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Fifty Shades of Ray

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Ray turns hypnos skill to his mother and a work colleague.
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Foreplay: I began this as a spin off from 'The Book' and it just got bigger and bigger. This story begins over a year after 'The Book' and follows the rapidly improving skills of a young man (Ray) who has a vivid imagination and a penchant for erotic hypnosis. In this story Ray hypnotises both a colleague at the superstore where he works and his mum, both with unexpected results.

Brief recap of 'The Book'. Ray receives a hypnosis book through the post which his nosey neighbour (Elaine) finds out about. He hypnotises her to help bring back memories of her deceased husband and those memories turn out to be very arousing for her. Having managed to achieve this with her, he turns his skill to seducing his older sister, Mandy.


Love doesn't always last eternally and my new relationship with Mandy was no exception. She eventually found love with someone her age and although sometimes I became a second choice fuck, she decided her future was to be with him. I never fully accepted that hypno-fucking Elaine, our 62 year old neighbour, was betraying Mandy, but I ran out of ideas of how to get Elaine to cum whilst thinking about happy times with her late husband. We cooled it for a long while and apart from picking up the odd parcel left with Elaine, I didn't see her much.

Elaine had promised to invite her granddaughter, Zara, over and to let her sit in on one of our hypno reunions with her deceased husband, John. At first this had been put on hold at Mandy's request, not through jealousy but an insistence I gave her more of my time.

Zara is 17 months older than me and, surprisingly for a girl, she's a bit of a technology geek. It was Zara who had managed to trace what was in my book package left at her grandma's from a simple barcode left on the package label. Zara had also told Elaine that hypnosis could have many benefits. She didn't visit her grandma very much but the two were in regular touch through video chat.


I suppose it was only a matter of time before mum found out about my hypno book. Unfortunately she found out about it from Elaine. Although she wasn't by any means as much a gossip as Elaine, they were talking on a particularly warm day when mum remarked that she'd been suffering a lot of headaches.

"Why don't you ask Ray?" asked Elaine.

"Why Ray?"

"Well surely there's something in that book of his that could help you relax."

"What book?"

And that was the same question I got from mum: "What book?"

"Oh, it's the Dumbo Guide to Hypnosis."

"Why would you need that?"

Fortunately I had the answer, already rehearsed. "Well I was reading on the Internet how helpful it could be." OK, I'd been honest, owned up, even showed mum the book, flicking to the part where it explained about total relaxation and tips on helping with migraines. Mum's attitude changed.

"So Elaine tells me. She also said you'd helped her remember John. I thought that was really good of you, and she also told me how relaxed and positive she felt felt afterwards - 'buzzing' was the word she used." Mum paused, "But why didn't you tell me?"

"I guess because you'd get the wrong idea; Mandy did. She thought hypnotists just made people do stupid things."

"Did Mandy let you hypnotise her?"

"Yes. She still lets me when she has a bad monthly."

"She tells you?"

"Oh come on, mum. I'm not 13 any longer."

"And it helps?"

"Yes. Doesn't make it any shorter but it's ace for making it bearable."

"So, my pills are wearing off and my headache is coming back. It's work putting pressure on me, I'm tired, I feel yeuk and I keep getting headaches. Could you help?"

"Sure, there are a few I've helped at work. It's quick and good. I could help you sleep better and I could even brighten your mood so you feel less tired."

"Really? Quick then before dad gets home. He doesn't believe in this mumbo jumbo."

"That's what sis said, and look at her now."

"Yes, she smiles a lot more ... that is before she went off with her new man. I'm sure she'd have told me if you were misusing your skill. Quite the opposite, she's thriving. Anyhow, we've about half an hour. Can you help me?"

"Sure; headache, sleep better, relax more ... and feel a bit happier, in a great mood too?"

"Yes," mum nodded her head. "Can you do that. I don't want dad on at me."

"I can, but it's much better if I take longer. Perhaps I can help just now and, if it works, try again tomorrow."

"Are you on the early shift?"

"Yes," I replied. It was a very early start but an early finish.

"OK, the office sent me home early today and I'm taking tomorrow as TOIL, time off in lieu of overtime pay. I'll be home all day."

"OK, so just sit on the comfy chair, take three deep breaths and exhale slowly." By the time I'd asked her to concentrate and relax, her eyelids were already drooping, "In that wonderful place, making you feel very relaxed and peaceful. You can feel a cool breeze on your forehead, relaxing you even more and sending you even deeper into hypnosis." So good so far. "Mum, your headache is now forgotten and you can relax like this anytime you want, in fact you feel good, you feel young and sexy again and also any time our hands touch you can decide how sexy you feel, like when you were 21. And tonight, mum, you will sleep better than you've slept for ages and you'll feel so sexy you'll insist that dad takes care of your needs. Nod if you understand." Not only did I get a nod, but a smile too. "Mum, I'm going to bring you out of hypnosis, but you'll not know you've been hypnotised. And mum, you'll be eager to tell me everything tomorrow ... 3,2,1."

"Well aren't you going to try to hypnotise me?" Mum asked, reaching over to touch my hand.

"I tried to," I lied, "But you were maybe too stressed. I'll try tomorrow."

"Well my headache has gone and I feel so much better for sitting down. Thanks for trying." She touched my hand again. "Maybe it just helped listening to you. Anyway, I'd better get dad's meal made." She stood, held both my hands and kissed me and then she pressed against me for just a moment, squeezing my butt, then pulled away without any hint as to why she'd kissed me. "You're a good lad," she added, squeezing my butt again then walking into the kitchen.

We always ate together now that Mandy had gone, except when I worked late. If there was sport on TV, dad and I usually watched. That night there wasn't and I tried once again to save civilisation from being annihilated, courtesy of my laptop. Bedtime came and I laid awake wondering if mum was following my implanted suggestions, then the next I remember it was 6.30am and I was was woken by the sound of voices, then bed creaks from my parents room.

As usual I showered, dressed, grabbed a quick bite to eat and caught the first bus into town. We had a busy day in the warehouse and the day passed quickly.

Mum was home when I arrived back and not only was she in a really good mood, but she was wearing a very short skirt that I hadn't seen before.

"That's a really sexy skirt," I said, "Are you wearing that for when dad comes home?"

"Not really. I felt so good today I found it out. I haven't worn it since you were very young. It's light and cool." She grinned, "And sexy."

"No headache then?"

"Do you know, Ray, I feel better than I have been for months. I don't know what you said to me yesterday but you're an angel."

I laughed, "A male angel, I hope."

"Whatever you are, you're wonderful, and I slept so well I woke your dad up early this morning for a kiss and cuddle." She suddenly stopped, wondering if she should tell me, then lowered her voice, touching my hand, "In fact ... and I know you'll understand why I'm telling you this, we fucked for the first time in weeks, no, months." Mum suddenly realised the 'f' word had come. She touched my hand again, "Oh, heavens, sorry about my language Ray."

"Don't worry," I said, smiling, "I like a good fuck too sometimes." We both burst out laughing. Mum had suddenly realised I was no longer a naive young teenager.

"I know." she said, "I was at Elaine's this morning, enjoying a cup of coffee and one of those fantastic biscuits. I told her you'd cured my headache and how I'd felt this morning et cetera and ... well she admitted she'd talked you onto helping her out."

"You don't mean she told you I'd ... "

Mum interrupted to save me from saying, "Yes, she told me you'd fucked both her and Zara."

"And you're not mad at me?"

Mum laughed heartily again, "If I'd known before yesterday I may well have been angry. But now, today, having no headache, no tiredness and buzzing after your dad fucked me so long and hard he was late to work. There's just one other thing, why is it every time I touch your hand I get that feeling in my tummy, like when I was a teenager?"

"You mean like butterflies, or goosebumps on your skin?"

"That and more, like butterflies a bit lower down than my tummy."

"MUM! I exclaimed, that's not what I told you."

"So you DID hypnotise me?"

"Yes, and all I said was when our hands touched, YOU could decide how sexy you'd feel. Obviously your subconscious decided for you. Every time we touch hands now it does make you feel sexier. I could hypnotise you and reverse ..."

"Don't you dare! " mum shouted before I'd even got the words out. She grabbed my hand again, a small shiver passing up her spine. "I quite like the new 'me', come here." Putting her hands around my waist she pulled me closer; too close. "You're not too old to give mummy a kiss, are you?" The last time I'd heard that was when I was 9.

"Mum, I really think dad deserves the kisses and hugs." We were so close now I could smell the very delicate perfume she used.

"Your dad," she answered, almost spitting it out, "Only fucks me when he knows he's in the wrong or when he wants something."

"But you fucked just this morning, why do you need a kiss and a cuddle now?" The 'f' word was now firmly established in mum/son vocabulary.

"Let's just say I need it. Don't question why."

Oh shit, what did I do? I thought back, something like 'when our hands touch ... feel sexy ... like when you were 21'. Every time our hands had touched - quite a number of times - she'd felt like she was 21? Like 21,like 21, I just couldn't get out of my mind; mum was acting like she was 21, and by now it was firmly anchored in her head. As far as sex was concerned she'd gone back to a highly charged libido.

"So what do you want from me?"

"Well a damned good kiss for starters. I never did manage to educate your dad. Let's see if you're any better."


"So you're going to rush out and tell everyone that you hypnotised your mother to make her sexy like a 21 year old and now she wants to kiss you?"

"No, but ... "

"Oh, but, but, but nonsense. Come here."

At first it was just lips on lips, then mum somehow managed to get my mouth to open and allow her tongue to invade. She pressed her hips against me, thrusting her private parts against mine, grinding against my hardness.

"No mum," I said in vain, "It's not right."

"That's not what your body is telling me. For fuck's sake Ray, many sons your age would happily let their mother grind her pussy against their cock." I disputed the 'many' but I gave in. It was my fault as I'd just sent the wrong message to her brain. "Mmmm, that's better. Just let me guide you." Hmm, hello, did I have any choice?

She took my hand from her waist and slid it down, under her skirt and helped the skirt ride up. I now had my hand on her butt. Her naked butt. "Aren't you wearing any knickers?"

"Oh, they're in your room. Elaine told me you liked hers and I've found your sister's knickers in your room on at least three occasions." I had no reply to that and, to be honest, mum had kept herself in trim. My hand stayed on her butt as mum made those little throaty noises confirming her satisfaction. Suddenly she pulled away: "Ray, I want to ask you something."

I dreaded to ask, "What?"

"Don't be so rude and abrupt. I'm really horny and I just want to do something your dad won't allow me to do."


"You've a good size, even more than your dad." She patted my bulge in case I hadn't worked it out. "I want to please you with my mouth."

"Do I get any choice?"

"No," mum replied, pulling my zipper down and freeing my engorged length like an expert.

"So if dad won't let you, how come you're so quick."

"I was top of my year at college, and you ARE bigger than your dad, MUCH bigger." That was the last thing she said for the next ten minutes. No quickie, for this was a opportunity that might not happen again; she well and truly sucked me dry. Wow.

"How the hell did you manage to learn all that?"

'It was like you are now. I tried it on a boyfriend and got it wrong," she giggled like a naughty schoolgirl, "It took several days for the marks on his prick to disappear. After that, well I loved the power it gave me. I never paid for very much at college. Guys were happy to trade; very happy indeed. Then I met your dad and although I still love him to bits, he won't have anything but vanilla sex - and only then when he wants something."

Elated from the fantastic cum she'd given me, I zipped up again and got a bottle of wine from the fridge. After filling two glasses we talked and I re-hypnotised her, being very careful with what I said. However I didn't want her to forget what had just happened and that was another mistake.


"Ray, one of the girls in admin was asking if you might be able to help her out." We were in the staff restaurant - a bit of a misnomer because it was little more than a snack bar. Small it may have been, but it was cheap and pretty good quality and there was another room next to it with two dartboards, two pool tables, a cold drinks vending machine and a small seating area where you could relax if you able to block out the noise.

"In what way Ken?" I asked, knowing full well someone had been talking about my skills. Whilst I had no qualifications, I'd acquired a reputation for some very helpful hypnotherapy. I didn't charge a penny, but my skills often brought great rewards.

"It's Jessica, she works in admin. She suffers from migraines and Lucy told her about your skill."

"Sure, Ken. I never guarantee results but tell her to come into the warehouse when she's on her break."

"I'll be seeing Lucy early this afternoon, I'll get her to pass a message on."

Lucy was in charge of a number of girls in the admin team. She'd worked her way up during the five years at our store, moving from a part time checkout girl during her study years, to full time, to the admin team and then as their manager. Like me, she had studied hard after leaving school, unlike me she'd got the breaks that I'd been denied.

How she'd got the breaks was an oft discussed topic. Although this was pure gossip, it was said she'd 'entertained' several of the predominantly male managers in our small corner of the company, and visitors, including the regional sales manager, when the store manager wanted to impress; Lucy Lastic was her nickname but Lucy never told tales.

Getting several breaks, moving up the company ladder, inevitably meant greater stress and somehow word had got to Lucy that my hypnosis skills were quite good. Relieving stress was easy to achieve. I remember being called up to her office one afternoon, a couple of weeks before.

"Oh hello Ray, thanks for coming up to see me." I must have looked concerned as I closed her office door. "Don't worry, it isn't a problem you've caused in the warehouse; please sit down. Coffee?"

I sat and nodded, "Please. White with 2 sugars." I'd have preferred to stand and admire the darkened tunnel formed by Lucy's ample cleavage, but mum had always told me not to stare. One of the admin girls brought a mug full of steaming hot coffee a few minutes later.

"One of the girls told me you've been learning to use hypnosis for the last year, and you're getting really good."

"Yes, that's right," I replied, "It started as a hobby, but I've become more and more interested in how I can help people." I omitted to add that I'd originally bought a book to learn how to easily fuck my sister, or my neighbour, or the rest of the other conquests I'll relate some other time.

"I've got a real problem with stress," Miss Lastic went on, "Just can't seem to switch off and relax when I get home. I'm staying awake till 1 or 2am, then I'm tired the following day."

"So why not have a word with your doctor," I suggested.

"And get hooked on popping pills at just 24 years old? No thanks."

"So, a holiday?" Another suggestion.

"No time, no money and no-one to go with. I was hoping you might help me." Lucy looked serious.

"OK, are you likely to be interrupted in here? I could try something very quickly if you're stressed right now."

"I am. Just wait a moment." Lucy Lastic got up from her quality, ergonomically designed chair, went outside and spoke to some other woman in the adjoining large office. "OK, I've told them I haven't to be disturbed."

My eyes had followed her as she moved. Even the way the stylish office-wear clothes clung to her body told me that Lucy had a fantastic figure. Her richly toned auburn hair was styled, not just cut and blow waved. Her ample, but not too large tits jutted in a prominent way, supported by a bra that had been chosen to perfectly display them. Sunlight streaming through her office window caused a silhouette through her almost indecent see through blouse. How she didn't have a partner puzzled me.

"Can I ask you something very personal, first? I asked as she returned to her executive chair. I have a technique which is unorthodox but very effective." Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

"OK, ask away."

"Do you find, let's say, a pleasurable evening with a man relieves your stress?"

Lucy laughed, "OK, I think I know where this is going. Ask me more directly."

"OK, do you find sex helps you relax and sleep better?"

"Yes, of course, if I happen to have a partner."

I smiled broadly, "And if you don't?"

Lucy laughed loudly. "I like your style so I'm going to give you a truthful answer. An orgasm helps release a lot of stress, however it happens."

"So, if I ..."

"Yes, sure." She laughed again, "I've already heard one or two little rumours. And I've heard your 'techniques' are quite pleasurable. Go for it. I'm desperate for a solution."

"So just try and relax on your chair, take three or four deep breaths, concentrate on a point on the wall and ... " I talked Lucy through a few very rapid phrases. "OK, just imagine yourself walking down a staircase ... 8, deeply relaxed, 9, calm and comfortable to obey everything I say, 10 deeply hypnotised."

"Lucy, I want to try and give you some VERY pleasurable feelings, just by tapping into your imagination. Nod if that's OK."

Lucy nodded. "Lucy, just imagine the first time you touched yourself, that fantastic feeling, that naughty feeling that felt so really good. Imagine a tiny tickle on your breasts, a tickle that starts to grow, that moves all over your breasts and beyond, to those secret places where you just know it feels so very, very good. Just let your imagination take over so you don't have to think, it just happens and every time I say 'pleasure' that feeling doubles. When I count from 5 to 1 you'll awake, feel very relaxed and fresh just like after a long sleep. Every time I say the word 'paperwork' you will return to this wonderfully relaxed hypnotic state but if I say 'pleasure' you'll remember just how good, how aroused, how sexy you feel at this moment, increasing every time I say 'pleasure'. Now 5, beginning to wake... 4 ... 3 ... 2, almost back in this room, ... 1."

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