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February Consequences

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Actions have Consequences for Jim and Linda.
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Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 01/28/2023
Created 01/25/2023
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February Sucks: Consequences.

When I came here to learn how erotica is written, one of the first stories that I read, kept being sequeled, February Sucks. Having experienced a taste of this with my first marriage. I had met the type of man that hunts married women. They are an entitled breed for sure. These types are predators, and it's about taking something that is Not yours..When dating my second (Current) wife, she was approached and singled out by one of these men, if I hadn't stepped up, Lord knows what would have happened. I've seen that there is some interest in making Mark, a saintly great catch for Linda, but the fact that he would willingly pursue another man's wife, states otherwise. I have seen too many marriages destroyed by 'Girl's Night Out, so I believe that is Linda's real problem.


Jim's beginning thoughts...

My dad always stressed that 'actions have consequences'. "Sometimes good and some times bad so it's important to always have plans for every possible outcome."

Those words were etched into my psyche. I am a planner. I plan for every potential outcome, and these skills have served me well. I work in sales, and I am great at it. Not everyone can be a salesman, but when you have plans, and options, you can close more sales because you can better serve your customer's needs.

Until that night over a year ago, Linda and I had been happily married for a little over 8 years, and our youngest child had turned two.

One evening as we watched a sit-com when the commercial break came on, Linda told me that she was going out the next evening with the girls from work. She didn't ask, she told me.

I looked her in the eyes and ask, "Why?"

"You know to cut loose after a stressful day at work." she plainly stated.

"And, what are we doing on 'girl's night out'?'

She smiles. "They have been doing it for years. Dee says it's dinner and drinks, then maybe some dancing."

I am sure I grimaced. "And their husbands are fine with their wives slutting around?"

"They're not slutting around. They go home to their husbands afterward."

I squared up on the couch toward her. "You didn't answer my question."

I stood up to tower over her as she sat on the couch. "Here is my answer, I do not want my wife going to girl's night out with the sluts she works with."

Linda narrowed her eyes, and I could see the anger beginning to form. "They are not slutting around."

"Well, who are they dancing with? Each other or other men? I remember being single. Men go to clubs for sex, and if you are there, those men see you as there for sex also." I started to walk away, then turned. "Actions speak louder than words, and those actions have consequences. One and Done."

I started up the stairs to get ready for bed. "Understand, I believe that 'girl's night out' will be the end of us."

I had trouble sleeping that night as my mind swirled with different potential outcomes. It didn't seem to bother Linda's sleep.

The next evening as I prepared dinner for Emma and Tommy, my phone buzzed with a text that read 'Out with the girls to have some fun. I'll make it up to you when I get home. Smileyface with heart.'. I knew she did this so I couldn't stop her from going out. Note a change here.

I put the kids to bed and streamed a movie to watch. I was brushing my teeth when a tipsy Linda came through the door. She hollered, "I'm home! It's me, good ole regular me."

Linda was so noisy as she came up the stairs.

She tore her clothes off as she came into the bedroom. Before her dress was off, I noticed it was not what she left the house in that morning. Clad in bra and panties she rushed me in the bathroom as I rinsed my toothbrush. Linda dropped to her knees and pulled my boxers down. Her mouth went straight to my dick, and she sucked it like no tomorrow.

Once I was erect, Linda pulled me to the edge of our bed. In seconds, she had removed her panties, then looked me in the eyes. "Fuck me, Jim. I need to be fucked."

And I did.

I noted that Linda said, "Fuck me.".. She never used that word.

Another change.

The next change for us, the husbands were included in couple activities. It was if the wives were trying to form some husbands group. That wasn't going to happen because this group of men were too different from each other.

In these activities, I was able to observe the others as I got to know them. The so-called BFF Dee and her husband Dave. I not sure if he oblivious to the sluttiness of his wife or he gets off on how parades around dressed like a slutty whore. With kids close to ours in age were Phil and Jane. They seemed normal enough with Jane getting handsy when she drinks and Phil gets pervy immediately after he drinks. I think alcohol is his excuse to be a pervert. Bill and Trish, a few years older than us, are the quiet ones. On 'Girls Night', I can count on Bill to drop by to watch a game. He'd stay until 8:30 or 9 because Trish usually came home after the girls had their dinner. It appears that she seldom went to the clubs. Either she didn't approve of the other girls behavior, or she would rather spend the time with her husband. Last but not the least are Bob and Gail. Bob is a cheater, obviously, and proud of it. Bob hints that he and Gail have an 'arrangement'. I really would be afraid of knowing what that arrangement really is. Bob's a husky lad, and Gail is a big ginger girl. Not fat but tall and thick. I'd bet she gets a lot more attention than Bob could ever get. They never mention Gail. I think that she has a lover that she goes to after dinner, and using 'Girl's Night' as a cover.

It was during a couples get together last summer when the conversation moved into 'Hall Pass' area. Around the table each person, male and female stated their celebrity hall passes. When it came to Linda and I, Linda balked at naming anyone by saying she could make a choice. The others looked at me. "Who's it going to be, Jim?" asked Dee.

"No one!" I said as I stared everyone down. I have a contract of marriage, and I stated before God and my family to forsake all others. And if Linda wants a 'Hall Pass' then we're done. I'll divorce her and she can have all the Hall Passes that she wants."

"Wow, that's cold, Dude." stated Bob.

"Why, because I don't want to be a cheater like the rest of you? When you acknowledge that you would cheat with your Hall Pass then it will make it easier to cheat at some time in the future."

"Excuse me, Reverend Jim." laughed Dave.

The 'Girls Night Out' continued through the Fall.

I had been reaping the benefits of 'Girl's Night", Linda came home ravenous for sex. I knew that she doing things that I would not approve of, but she was coming home to me, and a wanted to fuck. It was never lovemaking. We were rutting like animals.

I will admit that after a year of 'Girl's Nights', I was beginning to get jealous. I knew that the other wives couldn't pass a Husband Test, but I was wondering if Linda could pass the test? The jealousy I felt each Friday would disappear as everything would be normal when I woke on Saturday. My Linda was there, and everything we did as a family, and as a couple was normal. As Thursday evening approached, I would get the anxiety about 'Girl's Night'. Before retiring for bed each Thursday, I would remind her that I didn't approve of 'Girl's Night', and she would try to reassure me that nothing bad ever happened, and the girls would miss her if she stopped going.

As October arrived, it arrived with another change. I will always remember the night.

It was the second Friday in October, I wait as I always do for Linda to get home safely. On this night, she didn't ravage me. She walked tipsy, and plunked a kiss on the top of my head before she staggered to the bathroom.

As I laid in bed listening to the shower running. I wondered what happened differently tonight?

Linda exited the bathroom wearing a long nightgown that was normally reserved for colder winter nights. I ask her, "Don't you want to have sex tonight? You always want it after your girls night."

"Not tonight, the alcohol is not mixing well with the spicy food that I ate tonight." she replied as she crawled into our bed. Linda gave me a small kiss before laying down. "I'll make it up to you tomorrow."

She turned away from me to go to sleep, and that's another thing that she never does usually she is snuggling up to spoon me or me spooning her.

In case I forgot to mention, I am a planner.

I had mentally stored multiple contingency plans for this potential future. And my best plan would involve my brother, Jon.

My younger brother Jon has always been my best man. Not just at our wedding, but in life.

As children, I had to learn to fight quickly because my brother had a mouth on him. Like dad always said, "Jon's mouth writes checks that his ass can't cash." In grade school it was bullies that I defended him from, and high school it was because he liked to provoke bigger guys, especially athletes. He knew that I would be there to protect him.

It was time for him to give a payback to me.

As a great salesman, I use a lot of digital audio and video devices when I meet with clients so that I always have a record of the meeting, and I don't make any mistakes on the contracts because I have a record of what the client needs and wants versus what I offer as a representative of the company.

Next 'Girl's Night Out', Jon would follow Linda and the slutty wives club to dinner and the club while wearing my favorite video recorder that is built into a fountain pen. Clip to your pocket, and press record. It's that simple.

He brought his wife, Ali so he wouldn't look like he was not on the prowl. He bought a burner phone for texting, and I thought that was too much. But he insisted, and I received a text from him before he and Ali followed Linda into the club. No men ate with the wives. The wives had a good meal and drank wine during the early evening meal.

I sat on pins and needles as I waited for either Linda to get home or Jon to text again.


Around 1:30 am, I received a text from Jon. Don't do anything stupid tonight, but I do want you to know that Ali and I watched Linda do things that would NOT pass the husband test. She didn't go to the parking lot like Dee and Jane, but I don't think you will approve. Also, Ali got some great pics of Dee. smiley face wink.' I will send pics tomorrow. Ali has plans for the rest of tonight.'

I put my phone down, and waited.

I hear Linda coming up the stairs a little before 2 am. It was a repeat of last week, when she staggered in. This time it was no kiss on my head as she went straight to the bathroom.

My anger swelled as I waited.

Once again, she came from the bathroom all covered up in a winter nightgown. No sex, no kisses, and no talking. Linda got into bed, and pulled the blankets up, turned her back to me.

I couldn't sleep, my mind was full of the worst scenarios. After tossing and turning, I got up at six and went for a run. Worked on the body bag that hangs in the garage, and then I showered to start the day.

The kids got up around 7:30 am, I fed them, and gathered them up. I took the kids over to Linda's folks house. I didn't know what was going to happen when I got the pictures, but I knew that the kids didn't need to see what was going to happen.

Linda's dad, Jeff opened the door, and smiled as the kids stormed into the house. He loves these kids. Linda's mom, Rebecca grabbed the kids and hugged them as they squealed.

Jeff and I are close. He's been there for Jon and I since our parents passed away. He holds good consul. He knew of my being against "Girl's Night' activities, and he agreed. He had a statement about if you go looking for trouble, then trouble will find you.

He signaled for me to follow him outside because he could tell that I needed to talk.

My Father-in-law placed his right hand on my left shoulder. "Son, I had a feeling that we would have this conversation on day. I know what last night is every week. Whatever it is, I hope that it's something that I can help you with."

Without telling who had called me, I related our story of Girl's Night Out, the drunk Linda sex, then no drunk Linda sex, and finally the phone call that she wouldn't pass the husband test.

Jeff sat and listen quietly nodding his head. Rebecca leaned in the doorway as she quietly listened. She had a sad look on her face.

I sighed as my phone chirped that I had a message. I had the images and video waiting for me to look. I wanted to, but couldn't.

Rebecca walked over and took my phone, and went over to her husband. They quietly looked at the images and videos. "Well, I always knew that skanky Dee could suck dick, and now I've seen the video to prove it."

Rebecca punched her husband in the right arm. "Don't get any ideas about that." They laughed softly together.

Jeff handed back my phone. "Jim, man-to-man, in my life I've made a lot of mistakes. I am not saying this because she is my daughter, but I would suggest watching the video and look at the pictures together. Discuss why it is inappropriate for a wife and mother to be seen like this in public. You know that I think that a "Girl's Night Out' is a slutty excuse to go out and screw around. We didn't raise Linda that way. Don't make a mistake today. Remain calm if you can."

He walked me to the car. "Have Linda come get the kids. I think her mother wants to see her." He smiled as I closed my car door to return home to what awaits me.

When I got home it was quiet. Linda didn't stir until a little before eleven. I was sitting in the den drinking coffee while fumbling my phone. When she finally came down stairs a few minutes later, she asked "Where're the kids?"

I took a sip of coffee. "I took them to your parents house. We need to discuss your Friday night activities."

Linda looked at me with a look that said, what did I do last night. It was like looking through the fog. "Why, I didn't do anything wrong."

"That's not what I understand." I got up and came back with a cup of coffee. I place it on a coaster in front of me. I patted the couch beside me. Linda came and sat beside me.

"Last night, I received a text from an unknown number, telling me that you wouldn't pass the husband test." With that said, I brought up messages on my phone and showed her the text.

Her face showed concern, and then anger. "What do mean 'Husband Test"?

I leaned to ward her. "Acting in a social scene in a manner that your husband would not approve. Such as not doing things that I would disapprove of."

"Such as?"

"Let us say... dancing inappropriately, letting another man other than me touch you intimately whether on the arm or ass, kissing another man or woman inappropriately, wearing revealing clothes that I wouldn't approve of. Maybe having secret lunches with other people that you don't tell me about. That sort of thing."

"Are you doing any of that, Linda?"

I stared at her. She was getting pissy. "So what if I do. It's my fun night, and I am entitled to having fun. I'm not cheating. I'm having fun!"

I took a deep breath. "This morning, I got pictures and video from your Girl's Night last evening. I haven't look at them yet. Your dad told me to watch them with you."

I could feel her anger. "Did you let my dad see the pictures?"

"Yes. And Rebecca too."

Trying to pick up her coffee cup, she spilled it. "My Mom!!! You let her see your phone?"

"Oh, she took it from me before I could look, and sat down with your dad to look at my phone together."

After sipping my cold coffee, I sighed before clicking on the first message. Would looking at these images ruin my marriage?

I noticed the apprehension on Linda's face. Neither of us knew what to expect. "here goes nothing." I whispered.

Linda and I looked at the first image, it was Dee giving head behind a car in the parking lot.

Without looking at Linda, I responded with "That's a slut! Always knew she was."

Linda quickly responded with, "She's not a slut. She's not making love to him, she only giving him release."

What crock of shit was this. Where is she getting this shit? My Linda is brainwashed by her slutty friends. She doesn't see this as cheating when it so plainly is.

I clicked the next two messages, the images were of Dee with two different guys. "What a saint, helping out these poor men." I said sarcastically.

The fourth image was of Jane looking over a man's shoulder in the back seat of a car while he obviously was having sex with her. I nodded my head. "Now that's a slut, or is she helping that poor man out also?"

"Stop it!', Linda demanded. "You can't talk about me friends like that. They're good people."

'Good at cheating', I thought. I remembered my promise to Jeff. I tried to get my anger under control.

I pulled my phone back from Linda's view. "Do I need to stop before I get to pictures of you sucking dick or fucking in the parking lot?"

She smirked at me. "I don't do those things. There's not going to be any pictures of me in the parking lot."

I can't remember Linda ever smirking at me. This is another change. I sense a level of disrespect that I had never encountered before from Linda. She seems so certain that she and the girls aren't doing anything wrong.

"Ready for more." I pressed the next image.

In the image, Linda is dancing with a man that plainly has his hand on her ass.

"Care to explain this? That's your ass in his hands." I felt the anger begin to rise.

Linda smiled at me, as she tried to reassure me. "That always happens. I always make them remove their hands from me. I always tell them that I am married."

I noted the word 'happily' was not used.

The second image of Linda showed a man groping her breasts on the dance floor. "Let me guess, that happens too?"

She responded with, "Sometimes, not always. The music takes control."

"Does it?"

The third image was followed by a video link. The image showed her kissing the man on the dance floor. "Don't say anything until we watch the video."

The video showed Linda and the man sitting in a dark booth. They were going at it like teenagers. Kissing, touching, and it looks like his hand is in her panties.

I grabbed her by the shoulders and shook her. "Care to explain to me , your husband, why you acting like a teenager kissing a strange man while he fingers your snatch? I look forward to that answer."

Linda grabbed my hands from her shoulder, and stood up quickly. "I don't have to explain myself to you! It's my body, and I can do with it whatever I want!"

"Bullshit. You are my wife. We entered into a contract to forsake all others. I told you that 'Girl's Night' would be the thing that destroys our marriage, and that video proves it."

She attempted to put me on the defensive. "Who sent you that? I don't know that number."

I lied. "Me either, but its obvious that they know us, and had access to my phone number. It's obvious that they want me to know what my wife and her friends are doing."

I stood and looked down at her. I noticed that she didn't take time to explain the video. "This has to stop. No more 'Girl's Night'. I will not have may wife going out drinking and acting like a single woman, or a horny divorcee."

"You can't stop me." She smirked. "I haven't made love to anyone but you. I always come home to you."

"Yet." I replied. "Before last week, you came home and 'fucked' me. Not make love to me. Fucked me. I see now with what you do at the clubs, you come home and fuck me. You're obviously thinking of him, but using my dick."

I nodded my head. "I don't think I like that anymore."

"Then last week something changed. You didn't jump my bones when you came home, you showered first. Then last night, you did the same. That's a pattern. Were you washing his spunk out of you before coming to bed?"


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