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Faux Realm Ch. 01

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Dreamy Nightmares Beginning
8.1k words

Part 1 of the 16 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 03/11/2018
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Slowly, black stormy clouds were coming like avalanche, claiming everything in the skies. News reporters around the world including major TV station outlets said something of descriptive nature, unnatural occurrence of mammoth proportions. Few made sense of what was in front of them, no one knew how wrong the reporters were wrong. There were few choice words about what was about to show up on the windows of many homes, but nevertheless people around the world were mesmerized by the scenery that nailed billions of people down in front of their television. Creeping across the sky, day was slowly turning towards the night. Many were expecting looters, rapists and murderers to come out of the woodwork, but even the most evil men were down on their knees praying to their respective deities.

Scenic collage of black and white was slowly replaced in countless of people's eyes, every one of them were anxiously waiting for clouds to dissipate eventually revealing whatever was hidden inside. Occasionally fiery red would disrupt from deep within the cloud revealing to everyone that this was no mere cloud, but still everyone was silently hoping, praying that this was the case. That this black and white plague would soon become a harmless cloud.

Slowly across the world several of these mammoth clouds would reveal their true nature. As winds, gravity and the eventuality of it all dissipated, revealing the grim angular surface of star craft no one on Earth knew what it was inside the clouds, only few in their respective positions but alas even they weren't privy to the information of what they were up against, no one knew what they wanted or why they were here but several 'attempts' at making contact landed on deaf ears, so to speak. Every attempt at peaceful contact was met by these giants destroying one city. 5 attempts were made before everyone felt the same grim message despite having several thousand languages on Earth alone.

It was cold, calculating and to the point.


He was oldest of his siblings currently working in another country so he could provide some financial support to his working class parents. Political strife and uneasiness left his parents with almost nothing. Greedy and corrupt politicians made money for themselves and the party they were aligned to, but for people who chose not to associate themselves with such trifling matters were left on the fringes of society praying for better times. But hey, at least his old country was free. He would often say as he grew up until he realized that there are more layers of freedom.

How dumb was that. After moving 800 miles away he noticed what he was missing and how normal people lived their lives.

As music blared on his headphones, people around him were riveted on their seats watching the slowly unveiling scene. Like there was a kid behind that glass TV opening a present for everyone, as it opened the audience would clap and cheer for whatever the reaction the little tyke made. But this was not such an occasion, an morbid sneer on his face he was online playing D&D with his avatar while many of his 'friends' online were either commenting on the brevity of the revealing scene, or they were down in the dumps plagued by the reality of the situation.

"Guys!! Fucking focus." He wrote to his friends that were about to invade random environmental boss.

He was inwardly laughing at everything that was happening, he was on the JOB, playing his favorite game, while world slowly eroded around him. This was the life. And the visitors that were up in the sky making this happen would get one giant hug from him, since this was one time event and this year's reputation and title was on the line. Make or break.

As the boss's health slowly went down, screen in front of him died, black precipice slowly revealing contours of his body. Leaving him speechless for few moments, thinking that this was some funny joke, he started to move his mouse, often the problem would fix itself but this was not the case. He was slowly focusing on the new noises as he got aware that the music itself stopped. Slowly his heart was griped with fear of what he just lost. Months of preparing. Down the fucking drain.

Turning towards the noises he saw many of the people slowly filing out the door and moving up toward the roof of the building. Others were going down. Wearing their clothes and moving in rapid pace. TV that was in the middle of the room was now vacant and out of power. He slowly took a giant sigh and let his head slowly lean backwards while his palms griped the back of his skull, he started to stretch his legs, slowly calculation his loses.

Not once but twice bleak hand of fate landed on his plate; just moments prior he was praising the heavens for giving him this opportunity to make something out of his strange passion, now just moments into the future he was damning his very existence. The god damn luck of his that he was born in such a time that, not one, not two but multiple space invaders were knocking on heaven's door. What did they want? That was the real question.

"Mom and dad would be proud." as sarcastic as this statement to him seemed to be such were his feelings. They WOULD be proud.

From hordes of movies that tried to predict, embellish or just exploit the fears that many humans have, of the unknown, of aliens that maybe were out there, who knew that most of those movies were a memo for future reference of what would it look like when they ARE evil and didn't give a shit.

Noticing that the area around him was getting darker by the second he took his time and started climbing down to exit this building and hope that he would catch a ride back to his apartment. He was not optimistic that these 'visitors' would grace him with his company. He was thinking such thoughts as he started to walk down the street. Many people that he passed were gazing up in the sky, very few had comments but he could hear them and their fears.

"My God. They destroyed a city...." He heard a voice filled with fear and trepidation whisper to no one.

He smiled, knowing what would happen, it was inevitable that this was the impending end; the result of history that man shaped as much as it did, their fears slowly manifested as their future eroded the hourglass filled with sand; the undeniable violence towards 'lesser' people as they were often known. More advanced civilization always destroyed the smaller one. In this case they were the bigger dog. Now the tables were turned. The tide slowly approaches towards humanity, it's carrying not just debris that humanity left behind but much, much more. Now we know how many people in the past felt as they watched large ships on the sea approach. How fitting.

Droves of people were welcoming these 'visitors' to Earth, but moments into the first contact they tucked tail under their legs and ran as fast as they could. They saw how ruthless the higher power can be, as they obliterated one city without any warning. Paris, once stood tall and proud was no more. People that welcomed these visitors just few moments before that were nowhere to be seen. They all ran. Escape was their only goal. Where would they go? They only knew.

Walking up the street he saw many people different colors and religions mixing together in collage of culture, watching at the giant live feed that was just over the buildings slowly advancing across the day sky. Turning the sun vibrant day into dread filled night.

As the alien craft made its final destination everything stopped. He noticed that there were no accidents. People were terrified but also vigilant. The few motorists on the road knew what to do the moment it happened.

Cars slowly stopped, people stood and gazed up at the darkening sky. Few green and red flashes around the ship started as laser guided beams of light tore up the air. One of those beams shot across the street where he was standing and landed on the crossroads right in front of a large bus filled with people. It left in its wake a pod that was much bigger and wider than the buss; in front of which it landed, it was imbedded in the asphalt as smoke slowly glanced off the side while air started to fill with cold anticipation. Few people that were near slowly approached while he was slowly filled with dread. Each passing second slowly turned more and more dreadful; icy fingers of time slowly gripping everyone by their hearts.

Deep down he was not surprised when a low hum followed by a hiss of opening doors. The sound was not loud but it was unusual and the calm in the air allowed it to be registered in his ears 100 meters away where he stood. Doors finally opened revealing its jet black interior a slow hiss of something that he just could not place or recognize, the calm in the air was palpable, as was the anticipation and the anxiety of the surrounding people. Few people that moved towards the contraption stopped where they stood and just waited for whatever future events may bring. The air could be cut with a knife.

Everything slowed down for him as he gazed the figures that came out of the pod, unlike any of his games, fantasies or books the very sight of these 'people' made his skin crawl and eyes bulge out. He was afraid for the first time in his life. Eyes started watering as his brain was having the difficult time processing what he was seeing.

The first figure had green armor with black patches on his shoulders and knees, he was way too far to see what those patches are but the figure wore it with pride and joy. As he exited others followed in his steps. They all wore matching armor, except the others only had pure green armor without those patches. A slow majestic waltz of footsteps, everyone followed these figures as they started walking towards the wide intersection. Few men that followed this figure were carrying some sort of contraption. He saw it when they used their coordinated moves setting it up in the middle of the road.

Few brave, or foolish men started yapping. Showing their broad shoulders and muscles, they started walking towards the leading man, they did not even get few steps in when a laser shot out of the standing man and in three consecutive bursts shot the approaching men in the head killing them immediately. Whoever wanted to follow in their steps changed their mind and fast. As mass of flesh started to twitch on hot asphalt no one felt pity or sadness, just pure terror.

As soon as that was done, the air was interrupted by a low chime. Above the intersection now was a lizard's face. Well half man half lizard. He looked like a human with few glaring differences. Scales all over his face, slits for nostrils and pitch black eyes.

"My name is Zinu the Grand Chancellor of War in servitude of Her Majesty the Illustrious Empress Xuni. I do not care for your petty quarrels if you make any attempt of stopping the Majestic Em.... you WILL be purged. That is all" The man lizard - thing said everything in perfect English and left everyone in a silent daze, his voice raspy and dignified, where did he learn English; people must be wondering.

"We've already destroyed 5 of your cities as a warning and deterrence of any attempts at negotiation." Voice that was on ground boomed across the street and people started shaking.

"Dear God. This is some kind of nightmare." As the woman beside him said that every person that could started running like cattle.

Instead of looking annoyed at them running away, the aliens on the ground were delighted and started emit a low pitch sound as they started running after them. He kneeled down. Waiting for his demise. But something deep down told him to run. Run as fast as he could.

Slow ones started to die one by one; huge gaping wounds around their fronts and backs, last gargle of death forever etched in his ears. This was how animals probably felt. Massacre on the street, the day had not even begun to warm up properly, and here they were knowing that nothing could save them while they ran, nothing they did or would do could help them. The woman beside him ran in the opposite direction and got impaled by a strange looking weapon, she was killed, gutted like a pig.

The gravity of the situation slowly hit, as he ran he started to sweat profusely, knees started to shake; that sickening feeling of weakness, even though now he had to be strong. Everyone was faster than him everyone was surpassing his own speed. Weeks, months and years of his neglect, the body that he should be taking care of was now failing him, it stood utterly destroyed as he waited for his demise. He was not afraid. Instead he welcomed the hand that would take him to the next journey.

He was always bored with this life, but now he could finally be free.

What of his family?

What would happen to them?

Are they going to be safe?

He stopped as droves of people ran past by him, yelling and screaming. He stood proud and tall. He would never beg for his life. He would never attempt such downgrading act.

"Mother, father." Finally thoughts of his family.

"I love you." A final goodbye.

Chirping from the aliens became more prominent as they neared their hunted prey. He was next. Unable to do anything he watched as one of the soldiers run up toward him and knock him to the ground. Everything stopped as they gazed at each other. He could not see behind the black screen that was his mask. Low noise could be heard from the inside black glass showing the contours of his face, his final thoughts would be berating himself on his looks. He smiled inwardly remembering almost vividly of all the comedy routines that this could bring.

Figure in front of him was tall and proud. "Take that back to the pod we will go and catch more."

A fast kick to his face sent him to the dreamland leaving nothing but questions behind.


He was conscious but for some reason could not open his eyes; or his eyes were open but he could not see; either way he did not know where he was. Disoriented and unable to figure if he was lying or standing up , he took the time to figure out what had happened, slowly dreamland approached again as he fought desperately to stay conscious. Remembering a foot and nothing else. He figured his nose was either gone or it was broken as he had difficulty breathing. Few thumps and yelps did nothing to alleviate his fears; sleep slowly approached as he slipped into sweet dreamland.


He could feel the straps around his arms and feet. He was not sure but he felt like he just awoke from yearlong sleep, his senses deprived, eyes focused on shapes and sizes, but he was not able to see what made them. Throat and mouth dry as he gazed in the closest most immediate shape carrying something. A tray of something. Suddenly he was scared and started to breathe faster. Not knowing what each moment could bring.


She was drinking out of silver cup filled with hot warming beverage, container specifically made to preserve cold or heated beverages. Warm drink was relaxing, waves of nervous energy just evaporated while she was in her study and looking outside where stars gazed back. There was a small window on her right side that showed the beauty of outer space, what stars could fit inside that window were perfectly represented and each could tell her their own story about how and when they came to life. She was indeed waiting, for the final report of who and what they rescued from the Slave Colony. Storming into one of Lizards slave planets meant for mining ketracyil was not easy, but somehow they made it happen. She and her crew led by a plan that many admirals have sacrificed many hours to make. A long gaze into the stars got her thinking; stars were thing of beauty and they weren't interested in mind games of mortals. They were eternal.

Combined efforts of Star Republic and her allies made it possible to carry out their plan and extract what few people they found from nefarious clutches of their slavers. They were used as labor force to mine. Precious fuel extracted by refining mined ketracyil, as scientist in Star Republic spent decades figuring out their process of refinement, but were unable to determine the right procedure. The secret closely guarded by their top officials. Underneath it all was the real reason why they went on such dangerous mission. The plans or possibly any personnel that might know refinement process of ketracyil, they found plenty of data, but unfortunately the scientist that they were supposed to secure and extract took their own lives.

They managed to save 2000 people from one of the mines, she was unable to find her father who was captured years before, but noticing the dilapidated state where the slaves were residing did little to put her fears to rest. But she still held hope as her crew processed only 100 people that were on board. The rest still waiting in hangars and decks made available especially for this mission. All of the slaves were in bad shape but several dozens were used and abused for years, if nothing else, it would be just for the fun of it, scars that did not heal; very few of those slaves had intact limbs but those that did had days before they too would lose them.

A chime came through her distant mind waking her from daydream that lasted way too long.

"Enter." She said while turning towards her desk.

Small man in his forties entered her room, "Captain, all people that we have rescued have been accounted and documented. We need to move on, our sensors picked up few ships approximate time of arrival is 10 minutes."

Resting her cup on pristine black desk she looked the old man in the eye taking her time to review her information. The man stood still waiting for his orders, on his face were years, decades of service that no one could dispute. She nodded but before she could say anything a buzz on her desk got her attention. With few strokes she answered it and started listening.

"Sir, you HAVE to come down to Medbay and see something. Please hurry." Whatever it was she did not have time to respond, the voice and connection went dead.

"I'm needed in Medbay apparently. Meanwhile start moving us, low speeds, under sensors. The works. Call me if anything else comes up."

She rose up giving her orders and moving toward the exit. The old man just nodded and went away, deftly and silently.

Pretoria, was ship in her commission and its crew was her responsibility, as she moved with purpose through her narrow corridors she could see that her white walls and black pathways were meant to soothe any troubled soul that might walk in her walkways. Crewmembers on their way from their duties respectfully saluted her while she stepped into the rounded pad, few strokes on the keypad and a second later she was on another deck, on her way towards the Medbay. She approached and took the time to iron her uniform making her round breasts pop even more in its tight confines. A small grin escaped her cold exterior as she punched several keys on the door.

Medical facility on this ship, like every ship in Star Republic, was clean, white and smelled sterile. Those that stayed in here were not accosted by scents that might jar their stomachs and make them even sicker. For her these smells jarred dark memories. There were 5 beds in this Medbay; there were more on other decks but this one was empty so far until the found more critically wounded patients, until then they were safe in hangar bay that was converted to a large medical facility. The beds were eerie and usually gave her mixed feelings. After serving as a trooper for several years, before taking the test for a captain of smaller barge flier, many of her comrades died on similar looking tables in pain and anguish.

There was a giant wall in the back of the room used sometimes for more wounded patients. It walled off other people from seeing what kind of injuries the party behind it had; usually injuries were horrific. She came through most of the room and was about to round the partition when a blaring voice echoed from behind.

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