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Filling the Second Grave Pt. 02

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The end of Filling the Second Grave.
10.2k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 06/11/2022
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O.K., this getting old. I thought that moving here to Texas at least kept us in the civilized world, but these jerks can't even dig a hole. I want to thank a company for putting in their gas line, and screwing up our internet connection-again. I apologize to every one waiting for Part 2. At least, I hope you waited.


This is the second part. (No kidding.) It is a lot lighter and more upbeat than the first. It is also a little humorous. I am sure that not everyone will like it, based upon some of the comments I got. No biggee -- it's my story, and I like happy endings, remember? NO VIOLENCE, I PROMISE. (I couldn't think of a way to shoehorn any in.) Thanks again to j267 for the original story, but this could almost be stand alone. I just wish he would accept critics and correspondence. I would like to thank him personally-kinda.



Chapter 1

So life went on. About three months after the 'incident' with my antagonists, I got a DVD from Kevin Dewars. The first twenty minutes showed Kevin smiling crazily and Grandma and Grandpa Raguso fussing with little Kevin Salvatore Dewars. The love and happiness were evident.

The next fifteen minutes were Madeline and Kevin holding the baby and Maddie crying her eyes out and thanking me from the bottom of her heart.

The last fifteen minutes were Kevin and Maddie sniffling and kissing in such a way that I felt like a voyeur. I chuckled and put the DVD in my desk drawer and turned to finish my work.

The next thing I knew Sandra, my #2, right hand person, was buzzing me. It was about 11::00 a.m.

"Mr. Butler, there is a lady here on business. Says she is the President of BWR Enterprises."

News to me. Oh, well, why not?

"Send her in, Sandra." I rose to meet her and my whole world changed.

The lady strode in confidently on three and a half inch heels. She was tall, maybe 5' 8", dressed in an Italian designer pants suit. The jacket did little to conceal her impressive bust line. Long red hair tied up in a bun and black librarian styled glasses, guarding deep blue eyes, complemented the expensive make up and very sedate but expensive diamond earrings, which matched the simple wedding ring and 1-carat diamond engagement ring. She oozed class and wealth.


Chapter 2

I got the feeling I was being sized up, very circumspectly, but still sized up, as she strode up to my desk and extended her hand.

"Mr. Butler, how do you do? My name is Louise Webber. I am President of BWR Enterprises. I'd like to discuss a merger."

I motioned to a seat in front of my desk and proceeded to sit myself as she reclined very gracefully. I asked if she would like something to drink-water, iced tea, coffee?

"Water would be fine,"she said. I buzzed Sandra and asked for some water and iced tea. Soon Sandra appeared with a carafe of water, and some iced tea. She looked at me as she set the drinks down, and I gave her an imperceptible nod, as I turned on the intercom. (At least I would have an audio recording of the meeting.)

NO ONE would ever take advantage of me again-EVER!!

(You sure??)

I also noticed she was inspecting my decor, in particular the photos of my children, which graced the walls and my desk. She returned her attention to me.

I noticed, again, she was very attractive, but probably very married. 'Figures; the decent ones are.'

I smiled diplomatically, and she returned it in kind.

'Maybe I can at least get a nice 'business' lunch out of this', I figured. She looked at me.

"You have beautiful children. How old are they?"

"My daughter is five and my son just turned seven." I preened a little. "They are my pride and joy." I must have grinned like an idiot.

"But none of your wife?......"

There goes lunch. I was no longer tolerating this women.

"AND THERE NEVER WILL! Now what brings you here?"

She smiled a little. 'Dad was right. Still a little defensive. But Mom was right, too. Cute, real cute.'

She studied him for a second. "I meant no disrespect, Mr. Butler. And please, call me Louise." She smiled.

"I don't think so, Mrs. Webber. I thought this was a business meeting."

She hesitated. "I know a great deal about you, Mr. Butler. My Board also. They seem to think that a joint operation would prove very profitable for all parties.

"I remain President, strictly as a figurehead position, and you would become C E O and operations manager. We could structure it anyway you and your lawyers feel comfortable with. We can rename the company or leave it as is.

"You know, your current company will take at least 4-6 years to work the bugs out, and get competitive.

"This way, you can shake off the dead wood and bad characters from 'his' old company, and hit the ground running. We think this is a far better deal than what is in front of you."

"Oh, you do, do you? And what if I don't? How many of your 'board members' are in on this?"

"There are only two other members of my board, and we all think this is the best deal for you. We feel you should take it."

My blood pressure rose right along with me as I stood in righteous indignation.

(I was pissed.)

"OH, SO YOU ALL think I should 'TAKE THE DEAL'? OR WHAT? Do the mafia goons come to 'make me an offer I can't refuse', possibly threatening my family? It's probably a good thing I don't own any horses!!"


Chapter 3

I was starting to loose it.

(Could you tell?)

I was livid, I was close to out of control, and I was getting ready to rain holy hell on this women. That's when she recoiled, and her reaction hit me with both barrels. Her eyes got wide and she stared at me.

I was not prepared for her response.

She exploded in gales of laughter, and doubled over with tears streaming down her face, ruining the expensive make-up, while snot streamed from her cute little nose.

O.K., now I was only half pissed and half stunned.

Possibly a little confused.

She was in convulsions, trying to wipe her face, and drink some water at the same time. She was choking a little so I rose to come and try to help her, but she motioned me off.

She finally subsided, took a deep breadth, and looked at me-and disintegrated into laughter again. She reached into her purse and pulled out a lace handkerchief, wiping her eyes and blowing her nose.

She straightened up and looked at me, barely containing herself as she giggled and grinned.

I sat back down and my curiosity got the better of my anger. I was trying to figure out if was I still in control or not.

(Are you kidding ME??)

She said, "I think we got off on the wrong foot, Mr. Butler. Let's try this again." 'Or I can't ever go back home,' she thought.

"My name is Mrs. Louise Webber. My husband was a narcotics detective sergeant, killed a little more than three years ago by members of the drug cartels in Las Vegas, Nevada. We have a son, not quite seven years old, who was hit hard by his father's death. The local LEO's rounded up the culprits with some assistance from the FBI, and some 'outside' assistance."

(HUH?? Wait a minute...)

"My family gathered me up and supported me. They helped both my son and I get over everything.

"I am a doctor of clinical psychology. I have a private practice and also do some work for the FBI and the LVPD, as a profiler. That was how I got hold of your wife's files, and access to the particulars of what happened to you, your wife, your business, and your family.

"Mr. Butler, base on my reading of your wife's files and counselor's notes, I believe she had a very slight trace of submissiveness. It was why she was able to be seduced by the pig, even though it did take more that 4 months. And when she did succumb to his advances, she fell completely."

The Cheshire grin lit up her face. "OH, did I mention my maiden name is Raguso?" She giggled again.


Chapter 4

O.K., maybe I'm not as quick as I thought. At all. By a long shot. God help me.

My brain was spinning. Louise was chuckling. She was really enjoying this now.

"Let me tell you a little bit about the situation, and my family.

"I was born in a small log cabin, far up on the bayou............" And she was laughing again.

"NO, seriously, I am the second of seven children of Kathleen O'Shaughnessy and Salvatore Raguso. Dad was head over heels in love with my mother since high school, but Grandpa Raguso was not cool with him marrying a non-Italian. He was being groomed to take over the family 'business'.

"Mom's father was the same way with her falling in love with a non-Irish boy. But she told her parents she would marry 'Sally', as she referred to him, regardless of their opinion, and Dad told his father he was crazy about his 'Wild Irish Rose' and didn't care about any family thoughts.

"I'm led to believe that both Grandmothers laid down the law to their husbands. That and the fact that they were both good Catholic children set up their union.

"Soon after the wedding, Daddy was sent to Fort Dix, N.J. for basic training. Then he was stationed at Fort Monmouth and met Uncle Carl. They shipped out to Iraq, and did two tours. While there, my older brother Michael was born. Daddy came home for discharge, and I was conceived. 9 Months later, just before discharge, I was born. I am, at heart, a Jersey girl.

"After we returned to Vegas, they added my brother Jeremy, my sister Marie, my sister Angela, my brother Patrick, and my sister Madeline. I think daddy was going for a baseball team, but mom shut him down. They have been married right at 33 years and sometimes they are disgustingly sweet together.

"They know about your 'situation' and they are determined to help you. They are good people.

"One of the conditions of my mother marrying my father was that he would clean up the family business when he inherited. He has spent the last 33 years doing that. He jokes that he does not need a full time job- mother had given him one. I believe he told you they were 95% there."


Chapter 5

Her tone and demeanor changed briefly.

"Thank God he still had the remaining 5% when those two shit heads fucked with my family," she said quietly.

"Mom gave him the 'dispensation', so to speak, to deal with them any way he wanted to."

"You know the rest."

She was very subdued not, not nearly as feisty and sure of herself as before. She shook herself, and a semblance of the prior woman returned. She smiled and looked in my eyes.

"I was sent here to help you. I think my parents were matchmaking, but they will never admit it. Jeremy thinks my late husband would approve of you. He and Luke were very close.

"I don't date, other than social events. And I don't sleep around-at all. Luke and I were married for eight years when he was killed by the Cartels. More like executed, as he was getting too close to several illegal activities that they were involved in.

"My brother, with the assistance of my father's contacts, busted their organization and turned most of them over to the FBI.

"Not all of them, but most of them."

Robert shivered at the woman's admission.

She closed her eyes and then opened them, looking up at him. "It helped me to achieve closure, somewhat."

"I think that's part on the reason I was sent to talk to you." She smiled a little. "I think they are both hoping we can help each other, maybe just as friends, or possibly some thing more." She stared at me with unblinking eyes. Beautiful, deep, blue eyes.

She cleared her throat and straightened her posture.

"My oldest brother is Monsignor Micheal Raguso, S.J., working for the diocese of Las Vegas; Jeremy is an FBI agent; Marie is Sister Joseph Marie, SSND -she teaches at St. Charles Borremeo Junior High School; Angela is an attorney, in private practice and working for mom and dad; Arthur is a research biologist, working for Pfizer; and Madelyn is a kindergarten teacher at Our lady of Lourdes Grammar school. Now you know all about my family. Or as much as I care to share."


Chapter 6

I stared at those deep blue eyes, and all my anger and vitriol disappeared. 'I like this woman', I thought. 'I doubt if there is more than friendship here but maybe ...........'

"My apologies for getting bent out of shape before," I said. "You obviously know of my wife's situation. I admit I was crushed at the way she just threw everything aside for some extra marital sex.

"I don't play that game. I was completely faithful for all of our marriage. Oh, I looked. I think most men do.

"But that's just because God doesn't make junk. I don't share, and have no reason to want another woman. I take my vows seriously.

In fact, since my wife committed suicide, the closest I have come to a date was parent teacher's night at Greg's school.

"Sad, isn't it? I do admit that I was intrigued by you, and thought I could wangle a nice business lunch with an attractive woman." I hesitated.

"Then you made the comment about no pictures of my former wife. Scratch lunch."

I looked at my hands, and thought about my life. Louise held her breath and stared at me.

What to do, what to do?? And then, I got an idea.

"How would you like to have dinner with my children and myself? It's Friday and Friday is pizza night at the Butler house. You could meet my 'pride and joys' and relax. What do you say,.........Louise?"

Her eyes lit up and she giggled. "Can we get anchovies?," she asked, somewhat hopefully.

'EEWWWW', I thought. 'Anchovies? Little dead fish?? ON PIZZA???'

"Sure, you're the guest. I think we can probably rustle some up. How about 6:30 at my house. I assume you know where I live?"

She blushed and looked off to the side."UHHH yes, I do."

I smirked a little. "Good, that will give me time to pick up my kids and get home and make everyone presentable," I said.

She smiled and said that would be wonderful. It would give her time to go to her hotel and freshen up. "But don't do anything special for my sake."

I'm not sure what women do to 'freshen up', but it appears to be something they learn during puberty and growing-up.


Chapter 7

She rose and we shook hands. She left and almost immediately, Sarah cam in.

"I've got the recording, boss. Who is she?"

I told Sarah to get something to drink and sit down; it was a long story. I filled her in on most of the details. Now she knew almost as much as Carl Westbrook- just not the 'wet' details.

"Wow. She sure is something else. And quite a looker, too."

Sarah had been with me at the old company, and thought Thornton stunk. When the shit hit the fan, she and a couple of my more loyal employees quit. I used them to re-start my company, but the 'sledding was tough', as they say.

Sarah was pushing fifty and only worked because her kids were out of the house. She was very married to her husband. They were making plans for their retirement.

She was running scenarios in her mind.

'This could be what he needs. Maybe not on a serious level, but the distraction to get his 'head out of his butt.'

"I think you should listen to her, and then talk to your lawyer. Time is on your side."


Chapter 8

Sarah went to secure the recording and I finished my projects. Then I packed up and hightailed it to school to pick up my kids.

We rolled up at my house and I chased the kids inside to get changed and cleaned up for our company. The deluge of questions were only slightly out of line with their usual curiosity.

"Where is she from, dad?" from my son.

"Is she pretty, daddy?" That's my daughter.

"Why is she coming for dinner? Does she like pizza??" my daughter again.

"I hope she doesn't eat pizza with a knife and fork." Again, my son. I'm afraid I've turned him into a bit of a pizza snob.

Six thirty rolled around, and the front door bell rung on cue. The kids beat me to the punch and were at the door about three steps in front of me. They opened the to what could have been Al-Quad-ea terrorists, a cartel hit squad, some sociopathic child molester, or God knows what. Definitely NOT who was standing there.

If she had been stunning this afternoon, she was perfect now. Dressed in a beige colored stetson, a white ruffled v-neck peasant blouse, her hair down her back to the tip of her ass in a voluminous pony tail, jeans that were by no means mom-jeans, and dark brown square toed cowboy boots, The lady was a vision to be held. She looked like a soccer mom on her way to a game, not a no-nonsense business woman. My children were suitably awed, and stood there.

"Well, you must be Sally and Greg. How do you do? Greg, you are as tall as my son and it appears you are working out, too. And Sally, my, you are a beautiful young woman. I bet you've got the brains to go with your looks." She held out her hand and shook the kids hands in turn.

The two stinkers were grinning from ear to ear and were babbling inanities at the striking woman.

(Not in the door two minutes and she already had my children eating out of her hand.)

She stood and extended that graceful yet strong right hand to me. "I'm sorry for being late (She knew she wasn't) but I had to find the right hat. When in Rome, you know..."

The lady was on her game. She was carrying two six-packs of Royal Crown Cola.

"I really like the taste of R/C Cola" She explained to the kids,"and I figured I could share, if you would like." Then she turned to me, and fixed me with the lazier-like blue eyed stare. "But only the soda and the pizza. I don't share anything else."

'WHOA, an ultimatum? Sounded like it to me.' I returned the look and said,"That's good to know," as I took the cans from her and headed for the fridge.


Chapter 9

She turned back to my children and said, "You're much too dressed up to have a good time. Let's go change into something more comfortable, so we can have some fun, okay??" "YAY" the kids yelled and raced to their bed rooms. Louise turned to me, and for everyone's benefit, announced, "We'll let your father set up for dinner. O.K., Dad?"

'Sure, why not?', I thought. She was grinning as she went up the stairs after the kids.

I have to remind myself to check her purse before she leaves to make sure she doesn't try to smuggle my children out with her.

So I got the paper plates out and put them on the table along with a new roll of paper towels. Hey, it's going to be a classy family dinner.

I got four glasses and a bowl of ice cubes. Just then, the pizza guy showed up. I paid him and gave him a nice tip, while apologizing for the anchovy pizza. He laughed and said 'No sweat, sir.'

I set the boxes on the table and went to the hallway and called to everybody that supper was ready.

A rumble of small feet, followed by the stately clip of booted female feet, came down the bare wood floors of the hallway.

The kids ran to their chairs and clambered up.

Louise walked in and surveyed the situation "Well, it looks like a fine spread. Where would you like me to sit?"

Sally hesitated and then glanced at what used to be Helen's usual seat, across from me, and next to her. She lowered her eyes and gestured to Helen's chair.

"You could sit there, where mom used to sit, if you would like," she whispered.

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