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First Term at St Penelope's - Day 03

Story Info
Part 3 of the St Penelope's story. Beth has a wet encounter.
5.4k words

Part 3 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 01/22/2022
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[[ Hi all, while this stands alone, it's easy to go and read part 1&2 first, links are in my profile.

So, go get caught up then come here for more fun.

Remember, this is a light-hearted, lesbian sex, school romp. It's not meant as a serious portrayal of lesbian relationships. All participants are 18+.

This one contains WATER SPORTS / pee drinking and mild coercion -- if that's not your thing best try a different story.

Enjoy! ]]


First Term at St Penelope's -- Week 3


Beth Summer had come through her two days of hazing with flying colours according to her classmates. Like all the other upper sixth form girls, Beth now had access to the video library where the 'stage test' for each of them was available to all the rest. Beth had spent quite a number of nights on her phone going through the video clips. Just like she had been, each girl was tied to a chair, knees apart, and ball-gagged if they wouldn't stay quiet. The chair was then carried under cover of darkness from the dormitory to the main hall, and placed on the stage from where the headmistress addressed assemblies.

Most of the initiations had happened when the girls first entered the lower sixth, and the hazing had been carried out by upper sixth pupils. Beth as a late arrival had been in the unusual position of being hazed by her own classmates.

After a couple of hours to get used to the idea, every new girl was visited by a volunteer and told that either volunteer would masturbate them to an orgasm on camera or they could ask for one of the other girls. Beth had stuck with her cousin, who had been her volunteer, but she was surprised to see that none of the others had asked for a replacement. The idea that maybe they'd felt it was rude made Beth laugh. They had, after all, been tied up and were now facing being fingerfucked by a girl they'd only just met. Beth recognised none of the older girls, since they'd all left now and gone on to university or finishing school.

Despite, or perhaps because of, the humiliating circumstances, all of the girls reached their orgasms swiftly and whilst none of them had soaked the stage like Beth had, perhaps warned by someone not to drink too much water that first evening, Beth's classmates had all come hard. Pretty blonde Gwen had gasped, plain little Helen had squealed, the fine-featured Charlotte had moaned, statuesque Cherry had groaned, Cousin Caroline had shuddered, and long-haired Sita had bucked against her bonds like a wild thing. The upper sixth former, who had volunteered for Daisy had been a brunette with the most beautiful hair and wicked eyes. She'd taken Daisy in hand and had obviously enjoyed herself. Daisy took longer than the others, but the tall darkhaired girl had managed to stiffen Daisy's little penis and milk her to orgasm, whispering in her ear the whole time. Daisy came, moaning around the ball-gag and squirting into her panties, craning back her curly head while the older girl continued to whisper to her.

Beth spent a fair amount of time after lights out watching the videos on her phone while touching herself and trying not to be heard doing it. Though judging by the amount of creaking from Cousin Caroline in the top bunk, something similar seemed to go on up above her quite often. And if the viewing figures were anything to go by, most of the class looked at the files quite regularly. Beth was surprised to see she had 100 views already, and given how small the class was that meant that every girl had watched her squirt about five times -- that or she had a major fan in the dorm!

Lessons slowly improved as Beth got used to studying fewer subjects in more depth. She was pleased to find that she wasn't the slowest girl in any of the classes, though she was still definitely near the bottom.

P.E lessons remained her least favourite.

Caroline said she should apply herself, "Put in the work and you'll be a hardbody!" She slapped her own lean belly by way of example.

Beth shook her head, despairing of her cousin. Beth would never be an athlete. Her body tended towards curvy, right now she was still slim and her large breasts showed zero sign of sagging, but she knew as she got older she'd have to watch her diet or put on weight like her mom did. At least she had school meals to keep her from overeating. The English seemed to consider cooking to be a branch of warfare, and the school cooks rarely produced anything Beth considered edible.

The only good thing about P.E was the showering after. Beth loved to stand under the flood of hot water and watch the two girls she had the biggest crushes on. The head girl, the oh-so-aristocratic Charlotte Chase, was completely out of her league of course. Charlotte looked and behaved more like 21 than 18. She was slender and several inches taller than Beth. In addition she had cheekbones you could cut yourself on, long red hair, flashing green eyes, and an unconscious grace. Beside her Beth felt like an awkward, uncouth American, clumsy and never managing to say the right thing. But oh, she loved to watch the girl shower. She let her eyes linger on Charlotte's narrow red bar of pubic hair, pointing like an arrow to her pussy. Unlike most of the girls Charlotte shaved her bush, sculpting it into the thing of beauty that currently occupied Beth's attention.

Beth had to be careful when watching Charlotte. The girl she'd dubbed 'the cheerleader' on her first day, was Felicity Stanford, an athletic blonde, and Charlotte's special friend. Caroline said that the two had been semi-dating since they were both sixteen, and Felicity was famously possessive.

"Everyone calls her Flick," Caroline had told Beth.

"Isn't that just short for Felicity?" Beth asked.

"It is, but this Flick likes to... flick." Caroline mimed flicking Beth's nipple. "She likes to make the new girls squeal. A bit of a spanker too. Though when it's with Charlotte it's Flick whose bum is getting slapped."

Felicity chose that moment to enter the showers. Like Charlotte she shaved too, but more so, leaving her mound completely nude and an open question as to whether the fur there would be blonde like her hair, or dark like Gwen's who was nearly as blonde. Beth saw Felicity looking her way, narrow eyed, and she turned to watch Cherry instead, starting to rinse the lather from her hair as she did so.

"How are you so pale?" Caroline asked from beneath the neighbouring showerhead. "Virginia's such a hot place and you look like a ghost."

Beth ran her eyes over Cherry's dark thighs and the darker bush between them. Cherry liked to be watched so Beth's observation was only limited by her own shyness. "I live... lived... in DC, not Virginia." She knew she was splitting hairs. "And you're not wrong: it's damn hot. Which is why we hide indoors with the AC on full blast. It's too hot for sunbathing!" Caroline was right though, Beth had always been very pale, and her black hair just accentuated her milky complexion.

Cherry met her gaze and smiled knowingly. Beth looked away, blushing, feeling her nipples harden under the girl's open stare.

"Honestly, Beth, put on your big girl panties and ask if she wants to go steady." Caroline came to stand behind Beth and started soaping her back. "Or just invite her to fuck you silly as a one off. Cherry won't mind."

"She did say I was her favourite pudding..." Beth agreed.

Caroline slipped her arms around Beth, small breasts pushing against her shoulder-blades, groin against her ass. "Being a pudding isn't necessarily a good thing, dear cousin." Caroline's hands slid across Beth's small, soft tummy."

"I don't mind what I am," Beth admitted, feeling an ache in her pussy. "As long as it's something Cherry wants to stick her tongue into."

"Beth Summer!" Caroline scolded playfully. "What have we turned you into?"

After three weeks Beth had yet to gather her courage and initiate either a romance or any more basic, lust-filled encounter with Cherry or any other girl. Part of it was the struggle of adjusting to so many new things at once, not least the level of academic effort expected. Part of it was a degree of uncertainty. Hazing was one thing, but declaring herself a lesbian or even just bi-sexual felt like a big step, no matter how boldly she talked in the shower. Was it going to be her secret school thing? Or would she really bring a girlfriend home to her father. She had no idea how her mom would react if she found out. She tended to be very tolerant about such things at a distance, and somewhat less so when they crossed her doorstep. Beth had always wondered if the reason that Caroline had had to go back early when she visited the States as a young teen was that Beth's mom had somehow suspected what the two of them were getting up to in her bedroom. The kissing and touching had been rather sweet and innocent, but even so...

Beth's head was full of such thoughts as she turned the corner in the art's block's less-used rear stairwell and found herself staring at Sita and Helen. The Indian girl had her back pressed against the window and Helen was holding her there. Helen had her back to Beth on the stairs and was gripping Sita's thick plait with one hand, making her crane her head back. Sita's school skirt was hitched up around Helen's other arm. Beth couldn't see Helen's hand but very clearly it was buried in Sita's panties.

Beth stood, amazed, watching while Helen kept her fingers busy and Sita stood with her legs slightly splayed to allow access, eyes closed, breathing hard. Her dark eyes fluttered open momentarily and she saw Beth just standing there. Rather flustered, Beth hurried past the pair, keeping her head down although Sita had raised no objection to an audience.

As she passed them, she heard the very definite thuck-thuck-thuck of Helen's fingers sliding home into Sita's wet cunt. She continued down the stairs, making one more turn before pausing and pressing her own fingers hard against her pussy. The tingle was delicious and Sita's distant moans made her want to stop there and play with her slippery clit until she came too.

Instead, Beth forced herself to keep going. She'd signed up for choir practice and arriving late for her first session would hardly be a good start. In her hurry she crossed from the art building to the main hall at a run and stumbled on the worn stone steps. She managed to stub her toe and the sudden pain was excruciating. She got to her feet and immediately started to hop, trying to somehow lessen her pain. "Ow! Ow! Ow! GODDAMIT!"

"Language, Miss Summer!"

Beth hopped in a circle and was dismayed to find the headmistress behind her looking most displeased. She was flanked by Charlotte and Flick, both looking quite serious as if Beth had called the queen a whore or something.

Mrs Johnson, a tall woman in a serious-looking black dress suit, looked down at Beth through steel-rimmed spectacles.

"I'm sorry, miss." Beth tried putting her injured foot on the ground and stood straight. All she'd said was 'goddammit', it felt as if the woman was overreacting.

"There's no place for potty mouths at St Penelope's, Miss Summer." Mrs Johnson narrowed her eyes. "I won't stand for it." She turned to Charlotte. "Miss Chase, it appears that this young lady is need of some education regarding our standards. Please ensure she gets it."

"Yes headmistress." Charlotte nodded, mirroring the teacher's seriousness, while on Mrs Johnson's other side Flick mouthed the words 'potty mouth' at Beth. There was a hint of triumph to the small smile the girl allowed herself as the headmistress dismissed Beth. Maybe a hint of cruelty too. Without any further talk Mrs Johnson swept by, leading the pair off to wherever they'd been going.

Somewhat unsettled by the whole encounter, Beth limped her way on into choir practice. A few minutes later she was standing in the middle row of a mixed group of younger and older girls, being put through their paces in a rendition of 'Who Will Be A Witness' by the music teacher, Miss Key.

Caroline stood by Beth and proved to be an excellent soprano. Beth herself was an alto and the teacher seemed pleased to have her join them. The half hour passed swiftly.

"That was fun!" Beth grinned at Caroline as the group broke up to go to afternoon lessons.

"It always is. Miss Key's great," Caroline sighed. The whole class knew about Caroline's crush on the young music teacher. She fantasised about the woman often enough, and even produced quite accomplished and quite graphic pen and ink drawings of what she'd like to do to her. Caroline shook her head as if to rid it of some new erotic image. "Anyway, cousin, what key were you attempting out in the corridor? I'd know your scream anywhere..."

"That was in the key of pain! And I wasn't in the corridor, I was outside. I stubbed my big toe."

"Well, it's lucky Mrs Johnson didn't hear you. She does not like swearing!"

Beth frowned and looked down. "She was right behind me when I did it! Called me potty mouth and told Charlotte to teach me manners."

"Oh..." Caroline looked suddenly serious.

"All I said was goddamit... And I don't think I'll mind Charlotte giving me lessons." Beth gave a cheeky grin.

"We'll see..." Caroline turned to go. "Got to get to class! Later!" And she was off at speed.

Beth stood blinking in surprise. She couldn't imagine Charlotte would be too hard on her. And 'goddamit' was hardly cursing at all. She'd heard her stepmother, Lisa, swearing like a sailor, fucking this, sodding that, and she was a product of St Penelope's! In fact, Beth had recently learned that Lisa had been head girl during her time at the school, her name recorded in gold on the leather-covered boards set high up around the walls of the main hall.

Beth shrugged and hurried off to her French class.

It wasn't until the evening meal that Beth saw her cousin or Charlotte again. The science girls were taught at the far end of the old manor that served as a school. Dinner was always a noisy affair with the younger girls jabbering at each other, shrieking with laughter and calling from one end of the table to the other. The teachers shushed them of course, but there's only so much that can be done with kids and the youngest of them were barely eleven.

Beth went and got her helping of whatever horror was being served today. Apparently, it was called 'hot pot', which seemed entirely accurate since it had certainly been heated in a large cooking pot and was now hot. Given that no claims were made regarding the contents, Beth could neither protest against false advertising nor make any firm guess as to what they were, even after eating a third of the thing. She abandoned the rest and sat back from her plate.

Beth glanced toward the far end of the table where Charlotte Chase was eyeing her thoughtfully over a tall glass of water from which she took a long sip. The head girl met Beth's gaze and with slow deliberation drank off the entire glass.

"I hear you're in trouble, Pudding," Cherry said across the table, her smile half seduction, half amusement as always.

"I... I don't think so." Beth always found herself colouring and stammering under Cherry's dark eyes. She invariably found herself thinking about the hazing when Cherry had helped Gwen tie her legs open and had, at the end of the treacle pudding ordeal, licked her to orgasm. Cherry had clearly not forgotten it either, calling Beth 'Pudding' every time they spoke. And every time the black girl used that name, Beth remembered the feel of Cherry's remarkably long tongue sliding into her pussy. It had gone very deep.

Cherry shrugged, broadened her smile, and returned her attention to her food.

The predicted trouble failed to materialise after dinner and when their sturdy matron, Mrs Stanton, came round to announce lights out, Beth changed into her nightgown with relief, feeling that the silly episode was behind her. 'Goddam' was hardly cursing anyhow. Beth had seen British TV shows where the guests were saying 'fuck' practically every other minute. Some of them seemed to use the word like punctuation.

Beth settled down to sleep. All around her the girls were climbing into their bunks. Caroline stuck her head down from above. "Goodnight, Cousin Beth." She blew a kiss.

"Night, cousin." Beth smiled.

She watched Cherry get into bed, still holding her phone. Beth wondered if Cherry would be watching any stage tests tonight, and hoped it would be hers, and that it might tempt the girl to come across one night after dark and climb quietly into her narrow bunk.

As much as Beth liked thinking about Cherry, tonight a different image played through her mind after the lights clicked out. First there was just darkness behind her eyes. And a sound. 'Thuck-thuck-thuck.' Then the stairwell scene swam into view. Long-haired Sita and pretty-eyed Helen, just as she had seen them, but both naked. Helen's skin very white against the soft brown of Sita's. Beth could see now in her imagination exactly what Sita's skirt and panties had been hiding. The union of Helen's two fingers and Sita's tight, wet hole.

Beth's hand slid down across her own belly and her legs parted to admit it. She began to touch herself while thinking of the two girls. She fell asleep ten minutes later, having exhausted herself, coming at the same time that her imaginary Helen fucked Sita into orgasm.

Beth woke an unknown time later, sleepily becoming aware that someone was sliding under her covers. "Caroline?"

A long body pushed up against her from behind, a hand on Beth's hip ensuring that she continued to face away. The newcomer pressed her groin comfortably into Beth's bottom, stroking her hair with the other hand.

"So, you didn't get enough of your cousin on your first night?" The girl whispered into Beth's ear. "Does she come down here every night and make you squirt?"

Beth froze. The voice was familiar but with a whisper it can be hard to identify someone. It wasn't Cherry, she was sure of that. The voice wasn't deep enough, and the breasts pressed against her back weren't large, certainly not Cherry's DDs.

Beth tried to turn, but the girl held her. Growing alarmed and a little angry she raised her voice. "Who--"

A slim hand moved from stroking her hair to covering her lips.

"Sush now, potty mouth."

Beth knew her in that moment. Even her whisper sounded posh, too highly refined for it to be anyone else. Charlotte was in her bed! Charlotte Chase, the head girl, who was probably a not-so-distant cousin to the Queen of England, give or take a few removes.

It was a scenario Beth had imagined more than once while masturbating in this same narrow bunk after a long day of lessons. Now that, to Beth's enormous surprise, it had actually happened, she had no idea what to do. In Beth's fantasies Charlotte always assumed control and took exactly what she wanted. She was the head girl after all.

Beth went limp in Charlotte's arms, hoping that meek and submissive were the kind of attributes Charlotte looked for in a girlfriend. Though, having seen Flick, Beth was far from sure they were.

Slowly, Charlotte uncovered Beth's mouth. "Good girl." She set the lightest of kisses on the back of Beth's neck, making her shiver from head to toe. "Now, I want you to listen to me, sweetheart, and then to do everything I tell you to."

"Yes, Charlotte," Beth whispered, trembling.

"Excellent." Charlotte stroked her hand down from Beth's hip and along the top of her thigh. "First things first. Lift your head."

Beth lifted her head and Charlotte slide something soft underneath her.

"What's that?"

"Just a towel. Now, let's start with a story."

Beth nodded silently. A story hadn't been top of her list of things to do in bed with Charlotte Chase but she'd take it. As long as it kept that lovely, slim body pressed against her with just the thickness of two sheer nightdresses between them, then it was all good.


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