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Finding Home Pt. 21b

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Trouble has a way of finding Andy DeGroat.
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Part 15 of the 16 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 09/07/2021
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My apologies! I submitted Friday before I submitted Thursday! Many thanks to those of you who pointed out my error. As always - thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy.


At 9 AM, Andy felt Sara get out of bed. He checked his watch and marveled. He could not remember the last time he'd slept for 10 hours uninterrupted. He got out of bed, and was stunned at how good he felt. Even his scarred left arm felt better than it had since before he was wounded. He heard the toilet flush, and heard the water running in the shower. Andy smiled, and headed into the bathroom.

"Good morning, baby," Sara greeted him as he got into the shower. She hugged him and kissed him tenderly.

"Hello my love," he smiled. "How did you sleep?"

She giggled. "Like a damn log. My man gives me good loving and then snuggles me. I absolutely love it."

Andy stretched out under the stream of warm water. "I don't remember the last time I slept for 10 hours straight."

She giggled. "I love that we're good for one another. It's not just that the sex is great, though it is. I feel better than I have in my entire life. Physically, emotionally, intellectually, you name it. Being a girl in love is something this girl could definitely get used to."

"Well, I hope you like it, because I aim to give you 60-70 years of this," he grinned. "Have you washed your hair yet?"

She raised her eyebrows at him. "No. Would you like to help me?"

"I'd love to help you." Andy grabbed the shampoo and began to massage her scalp as he worked the lather into her hair. He took his time, and made sure her scalp was thoroughly tended to. She moaned and sighed in pleasure, and was a bit pouty when he was done.

"Baby, I never thought of myself as being spoiled, but you spoil me and I absolutely love it."

"Good. Now, we have several things to talk about while we're in here. I call a moratorium on lovemaking until we get some decisions made."

She looked at him and frowned.

He chuckled, "Look, I'm not asking you to read 'War and Peace.' We have the morning mostly to ourselves and we finally have the space to talk."

She smiled and nodded her head.

"First, we need to call Eden and Kail and make arrangements for Saturday and Sunday. Our hotel reservation is the same, so we're OK there. But driving is out, so we'll have to fly. We could drive to Portland and then take a plane from there. Some of that will depend on how many of us are going, I guess."

They discussed their plans, and decided to call Eden once they were out of the shower.

"Second, we need a honeymoon," he grinned. "I have an idea, but I want to know what you're thinking."

"I want to have a honeymoon," she giggled. "But I've been focusing more on the wedding, I guess. Moving the date up is great, but it means we have to make decisions quicker than we'd planned."

He smiled at her, and she felt her knees go weak. He was so damn gorgeous, and when he smiled at her, she felt herself fully possessed by this man; by her man. She was also aware that her already aroused pussy was now leaking obscenely.

"We have four booked weekends in a row," he continued. "The last two weekends in July through the second weekend in August. We have John and Jen's wedding, our wedding, the Judge's ceremony, and then Ellen and Christopher's wedding. John and Jen's will be fun, and we don't really have to plan too much for that. Our wedding is - well - that's a whole 'nother story. But what if we just planned two little getaways, or staycations, or whatever, between the last week in July through Ellen's wedding? We'll have 10 days after their wedding until I have to be back for new student orientation. We can have a real honeymoon and then come back to the house."

She kissed him passionately.

"I love it. But baby, we'll need to be in Boston for some of that time. Miss Helen and your sister will need some help. Plus, if our friends are taking vacation time to be with us, we can't really just bug out of town."

Andy paused and thought for a second. "OK, so we'll head to Freeport on Sunday. There's a wonderful old inn there with a breakfast buffet that's not to be missed. It's called the Harraseeket. We'll drive down to Boston on Tuesday, and hang out there. We'll see if we can find a house to rent."

At that moment, the hot water gave out, and Andy hurriedly soaped up, rinsed, and got out of the shower. Sara smiled as she held his towel out for him.

"Baby, why do we need a house to rent?"

"There will be the two of us, plus Tommy and Momma G. Then, there's Kail and Eden - and probably a couple of other people I'm forgetting. No way all that crew can stay at Beacon Hill. We'll also have the Connick's and the drummer and his crew," considered Andy.

"We don't have to host all those people," said a suddenly worried Sara.

Andy smiled at her. "No, we don't. But I'd like to. Those are our people, my love. Maybe I've read too much Homer, but I'd like to offer hospitality to our people. Don't worry. Priya is a wiz at this kind of stuff. She'll know what the local Air b&b scene is like."

Sara embraced her fiancé. "Are we done yet? All this talk about a honeymoon has me ready for some loving with my man."

Andy kissed her quickly. "Almost."

She pouted, and he kissed her passionately and caressed her breasts with his right hand.

"I'll go quick," he grinned. "How do you feel about the French Riviera for our honeymoon? Before you answer, please know that's where Ellen and Christopher are going. We would have another couple to go to dinner with, or whatever. Because they're family, we wouldn't feel bad if we just stayed in our room," he chuckled.

Sara squealed and kissed him. "Baby, I love it. I'll talk to Ellen this morning." She paused and looked at him, "Now are we done?"

Andy shook his head. "We need to get either a new vehicle or a second vehicle; and how do you feel about learning to drive?"

Sara broke their embrace and stepped back. She grabbed her towel and covered herself.

"Did I offend you?" asked a suddenly contrite Andy.

"You love that truck," she said softly. "I love your truck. Why would we get rid of it?"

"Stick shifts are hard to drive. Tommy can't drive it. When they come to visit, I want them to feel free to be able to come and go as they please. Our house has a two-and-a-half-car garage, so we can get a second vehicle. We don't have to replace the truck - but I'm open to that conversation. It's just a vehicle. Tommy and Momma G - not to mention you - are way more important than that old truck."

Sara dropped her towel and embraced her man, kissing him ferociously. She pushed him back until he was seated on the toilet and hissed in his ear.

"You are so damn sweet to me. Stop being sweet and make love to your woman."

"Stop running your mouth and get on," Andy smiled in response.

Sara reached down and found her man hard as iron. She giggled, grabbed his manhood and lowered herself onto him.

"Yessss," she hissed. "That's what momma needs."

Andy chuckled. Sara looked at him quizzically as she began riding him.

"Three weeks ago, you were a virgin, my love," he said softly. "Now, you're having sex with your fiancé on a toilet."

She giggled. "I can't help it that I'm totally crazy for my man. You've ruined me."

"Good." Andy put his hands on her hips and began to drive into her with purpose. Sara's eyes rolled back in her head, and she began clinching her Kegel muscles.

"You in a hurry?" asked Andy teasingly.

Sara leaned forward and looked at him with pleading eyes. "Please Andy, I need this so bad."

Andy considered her large hazel eyes. He took her face in his hands, and stopped thrusting. Something was going on in her lovely head, but he hadn't a clue what it was.

"Not like this," he said softly. "Let's move to the bed."

Andy withdrew from her warmth and picked her up. As she nuzzled into his chest, he felt her tears beginning. Andy lay them down on the bed gently, and drew Sara to himself. Her crying intensified, and he stroked her hair while he held her. Finally, he felt her crying stop.

"What's wrong, my love?"

"We never finished talking last night," she whispered. "And then this morning - baby, you're so sweet to me, and I just about threw it all away."

"Just about doesn't count, Bellissima."

"That's why the girls were so mad at me. All these relationships were put in jeopardy, and I treated you like shit."

"OK. We've covered this - or at least I thought we had," he said softly. "Do you want me to cuss you out and call you a cheating bitch?" he said smiling.

She giggled. "No. That's not you; and like you said, it would only make things harder."

"So, what do we need to do here, Sara? I love you, and I'm more than willing to be your boy toy, but that's not what this is about, I don't think."

"Do you remember what we talked about that second day? How we said because we'd both been hurt that we'd never do that to one another?"

Andy nodded.

"Andy that's exactly what I did to you."

"Well, that shows how much we know, doesn't it?" he replied.

She sat up and looked at him. "What do you mean, baby?"

Andy grinned at her. "Sara, you've been deeply wounded by your birth father. That wound - or if you like - that scar tissue, impacted us. You and I both know you didn't do it on purpose. We don't always respond to the ways we've been wounded in good ways. I think that's what happened on Monday."

She nodded and began to tear up.

"Sara, I've forgiven you. I hope you know that."

"I do. But then you go and do really sweet things. Baby, I know you love your truck, and yet you're willing to do something different to take care of me and my family."

"Number one, it's just a truck. I am fond of it, but it's just a hunk of metal. Number two, you and Momma G and Tommy are my family, too. Taking care of you is my privilege. I'm honored and flattered that you want me to do it - and that you let me do it. You've never had that, Sara," he paused and thought for a moment. "I guess we both feel like we have some penance we need to do. I was AWOL for the people in my life for six years, so I feel like I need to make up for that. You made a mistake on Monday; but please know I don't need you to make that up to me. That, my love, is not how we do us."

Sara nodded.

"I want you, my love. You're like cat nip. But making love is not something we need to do out of a sense of guilt."

The next words out of her mouth surprised them both. "I think that's why I've wanted another woman in our bed. I know I'd feel like shit when you fucked her, and then we'd be even."

Sara began to cry again, and Andy reached out to pull her to himself. He held her, absolutely at a loss for words.

They lay there, like that, for what seemed like forever.


"You decent?"

Gina's voice woke them up. Neither was sure when they'd fallen asleep, or even what time it was. Andy saw Sara's wide eyes, and they both began laughing.

"I'll take that as a no," said a laughing Gina.

"Give us a minute, Momma," said Sara. "If you could step into the bathroom?"

"Sure, baby. I'm sorry to interrupt."

Sara threw on Andy's t-shirt and slipped on a pair of panties. Andy slid on his boxer briefs and sleep shorts. Andy walked to the bathroom door and tapped on it. He smiled at his soon-to-be-mother-in-law and gladly received Gina's hug and the kiss on the cheek she offered him.

"Well, if this isn't awkward," she began. "But damn girl," she eyed Andy's chest and giggled, "I know I wouldn't be dressed either."

A blushing Andy raised his hand. "No, it's fine. We needed to get up anyway - and it's always good to see you."

Sara looked at her mother and smiled, but Gina recognized the pain behind her only child's half-hearted attempt.

"Baby, what's wrong?" she asked pointedly.

Tears flooded Sara's eyes, and she went to her mother and embraced her firmly.

"We've had an interesting morning," offered Andy softly. "We're both recognizing how our baggage is impacting our life together. I'm afraid we're not always very good at working through that."

"That's not true," protested Sara. "Momma, Andy is sweet to me and loves me. I'm the one who's baggage threatens our life together - not his."

Gina held her daughter and stroked her back. She looked at Andy and smiled. She saw the pain and concern in his eyes as well.

"I came to get you, Andy. Kail has been trying to call you all morning. She sounded pretty upset, and she said it's urgent. If you could call her, please?" Gina explained.

Andy nodded and went to retrieve his phone. He took it off the 'Do Not Disturb' setting, and noticed there were several missed calls from Kail, as well a couple from Jacob Glass. He frowned, and hit Kail's number.

"Power Girl; how are you this morning?" Andy began cheerfully.

Gina and Sara could hear the distress in Kail's muffled voice. Sara had to stifle a giggle knowing the torrent of information currently gushing out of her friend.

"Kail, it will be OK, I promise. Is Brian there? Let me talk to him, please."

Sara saw the fire in Andy's eyes, and the way his entire body became taut. Whatever was going on had his full and undivided attention.

"Jake, you need to sit this one out."

Jake's muffled protests were heard.

"Brother, I'm not asking you; I'm telling you. Let me handle this. You need to keep the big picture in mind. You and Grace married and living in Boston is the goal. This is parochial bullshit. Jake - I owe you. I was AWOL for 6 years. Please, you gotta let me do this for you and Gracie. I love you both - you know that. If this gets out that you took part in whatever the hell this is, it puts the big picture in jeopardy. I'm good at this Jake, and as I recall, you're good at getting your ass kicked."

Sara saw Andy smile, and both women saw the small bit of relief creep over his body.

"Well then, let me talk to him, please."

Andy smiled at them as the phone was handed off.

"Jacob, what the hell is going on here?"

Andy listened, and at times alternated between rolling his eyes, and getting increasingly pissed off. Whatever this was, it was equal parts ludicrous and dangerous.

"Jacob, set it up in half an hour. Just Miles and I. I'll stand in for Brian. The three aggrieved parties have to be there, and the ring leader as well. If they're not there, then it's a no go. I'm not mucking out this stall full of bullshit twice. Send Jake the Jet to fill John Moses in on what's going to happen - Coach will know whether to let it happen or step in."

Andy hung the phone up and exhaled deeply. Sara and Gina looked at him with growing concern. The fire in his eyes and the taut body were still there, and Andy had gotten his 'Andy stare.' Sara knew that meant trouble.

"Andy what's wrong?" asked Sara softly.

"Do you know a basketball player named Isaac Wilson?"

Sara nodded. "We had a chemistry class together my freshman year."

"Did he ever ask you out? Like as in a legitimate, 'Hey Sara, let's go do something Friday night?' ask you out?"

Sara giggled. "No. He just stared at my chest a lot. He was only low-key pervy, though. I've had worse. Why do you ask?"

Gina turned to her daughter to say something, but then thought better of it.

"Apparently there's a secret group of guys on campus who call themselves 'The Society.' They allow members to call dibs on particular women, and then they don't have to worry about some dude horning in on the girl they have their eye on. All four of you have been spoken for, apparently; though Eden's guy relinquished his rights on her. I have a pretty good idea who that dickhead was. Isaac Wilson called dibs on you, and now 'The Society' wants to give me a chance to back off or offer him satisfaction for taking his property - their words, not mine. They've made the same offer to Miles and Brian, by the way."

"That's absurd," began Gina. "Those women are no one's property. I'm going to call Gloria this minute . . ."

Andy cut her off. "Please don't do that, Momma G. I get this - or at least I think I do. This place has been pretty hostile to young men in recent history. I understand why dumb ass fellas would feel the need to do something like this. Calling a woman to deal with this situation would only make it worse. This has to be handled mano a mano."

Andy looked down, shook his head, and chuckled. He moved to Sara and hugged her. "Alright, if you'd like to be Sara Wilson, speak now or forever hold your peace," he said smiling.

Sara giggled. "Nope. Sara DeGroat or nothing."

Andy nodded and kissed her.

"I'll see you at lunch, OK?"

She nodded. "Andy? Please make sure Jacob Glass gets this on his phone. I missed the last ass kicking you dished out. I don't want to miss another one," Sara said smiling, but in a tone that meant business.

Andy smiled. "I love you, Mrs. DeGroat."

"Mmm. I love you too, Mr. DeGroat. Remember, my man kicks ass," she giggled.

"Happy 3-week anniversary," he said softly.

"Baby, these have been the best 3 weeks of my life," she said passionately.

"Me too, Bellissima. Me too."

Andy dressed quickly, kissed both women good bye, and headed towards campus.


The Colton College maintenance department had a large shop for snow removal equipment. Apparently, one of 'The Society' did some work study with this department and had access to the building. Andy and Miles walked in with Jacob Glass, Ethan Ross, and Cooper Hughes. Brian Jacobs had been sent to find John Moses, and the ladies were back in the Commons - with Sara on her way - to await the outcome of whatever the hell this was. Ten individuals awaited Andy and his crew.

"Mr. DeGroat, Mr. Givens-Price, thank you for coming. We hope to avoid any unpleasantness, and your appearance is a good sign," said a guy Andy recognized as the backup quarterback on the football team, Parker Thule. He caught the sneer on Jacob's face out of the corner of his eye, and Andy put his hand on his friend's arm to stop him from saying anything.

"I'm not entirely sure I understand what's going on here," said Andy. "It sounds like my fiancé is not really my fiancé because some pencil dick doesn't have sack enough to ask her out, but I'm supposed to know that bullshit - how exactly?" Andy was pissed, and he was pushing every button he could to escalate this situation. His morning had left him in a sour mood, and he wanted to kick the shit out of Isaac Wilson, the guy who thought he could call dibs on Grace, and the backup QB.

"That's why we're giving you the opportunity to walk away," said the backup. "There's no way you could have known that bitch was spoken for - that any of those bitches are spoken for. We know that."

"So, I'm supposed to just walk away?" asked a bemused Andy. "I tell Sara what, exactly?"

"You're a smart guy. You'll think of something."

"Can we at least meet the aggrieved parties? You know, the three guys who called dibs but aren't actually man enough to ask Sara, Grace, or Kail on a date? Those lame motherfuckers should at least identify themselves."

Mr. Backup nodded, and the three stepped forwards. They introduced themselves and identified which woman they had spoken for.

"Where were your dumbasses a couple of weeks ago?" queried Andy. "You know, when three guys threw a rock through the door in an attempt to harm the women you limp dicks called dibs on?"

Blank stares met him.

"I protect your property - your term, not mine - and the three of you can't even acknowledge that? Not even a, 'Hey thanks, Andy?' No wonder not one of those women have a fucking clue who any of the three of you are," he said angrily. "So, I guess Eden Adams didn't make your cut?"

"No, she did. But her owner relinquished his rights. Ethan is good to go," Parker said smugly.

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