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Far Pangaea 55: Nomads Land

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Tiny. Bigger. Huge. Upset. Angry. Furious. General Ideas.
5k words

Part 55 of the 96 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 07/06/2017
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After a quiet night of slumber Jack Ramse was up before the dawn. Leaving the shelter of a rundown Tuna Boat called Heaven's to Betsy. Within it he found bound letters to a long lost lover left by a crew member. He decided to respect the Writers privacy and leave them intact. That and in opening them he knew his heart would find more thoughts on both Ruby Goddar and his own wife Renee left back in 2019. His only salvage then becoming a bobbing Hula Girl from the dash of the controls. The boat was from 1986 Newfoundland.

At first light on the horizon Jack and Fenway moved on. His run reaching the 150 mark of a 200 mile trek across desert. The differences now being he was discovering insects. Crickets at early morning. Mosquitos at mid day. Flies and butterflies just after noon. Birds in the sky even. At one point a flock of Geese lost in formation made him stop and absorb a bit of Home.

Grass was becoming more and more abundant. The scent of lingering salt tickled his sensative nose. A smile creeping across his face. He knew he was close. As birds became noisy. Gulls. Where there were Seagulls there had to be fish. A good meal would brighten his trip.

It still seemed so distant. Each footfall felt like a mile in itself. The bright blue sky the nearest ocean he had known in a long time. Yet, without a single drop of rain. It had been misery. Until the discovery of the underground sea. Then a few good baths. To know this land had more too offer kept him sane.

Cliffs were coming into view. The land narrowing down in favor of mighty ridges of rock. Not quite mountains but close enough. He could hear the crashing of waves. The thriving of wildlife. Lush fields of weeds merged with grassy plains. Tall grass. Uncut, merely trampled by something large at one point. That was a concern. Regardless he followed the trail of crushed wetlands. As his feet found water in the form of a marsh he crouched to wash his hands. Rinse the sweat from his revealed flesh. His turban used as a towel. It felt great. Living became worth it.

Trudging forward the marsh land teemed with life. Cranes. Flamingos. Fish a plenty. On the other side of the marsh large hills of dry land. Trees in thin sections. Climbing a large sand formation he just knew the ocean was over the horizon above. Fenway reaching the sight long before Jack. Hovering above in wait. Shrill pings of metallic excitement. Almost as if Fenway was a living creature. Jack noticed its emotional thrill. He didn't know what to make of it.

The final climb was over. Never a more beautiful sight. There it was. A massive ocean bluer than the sky. Stretching as far as the eye could see. There was no end. Sea life thrived. Fish leaping from the water playfully. Large humps he presumed to be whales in the deeper water. It was breathtaking.

"Ain't this something." Jack drops to his knees in the sand and removes his bulky backpack. Resting the sword Soultaker on the ground. Beside his favorite sniper rifle. He would take a seat in the sand and rest. For an hour he could only reflect on the majesty of it all.

Sighing at his relaxation he looks around good before deciding on his next move. He needed to make certain there were no predators around. Convinced, Jack had already made his decision. He would camp here for the night. Although early it was a prime spot. Water source. Fruit trees. Plenty of dry wood for a campfire. It was close enough to paradise.

Unpacking a hatchet he went about gathering wood, stones, and thin brush to begin his fire. Piling up enough for the night and early morning he set about with a firestarter and nurtured a nice blaze. It felt good. Between the breeze off the water and the fire it was a nice mixture.

No tent he merely unrolls a sleeping bag he had brought along and one of the Indian blankets from the Cargo Containers. They would be enough against the chill. He heightened body chemistry maintained a healthy core temperature at all times. He was cozy.

Eying the water Jack had another thought. As the sun began to set he needed two things. Food for sure. The second? He wanted a refreshing bath. A nice swim in the surf was inviting. Stripping down out of his jeans and black pullover T-shirt he parades barefooted down to the beach. Leaving Fenway to watch over his belongings. The sphere responded perfectly like an obediant dog.

Moving out waist deep Jack notes a number of fish flopping about. He would keep an eye on them as he bathed off the road dust and sweat. The cool water wonderful. As he splashed about he kept feeling as if he were being watched. He hadn't noticed any footprints really. Of course he was more worried about larger prints than human sized. Still, he did have Fenway scour the vicinity for life. Outside of birds and bugs he hadn't located any threats. Of course what defined a threat to the sensors of a floating orb?

Risk taken he polishes off his bath and decides to dive under. Eyes wide at the abundance of large fish about thirty feet away. He hugs the bottom trying to appear inconspicuous. Once amid the fish he reaches out and snatches up two large fish. Variety uncertain. They just looked meaty. A battle to escape lost Jack marches from the sea with dinner in hand.

His journey to camp brought on more sensations of on lookers. He decided to send Fenway on another recon. Giving him time to scale and filet his fish. Remaining nude for comfort. It felt nice to have this freedom. At least his belongings were all there. Having Fenway stand guard and creating a gravity field around his camp meant things would be too heavy to pick up by traditional hands.

Designing a quick grill out of larger sticks suspended over surrounding rocks he spreads the fish filets out to cook. The scent was delicious. He knew it might attract beasts looking for food. Still, he settled back knowing Fenway was circling a large area around camp. If danger loomed the sphere would warn and protect him to the best of its ability. Regardless he had arranged his weapons for any emergency.

Night falling the fire was his only light source. Outside of frogs and crickets the vicinity seemed quiet. The surf's continual beating upon the beach otherwise. It was certainly relaxing. So calm that after his belly was full Jack felt like kicking back on his sleeping bag to look up at the stars. It was an amazing sight. Zero polution in the atmosphere the sky was teeming with astral bodies. Magnificent.

Thoughts turn to Ruby. He wished that she could share in this moment. Recalling the one and only night he shared with her and just how beautiful she was. Even in the darkness. Sex was great. Power trip over power trip. Each exchanging and asserting their own versions of dominance. As much as his taking her that night at first traumatized her he knew later that her feelings for him were still there.

He tried not to think about knocking her up. Instead choosing the night of conception as his inspiration. If that were really the case. In this crazy place it could be anything. Regardless of his in and out thoughts on the subject Jack Ramse nurtured a healthy erection. Leading to a palm and curling fingers. Jack was off.

Long thunderous growls he pounds at his beast. Ruby was stripping in front of him. The image dancing in the campfires glow. Such a hot body. Tight. Muscular. Huge breasts. Hands in her long red hair.

"FUCK!" He jettisons a stream of cum into the sky. Falling back upon him in a milky rain. Twitching at his performance Jack released his cock and lay back with his eyes closed. He needed that. Stress relief would always be necessity. Ten minutes later Jack Ramse fell asleep.

On top of his blanket he lay sprawled out. Snoring away. His senses still on watch like any good Soldier. Ears. Nose. Ready to alert him if a threat arose. What he didn't expect was this.

After feeling a faint tickle in his lap he opens his eyes. What at first he thought was the glow from his campfire he soon realized it was not. The campfire was to his left.

"What the?"

Body struggling to cooperate at the moment he worried the fish he had eaten was poisonous. His limbs tight and immoveable. Only his upper body had its strength. Lifting up on an elbow he looked down at a familiar illusion.

"Fish has me hallucinating. I'm seeing Stinkerbell again." He recalls the night he thought he saw this creature outside the Ganthorian starships window.

Hugging his cock was the tiny five or six inch girl with dragonfly wings. He could feel not only the buzzing tickle of her wings but her arms surrounding the girth of his cock. She was looking as if she was trying to jack him off. Hearing low pitched groans. Along with faint giggles. Finally she climbs his cock and leans her chin on his crown. Licking up traces of leftover jizz. The taste making her giddy. Wings buzzing faster.

"Get off of my dick." He tries to brush her away. She merely evades him and hugs on to his foreskin with her legs.

Where was Fenway? Jack scans about and spots the orb lifeless in the sand. As if it had been powered down.

"Great." He then grabs his twin Glocks ready at his sides. Pointing one at the what? Sprite? Pixie? Faerie? Who cares. He just wanted her off of his dick. The flutter of her wings sending sensations through him that felt a bit too intimate.

"I said get off of my dick." He points a gun barrel right at her head. She knew whatever he was pointing at her was harmless. Jack did too. It wasn't as if he could shoot her and risk taking off his dick in the process. Lowering the gun he growls.

She perks up with a smile. So alluring.

"I- O-TAH!" She spoke. He heard her fairly well for her size.


"O-Tah! I-O-Tah." She repeats pointing at herself while raising higher to sit upon his crown.

"I heard you the first time. Iota! Get away from my dick."

Leaning back she spreads her tiny legs. Her wings continually attacking his pleasure centers. Jack frowned in the fact he looked between her thighs. The whatever she was had no clothing on. Just as she had none the first time he spotted her.

"What do you want?" He sneers. Hearing a branch snap behind him.

Waiting a bit longer he hears sand shift. Legs powerless all Jack could do was fall back and outstretch his arms. Glocks poised to fire. Oncoming was a stranger sight yet. A runt of a man possibly three feet tall bearing down on Jack with a large axe. Gleaming in the firelight.

A single shot fired from Jack's Glock impacts on the axe. The ricochet knocking it from the man's grasp and taking his feet off balance. Falling directly at Jack the runt discovers a gun barrel lifting up his nostril.

"Don' Hurt me." The man whines fearful of his life. A helmet he wore had slipped over his eyes obstructing his view. It appeared to be a Conquistador's helmet. Something he had undoubtedly picked up in his travels.

"Who the hell are you two? Have I stepped into the Lord of the Rings Trilogy?"

Grumbling at his predicament the runt tilts his helmet up to look at Jack first then crossing his eyes at the gun muzzle. The runt chuckles nervously, "Me name be Lowball. Who be ye?"

"Death if you try and take my head off again. What did you do to my companion over there?"

"The flying thing? That be Otah's doin'."

Jack carefully looks back at the girl still smiling and buzzing harder than ever. The stimulation was making Jack grit his teeth. If he wasn't careful this fucking little critter was going to make him cum again.

"Get her off my dick or I'll take your head off and shove that helmet up your ass."

"Oy! I canae do that Laddie. Otah will be cross wit me."

"I'll be cross with you. Move!"

The runt crawls away from Jack's Glock and whines as he shuffles on all fours to Jack's side. Jack following with his other Glock. He could see how afraid the runt was.

"Now! Ye gots to shoo, Otah." He tries.

The winged beauty smirking at Lowball merely waves at him. Jack swallows as she appears unconcerned by the runt. What could this tiny little thing do? Other than maybe paralize him. If indeed that was due to her. However, she did supposedly depower Fenway. That made him tense.

Lowball hesitantly lifts his right hand and almost cries knowing this could be the end for him. Between a gun of thunder and the winged Goddess. He knew which was worse. Breaking from an attempted swat Lowball rises upon his knees into a prayer stance pleading for mercy.

"Kill me swiftly Lad. I canae bear to feel Otah's wrath."

"Fuck it." Jack sits up as far as he could and uses his Glock to try and remove the girl. Otah merely lowers herself behind his cock and starts her grip all over again. The sensations stronger than ever.

Lowball holds his hands over his eyes, "Jus let Otah finish Lad. Stopping her wuld be far worse."

"Son of a bitch." Jack snarls, her wings now taunting his scrotum. In seconds Jack launches another wave of cum into the air. Otah taking flight suddenly to let his droplets drown her body. The gleeful laughter sounding like a child being tickled. All Jack could do was lay there drained. His guns still pointed at Lowball.

"Canae look now?" Lowball whimpers.

Jack falls back and begins breathing heavily. What the hell had this lady done to him. In his stupor he hears a loud crashing on the grassy hill above his camp. Trying to focus he see's a large shadow cast over him by the fire. Something with a very long neck. It's loud screeching voice echoing in the darkness.

"Run Laddie." Lowball races to his feet to retrieve his axe. Armed the runt actually attempts to defend Jack. Swinging his blade about to avoid any contact of mighty jaws.

Still giggling at her cum dripping form Otah licks her fingers then notes the beast looming over her. With a fierce beating of wet wings Otah's body begins to glow. Hearing Jack fire his guns wildly in his confusion Otah concludes danger was evident. From a fiery glow her body chars into what appears to be an armor of ash. Intriquit lines of fire in its joints.

The last thing Jack could see was a blinding flash. The sound of a death cry. And the vibrating thump of a large carcass collapsing upon the beach. Groggy he eyes Ohta hovering in front of his face returning her body to normal. Once her ash armor is gone she twirls in the air with a renewed joy. As if nothing even happened.

"Lil help 'ere Laddie." Lowball hissed from a bad situation. The upper body of what Jack perceived was a Plesiosaurus had landed over the runt. What he knew of marine dinosaurs at least. He could tell more during the daylight. For now Jack fought off his numbness in his legs. Dragging himself toward Lowball. Although a threat the runt did indeed try and protect him. This was the least he could do.

Grabbing Lowball's hand Jack attempted to pull the runt from under the beast. Forced to release him and dig sand away from beneath Lowball. It was tedious work but they were making headway. As soon as Jack was ready to pull Lowball free Otah buzzed in with curiosity. Examining the problem she flutters beneath the beast and lifts. The carcass rising just enough for Jack to tug him free.

"Couldn't have done that before I wasted ten minutes of my life?" Jack sneers. Ohta merely buzzes about before shrugging.

Jack sits up as best as he could trying not to touch the soupy remains of the headless beast. "Alright. Enough of you two trying to kill or rape me. Peace treaty?"

"Aye!" Lowball rubs his neck.

"I still have some fish I haven't ate. You're welcome to it. That or carve up a few steaks out of Nessie here."

Lowball examines his options. He went with the already cooked fish. As the runt teetered to sit by the fire Jack puts his pants on. His legs resuming feeling he dared to stand. Moments later he was back to normal.

Otah buzzing around him he points at her, "STAY THE HELL AWAY FROM ME."

Lowball heard his roar and frowns, "She saved ye life. And mine."

Grimacing Jack knew he was right. Holding a palm up she looks it over before fluttering down to stand upon it. Trusting this stranger. He could easily crush her in his grasp. That or she could rip him apart and leave him lay on the beach beside the Plesiosaurus. Trust was found between the two.

Jack carries her toward Fenway laying in the dirt. Pointing at the sphere Jack gets bossy.

"Bring him back to me."

She fidgets then takes flight. Landing on top of Fenway's outer shell. As if sprinkling light upon Fenway the automaton came to life. Gravitating slightly as if recovering all of its systems. Soon enough it rose into the air beside Otah. Otah racing behind Jack to avoid the sphere. Hugging his neck behind his ear. A quick brush away and she merely lingers over his shoulder.

"He won't hurt you. How the hell can you be afraid of him when you took him out earlier?"

Jack groans and walks over to the fire. Lowball had wolfed down the fileted fish and was licking his dirty fingertips. Crouching next to Lowball the runt removes his helmet and sits it aside. He was bald beneath. Only a bushy beard upon his face.

"What are you two? Dwarf? Elf? Gnome? Munchkin?"

"Leprechaun." Lowball grunts.

"No shit. Where's your treasure?"

Sneering Lowball reaches for his axe. Jack quickly laughs, "Slow it down. I don't want any treasure. How did you end up here?"

"I walked. She flew."

"Uh-huh! How long have you been here? This world I mean."

"A wee bit. I gave chase of the Lassie there. A strange light oertook us. No longer the home we knew."

"Ireland? Scotland?"

Lowball shrugs, "Know not."

"Probably long before those places got their names I'm guessing. The accent gives it away. Didn't even need my collar to understand you enough. My name is Jack Ramse. I'm from the year 2019. I won't ask what year you are from. I'm sure it's before it was recorded."

Another shrug, "Ye be a Big One. Giant's where ye lived?"

"Possibly. I'm normal sized where I'm from. I've got a friend named Malcolm that can become a Giant though."

Lowball looks spooked, "Where be he?"

"About 300 miles that way." He points, "Iota there was where we lived."

Lowball winces, "When did ye travel there?"

Otah alias Iota offers a defying response. Folding her arms over a massive chest. Jack had to chuckle. With a girl as strong as she was there was no question about how those little wings kept those big breasts aloft.

"All she say is I Otah?" Jack studied her.

"She be not much for chatter. Her actions be enough. Ye are a lucky man Jack Ramse."

"Why? I thought you were the lucky one. Leprechaun's are known for their luck where I'm from."

"Really?" Lowball brightens his eyes, "I would go there."

"Who knows. Someday. Why did Iota stick to my dick like flypaper?"

"She does that if she likes Ye. She do that to me ever day." He brags.

Before Jack could looked surprised he watches Iota flare up with an angry look. Lowball fearfully holds his hands up to calm her down. Finally, the Leprechaun eyes Jack, "That be a wee tall tale."

"Setting you in your place did she?" Jack grins.

"Aye. Ne'er once."

Laughing Jack nudges Lowball on the shoulder playfully. With a growl the runt doubles up a fist.

"Relax. I was only teasing you. Here. Let me show you something. In my era we call this a fist bump. It means we're having fun and we agree on things." Jack reaches out and taps Lowball's clenched fist.

"In my time a fist be made to fight."

"Only if it becomes necessary. Calm down." Jack looks to his side at the helmet, "That helmet there. I recognize it. Spanish made. I think they called it a Morion. 16th or 17th century. Looked good on you."

Lowball hugs his helmet to his side. As if he expected Jack to steal it. Realizing the nature of the runts prize possession Jack stokes the fire with a stick, adding a chunk of dried drift wood.

"So how did Iota paralyze my legs?"


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