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Fifty Shades of Ray


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"So what can I do?" I asked. The sobs slowed then disappeared as soon as they had come.

"Can I ask you something?" she enquired.

"I feel you're going to ask me anyway," OK, I was getting stuck for words, "Go for it."

"Has a girl ever asked you to lick her out?" I knew where this was going.

"As long as I've spent enough money on her, yes."

"Why's that?" mum's eyes were completely dry, and she would be washing the stain out of the shoulder of my shirt so it didn't matter.

"Some girls look on it as a treat for their partner, though they seem to get quite a buzz out of it." One girl in particular used to let out a scream if I nuzzled her clit to orgasm.

"So it's a treat for you. You enjoy doing it." Oh yes, I fuckin' loved doing it.

"It's OK, as long as the girl enjoys it."

Mum didn't say anything for at least 10 seconds, which seemed like an eternity. "So if I asked you ... I mean it's so long since ..."

"OK, OK, just this once." Alright I admit it, it didn't really matter whose cunt it was, I was all for it.

"Dad says it's disgusting. I shower most days so I don't see why." She thought a moment then admitted, "Though I did get a bit frustrated earlier." That would explain why her knickers were so powerfully fragranced. With me knelt on the carpet and mum's legs wide open I could see how careful her shaving had been; nigh on perfect. My nose picked up the delightful scent before my tongue explored.

"Ohhhh," was mum's only remark as my tongue found her clit. Then "Ohhhh, ohhhh, ohhhh several times in rapid succession, then numerous sighs as I slowed the pace. "Yes, there," as if I didn't know my way around a woman's anatomy, then "Please," as I slowed right down. "Please, Ray, faster," fell on deaf ears, her request but my rules. I knew from experience that slower and longer paid dividends, so I teased ... and teased ... and teased.

As time passed my tongue began to ache so I planted kisses around that super-smooth if not perfect mound. Not perfect because time and life had taken their toll, but far better than many younger pussies I'd encountered.

"Suck my tits if your tongue aches, but don't stop altogether." The last time I'd seen her tits were several years before, by accident, leaving the bathroom to return to her bedroom. They were generously, but not overly sized, and subject to ongoing gravity and age. Her nipples rapidly hardened as I gave them attention, sucking, pulling gently and releasing. On mum's request my tongue returned to its original target.

"Please, Ray, please don't keep me wanting, please." She pleaded several times before I took pity, licking harder and faster until ... "Oh, fuck, yes, yes, yes, oh yes, oh fuck," as she sailed into orgasmic oblivion, almost passing out.

"Oh my darling Ray, that was fantastic, better than I remember from so long ago. Thank you."

Of course, mum insisted that she returned the favour, discarding her St Trinian's see-thru blouse and half cup bra. She sucked me off, perhaps not as expertly as some, but she swallowed every drop.


I'd had a busy morning in the warehouse when a message came over the PA, "Could Ray Stoker please contact Reception." When I rang them they told me to go to Human Resources as soon as possible. I knew what that meant, HR was responsible for hiring and firing employees. Someone must have seen what went on in Lucy's office and I was doomed.

"Ah, good morning Ray," said Brenda Rogerson, in charge of HR, take a seat. Coffee?"

"Please," I replied, now in the knowledge that I wasn't going to get the boot.

"You've been with us a while now, " she looked at her records - I looked at her tits. "In the warehouse. How are you finding it?"

"Good. I enjoy working there."

"I see here you've made one or two suggestions that might improve how the warehouse runs. Head office are still considering those. Your supervisor tells me you're conscientious and never late, nor ready to leave the moment the clock indicates your shift is over."

I nodded, "I enjoy what I do, even if it means I have to work a few minutes late." The coffee arrived, definitely not the store's budget brand.

Ms Rogers continued, "As a company, we like to reward hard work. We have a vacancy coming up for a trainee supervisor, working in the store rather than backstage, so to speak. The managers in other departments, especially Lucy in administration, have told me you're always helpful too. Would you be interested in taking part in an initial assessment?"

"Yes, of course. Thank you."

"Good, I'll contact you further within the next day or two. I do have others to see for assessment, but from what I've been told you're certainly in with a good chance."

"Thank you very much for considering me," I said.

"Not at all," said Ms Rodgers, "As I say, we're always on the lookout to promote from within. Just one thing, you must not mention our discussion until we've finalised our assessments."

I nodded, "OK."

At lunchtime I was surprised to see Lucy walk in in the staff mini restaurant just as I was finishing my steak pie and chips.

"Hi Ray," she sang, and sat across from me. "How did the interview go?" So this was a formal interview rather than an offer to try for a chance as a trainee.

"It went well," I said, but it depends on who else they have to see.

"There aren't any others," Lucy corrected, "It needs rubber stamping, but the position is almost yours. Brenda should have told you not to mention it to anyone."

"Yes," I confirmed, "She did."

"Brenda owes me several favours. I just called one in."

"She said she'd spoken to other managers."

"I'm sure she did. A few of them are, how can I put it? A few of them are friends of mine."

"But why me?"

"Because you have a special talent, and you unreservedly entertained me with it. And this evening I'm going to share something very special with you."

"You are?"

She passed me a card with her address on it. "Unless you've already arranged something for this evening, I'll see you around 7.30. Don't be late." And with that, she left.

What a day to mangle my mind! Up, eat, shower, work, then everything came at once - promotion seemed a certainty, a potential life changer and an invite a command to visit Lucy's house.

The bus nearest her home meant I arrived ten minutes early ... better than ten minutes late.

"Come in, Ray," said Lucy, smiling broadly. "Thanks for coming." Had I a choice? Lucy had certainly changed from her office wear, applied just the right amount of perfume and unbuttoned the top three of a very alluring blouse, her absent bra leaving very little to the imagination. But, of course, there was nothing I hadn't seen via the webcam on my laptop.

I just smiled, unsure of why she'd asked me to her home ... but who was I kidding? "Thanks for inviting me."

"Beer? Wine?"

"Beer, thanks."

"This OK?" she asked, returning from the fridge.

"How the ...? "

"How did I know your favourite? Lucky guess."

Come on, lady, this was top notch export lager, possibly the most expensive our store sold. I couldn't afford it, even with staff discount, except on very special occasions. "That's brilliant. Thanks."

We talked, just small talk at first, then about the mysterious vacancy that HR had conjured up and how Lucy managed to swing it with the other managers.

"How would you like me to entertain you?" Lucy asked at last, "And then you might understand a little more about the store management."

"I don't understand," was my only answer. By now I was on my third bottle, Lucy on her third glass of a very noble red wine.

"I have to swear you to secrecy, before I offer you my playroom," said Lucy, "Will you voluntarily do that?"

"I still don't understand," I said, "But I'm happy to agree. After all you did put your trust in me."

"We need to shower," again not a request but an order. "Then we play."

The shower room was tastefully designed, with ample room for us both to stand under the overhead shower. "Just relax, let me help you." Help wasn't the word for Lucy took over, leisurely working her way down my body, washing as much as me as she could with a combination of her hands and her breasts, the luxurious gel manufacturing thousands of tiny scented bubbles. Lucy then gave extra attention to not only my cock but also to my balls and butt hole.

"It's essential," Lucy told me. I wasn't going to complain. Her well soaped finger reached my internal trigger but didn't stay as long as I would have liked. "Perhaps you might like to soap me," offered Lucy. I didn't refuse. There's something extra special about a pair of lathered hands roaming around a youthful female body. My pride and joy took extra special notice.

Dried and dressed only in white towelling robes, Lucy led me to her pleasure room. I really don't know what I expected but what I found was surprising. Tastefully but not comprehensively equipped, the room left little to the imagination. The fact that this belonged to a lady whose daytime work was in an office puzzled me somewhat.

"It's just an assortment of items I've collected over the years. Call it a hobby if you will but let me just say most men leave this room happy, and many men who I know enable me to leave here happy."

"So do they ask you if they can come here, or do you invite them?"

"A bit of both. Some pay to come here, some are invited, some are content to sample my knickers, some need more, sometimes I need them and some I reward for favours they've done for me. You come in that last category. You used your skills to help with my stress and now it's my turn to use my skills."

Lucy showed one of her pieces of equipment - the wrong word to use I suppose, for it was placed in that room as part of the furniture ... that and many other items simply furnished the room.

"What is it? " I asked.

"It's a variation of an item of punishment called the stocks, used in medieval times. Surely you read about it in history."

"Yes, I think so, but history wasn't my favourite subject." To be completely honest, most of the curriculum wasn't much favourite ... at least until dad got a phone call from school. Under the threat of loss of many weeks privileges I decided it might be best for me to cram whatever I could.

"So, do want to try what pleasures it holds? I'd be delighted to demonstrate."

I looked the device over. Lucy explained the hands and feet holds, how they were used to constrain the unfortunate offender to ridicule. "But it's been adapted, see ... you stand, leant over, unable to move while I could use anything from feathers to a whip, to arouse you beyond anything your brain could conceive."

"A whip?"

"I have soft whips, harsh whips and everything between. My friends, my clients, my benefactors all have different needs, but for you it's just pleasure."

The next thing I knew I was voluntarily (who was I kidding?) leaning over, naked - towelling robe formed neatly at one side, butt freely available to take whatever was given, locked comfortably but securely into the modified stocks.

"See, Ray," Lucy told me in comforting voice, "Just how pleasurable this who can be." It was soft, tickling, arousing my legs, my butt, my balls, my back, my butt, my balls again, gently, persuasively making me go hard, then harder, then solid steel.

"My, what a treasure," admired Lucy, placing the whip at one side and running her fingers teasingly along my length. "But I think I can improve on that." She knelt behind me, kissing my balls, licking, sucking, whilst steadily teasing my cock. Then her tongue moved to my butt hole and I just didn't believe the intense sensations it brought. Lucy was so skillful and, even though I now get a regular invitation, the overwhelming feeling is still as strong and as welcome as the first time.

Carefully and lovingly her tongue teased my puckered hole - rimming, I think it's called, as her fingers slowly and gently moved from the very tip of my erection to my balls. I was aware, in a very short space of time, of a very urgent need to cum. But Lucy was aware and prepared and simply slowed down. Within a couple of minutes though I was overcome by a sudden uncontrollable, intense feeling to shoot my load.

"It's OK," Lucy assured me, "It happens. Next time you'll last longer."

Next time? Wow, so this wasn't just a one-off. "Thank you," I said, "That was fantastic."

"Quid pro quo," answered Lucy, "You delight me, I delight you, but licking your bum hole has left me very horny and I want you to hypnotise me again. Come." With that she released me from the stocks and led me into her bedroom. Again this was very tastefully decorated and coordinated, a pleasure to the eyes. "Make me play with myself and make me aware that you are watching my every move. Relax me then arouse me, touch or don't touch me, just as you wish.

"Just concentrate ... and you will find ... paperwork." It was a trigger I'd used in her office "... deeper down, deeper and more relaxed than you have ever been, willing and obedient, pleased and so highly aroused by being subservient whenever and wherever I ask. Raise the middle finger of your right hand if you understand." Her finger raised itself up as if by remote control. "When I wake you, Lucy, you will be so willing, so determined to please me, to satisfy my desires. As you please me, your desire to cum will increase more and more, as if a thousand fingers are tickling every part of your body. Raise your finger again if you understand." Again her finger moved oh so slowly, as if she was so relaxed it was an effort to move it. "You will not cum until I let you, but you will plead for release, Every time I touch you, your pleasure will soar but you won't cum. You will beg me but you won't cum till I tell you. Understand?" For the third time, she raised her finger. " ... 3, 2, 1."

Lucy took a minute or so to realise just where she was. "Wow, that trick of yours is SO powerful. I must learn it for my trainees." She stifled several yawns as if she'd slept for ages. I just wasn't going to ask who she trained or what she trained them to do. I knew she'd several whips and I knew she had the stocks and foot restraints that kept her captives bent over. But that was her pleasure room, and she'd certainly given me pleasure.

"You're so beautiful." I told her, "So beautiful that you could be a very classy laptop dancer, so you must audition for me." As Lucy began to dance, swaying her hips, I took in her breathtaking figure. Although of average height, Lucy's legs seemed delightfully long and slim - I don't know, possibly because she was naked and standing, though not in high heeled porn movie style shoes; I was sat on a basket weave chair. As she turned I admired her butt, smooth and nicely rounded. Her hair, medium length blonde, curled at the ends - possibly from a previous perm, possibly tonged, I don't know. As she turned back to me her blue eyes sparkled, her mouth hinting a curious smile that smacked of confident sexuality as she slid the tip of her tongue along her lips. Her breasts, slightly larger than average, round, full, pert and promising a taste of heaven, swayed slightly as she moved. Tummy trim, flat, reaching down to that wonderful vee, landing strip trimmed on top of a shallow valley. Her pussy would be, save her arousal, quite flat with her lips protruding just a little.

One finger, the middle finger of her right hand, darted into her mouth to be slowly pulled out, wet from her saliva. Her gaze never left mine, as if she were trying to hypnotise me. She didn't, though her steady gaze held me enchanted until her moistened finger went below, sliding along the shallow groove of her sex until it met her clit. That enigmatic smile appeared again, a smile that said everything in the total vocabulary of sex.

Lucy moved until her pussy was only inches away from my face. I could smell her even before she dipped inside herself and offered me a full scentsation. I kissed her pubis, time and time again before she turned, bent over and offered me a vision of her split peach and her puckered butt hole. I kissed that too.

Then came the swaying, the gyrations of her hips, lowering herself in the time honoured lap dance way until she was almost touching my erection. She raised herself again, turning and leaning towards me, offering me a taste of her nipples. But I kissed the very centre of her cleavage first , my face, buried between her breasts, returning to taste her nipples, sucking them gently between my lips.

As I moved my hands to lightly stroke the sides of her breasts, I felt her shiver. I knew from her breathing that her arousal grew as she pleased me. Now there was the element of touch, and every touch would soon bring her to the need to cum. As she stood, presenting me with her trimmed pussy, my hands idly stroked her butt cheeks. Each touch was now causing her breath to labour, coming in gasps, her eyes shut in concentration as she anticipated her body beginning its orgasmic cycle. But orgasm didn't come, just frustration.

"Please let me cum," she pleaded, "It feels so good I need to cum."

"You'll wait," was all I said, for I was the master now. I stroked the back of her silky legs, upping the hypnotic tempo.

"Please, please, Ray."

"No. Lay down. I want to tongue your cunt, lick your clit. I want you to wait." Even the touches of my tongue sent triple pleasures through her.

She gasped, hardly able to speak, "Please, please, please Ray, let me cum. I'll do anything, anything you ask." This role switch must have been new to her. Now she was pleading for release.

"Suck me off and swallow," I said and I'll consider letting you cum.

Within minutes it was done. Lucy lost no time, savouring my cum as it shot into her mouth. "Now, please, now. Please Ray, please. I can't stand it any more. Please."

"Lie down again and show me how a dirty bitch fingers herself. I'll tell you at what point you can cum."

Lucy just had to obey. First one, the two, then three fingers stuffed her cunt at speeds heading for the record books. I stroked her legs, her arms, her breasts, then "CUM, cum hard for me. Cum like you've never done before. CUM FOR ME. CUM NOW."

Her face screwed up, unable to comprehend the explosion within her. Her body tensed, fists clenched tightly, her breathing momentarily stopped and she SCREAMED "OH FUCK, SHITTING HELL, OH FUCK FUCK FUCK." Then all went quiet as the tension in her body gradually disappeared. Her arms and legs lay limp as she lay in post-orgasmic bliss for several minutes, her chest rising and falling gently as if she was sleeping.

"What the fuck happened there?" I asked.

"You should know. You're the hypno expert, you called the shots."

"So what are so bloody wound up about?"

"I don't know. Giving up control I suppose."

"So OK, give me two minutes and I'll unhypnotise you."

"No you bloody well don't."


"Because that was the wildest orgasm I've ever had - ever."

"Geez. Are you ever satisfied?"

"No. Fuck me."

"I can't, I've shot my evening's load of cum already."

"What a load of shit. Haven't you ever tried cumming 3 times on the trot?"


"Well that's something else you've got to learn." And with her oral vacuum pump she sucked me hard again.

I entered her with ease. For fuck's sake, how many men had she been with? Lucy had another trick, though. Her cunt muscles were in good shape, like the rest of her, and she knew how to use them. Five minutes passed by and my piston was still pumping inside her. It felt good and I was nowhere near cumming. Lucy meanwhile was enjoying my company, a constant commentary left me in doubt.

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