm thinking she should have a safe word. This isn't a BDSM situation, but it may get emotionally intense. I'd usually let her pick it, but see if 'pineapple' works for her."

Sheryl snickered. "Already assigning safe words before a first date? This will be a great story to tell."

"You keep insinuating that there will be other dates."

"Nate, don't be an idiot--at least more than you usually are. A girl crushes on you and sets up a long-held fantasy. If it goes well, she's going to associate you with fulfilling her deepest wishes. That's not a bad place to start a relationship, if you're so inclined."

"We'll see. Anything else I should know?"

"I've told her your previous girlfriends complimented your oral skills, and she definitely likes that. And I said that you were open-minded, so she's free to suggest anything. I trust that's still the case?"

"Of course, Sheryl. You know me. I want to be good at everything, including fulfilling my partner's every desire."

"Yeah, right, lover boy. One more thing. She confirmed your intuition to let her lead the seduction part."

"I'm on it. Remember, this is part of the father-daughter power dynamics. Playing hard to get while a hottie seduces me? I can't wait."

"Don't play too hard to get!" Sheryl laughed. "She wants this. But I think you'll do great. Just wanted to give you the lecture to be on your best behavior."

"What are friends for? By the way, thanks for setting this up for me."

"You can add this to the mountain of things you owe me for," she said. "Now go home and rest up. I think you'll need your full stamina. She's not a one-and-done type of girl."

"My type exactly," I said as I got up. "See ya around, Sheryl."

In fact, I had abstained from beating off for a couple of days already. I was perhaps as worked up as this fantasy girl. Over the past week and a half, she had infected my mind. I liked women who worked to get what they wanted. And if she was a kinky little thing, all the better. But the father-daughter power dynamics were also taking root in the fertile soil of my dirty little brain. I wanted to see what she would do. And I wanted to experience a girl living out a fantasy--one compelling enough for her to take a risk to fulfill it.

I checked in Friday and texted Sheryl the room number. Fortunately, college town hotels were cheap on non-game weekends. I put a game on the TV--very Dad like. At 5:30, I got up to a knock on the door, remembering the right endearment.

"Baby girl! So good to see you!" I held my arms out and she rushed into the hug. She clung tight, and I felt her breasts mash into my chest. While the scent of her auburn hair filled my senses, my brain assembled what I knew about her.

Ashley. Tall. Athletic. Attractive. Smart. She really did play volleyball, and it kept her in great shape. I had watched her play a couple of times with Sheryl, but of course I didn't hit on her. That's the thing about a female best friend. You don't hit on her friends. Sheryl had explained that clearly to me.

"Okay, Nate, we need to have a discussion," she told me when we started High School. "You can't hit on my friends. Got it?"

"What are you talking about?"

"When a girl has a good guy friend, it can put her other friends into an awkward situation. They won't trust me if you're around and you're hitting on them. So, you don't. If they are interested in you, I'll handle it. You should thank me anyway. I'll screen the multitudes so you only get the best." She laughed.

"Whatever, Sheryl. I get it. No hitting on your friends."

"Thanks, Nate. Believe me, it's for the best for all of us."

And it had worked. Sheryl and I stayed close. Her other friends didn't give off weird vibes around me. And Sheryl had introduced me to a few interested women over the years. One had made it to long term college girlfriend, but we separated when she graduated and got a job out of state.

Bottom line: I had noticed that Ashley was hot. But I had stopped there. Now, she filled my arms, she enjoyed some naughty fantasies, and she was going to bed me tonight. Fuck, yeah!

Ashley finally pulled back from the hug.

"Daddy! It's so good to see you. I'm so glad you made time to stay over."

"Anything to see my baby girl," I said. "Come in while I get ready, then I'll take you to dinner."

We went out, and engaged in an animated conversation. I stayed in character, but I got to ask her about her studies, her friends, and her volleyball team. So I got to know a lot about her. She asked about my friends and hobbies, but she couldn't ask about my studies. We both danced around the situation, having fun working together to stay in character but learn about each other. Ashley asked for advice about graduate school, and I actually could offer something.

At one point in the evening, I figured I could play the Dad card.

"Ashley, I haven't heard about any romantic interests. Anything to say in that area? With all these boys around, surely some have shown interest?"

"Dad." She gave me that look. "I'll of course introduce someone when I'm ready. There is a boy that I'm interested in. Have to see if he's smart enough to pick up on my signals."

"Boys can be pretty dense. You may have to send more signal than you think."

"Oh, I've sent a very strong signal all right. Ball's in his court. Have to see what he does with it."

"Well, he'd be an idiot not to respond to your charms."

"Exactly." And Ashley pointedly changed the subject.

We finished dinner and took a walk through the nightlife while Ashley showed me the sights. I got to see the town through her eyes and learn more about her. Then I walked her back to the hotel.

"Still plenty of time to catch up with my favorite little girl. Come on in, Ashley, unless you have something early tomorrow."

"Thanks, Dad. No plans, and I'm loving catching up, as long as you don't talk about boyfriends anymore."

I laughed. "No, but of course I had to ask."

"I know."

We kicked back on the couch and kept talking. I was letting her set the pace. And eventually, she did.

"All that volleyball! I'm so sore and tight in my shoulders," she said, stretching her arms over her head.

"Would you like me to massage the soreness out?" I asked.

"I'd love that, Daddy!" she replied. "You always treat me so well."

"Why don't you sit in that chair and I'll get behind you."

She nodded, then sat in the lounge chair beside the bed. She leaned forward and pulled her hair to the side. I positioned myself behind the chair and centered my hands on her back, then gently moved to her shoulders. Ashley sighed and leaned into what my hands were doing. She progressively relaxed, making happy little chirps, and then spoke up.

"Your hands feel fantastic, but I think we're going to need skin-on-skin to really make this work," she said. "My shoulders are just so tight. This is what we do in the locker room."

"Okay, baby girl," I laughed. "I'll let you make that call."

Ashley reached to her hem and pulled the shirt over her head. A lot of soft skin revealed itself, and my eyes drank her in. Of course, they also took in the overhead view of her breasts cradled in the lacy bra. Expensive fabric and delicate trim hugged her swelling curves. She knew how to treat herself. My cock took notice.

I resumed kneading her shoulders and upper back. My hands skipped over the straps of her bra.

"I'm going to get these pesky straps out of the way," Ashley said, and she brushed them down her arms. The cups of her bra shifted a little, and I let out a little gasp when more of her cleavage peaked into view. Ashley pretended not to notice.

Occasionally my hands ranged down her arms, or across the top of her chest, but I didn't go further for now. I knew she would give me a sign.

And she did. When my hands kneaded under her clavicle, she spoke.

"That feels really good, Daddy. My muscles are sore all across my chest."

"I'll try to massage them without getting too intimate," I replied.

"Daddy, you're trying to help me. We're here all alone, so there's nothing to be embarrassed about. Don't worry about things and just go with my feedback."

"Of course, baby girl."

I ranged further down her chest, massaging but allowing my fingers to brush along the upper swell of her creamy breasts. Ashley encouraged me with sighs and affirmations.

"Yes, Daddy, you're on the right track. Please keep going."

I had worked my hands down beside her breasts. I brought them inward, eventually rubbing against the sides of her bra cups. Ashley had bowed her chest out, seeking more contact.

"Please, Daddy. Take the next step. You know what I need."

I cupped her breasts through the slinky fabric of her bra.

"Oh God, Yessss," she moaned, letting her head loll back.

I gently kneaded the firm mounds, keeping the massage theme going. I varied the pressure below, above, and to each side. Ashley loved everything.

"This is helping so much, Daddy, but it would work even better without the fabric in the way. Will you be okay if I take this bra off?"

"Baby girl, I want to do whatever will make you feel better."

"You mean that Daddy?"

"Of course, baby. I love you, and I want the best for you."

"Thanks, Daddy. I love you so much." Ashley reach behind herself and unsnapped her bra. I reached for the straps so she could shrug them off her arms. Before I could look, I encased her bare breasts in my hands, and we both moaned. Ashley dropped her head back until she was looking up into my eyes. Her eyes communicated an intense need.

I dropped my head down and brushed my lips against hers. Her heart pounded in her chest. She reached up and pulled my head down, opening her lips so we could coil our tongues together. Molten heat flowed between us. Ashley opened her heart and shared everything. My mind reeled with her intensity--way beyond a fantasy. We pulled back for air and locked eyes again. I watched her reactions while I caressed her breasts. She watched mine while I registered her long, hard nipples rasping into my palm. Then I leaned down, and we connected through our lips again. Wow.

When I pulled back, she was looking into my eyes again. I took the opportunity to open my hands and see her breasts for the first time. My eyes widened at the sight. Her breasts sat proud on her chest, a light blush over everything. I moved to the little bumps of her aureola, and finally, to the peaks of her nipples, stiff and engorged with blood. Everything made to brush past my defenses and make me fall in love with her.

"You are beautiful, baby girl," I breathed.

"Thank you, Daddy. I like you looking at me," she replied. "I can see your appreciation."

I enclosed her breasts again, but this time I moved beyond the massage. Fingertips caressed the creamy skin while Ashley heaved under me. When the time was right, I circled each nipple, running my fingertips over the tiny bulges of her aureola.

"Oh, God, Daddy, you do that so well," she whispered.

I finally moved to her nipples, running my fingertips along their length. Ashley jolted.

"Is this helping you relax?" I asked.

"It will eventually," she answered in a shaky voice.

I chuckled and enclosed her nipples in my fingers. I leaned down to kiss her again while I rolled and twisted the stiff nubs. There is something sacred and intimate when a woman gives you full access to her breasts. They sustain life, they connect to her deepest self, and they fit into your hand so perfectly. Ashley sensed those feelings in me, and our bond deepened. This had started as a role play, but it was moving into something more.

We both heated up. Her moans encouraged me to stroke and caress with more authority. Ashley melted in my hands. She pulled back from the kiss.

"Daddy, I need your touch further down," she breathed.

I moved my hands down her sides, brushing the top of her skirt.

"We'll need to get this fabric out of the way, too," she said.

"Let me get a towel for you to sit on," I replied, my cock hardening.

"Good idea."

I moved into the bathroom and grabbed the towel. When I returned, Ashley stood in her panties. I took a quick look at her long legs rising up to the flare of her hips under the material. I arranged the towel on the chair and turned back to her.

"Daddy, you're going to get overheated with all those clothes on. Let me help you get more comfortable." Ashley helped pull my shirt over my head, and she reached for my belt buckle and got it undone. She kneeled down and removed my shoes and socks, then worked my jeans down my legs. My cock strained at the material of my briefs.

"That looks painful." She reached for the waistband. "It's okay, Daddy. I like that you appreciate me. Let me give him some room."

I let her work the waistband down. My cock sprung free, heavy, pulsing, and hard. She let out a gasp.

"Wow, Daddy. I'm impressed." Her eyes devoured my cock from every angle, then she finished getting my underwear off. She stood up and reached for her own.

"Might as well avoid soaking these any more," she said and stepped out of them. I didn't take a visual tour, figuring I had plenty of time for that later. But a quick flash said she looked good everywhere.

I took her hand to settle her on the chair, then I kneeled down and picked up a foot. I worked my fingers into her arch and forefoot,

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