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Fifty Shades of Ray


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"Wow, " said Lucy, yawning. "I feel great. Thanks, Ray. But nothing much happened, I mean like Julie said."

"Oh, that's because I haven't said 'pleasure' yet."

"Sorry?" said Lucy, shifting slightly on her seat,.

"Pleasure, double pleasure, more pleasure," I said, watching Lucy's face. Her hands moved to her breasts, as if she were adjusting an uncomfortable bra. She shifted again on her seat.

"Perhaps you need some more pleasure, ten times as much pleasure."

Lucy's face flushed. If I'd been able to see through solid wood, I'd have seen her legs widening. Her tongue came out, moistening her lips as she took in a deep breath. "Even more pleasure, each breath doubling, quadrupling the pleasure you have, pleasure that will keep on increasing as I talk."

"I don't understand," said Lucy pushing the chair backwards to free her legs from the desk, "It's as if someone is touching me, yet you haven't moved."

"Your imagination is a wonderful thing. All I've done is tweak it a bit. You can have as much pleasure as you want, or as much pleasure as I decide to give you." I could see her legs part, slowly, more and more. Try to take your mind off it and do some paperwork." Lucy's eyes glazed over, "Now your pleasure tickles are greater than you've ever felt or experienced with any lover or on your own. When I say 'cum' you will experience the best cum you've ever had in your life and you will remember it, very vividly when you awake. 3,2,1 wide awake."

"I must say I'm feeling much less stressed than before you came into my office."

"Now listen, I don't want you to make much noise but I think it's it time to cum. "

Lucy shut her eyes, her breathing deepened, she arched her back, stretched her legs and quietly moaned a sound of ultimate pleasure. Her body tensed and released time after time as pulses of sexual electricity moved through her, top to toe. This went on for a while but gradually slowed down until a point where her breathing returned to normal and her eyes opened.

"Wow, what the hell was that?" she questioned, "And how did you manage to do it?"

"Some people are more responsive to hypnosis," I answered, "And that includes you. It's purely you imagination working overtime. Are you good at fantasising when you pleasure yourself? And do you always cum? "

Lucy laughed, "Sometimes I can really get into a romantic novel, and movie. Then I try to remember it when I go to bed and ... and ... Oh fuck, what have you ...?"

Her eyes rolled upwards then then down, then she looked straight at me as if she didn't believe she was going to cum again. Believe it or not there was no way she was going to stop it.

"That's probably why, then," I continued as if her second orgasm had never intervened. Anyway I'd better go or the warehouse will wonder where I am."

"I can't thank you enough," said Lucy, "What's your mobile number?" I gave her it. "OK if I ring you later?"

"Sure," I said, Whenever you want but I'm working till 8. Oh, by the way, you'd better shut your eyes."


"Because you're going to CUM."

When I left Lucy's office, less than 15 minutes after I'd arrived there, small pulses of pleasure were still causing her to shiver - goosebumps I suppose. She had a broad smile on her face and she looked totally relaxed. I went back to the warehouse, trying to conceal a prize woody.

"Why did Lucy want to see you?" was a question I was expecting as soon as I returned.

Thankfully my bulge had all but disappeared. "She just wanted my opinion about something. Feedback if you like, about my time in the warehouse." And that was all I was going to say. Just before 5pm a small package arrived for me. I just shoved it in my pocket until my break. An hour later I opened it, away from the chance of curious eyes. Inside was a note: 'I've just spent the whole afternoon totally chilled out and feeling fantastic. From what I've been told, you'll enjoy the contents of the zip lock. Keep it in your pocket till I ring you later. Thanks again. Lucy xxx' Neatly folded inside a zip lock polythene bag was a piece of pale yellow material, trimmed with white lace. I pushed it back in my pocket, made my way to the Gents, sat in a cubicle and took the packet out. The folded piece of material turned out to be a very damp pair of classy, tiny knickers; I guess you'd call them micro briefs. Inside, behind and above the gusset area, was a lipstick kiss. The gusset was soaked with a very aromatic liquid. I put the material to my nose and within a second my nose sent a signal to my brain then to my cock. A pale streak of red indicated the donor must have just finished her cycle, something that always aroused me, because then I knew, after a few days of abstention she was ready to fuck again.

It's been argued that, at this particular time of the month a woman is ultra horny, which might explain what had happened earlier. OK, I'd found if I took my time giving Elaine (my neighbour) a hypno-cum, she literally wet her knickers from the powerful cum. Lucy's mini knickers told a similar story.

The rest of my shift passed way too slow and I just couldn't wait to get back home. The shift ended and, after a short walk, I got a direct bus to the end of our street. It gave me plenty of time to reflect on what had probably been the riskiest of my hypno teases. It taught me, too, that several people now knew. The guilt trip morphed, as it often did, into fantasy thoughts. The bus home didn't help either, because the strength of my boner was enhanced by the vibration of the bus, sat as I was above the rear axle. Luckily, finishing at 8pm meant the bus had few passengers. I simply enjoyed the comforting feeling a solid erection always gave me.

Mum had a meal already plated up for me, to simply reheat in the microwave. I missed Mandy, my older sister, as she now lived with her boyfriend on the far side of town. We'd enjoyed our secret couplings and my hypno-teases (begun in 'The Book') for most of the past year. I'd risked fucking her in many different places, including alleyways, the public park, in a women's toilet and more, and in every position we could manage. We'd even fucked once during her monthly, something I'd recommend to any couple who haven't yet tried it.

A short while after I'd eaten I went up to my room to annihilate every other gamer who was unfortunate to be online. It was a short lasting hope. My phone rang:

"Hi Ray, it's Lucy. Are you alone?"

F'ckn hell, even her telephone voice was sexy, "Yes, I'm in my room."

"Not doing anything naughty I hope?"

"Actually I was just starting to blast some enemies out of existence."

"Oh dear. I do hope some war game isn't going to come between you and me."

Her voice was like liquid Viagra, "No," I said, somewhat meekly. "I've already logged out."

"Good boy," Hell, was I her pet pooch? "Now did you get my little gift?" Still a pleasurable purr.

"Sure did. I had a peek but they're still in the zip lock."

"Good. Some men have paid £30 for such a package."

"You sell them? In that state?"

"I did, when I was a student, and the phone calls - £1 a minute."

"You did? Wow! The lipstick kiss was a nice touch too."

"I still do the knickers on that auction site when I need a little treat for myself. Kisses are £10 extra." Lucy paused a moment. "Anyway, I rang to thank you again, even though I would never have believed what a few words could do. I decided to offer you a few words of my own."

"Sure, do I have to ring a special number?"

"No, silly." I felt like a small child, "One talent freely offered deserves a return favour."

"So what do you want me to do?"

"Well just right now I've changed into something much more comfortable, I suggest you do the same."


"Like at the moment all I'm wearing is a smile."

"Just give me a moment." I did as she asked, just hoping mum wouldn't come in. "OK, first I need your feedback on my knickers."

I inhaled deeply. I didn't need to watch my body's reaction, I could feel it. "Wow," was my true comment

"Were they still warm when you got them?"

"No, I was busy unloading a delivery ... wait a minute ... you'd been wearing them while I hypnotised you?"

"So are they still damp now?"

"Oh yes."

"Do you have video chat on your computer?"

I said I did, and a cam on my laptop. Within 5 minutes we were up and running. True to her word, Lucy hadn't a stitch on. Neither did I.

"Lick them."


"Lick the damp part of my knickers. I want you to taste me." I showed my reluctance. "I'm not poisonous, go on - lick me."

"It doesn't taste like much. Salty, slightly pissy, different though to licking a girl out."

"Its OK. You did get me very wet though, and watching you lick my knickers is making me wet now. See?" She unclipped the cam, sat upright, opened her legs and moved the cam in front of her pussy. She was wet.


The flash of her open lips was brief, but it was now in my memory. "Let me see your cock," she said, again as if it was an order not a request. I obliged."

"Nice!" her observation was a compliment. "Now you've seen me and tasted me, but I haven't tasted you. I'll fix that tomorrow but we still need more fun tonight. Have you ever watched a naked, hypnotised girl cum?"

I smiled, "No, but I've a sneaking feeling I soon will."

"So, it's over to you."

"It's risky, in case the connection goes down. Give me your phone number."

"It should be on yours."

I took a quick look, "Oh yes, of course." Then I realised I didn't need to hypnotise her again. I looked at my watch, the only thing I was still wearing. "Best make this quick though, I'll try to give you some pleasure. You want that don't you, you must have some more pleasure? "

The look that crossed Lucy's face was worth a small fortune, then a shiver, then a realisation. "How the hell did you do that? You haven't even hypnotised me, have you?"

"Only this afternoon, when you had a lot of pleasure. Do you get a lot of pleasure in your office?"

A flush passed across her face as she hooked on to the trigger word. "Look," I said, "If this pleasure word turns you on, don't let me stop you." By the time I'd repeated the word a dozen times she was sat, cross-legged, breathing deeply, an intense look on her face, trying to fight the need to cum. By the time I'd reminded her about even more pleasure, she took in several gulps of breath, her eyes shut tightly, and her whole body tensed and shook as she lost the battle to prevent her body giving in to a very satisfying orgasm.

"Ohmygod," moaned Lucy, her cum temporarily limiting her power of speech, "Ohmygod." At one point I really thought she was going to pass out but eventually she found her voice again. "That was really weird," she said, "I'd no idea what was happening. Even though I'm the only one in the room, it was as though there were fingers touching me, lightly brushing against my breasts, my sides, my back, my butt and thighs and a tongue licking insistently at my clit. It was ghostly, as if there were spirits of all my lovers in the room, each one finding a place they knew I liked best ... even ... even ... licking at my bum hole."

"That's entirely possible," I answered, though I've only known it to happen once. Firstly it shows you're a fantastic hypnotic subject - when I hypnotised you earlier you were very open to suggestions, and secondly it shows you've a good memory." I laughed, "I really don't want to know how many partners you've been with, but does it ring true?"

"Yes. Some of the places where I felt I was being tickled I never previously remembered, and just then I could even recall which man had introduced me to it. Even the butt hole lick which I thought was disgusting really just depended on good hygiene first, then it was mind blowing."

I laughed again, "Too much information."

"Well ... maybe that's because you've never experienced it."

"I think I never will."

"Hmmm, never say never. Try everything once, and if you like something then try it again. Anyhow, you seem to have a rock solid cock. How about I watch you take care of it. I'm still horny and I need to cum again."

As with many of Lucy's suggestions, it came over more as an order. Even the butt hole licking sounded as if must try it whether I wanted to or not. I didn't. As soon as I started to stroke my cock Lucy moved her webcam to just a few inches from her cunt lips. She was wet, very wet and soon a finger appeared, gently teasing her clit. Just in case the ringside seat wasn't enough, two more fingers parted her pussy lips as two other fingers quickly darted inside her.

She held the coated fingers to the webcam, "Now Ray, put my knickers to your nose, so that you can smell me and see me." I moved away from my cam so she could see. "Good, now take a real deep breath, let my wetness be inside you."

I did as she asked ordered. "Is that OK?"

"That's real good. Now use my knickers to stroke yourself. Move closer to the cam. I want my knickers to bring you off." Lucy had taken over, she was now running the show. "Good boy, Ray. Watch me fingering my cunt, watch how wet I am because you, Ray, made me wet. You made me cum with just your words and I'm going to make you cum with mine. How does your cock feel now, Ray? Tell me Ray how my cum soaked knickers are making you feel."

"It's so intense," I said, "It's unbelievable watching you finger fuck yourself as I'm stroking."

"That's good Ray, but you're slowing, you're being a careless boy. I need you to show me how much I'm turning you on. I want you to stroke yourself faster then I can watch you cum hard for me. My cunt is aching with desire for you to be inside me. You'd like that, wouldn't you Ray?"

"Yes I would," I said, my wrist starting to ache.

"Faster Ray, you're so slow. Tell me Ray, tell me you want to fuck my hole. TELL ME, RAY." Yet another order. Man, I wouldn't want to work under this woman. "RAY, ARE YOU FUCKIN' DEAF?"

"I wanna fuck you Lucy, I wanna fuck you hard. I want to ram my cock up your cunt. I wanna fuck you so hard you're gonna cry."

"Yes, Ray, come on, polish your cock with my knickers. I want to see your cum on my cum, I want my knickers soaked in cum, tell me Ray, tell me."

Lucy now had three finger stuffing her cunt, "I wanna cum in your knickers, I'm gonna cum, I'm gonna cum NOW, cum with me Lucy, come on, stuff your cunt harder, think pleasure, pleasure, pleasure, pleasure. Just as I shot a spurts of cum onto the crotch of Lucy's tiny knickers I heard her moan that beautiful, wonderful, fantastic orgasmic cry as she hit her peak, her finger stuffing gradually slowing until her rhythmic contractions finally ceased. She proudly held her three fingers to the webcam, absolutely soaked with her juices. "Thank you Ray. Thank you. We'll talk tomorrow about your reward."

Just then I heard mum's voice call from downstairs. "Are you OK, Ray. I thought I heard you shouting."

I called back, "Yes, mum. Sorry, I was just trying to goad one of my friends trying to beat me in this game." Thank goodness we lived in an older house with solid walls.


I was really surprised that mum was home one afternoon after I returned from the warehouse, a couple of weeks after I'd first hypnotised her. She was dressed in a very short dark blue pleated hockey skirt, white blouse, a blue and yellow striped tie, and white ankle socks. The thin blouse revealed a half cup bra, barely covering her nipples.

"What the ...?"

"Oh I took another TOIL day off. Didn't I tell you?"

I sat on dad's favourite armchair, opposite mum. "No, mum, you didn't. What's with the school uniform? Surely they didn't allow you to wear that? Heavens, the skirt is so short I can see your knickers." That was true. The pleats left the fabric loose and I could easily see the bright white fabric.

"Oh, sorry, I forgot." Standing up, she swiftly removed them and tossed them to me, never turning away so that I got a full eyeful of her perfectly smooth pussy. "I intended leaving them in your room."

"But mum, you just flashed me, not even any pubes to hide your private bits."

"That's your fault for looking. Anyway you shouldn't tell a prize gossip about your likes and dislikes."

"Elaine, I suppose, told you I liked shaved, but what's with the schoolgirl outfit?"

"Oh this?" she purposely lifted the mini hockey skirt, flashing me again, "I'm dressed as a St Trinian's girl. It was for a fancy dress party your dad and I went to, and we got a few more party invites as long as I wore the same. I can't find the hockey stick though."

"But you didn't skip the white knickers?"

"Of course not. Well, that was till we got home and I flashed dad a few times."

"And then you went upstairs and fucked?"

"No we didn't. We fucked on the sofa; going upstairs just wasted time."

"MUM, too much information."

"It's all your fault. You shouldn't dig up old memories with your hypno stuff."

"I was trying to get you and dad closer again. Surely he likes you revved up and willing."

"He gets tired at work. When we get to bed he's asleep in minutes." I was still holding her white knickers. I pushed them in my pocket. "Well that's a waste," she said, looking disappointed.


"That was another trick I pulled at college. Freshly worn knickers count double."

"You didn't?"

"I did," she countered, "Why pay for a drink when you can get them free?"

"You took them off in a pub?"

"Not in full view of everyone. What do you take me for? Just so the guy could see me, I passed them over to him, he went for a wank and gave me them back."

"For re-using?"

"Well not if they were full of cum. Then he had to buy me three drinks." She turned her attention to me again. "Ray, I need some feedback."

"Is this real or am I dreaming?" I asked, pinching my arm. "You're my mother and you're asking me to sniff the knickers I just watched you taking off?"

"Your fault. If you can't live with the consequences then don't hypno fuck people."

"Yes, I know, but I intended you seducing dad, not me." I wasn't going to let this go any further.

"You still haven't passed my knickers through quality control." Mum quite intended this going further.

I took them out of my pocket. The white cotton clearly showed a creamy dampness that smelled utterly fantastic, causing my semi to rapidly swell and harden. "They're perfect," I admitted, checking the scent again just to make sure.

"I guessed that," said mum, pointing at my bulge. "My knickers are just as good as when I was 21." Hell, did she still have that firmly fixed in her mind. "And there's nothing better than fresh."

This was getting more and more uncomfortable. My hormone fuelled body said one thing, my guilty mind said something totally different. "Mum, can't you wait till dad gets home? I'm sure he'll be able to help you out."

"No time. No inclination. He's asleep within minutes of going to bed."

"What about weekends?" I was going to pursue this as much as I could.

"Same story. We fucked that first time you hypnotised me, then nothing. I'm just so frustrated." As if to press the point she played her ace of trumps, tears welled up in her eyes. Sympathy tears, crocodile tears, call them what you will. Every woman carries the same trump card, ever since Eve used the apple to pull one over on Adam. The holy books have it all wrong - Adam bit the apple because Eve threatened tears.

I went over, sat on the sofa, and put my around mum; wrong move again. The tears continued, wetting my shoulder and battering down any defence I still had.

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