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FG Rose House Ch. 04

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Little Rose Cherry pt 4.
6.5k words

Part 4 of the 6 part series

Updated 11/24/2022
Created 09/25/2021
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Chapter 4- Little Rose Cherry pt 4

When I woke the next morning it was only my third day in the Rose House. It was only my third day living with Rosalina Alcaraz. As my eyes opened and life took on more definition, I could smell Rosa's hair as it seemed to float all around my face. I could feel her wonderfully small, wonderfully soft, body pressed against mine as we spooned in the early hours of the morning.

She was facing away from me. Her ass was pressed right into my groin, and my dick was already hard and stuck between her thighs and pussy. One arm was up high which she was using as a pillow, and I think it was asleep because I couldn't feel my fingertips. My other arm was pulled around Rosa's waist and my hand was sandwiched between both of hers while her fingers were interlaced with mine.

"Are you awake," I whispered.

"Yeah," She replied softly, "I've been awake for a while. I've been thinking."

"Oh really," I answered in a purr as I curled my arm so that I hugged her tighter, pulling her back against my chest.

"Yeah," She said, "I've been thinking about the last couple of days, last night, and us."

For some reason I got the sense that what she was thinking wasn't positive at all, and rather that she was regretting what happened. So like a typical guy I reacted. I wanted to solve the problem, whatever it was, so that Rosa would be happy, "I really liked last night. I really like you, Rosa. So what is there to think about? Let's just stay like this, for today at least!"

"That's... really sweet Harper," She said as she pulled one hand away and wiped at her face, "But I need to be honest, okay. I'm scared... that I just screwed up. I just hired you to be my maintenance man. I've only known you for two days. We keep having these... accidents, and well, everything is happening so fast!"

"Yeah," I sighed into her hair as I tried to grasp what the problem was. I was trying to empathize, but really all I could see was that I had found her intensely attractive from... almost the first moment I met her.

To be honest, I was in love with her from the moment she gave that smirk as she looked up at me after I offered to hold the door for her. Then I got to watch her walk in front of me as she headed to her truck. The clincher was getting to put my hand in her back pocket and feel her sweet bottom beneath my fingertips. And then the absolute double clincher was putting my hand down her pants pocket and feeling her soft skin, her small patch of pubes, and then her pussy!

From the moment I met her she invaded and permeated every thought, but how should I tell her that? Should I say that? Would it leave me too open? Too vulnerable?

As I laid there and tried to analyze the situation, it dawned on me, her hands were clutching mine. She was pulling my arm around her tighter, for security and comfort. If she were really rejecting me and what we did last night, wouldn't she be pushing me away? Wouldn't she be trying to get away from me? Distancing herself from what she had done, and who she had done it with?

But she wasn't! And, she hasn't! So, what was she searching for? What was she waiting for? What is it that she wants? From me...

Closing my hand around hers, I pulled her in tight to my chest as I said, "I remember my dad telling me one day that when he first saw my mom and her family he laughed and told this really crude and racist joke to his brother. Of course his mom overheard and summarily lectured them and then washed their mouth out with soap. I remember this story so vividly because my dad, he said, he was never so embarrassed of himself and his own stupidity than that day. He also used to say, only fools judge someone solely on their skin color. Since you don't know my dad is white, about as white boy as you can possibly get. Whereas my mom is of Asia-Indian descent, she's where I get my skin from. The reason I'm telling this story is that later on my dad also said that day, that very first day when he saw my mother, he fell in love. The crude joke he told, it was a mask to hide what he really felt. Rosa, the very first time I saw you in the coffee shop I fell in love..."

Her hand tightened in mine and I could feel her shudder as she tried to hide her sniffling.

"Sure, we've had some mishaps," I continued, "Sure I'm here because I answered your 'help wanted' post, and you hired me to do a job for you. But so what! I was going to move over here to go to college whether you hired me or not. And, I'd like to think that, no matter what, if I had bumped into you I would still have been attracted to you this much. I would have pursued you, and we would have dated, and then we would be right here just like this!"

"But," She whispered, "How can you know you love me? You just met me?"

I nodded my head, and then moved so that I could pull her shoulder so that she was laying on her back looking up at me with her big tearful eyes as I answered her, "My mom always says that physical love always leads the way. It motivates us to pursue emotional and rational love. True love always happens in this order, barring special circumstances. So physically, I love you, and over the last couple of days of getting to know you emotionally and rationally has done nothing to dissuade my feelings."

The tears in Rosa's eyes seemed to burst and rolled down into her hair while the rest of her expression broke into the biggest smile! Bringing her hands up to my face, she started kissing me in a frenzy that eventually slowed and became deeper and more passionate. Moving with her eyes closed, she continued to kiss me as she straddled my torso, and then a hand left my face as it ranged down my body to find my dick. Once it was firmly in her hand she pulled away and pushed herself up so that she was looming over me. Smiling down at me she looked down at her pussy, directing me to watch what she was doing instead of her face and how she was reacting. She bit her bottom lip, and slowly lowered her hovering vagina down onto my flagstaff sheathing me inside her!

Putting her hands down on my chest, she leaned over as she rocked her hips forward and whispered, "So, your mouth does know how to run you to the finish line... when you want it too, eh, sport? This is what winning points with me gets you... Do you like being balls deep in... me?"

She ended with her mouth and breath caressing my lips before withdrawing just enough to nuzzle my nose with hers. For an answer, I threw my arms around her waist and pulled her in for a penetrating kiss that had her taut body turning to mush as her mouth opened and our tongues danced with each other. We kissed, and kissed, and all the while she rocked her hips and ground her clitoris on my pelvis until she hissed as she orgasmed. I grabbed her by her hips and pushed her down as I thrust my hips up and we came together as I blasted my cum all the way to her core...


We didn't get any work done all morning. By noon we finally left Rosa's bedroom simply because we were starving. We left and went out for lunch, and then when we returned I worked on finishing the electrical panel. By the time it was too dark to work we were both starving again, and so, we went out on a dirty date. My treat.

"Rosa," I said after we were seated and the waitress took our drink orders, "I know this is a bit late, but, would you be my girlfriend?"

I expected her to be excited and happy, gushing even, as she nearly yelled "Yes!" across the restaurant. That isn't what happened. Instead, she looked up at me with her eyebrows furrowed but her eyes wide open in shock. She did have a massive smile, but instead she asked, "What brought this on?"

"I...," I started hesitantly. I was unsure how to proceed now, since this was nothing like I imagined how it would go so far, "It's just, I figured if we are a couple then you don't have to pay me. We can live together, and I would maintain the Rose House and go to college."

"What would you do after college," She asked with a small secretive smirk, "Would you stay here with me in my house and be my live-in boyfriend that maintains my house for free?"

I hadn't thought that far ahead. I was just thinking about the present. Me, her, her finances. I started to answer, but Rosa cut me off with a cock of her head, "I really really like you Harper. I may even love you. So I am going to do the one thing I can do for you to help you figure out who you are and what you want from your life. I am going to say no..."

I opened my mouth to object. There was no way for me to quantify my disappointment. She cut me off again with a raised hand and continued, "We have a lot of work to do to get 'The Rose House' ready for this next college semester. Until then I don't see why we can't keep our relationship just the way it is. Work hard during the day, fuck like rabbits at night... Oh, and don't you worry about my finances, I said I will pay you for your work and I will! Okay?"

I didn't know what to think. I didn't really know what I could do either. I wanted to change her mind, but I had no idea what I could say that would do that. So I did the only thing I could think to do to salvage what we had so far, "Okay, I understand."

Once we finished dinner I drove Rosa home. I asked her if I could kiss her on the steps leading up to her back door, like we were truly on a date. She said yes, and afterward invited me in for a night cap. She pulled out a bottle of 'Maker's Mark' and poured a shot for me and herself. She tossed hers back, and I nearly choked on mine as it burned all the way down.

She laughed prettily and took my hand and led me upstairs. She undressed me, and she let me undress her, then we went and took a cool bath together. We washed, and then we fucked. We started with me on bottom and Rosa straddling me, and then we moved on to her bent over with her arms on the side of the tub as I fucked her from behind. We ended with her beneath me as she stared up into my eyes in the dim glow of her flashlight as I slowly thrust inside her. When we came it wasn't explosions and bottle rockets, it was a slow bright fire that had us both breathing hard when we weren't trying to suffocate each other with kisses.

From the bath we moved to my bedroom this time and we tried a whole new slew of positions as I held her ass in my hands and tried to drive her face and breasts into my bed as I pummeled her pussy from behind. In the early hours of morning we finally went to sleep with my dick buried inside her while Rosa laid on my chest.

The next morning we fucked three times before we got up for the day. We laughed and joked as I finished the electrical panel and I slowly threw the main on and began turning on sections of the house as we listened for the snap of breakers being thrown due to electrical shorts. When everything stayed on, we ran upstairs and fucked on the dining room table.

The rest of July and the first two weeks of August fell into a routine of working around the house, painting and setting up bedrooms with furniture, hanging chandeliers and pictures of Rosa's family on the walls, and mowing the lawn and grooming the hedges. At night we talked and watched movies, we took baths and showers together, and we fucked like rabbits.

Before we knew it August was upon us and with fall classes starting on the sixteenth the tenants of the newly opened Rose House started showing up that Monday. Rosa wasn't feeling well, and hadn't been for a week. So when there was a knock on the front door she passed me a piece of paper through the bathroom door that had all the names of the new tenants and said, "Go greet our new roomy for me will you. That paper will tell you which room is assigned to whom."

Nodding that I understood, I left and ran to the front door. Stopping to take a breath and collect myself, I opened the door and greeted the new tenant, "Good afternoon, my name is Harper Galdren, I am the Maintenance Manager, and I am a college student majoring in architectural engineering. Welcome to 'The Rose House'!"

"Hello, my name is Hirano Ahma," Answered the prettiest Japanese girl I have ever seen.

She was approximately five feet tall. A whole head taller than Rosa. She had perfect ivory skin, without one blemish or freckle. Even her lips were such a light pink they were almost ivory. Her eyes were hooded and slanted up, and she had incredibly long thick eyelashes. Her eyes, themselves, were as black as onyx, and along with her glossy black hair, they made a breathtaking contrast to her ivory skin. Aside from her coloring, it was immediately evident that she was completely flat chested, an A-cup... if that. She had a slim waist, and her hips were also only as wide as her chest, maybe thirty inches but I doubted it was anymore than that.

"Oh, I'm sorry," She apologized in a quiet diminutive voice, "I forgot I'm not in Japan anymore. My first name is Ahma, my last name is Hirano. Ahma Hirano..."

"It's very nice to meet you Hirano Ahma," I answered with a slight bow. I was so excited, this was my first time getting to use some of the etiquette I had learned from Japanese Anime, "Please come in. I will show you to your room."

"Thank you," She replied with a shy smile and stepped inside.

She had several bags, so I picked up two and headed up the stairs. As we walked I looked back over my shoulder and said, "The house manager is Rosalina Alcaraz. She's feeling a little under the weather right now, but I am sure she will be available in a few minutes. Once you're settled either her or I can give you a tour of the house's accommodations..."

"That sounds fine," Ahma answered.

Once we were upstairs we reached the midpoint of the hallway and I pointed to a door with the number eight stenciled on it, "Here you are! Room eight!"

Setting a bag down I opened the door and led the way inside. I set down her bags, and left.

As I walked back to the bathroom Rosa was in I looked down at the paper she had given me and wondered at the question marks written beside room four, nine, and ten. Surely Rosa had already rented the rooms. So, she must know who they are, right?

When I knocked on the door Rosa came out, her mocha complexion was pale and she looked like she had been puking. I immediately picked her up in my arms and carried her to her bed. I helped her disrobe, and then once she was completely naked like she liked, she laid down and I tucked her in.

"I'm sorry Harper," She apologized in a whisper. "I seem to have picked up a stomach flu or something. You are going to have to do the meet and greet today. Just get everyone settled in, hopefully I will be right as rain tomorrow."

Pointing at the paper in my hand I asked, "I noticed that you left three rooms blank. Why is that?"

"Oh," She answered, "Those three. They didn't care what rooms they got, so it's first come first serve."

"Oh," I mumbled as I looked at the paper again, then asked, "So, what are their names?"

"Don't worry," She replied with a chuckle, "They said they would introduce themselves when they arrive."

That seemed very suspicious to me. I had the feeling Rosa was up to something, but I couldn't exactly force her to tell me. So I just nodded, "I will make some tea and broth in a few minutes and bring it up."

She nodded, and that was all I got out of her.

Leaving her room, I walked over and knocked on Ahma's room.

"Come in," She answered from inside.

Opening the door I looked at Ahma putting her clothes away in the chest of drawers provided. "Excuse me," I said with a respectful nod, "Rosa is not going to be joining us this evening. So I will give you a tour of the house. When you're ready, just come and knock on room two. If I don't answer then I am already downstairs."

"Okay, thank you," She replied, and then returned to putting her things away.

About the time I reached my bedroom door there was another knock at the front door. Quick stepping, I headed back downstairs.

I threw the door open and introduced myself to a pink girl! She was much taller than Rosa and Ahma, appearing to stand at least five feet eight inches tall. She had bright blue eyes and platinum blonde hair pulled over her shoulder and in a thick braid that fell over a very nice medium sized C-cup breast to her hip.

"Hi, I'm Maeve Goldwyn. I didn't realize that this was a co-ed dorm," She said by way of introduction, "That's pretty awesome. Will there be more boys living here beside you?"

"Not that I know of," I answered with a shake of my head.

Like Ahma, Maeve had several bags, so I picked up two of them and led the way up to her room. Her room was all the way at the other end from Rosa's and mine. Setting down a bag, I opened the door and gestured for Maeve to precede me as I said, "Here you go, room five. If you want, take your time and settle in, and in an hour or so I will conduct a tour of the house and show you all the amenities."

"Thank you so much, Harper," She replied with a smile.

I left her to unpack and closed her door just in time for there to be another knock on the door. Apparently all of the new students had left home relatively at the same time in order to get here before noon. Trotting back to the front door and opening it with my now pretty familiar greeting caught in my throat as I nearly fell back on my ass!

"Hey there big bro," Purred Gabriella Gorden who stood beside her twin sister Sonya, and her cousin Yasmin!

"Holy shit," I cried in shock, "What are you doing here?"

"Dad told mom that you were going to CWU to get away from the family," Yasmin answered from behind Sonya and Gabriella.

She easily looked over their heads since she was six feet two inches tall like her mother, Kathryn, who was another of dad's harem of concubines and secondary wives. Yasmin was the daughter of her mother and her mother's brother Steven. Thankfully there were no birth defects, however, Yasmin was almost a perfect clone of her mother in looks at least.

Pointing to her half-sisters, Yasmin continued, "I was already thinking the same thing as you and had already applied to attend CWU, but these two have been crushing on you since they were ten. So when they heard you were coming over here they applied as well..."

"Yaya!" Sonya hissed in embarrassment as Gabby elbowed Yasmin in the ribs and growled, "Shut up Yaya, if we want to confess we can do it ourselves!"

I stared at them in mild shock with my mouth hanging open. As we stood there Sonya and Gabby's mom approached from the driveway. Cybil was very young when she got pregnant with Sonya and Gabby, and so looked very young for being thirty-one. She waved at me and gave me a charming smile. Once she was on the porch she greeted me with, "Good morning Harper, my haven't you grown into a stud! Why don't you show us to the girl's rooms?"

Her direction was what I needed to clear my head and nod. All three girls had two bags over each shoulder and two more suitcases in each hand. There was no way for me to take one of the girl's bags without seeming to be showing favoritism, so turning around I led the way inside and upstairs. When we reached room four Gabriella pushed ahead as she called out, "I will take this room. Which room is yours Harper?"

"I am in room two," I answered since it wouldn't affect anything by trying to hide it. I looked back and saw that Cybil was following at a slower pace, but as soon as she heard me say which room was mine she turned in that direction.

As I led Sonya and Yasmin back up the hallway toward my room and Rosa's Cybil stood to the side of the hallway and watched as we came to room nine and ten. Opening the doors, I stepped back and let the girls look inside the rooms and decide which ones they wanted.

"I want room ten," Sonya said with a nod as she went inside but called back over her shoulder, "This way I only have one person living on one side of me..."


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