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Filthy Frank

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Filthy Frank receives a surprise visit from a teenage girl.
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It all started about a year ago, shortly after finishing her school education. With no qualifications or ambition for a career, Tina Barclay had found it impossible to find employment. So, on her mother's advice, she decided to volunteer with a third sector organisation called The Association for the Aged (TAFTA), to gain some experience in the care industry, with a view to possibly taking an Elderly Care Assistant course at some point in the future. Tina was barely eighteen at the time, but regardless of her tender age, TAFTA welcomed her as a volunteer.

To begin with, she was assigned to mundane duties, from selling raffle tickets on streets corners, helping sort through second hand clothing and other items from the shop, to admin tasks such as typing. Tina nearly gave it up after the first two weeks. The work was incredibly tedious, and she needed something more exciting to occupy her mind. After voicing her boredom issues with her boss, Lucinda, it was suggested she make house calls to elderly citizens instead. There were several senior communities in the local area and Lucinda would occasionally hear from an elderly person in need of some assistance with their daily chores, or perhaps just lonely and socially isolated and simply wanted an hour or two of company.

Initially Tina was reluctant to accept the proposal, feeling somewhat uneasy about visiting old people. It brought back horrible memories of visits to her grandmother's house - the smell of cabbage and urine in the air, the sloppy wet kisses on the cheek, not to mention the horrible marmalade sandwiches she was forced to eat. The only part she actually enjoyed was when it was time to leave and the old biddy would slip her a five-pound note.

She was about to turn down the proposition, when something occurred to her that changed her mind: this could be a chance to earn some easy money. These old codgers are loaded, she thought. A beautiful young girl like me prancing around, flashing a bit of flesh and giving the old men a foxy smile and wink, would surely be enough to brighten their day and, more importantly, lighten their wallets.

Before Tina left the shop that day, Lucinda handed her a piece of paper that read:

Frank Potter

7 Alexandra Street


"Now, just to forewarn you," Lucinda said, as Tina read the name and address, "Mr. Potter is not the most pleasant person you'll ever meet. In fact, Tracy, whom I sent to visit him last week, said he was damn right rude and obnoxious. Called her an old trog apparently, and told her she had more wrinkles than a Shar-Pei puppy. So if at any time you feel threatened or uneasy, you get yourself out of there and report back to me immediately. Understand? He's on his final warning."


Later that evening, Tina arrived home and quickly showered. Even though Frank Potter wasn't expecting her until the next day, she'd decided to pay him a visit tonight. She was incredibly nervous, and drank a couple of glasses of wine with dinner to help calm her nerves. She couldn't quite put her finger on it but she had an overwhelming sense of anticipation that something extraordinary was going to happen during the visit. The thought excited her, gave her butterflies in her stomach, but she couldn't quite work out why.

It was late September and Tina, gazing out the kitchen window, was disappointed to see it was raining outside. She was hoping to wear a revealing little number to get the old man hot under the collar. In the end she settled on a black knee-length skirt and white blouse with no bra, leaving the top three buttons of the blouse unfastened and powdering the valley where her breasts met.

Her tits were firm and large, like two ripe watermelons in the confines of her shirt. Pulling back her shoulders to stretch the fabric tight against the ample mounds of her chest, she was pleased to see the dark areolas of her nipples were clearly visible. It gave her an unexpected tingle in her loins when she thought about the old man seeing her tits through her shirt. Gazing at her reflection in the mirror, her mind wandered and she found herself delighting in the prospect of filthy old men licking, teasing, and ravishing her young body. Gasping, she jerked herself out of her reverie. Although shocked by the perverse thought, she felt a sexual stirring in her loins.

Am I really lusting after old men? she thought. How disgusting! What is wrong with me?


Frank Potter was settling down to watch America's Next Top Model when the doorbell rang. He wasn't expecting anyone so he ignored it. But when the letterbox flapped open and a young female voice called his name, he leapt off the couch and shuffled into the hallway quicker than a rat up a drainpipe.

He swung open the front door. "Hello, sweetheart." He panted breathlessly, his heart leaping with joy when he saw young Tina standing at the doorstep biting into her bottom lip and smiling bashfully.

She had to stifle a giggle as the door swung open to reveal a round baldhead and a chubby face full of stubble. Bald except for a couple of white wisps above his ears, with a full, round face, he wore thick, black-rimmed glasses with bottle-top lenses, tatty old carpet slippers and a black bathrobe. Unkempt and dishevelled, he really was the epitome of your typical dirty old man.

"Not disturbing you, am I?" Tina squeaked meekly, fluttering her dark lashes at him.

"No, course not. Don't be daft. Get yourself in 'ere, love. It's bloody brass monkeys out there."

Tina, feeling her legs trembling and her heart thumping in her chest, smiled innocently at him, even though it was exactly what she'd expected him to say, and stepped through the doorway. Although still apprehensive, Tina's nerves seemed to ease ever so slightly; his soft, whiney voice was such a warm, welcome sound that seemed to lull her into a sense of security.

Closing the door quickly, the old man's eyes were immediately drawn to her slender ankles, shapely calves and dainty black shoes beneath the hem of her knee-length skirt. Smooth and unblemished, her pale, youthful skin shimmered in the light.

Flooded with excitement when she said, "I'm from TAFTA. Lucinda sent me," he quickly secured the front door bolts.

"O-o-oh, right," he stammered, leering intently and raking his gaze up and down her body.

Her voice quavering with anxiety, she said, "My name's Tina, by the way. Thought I'd pop in to say hello and see if you needed any help around the house. Hope you don't mind."

He was too distracted to reply; and then he noticed she wasn't wearing any socks. "You're gonna 'ave to slip those shoes off, I'm afraid, love," he said, with eagerness in his eyes. "Can't 'ave ya tracking mud in through the house.

Gazing down, his leering eyes wide with anticipation, he watched Tina kick off her shoes, revealing the cutest little pair of size four feet he'd ever seen.

"My, oh, my," sighed Frank under his breath, pinching the right lens-frame of his glasses between thumb and index finger. "Look at those little piggies. Cute as a button"

At the sight of her gorgeous feet his penis immediately swelled to a full erection. The bulbous head of his stiff cock suddenly jutted out from the folds of his bathrobe. Quickly thrusting a hand into the pocket, he pulled the swollen organ to the side, pinning it firmly against his thigh and out of sight.

"So you're Frank, is that right?"

He was too busy eyeballing the painted nails of her immaculately pedicured toes to reply straight away. "That's right," he mumbled distractedly.

"Lucinda told me you had a little misunderstanding with Tracy last week. I hope I won't be having any trouble from you," said Tina, giving him her sweetest puppy-dog-eyes expression.

Wrenching his gaze from her feet, his fat head snapped up to stare at her face. Laughing nervously, he said, "Oh, no, I was only joking. I just enjoy the company, you see, and Tracy was...well, a bit old for my liking, to be honest."

"You prefer younger ladies, then, I take it?"

"Oh, yeah, I like the young'uns," he growled in a raspy whisper.

Then, as they stood in the hallway eyeing each other up, there was an awkward silence.

Tina's face wore a hint of apprehension. She recoiled slightly when she breathed in through her nose and inhaled the stench of the old man's home. An overpowering smell of body odour and stale cigarette smoke hung heavy in the air. Then, eyes wandering, she looked past Frank, through a doorway behind him that seemed to be the living room. It was in total disarray: mouldy plates poked out from beneath the couch, cups stood on every surface, overflowing ashtrays littered the floor, suspicious looking tissues strewn all over the carpet and couch. Everywhere else lay piles of dirty clothes and heaps of newspapers.

It was the first time Tina had seen Frank's face and, she had to admit, he was an ugly old goat. She was appalled to see white flecks of saliva in the corners of his mouth, and wiry white hairs protruding from his ears and nostrils. His complexion was of a brownish yellow, wrinkly and covered in liver spots. His tatty old bathrobe was smeared with suspicious-looking white stains. But it was his piggy eyes that really spooked her - piercing and as cold as ice. But, strangely enough, she found herself warming to the old codger.

Smiling forcefully, Tina felt the first shivers of trepidation run up her spine as the cantankerous-looking old man raking his gaze up and down her body suddenly conjured a horrific vision in her mind: Frank, completely naked, ripping off all her clothes and doing obscene things to her fresh young body.

The premonition should've set alarm bells ringing, but instead it sent a frisson of sexual pleasure skittering along her nerves. It shocked her. Was she really turned on by the perverse thought? The subsequent moistness between her legs would suggest so.

Ergh! Gross. What is wrong with me today?

Frank, wiping his sweaty brow with a handkerchief and breathing heavily, couldn't believe his luck. A mischievous grin revealed itself upon on his face. There was no way this young girl was leaving anytime soon, not without first sampling some sixty-five-year-old salami.

"Follow me!" He rushed into the kitchen and scooped a heap of newspapers, cups and plates into the sink. "Sorry 'bout the mess. I wasn't expecting visitors," Frank said in a fluster. "I've been meaning to tidy up for weeks, but you know how is." He shrugged and gave Tina a sheepish smile. "Can I get you a drink, sweetheart?"

Tina stood in the kitchen doorway, biting into her bottom lip, looking bashful and every bit the innocent young girl she was. As she watched the old man shuffle around the kitchen, she noticed the folds of his bathrobe flap open, and caught a fleeting glimpse of the his fat erection. She felt her body respond. Something was happening to her inside, bubbling in her loins, and she noticed her nipples had hardened and her panties were damp.

Pulling up a wooden chair at the kitchen table, he patted it with his hand. "Sit ya peachy little buttocks down on that and help yourself to the ciggies. I'll fetch us a drink."

"I bet this is a shock for you, isn't it?" said Tina anxiously, walking over to the table and helping herself to a cigarette. "Me, turning up unannounced like this?"

"Not half," replied Frank gruffly. "It's a pleasant surprise, though, 'specially after that ol' battle-axe they sent me last week."

"Who, Tracy?"

"Yeah, Tracy. She must've been sixty years old. God, she was awful. She wasn't even wearing a bra! And, to make matters worse, she kept bending down in front of me," he moaned, grimacing at the memory. "Christ! It was like looking at a Cocker Spaniel's ears her tits were that saggy."

Tina snorted with laughter.

"It's gonna 'ave to be vodka, I'm afraid, sweetheart," he said, looking inside the refrigerator. "I've got nothing else in. I wasn't expecting you 'til tomorrow."

"Oh, yes. I'm sorry about that. I thought it'd be best to pop in know, after a couple of glasses of wine. I'm more sociable after a drink. I'm ever so shy, you see," giggled Tina, sitting down on the chair and propping her bare feet up on the edge of the kitchen table.

With his back turned as he took two glasses from the cupboard, Frank heard the thud of Tina's feet on the table and turned around to see what see was doing. "Jesus," he squeaked under his breath at the sight of Tina's displayed feet and toes. "The saucy little minx. She's teasing me rotten."

Frank shook his head to regain his composure. Then, laughing kindly, he said, "You? Shy?" Placing two glasses of vodka on the table, he pulled up a chair as close as possible to Tina's perched feet, all the while leering at them from the corner of his eye. "Oh, crikey, that's not what I've heard."


Frank sat down, wavered, then cast a contemptuous look in her direction before speaking. "Oh, it's nothing really. It's just I was talking to Lucinda the other day - you know, on the phone, like - and she was telling me 'bout all the blokes you've been screwing of late," he lied, a sly grin playing on his dry, cracked lips.

Tina was too busy sucking on her cigarette to answer straight away. Slowly she turned her head towards him, scowling angrily. "She said what?"

"Oh, what was it she said again?" he mused, scratching his stubbly chin. "Ah, that's right, she said 'your knickers are up and down like a yo-yo'."

"No she did not! She would never say that. And besides, it's not true."

"Ay, don't kill the messenger, twinkle toes," he said, holding up his hands defensively. "Anyway, you can't blame us for thinking such a thing. I mean, all you young girls are at it, aren't ya?"

Tina's eyes flashed with disgust. "I beg your pardon?"

"You know," he drawled, his voice deep and gruff. "A bit of rumpy-pumpy. Playing hide the sausage."

"Don't be so disgusting," snapped Tina, turning her face away in disgust.

The horny old man was testing the waters now, making impertinent enquiries and studying her face to gauge her reaction. He watched her carefully, drinking her vodka and smoking her cigarette, and could almost detect a hint of a suppressed grin on her face, as though she was trying not to laugh.

The devious old man continued: "You're a teenager now, sweetheart. You can't honestly tell me you've not at least had a bit of touchy-feely," he said, grinning lustfully. "You know, a bit of slap and tickle."

"You really are a dirty old man," she scoffed, keeping her face averted as her cheeks flared red and her body quivered with sexual arousal. It shocked her that the old man's dirty talk was actually turning her on.

"Anyway, now you're 'ere, I've a little job for ya," he said slyly.

Tina snorted with derision.

"I've got this little friend, you see - I call him Woody - and he's been ever so lonely of late. Oh, he's had no one to play with for such a long time. He's desperate for a little playmate and, do you know, I think you're the perfect candidate to put a smile back on his little face," he said deviously, and then added, "You'll get paid for it."

Tina shivered, unsure of the seriousness of the situation, but desperate to believe it was a game despite the palpable air of sexual menace emanating from the old man. But on the other hand, she knew that what he was saying was exciting her. It was undeniable. She could feel a tingling sensation in her loins after his every word. Her nipples had hardened to tight, tingling peaks. Her juices were flowing, dampening her panties.

She gulped her vodka straight down then turned her face back to him. "W-w-who's Woody, then? Is he a p-p-pet?" she stuttered, feeling confused as her conflicting emotions waged a war within her.

"You could say that," he said, with a mischievous glint in his eyes.

Tina leant over the table and took another cigarette. Lighting it, she sat back, gazing at him with a mixture of alarm and excitement. With her bare feet still perched upon the kitchen table, she took a deep pull on her cigarette and slouched back in her chair, letting her arms fall lazily at her sides, inadvertently pulling her shirt taut over her braless breasts.

Averting his gaze from her legs and feet, Frank drifted his eyes to her upper body, eyes squinted, mouth pursed, as though contemplating his next move. It was then that he noticed that her magnificent tits were bare beneath her blouse. He could clearly see the hint of darker flesh against the material, as the hardened nipples of her voluptuous breasts pressed against her blouse.

"Little fucking cock tease," he growled in a strangulated whisper, feeling his arousal leap to full flame.

Trying to play it cool, Tina took another deep drag on her cig and blew a smoke ring. In the shock of the old man's brazenness, Tina had almost forgotten what she was there for, but it all came back to her as Frank pulled his wallet from his bathrobe pocket, his penetrating eyes fixed on her tits.

Frank smiled and pulled a thick wad of notes out of his wallet. "There's hundred there." He handed it to Tina. "Count it if you want."

Suddenly feeling elated, her eyes widened as she gazed down at the money. "Are you sure you want to give me this much? I haven't even started work yet."

"You'll earn it, don't you worry about that, sweetheart."

"I'm not scared of a bit of hard work, you know," she said shrilly, feeling the money in her hands.

"Forget hard work," replied Frank, gripping his glass of vodka as droplets of sweat trickled down his chubby face. "It's whether or not you're scared of a bit of hard cock, is all that matters."

Tina gulped nervously, a frown of horror darkening her face. The reality of it all had suddenly sunken in. She thought about what the old man had just said, feeling her growing dread that something terrible was about to happen. Moments earlier the money had felt as lovely and as light as gold dust, but now it felt heavier than a lead weight. She contemplated handing it back, but, looking at the sexually charged grin on the old man's face, she had a feeling that wouldn't be an option.

"Why don't we get you out of your clothes and introduce you to my little friend." He winked and knocked his drink back in one.

"Are you serious?" Tina asked, hoping against hope that he would laugh and tell her it was a joke. When he didn't, a sliver of fear trickled down her spine. "You can't be serious."

The old man was serious - deadly serious, in fact. The sudden sight of her unfettered breasts had turned what had hitherto been mere lust for a young girl's body into insatiable sexual urge. He was in a complete state of sexual arousal, his emotions simmering to boil over.

"I think I'd better be go—"

The word froze in her mouth when she found herself looking down at the old man's fat cock emerging from the folds of his bathrobe. The foreskin fully retracted, looking like a faceless Sontaran off Doctor Who. The air around her was suddenly filled with a cheesy aroma emanating from his sweaty groin. Tina's mouth fell wide open with shock, her face livid with terror, as a warm wave of sexual desire washed over her. Her conflicting emotions were making her head spin. She didn't know what she wanted.

His eyes sharpening, Frank's sly grin turned into a lethal smile, showing partially rotted teeth. His right hand moved tentatively to her feet and began fondling her toes.

His left hand pointed down to his cock. "Say hello to Woody," he said, winking. "You can start by wrapping your lips around his cute little head and swallowing his coco."

"No. I'll wash up for you," she said, her voice quavering as fear momentarily got the better of her. Pulling her feet from his grasp, she leapt out her chair and scurried quickly over to the kitchen sink, her heart beating a drum-roll in her chest.


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