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FFFF Ch. 17G

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Ainsley & Erin on 7 day Cruise, Day 7 Fri. The Orgy & More
14.4k words

Part 23 of the 33 part series

Updated 11/02/2022
Created 02/12/2010
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FFFF Channel 17 Seventh and Last Day on Fantasy Cruise

Author's note, this fantasy segment once completed consisted of 192 Microsoft Word pages. I figured being this long I would break it up into seven mini stories, one for each day of the week on the cruise. I hope you enjoy it as much as I loved writing it.

Friday was finally here and when the four women finally woke up, they took a long shower together and Erin gave Carrie Ann a dress to wear, seeing hers flew overboard last night. They all hugged and kissed one another goodbye and insured Ainsley and Erin they would be back tonight for the Bon Voyage orgy.

Exhausted Erin and Ainsley headed to the dining room for breakfast and a lot of coffee. As they finished up two locals approached their table. As they got closer they smiled at the two blondes and just then Ainsley recognized them, it was the two men from to wave runner party.

The one man looked down at Erin; "May we join you?"

Erin finally noticed who they were; "Sure, please have a seat! We hate to be rude, but even though you two fucked the shit out of us, we never caught your names!"

He laughed; "We were in the same boat and were reluctant to come over seeing we never got your names."

Ainsley laughed out loud; "Now that's funny, the four of us fucked each other's brain outs and still don't know each other's names. Well to remedy that, I'm Ainsley and the gorgeous creature across from me is Erin, and you are?"

They were both smiling from ear to ear; "I'm Bobby and this here is Danny. So what are you two lovely ladies doing today?"

"Erin licked her full lips, remembering how great his cock felt in her mouth and her pussy; "Not a dam thing! We are resting the entire day. We're having a Bon Voyage orgy, I mean party in out suite tonight!"

Danny spoke up; "Did I hear you right, you're having an orgy?"

Ainsley began to laugh; "Yes that's right and seeing you two were part of our fantasy week, you are invited!"

"Sure, sure we'll be there. What do you mean fantasy week?"

Erin started; "Well every day we fucked someone else and tonight we all are getting together to leave the ship in the morning with a bang, or should I say gang bang!"

Bobby spoke up; "How would you like to start early and get warmed up?"

Erin shook her head; "We would love to, but after last night, we need some rest. Trust us, we'll make sure we hook-up tonight, so off with you now and let us rest, see you tonight!"

They gave both blondes an open mouthed kiss and were gone before Ainsley could change her mind.

They got back to their suite and they both took a long bubble bath together and just as things started heating up, Ainsley had enough will power to get out and leave Erin there alone.

They both took a long time getting ready for the evening's activities and they both dressed in matching Hawaiian printed dresses. They were just about knee length and elastic about the bodice held it up just above their straining tits, leaving their upper bodies bare.

Both left their hair down and it flowed across their bare shoulders and rested on their covered breasts. They applied make-up perfectly and slipping into high heels headed down to greet their guests.

They were both nervous as can be and walked around unable to sit still. They finally walked out onto the balcony and the ocean breezes and the Hawaiian landscape calmed their nerves.

Ainsley turned to Erin and swept her hair away from her face she looked into her dark blue eyes and smiled at her; "You know Erin we're leaving in the morning and I don't want this to end. I had a blast!" She took her hands in hers and planted a tender kiss on her lips.

"Oh Ainsley, I don't want it to end either. Believe it or not I'm had more enjoyment this week with you then with any other woman or man."

"I feel the same way Erin, so what are we going to do about this?"

Erin looked deep into her translucent blue eyes and she felt her chest swell; "Are you proposing what I hope you're proposing?"

Ainsley broke out into a huge grin and nodded over and over again; "Do you want to move in together?"

Erin enveloped her in her arms and kissed her more passionately this time. When they broke the kiss, both of them wanted nothing more than to run upstairs, rip off each other's clothes and make love to one another.

Erin held her close; "You know Ainsley, I can't give up cock! It will be physical; with you it's emotional AND physical. My god, I can't believe this is happening!"

Ainsley looked up at the taller willowy blonde and kissed her lips tenderly; "You know Erin, we can always wait till we get back to the REAL world and make sure we feel the same way, what do you think?"

She shook her head from side to side; "No, no way Ainsley, what I feel right here and now, I know it's real. Are you trying to back out?"

"Oh no, no way Erin, I just wanted to give you the option to opt out!"

They kissed harder now and it became heated, just then there was a knock on the door; they broke the kiss and at the same time they both whispered; "Damn!"

They both started to laugh and Ainsley stepped back into the cabin and leaving Erin on the balcony went to answer the door.

Standing out in the hallway were Bobby and Danny. They had huge smiles on their faces and were dressed in Hawaiian shirts and beige shorts.

Ainsley invited them in and she kissed each one of them. She reached down and gave Bobby's cock a little squeeze and turning back to the balcony she spotted Erin; "Erin is on the balcony, why don't you two join her there while I greet our other guests?"

They made a beeline to Erin and soon all three were laughing and sipping on Mai-Tai's

Just as Ainsley was about to join the threesome there was another knock on the door, opening it, there stood Chen and his sister Kono. Ainsley's jaw dropped when she took in the luscious Kono. She was wearing a silky Hawaiian dress, it has two tiny straps holding it up, and her apple sized breasts were pushed against the thin material, her stiff nipples winked back at Ainsley.

Scanning down her lithe body, the incredibly short dress barely covered her ass and her ultra-long, slim legs were bare and very, very tan. Kono's long silky black hair hung loose nearly to her tiny waist.

Kono leaned forward and planted a soft kiss on Ainsley's lips, her tongue darted out and touched her lips and retreated and stepped into the suite.

Ainsley turned to her handsome brother and taking his hands in hers pulled him gently to her. She kissed him and this time her tongue darted into his mouth. She pulled back and he pulled her back to his body. His hands slipped down from her waist, down to her tight ass and squeezed.

She could feel his huge cock come to life and poke her playfully in the belly. Breaking the embrace she planted a playful kiss on the tip of his nose; "Go on you two, make yourself comfortable, get a drink and meet the others!"

Ainsley was about to close the door when Vinnie, Mario, Angela and her twin sister Maria came to the door.

Both men were dresses in shorts and surprise, Hawaiian shirts. Both ladies were dressed in very, very tight white short, shorts. They had in Hawaiian tube tops and seeing their bare bellies made Ainsley's pussy begin to moisten.

Both Mario and Vinnie gave Ainsley a modest kiss, she shook her head from side to side; "Oh no you don't! Come back here and give me a real kiss."

Mario was beaming from ear to ear and ran his hands through her silky blonde hair; he lowered his mouth to hers and gave her a kiss that made her tingle down to her toes.

When they broke the kiss she swayed from side to side and before she could recover, Vinnie kissed her the exact same way, but one of his hands drifted to the hem of her dress, sliding it up he slipped a finger into her already wet pussy.

Ainsley moaned into his mouth and kissing him harder, finally broke the kiss and out of breath she leaned against the door jam and told the two couple to find Erin and let her make the introductions.

Both Maria and Angela planted a soft but brief kiss on her lips as the moved past her.

Ainsley closed the door and scanned the group already getting comfortable in the large suite. Erin's dress was down around her waist and Chen was behind her lifting the dress to bare her gorgeous legs.

Danny was directly in front of her, his mouth was attached to one of her full firm tits and she had his pants down around his feet, her long slim fingers were stroking his cock.

Kono was seated on the edge of the sofa; Bobby was between her legs with his shorts down around his ankles. Kono was licking up and down his stiff shaft as if it was a Popsicle.

Angela and Maria were stand in front of them watching intently. Vinnie and Mario were behind them, of course they switched wives and Vinnie cradled Angela's large tits in his hands as Mario did the same to Maria.

Taking the lead Angela reached up and pulled her tube top down around her waist giving Vinnie easier access to her huge nipples. When Maria saw what her sister did she did the same.

Both women reached back and popped open the men's shorts and they slipped to the floor and they kicked them away.

When Kono looked up from Bobby's cock she let out a gasp seeing those thick cocks sliding in and out of Angela and Maria's tiny hands.

Ainsley slid one strap off her shoulder and baring one breast she rolled the stiff nipple between her fingers. She was about to join the action when there was a knock on the door. She quickly stuffed her firm tit back in the dress, the nipple poked through lewdly. Opening the door there stood Alex, Erin B, Derrick and Tim. Like most of the men, they were dressed in shorts and Hawaiian shirts. As for Alex and Erin B. they were dressed in exactly the same dress, but one was a pearly white and the other jet black.

Erin's long dark brown hair was a perfect contrast to the white dress and Alex's blonde hair contrasted against the black dress. Her hair looked like she already fucked for the past couple of hours. The wild mane of blonde hair looked like a lion's mane and hung down and covered her deep cleavage.

Both dresses where a flowing material and were held together with a tiny belt and as they moved the wrap-around skirts showed their bare legs.

One by one they gave Ainsley a kiss, Alex and Tim both slipped her some tongue and Erin gave her ass a quick squeeze.

"Come on in, I'll be there soon, just as soon as the rest of our guests arrive. Go see Erin; she'll introduce you to everyone."

Alex let out a chuckle as she looked at Erin who was on her knees Chen's cock was in her pussy and Danny's cock was in her mouth; "I doubt if Erin can do any intruding right now, but don't worry, we'll all get acquainted, see you soon."

Ainsley was about to close the door when Leroy, Tyrone, Patti Ann and Carrie Ann came to the door. Patti Ann was smiling from ear to ear; "Hi Ainsley, look who we met in the elevator!"

Both Leroy and Tyrone's humungous cocks were sticking out of their shorts, the two women had their tiny white hands wrapped around them both and stroked them as they stood in front of Ainsley.

Patti Ann and Carrie Ann's garb surprised Ainsley. They were both dressed in matching wrap around pink satin robes. The robes came down barely covering a portion of their shapely thighs and their huge tits swayed back in forth causing the robes to part more and more as they moved.

Ainsley was smiling from ear to ear; "Love your attire ladies!"

Carrie Ann laughed; "I wasn't about to lose another dress and we figured why wear something we'd have a tough time getting out of or finding later!"

"Great idea Carrie Ann, come in and join the fun!"

Patti Ann shook her head; "Oh no Ainsley, we found these two first and we get first shot at them. Is there somewhere we can go to enjoy them without interruption?"

"The loft is unoccupied at the moment; you remember where that is don't you?"

Carrie Ann had a sly smile on her lips; "Oh Ainsley after last night, how can we forget, it's the place of one of my best sexual experiences EVER! I just hope tonight these two will rival last night."

Patti Ann, Leroy and Tyrone slipped past Ainsley and headed upstairs. Carrie Ann stopped in front of Ainsley and cupping her face planted a soft kiss on her lips. The kiss intensified and Ainsley slipped her hands to Carrie Ann's waist, opened the sash and slipped the robe from her lush body. Leaning down she took one huge nipple between her lips and sucked on it loudly. Her hand dove down to her pussy and already found it moist, hell it was wet.

Carrie Ann broke the embrace and scooted past her and up the stairs, she yelled back to Ainsley; "Later, later Ainsley, I definitely want some of that later!"

Alex, Erin B., Angela and Maria all stopped to watch the foursome run up the stairs, they all noticed the huge black cocks on Tyrone and Leroy. Alex spoke up; "Hey Ainsley where the fuck are they going?"

"Listen Alex we told them yesterday about those two and promised first shot at them. Don't worry I gave them a good dose of Cialis so they'll be raring to go all night. Let them warm them up for you gals. Well now that our entire group is here, time for me to join in on the fun!"

Reaching down for the hem of her dress, she griped it and in one fluid motion pulled the dress off and tossed it aside. Standing there in heels and a smile she said; "Who want a shot at me first?"

Danny pulled his cock from Erin A.'s mouth and was besides Ainsley in a flash; "I wanted a shot at your body since Monday. After seeing Bobby fuck you on the beach, I wanted a shot at that perfect body."

He wrapped his arms around her slender body and she ran her fingers through his shaggy black hair. Their lips met and she let out a moan when she felt his cock nudge against her budding clit.

She thought to herself this was the perfect guy to start with, even though his cock wasn't tiny, both his and Bobby's were small compared to the other men in the room.

Alex and Erin B. broke off from their husbands and slipped out onto the balcony.

Mario and Vinnie both saw this and whispered to the two sisters; "Have fun, we'll meet up with you later."

They both turned to see them slip out onto the balcony and at the same time saw Tim and Derrick checking out their bare breasts and swollen nipples.

Without a word being said Tim and Derrick moved over to Angela and Maria. They towered over the shorter Italian beauties and raising their chins both planted a soft kiss on their full red lips.

Both women wrapped their arms around their waists, their bare swollen nipples scraped against the bellies of the two men. Breaking the kiss Angela looked up at Tim and as she began unbuttoning his shirt she smiled; "Hi handsome, I'm Angela and this here is Maria. As you can see we're twins and always do things together, is that alright with you two?"

Tim swept a lock of her thick black hair from her cheek and looking into those two dark pools of lust kissed her on the forehead; Nice to meet you Angela, Maria. I'm Tim and this is Derrick, my newlywed son-in-law. As you can see we are a VERY close family and we too do everything together. Let me tell you Angela, I just love women of Italian descent and have never found women hotter than Italian women."

She planted tiny hot kisses on his chest and belly as she opened his shirt. Her tongue came out and ran tiny circles around his nipples and down towards his belly button.

Beside her Maria was doing the same to Derrick and she was making him so hot his cock nearly tore through his shorts. Her eyes grew larger as his cock did. She knew Vinnie and Mario had nice thick cocks to fill her pussy on a regular basis, but what she saw growing in his pants made her pussy drip in anticipation.

Besides her Angela was thinking the same thing, even though his cock was not nearly as large before her sister.

In unison they slipped to their knees in front of the two men and reaching up with their tiny fingers opened their shorts and drew the zippers down. The shorts fell to their feet and Angela and Maria both let out gasps as they knelt there staring at the two large cocks that bobbed up and down. She licked her lips and gripping it at the base with her tiny hand, her fingers could not reach completely around the thick shaft, and she guided it to her full red lips. Pursing her lips she sucked on the thick shaft and her tiny tongue came out and licked up and down the shaft.

Beside her Maria was doing the exactly same thing to Derrick's even larger cock and her pussy was dripping from the anticipation of riding that monster. A large wet spot grew in her shorts from her pussy and she rubbed it with her free hand. When she pulled her lips off his cock it was dripping with her saliva and she sucked the string of saliva back into her mouth. She let out a groan and dropped her mouth on the head and she slid half of his cock into her mouth. Her nostrils flared out as she took him deeper into her mouth. It hit the back of her throat; she knelt up higher and lowered her head until her nose was buried in his belly.

Derrick threw his head back as he felt her throat muscles squeezing his cock and digging his fingers in her thick black hair he started cumming.

When Maria felt his cock expand, she knew he was about to cum, not wanting to choke to death, she pulled his cock out of her throat and the first shot filled her mouth. She swallowed quickly and pulled him out of her mouth. Spurt after spurt covered her gorgeous dark skinned face and dripped down to her firm breasts.

When Tim saw what was happening besides him, he let out a groan and started cumming all over Angela's face. His load wasn't as large as Derrick's but was more forceful, shooting onto her forehead and into her black locks.

Both men totally spend slipped to the floor besides the two beautiful Italian twins.

Out on the balcony Alex and Erin B were leaning over the railing looking out at the gorgeous sunset. The sun slowly disappeared into the ocean and you could almost hear it sizzling.

Vinnie and Mario, still with their cocks hanging out of their pants, they kicked them off and shuck their shirts. Naked they approached the two women on the balcony. Stopping behind them Vinnie whispered to Mario; "Now that is a sight for everyone to see!"

Mario laughed and said loud enough for the ladies to hear; "Yeah Vinnie, it sure is AND the sunset is pretty nice too!"

The wind was whipping Erin's and Alex's hair about. Her hair was already wild looking, but the wind made it look even sexier, if that was possible. She turned and smiled at the two men; "Oh my Erin, I wonder if we cause that?"

Erin turned and stared at the two thick cocks bobbing up and down; "Mmmmm I sure hope so, guys did we do that?"

They just nodded and Mario took a step closer, "So tell me Erin, what are you going to do about this?"

Erin turned back to the ocean; leaning over the railing she placed one forearm on the railing. She reached back with her other hand and drew the flowing skirt up to her waist. Wiggling her ass she smiled back at Mario and in a sultry voice said; "I sure don't want that thing to catch a draft, why don't you shove it into one of my hot holes?"

He didn't have to be asked twice and taking a couple of steps forward he lined his cock up with her puffy cuntlips. Leaning over her he cupped her covered tits and shoved forward. His thick cock parted her wet lips and slid in. Inch by inch his cock sank until his balls were resting against her tight ass cheeks.

Alongside her Alex turned to Vinnie; "What the fuck are you waiting for, an invitation?"

He stepped up to her and leaning down lifted her dress to her waist and as she wiggled her butt, he saw her luscious ass cheeks. He spread them and her asshole winked at him. He forgoes her pussy and slipped his thick cock into her ass.

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