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First Time Posing Pt. 01

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Mother auditions for son's figure study class.
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Part 1 of the 8 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 11/10/2018
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Tuesday evening was the first time Charlene, Tom and Jamie has had dinner together for a week with their busy schedule. Charlene was home alone most of the time as the company she worked for as a secretary closed since the owners son didn't want to take over the business. Tom has been traveling ever since he took a promotion from his company to offset the lack of funds due to Charlene's layoff. Jamie is in college and has been taking extra classes, so he can graduate sooner and working for the visual arts instructor Professor Beatty.

Charlene was complaining. "I am getting bored staying home and not having any money. I've been looking for a job for the last six months and I have found that at age fifty-eight and with my experience I am over qualified for any jobs I have applied for."

Tom said. "Charlene the employers should be glad to find a secretary with your ability and a smart employer would hire you as soon as they see your resume."

"A few of the employers said they would want me, but couldn't afford what I am asking for starting pay, besides I would like to find something part time for a while anyway."

"Mom Professor Beatty is looking for models for the photography course over the next six months. He asked me if I know anyone and announced in class today of needed models for erotic figure studies. They pay up to one hundred dollars an hour." Said Jamie.

"I don't think he would want a model that is almost Sixty years old." Stated Charlene.

"He said he was looking for any woman no matter their age or experience." Said Jamie.

"You should call and find out if they can use you as a model?" Stated her husband.

"Do you want me to model for our son's class Tom? Really! Jamie would you want your mother modeling for your class, Common tell the truth son?" Stated Charlene.

Both Tom and Jamie replied. "Yes!"

Tom, because he would like to see his wife modeling for a group and Jamie, because he knew the modeling would be figure studies, he had a fantasy since he was twelve years old to see his mother nude.

The next day before Tom left for work he said to his wife. "You're going to call Professor Beatty today to see about the modeling session aren't you?"

"I will think about it." She said.

Jamie came into the kitchen just after his father left for work. "Do you want me to mention to my professor that you will be calling about modeling for the class?"

"Would you really want to see your mother modeling? Wouldn't it embarrass you?"

"I wouldn't have told you about the modeling, if I didn't want you to pose for the class. Besides all my friends think you're an MILF and I think you're very pretty." Her son blushed putting to words what he was thinking.

"That was nice of you saying that. I think! It makes me feel good that your friends like me and you think I am pretty. What does MILF mean though I have never heard that?"

"You don't really want to know Mom." Said Jamie turning red, because the phrase came out before he thought about what he was saying.

"Leave the professor's number and I will think about calling." Said Charlene.

While we are waiting for Charlene to decide if she is going to call the Professor let me describe the mature woman to you. She is five foot nine inches tall weighing between one hundred and twenty five pounds to one hundred and thirty pounds, with black hair, streaked with gray. Her measurements are Thirty-Four D, Twenty-Six, Thirty-Six with flat abs. The mature woman keeps in shape, walking and going to the gym a few days a week as part of her husband's insurance package, the gym fees are paid for as a benefit.

Well it took Charlene most of the day to decide to call the Visual Arts Professor to find out more about the modeling job. She dialed the number and it rang about seven times, she was just going to hang up when the receiver was picked up.

A voice on the other end out of breath stated. "Hello visual arts department."

"Hi is Professor Beatty there?"

"This is he, how may I help you?"

"I was inquiring about modeling for the photography class. I would like more information."

"How did you find out about the need for models?" Stated the professor.

"My son is in your class and said you're in need of models."

"Yes we are in need of figure models for erotic poses for the upcoming classes. Would you want to give me your name before I continue?" Said the professor wanting to know who he was talking with.

"Oh, sorry my name is Charlene Carter. Jamie is our son. Before we go any further what is the oldest model you would use for the class?"

"Well, Mrs. Carter it all depends on the model. If you are willing to pose for figure studies and erotic poses you could be Seventy years old and I would use you."

"I'm not seventy, but I am almost sixty."

"Do you have any photos of you that are current?"

"No, I don't think so. Well not any that I think you could use anyway just vacation photos with other people in them with me."

"Well then the best way to do this is for me to give your son a copy of the posing list I use and have him take some pictures of you using the list. He can bring a flash drive in with the photos, so I can look at them and we can go from there, if you're still interested in modeling. I have another question for you Mrs. Carter will you be able to model nude in front of your son and maybe friends of his? You don't have to answer the question now think about it. Do you have any other questions for me?"

The shocked mature woman coming to the realization that she will be nude in front of her son said "No I guess not at this moment. I will have to think about the ramification of me modeling nude and discuss it with my husband and son. As an afterthought she said. "Oh wait a minute I do have a question how much an hour will you pay for the model?"

"The model receives one hundred dollars an hour as long as the model is nude and we usually schedule the models for four to eight hours at a time."

Only focusing on the One Hundred Dollars an hour and not the rest of his statement Charlene calculated that she will be earning between four hundred and eight hundred dollars a day almost twice as much as she was earning a week as a secretary. The mature woman said to the professor "Okay, I have a lot to think about. Thank you for your time, sir."

"I will call you after I see the photos your son takes of you. Have a good day." And the professor hung up.

Charlene was thinking of the one hundred dollars an hour and missed entirely the part that the professor said as long as she is nude. She was wondering if she will be able to do this. Have her son and maybe some of his friends see her nude? That will be humiliating to be nude in front of people she doesn't know. Will her husband really want her to have their son take photos of her? She is totally confused now on one hand the money is great, but she has never modeled before, let alone nude. Charlene went back to cleaning the house and decided to wait for her son and husband to come home to discuss the possibility of her modeling, maybe after the professor sees her photos he wouldn't want her as a model anyway.

Jamie had visual arts today as he entered the classroom Professor said. "See me after class."

Thinking he did something wrong he blushed and said. "OK!"

Jamie was worried all through the class that his was flunking or something. He was having a hard time following the lecture. Finally the class was over and everyone was filing out as he went to the professor's desk.

"Jamie, here is the list of poses that we will be using during the erotic figure study class."

Confused Jamie said. "Okay, what do you want me to do with the list professor?"

"Your mother called today and asked about modeling for the visual arts class. I don't know if she would want to model for you and the class, so bring home the list and if she decides to model, use the list to pose her and take some photos, put them on a flash drive and bring them in for me to see, so I can decide if I want to use your mother as a model."

"Okay, I will bring home list to discuss the prospect of Mom posing for the class with my mother and father."

Sitting at his desk in his office Tom just getting off the phone with a customer, an image of his wife modeling nude popped into his head. Would he want her naked in front of strangers, he has had fantasies about this many times while looking at his wife while she was naked. Touching her intimately wondering what it would be like to have her nude in front of a group. He was going to persuade her to try modeling at least once, even if it is just for their son. The phone rang bringing him out of his daydream as he answered it.

Jamie came home first. "Hi Mom how was your day?" He asked as he went over and gave her a kiss on her cheek.

"Of all our children Jamie is the most affectionate of the three." She thought.

Jamie went to his room to study; Charlene was busy making supper humming a happy tune. It was just as supper was ready that Tom walked in the door.

"That is what thirty six years of marriage does. You know when your mate will be home." Giggled Charlene as she started to put the supper on the table.

Tom went to his wife and gave her a passionate kiss that made her panties damp and caused him to pitch a tent in his pants before the kiss was over.

"I really missed you today, my dear." As he gave his wife another hug, before going to the sink to wash his hands.

"Jamie, your dad is home and supper is ready." Shouted Charlene.

Charlene was setting the table as she bent over to put the plate on the other side of the table Tom came in back of her and ran his fingers over the crease between her legs feeling a moist crotch at her slacks.

"What has gotten in you tonight Tom, Jamie could have seen you doing that to me." Said the mature woman to her husband upset.

"What is the problem he is over eighteen going on nineteen presently he should see us be affectionate with each other."

Just then Jamie appeared in the room and the conversation ended. They sat down for supper and it was the quietest it has ever been. There was an elephant in the room and no one wanted to acknowledge it.

It was Tom that started the conversation just as they were finishing the first course of the meal and Charlene was bringing out the main course. "Did you call the Visual Arts department Charlene?"

"Yes." She said turning red in embarrassment.

"Can they use you as a model?" Asked Tom.

Jamie took over the conversation before Charlene could answer saying. "Professor Beatty had me stay after class. He gave me a list of the poses that will be used for the erotic figure studies. He wants me to shoot them, put them on flash drive and bring the photos in, so he can see them, if Mom decides she wants to model. He will call her after he looks at the photos."

"What do you want to do?" Asked Tom to his wife.

"They are figure studies and Jamie will have to take the audition photos as I don't have any that are good enough to show the professor. I don't know if it is right for me to pose nude for my son?"

"You didn't answer the question, Charlene. Do you want to model for the class?" Said Tom.

"I would like the money, but I don't know if I can be nude in front of a group of strangers." The mature mother blushed as she answered the question.

Wanting to see his mother nude Jamie said. "Why don't we take some photos of you and if you don't want to do it we will stop and forget about you modeling for the class, Mom?"

"That's a good idea." Said Tom hoping that his wife will agree to make his fantasy a reality by modeling nude for a group, but at least for their son.

"Let me think about if for a few days and I will give you my answer." Said the mature woman in a whisper embarrassed and turning red.

"Let's figure that you will model on Saturday for the audition photos we will see how they look and go from there." Said Tom knowing his wife will do as he says to please him.

It was now Wednesday and nothing was said about Charlene modeling for the rest of the week. She didn't see the paper listing the poses, but Jamie showed his father to make sure he knew that his wife will be very exposed in the poses outlined. They figured it would be better to coach her into the poses than for her to have three days to realize she will be nude and spread for some of the photos her son will be taking of her.

Saturday came before Charlene realized, but it was forever for Tom and Jamie they couldn't wait to pose the mature woman in all her naked glory. They wanted to make it fun for her, so she will consent to model at the college. Tom was even thinking of taking off the days she modeled to watch and this is something he doesn't do often, is take days off from work in the years he has been with the company.

When Charlene awakened on Saturday she was alone in the bed. She could smell bacon cooking and coffee brewing.

There was a note on the in suite bathroom door from her husband stating. "Take a bath and put on the white nightie with the panties laying on your makeup table and come down stairs where we have breakfast ready for you."

Charlene looked at the negligee' it was see through, but she rationalized at least Tom found the panties for the outfit and besides her son will most likely see her nude before the day was out, so what is the difference if she wears what her husband wants her to presently or not. Furthermore, her husband is a good provider and loving, this will make her feel good to please her husband by modeling, but she doesn't know if she will be able to model for a group though. All this was going through her mind as she was taking a shower, while drying her hair she looked down to see her pubic hair looking unruly, so she decided to trim her bush a little before she left the bathroom. Taking her shaving cream she put it around the edges of her bush and shaved it into a sort of heart shape. Washing her pubic area she liked the job she did. Sitting at her make-up table nude and taking extra care today to make sure her makeup was on properly she looked in the mirror and liked what she sees. Hopefully her men downstairs will feel the same. She felt embarrassed, but excited at the thought of being nude and having photos taken of her.

"I just called our youngest son a man" She thought as she donned her negligee' with the panties. One last look in the mirror embarrassed her, as she could see her nipples and pubic hair, as if the garments were not there.

Carefully walking down the stairs to the kitchen Charlene tried to keep her modesty as long as she could, but both men could see her breasts and slit as she walked down the stairs even though she kept one hand on the bottom of the negligee' as she stepped down.

Jamie was the first one to speak. "Mom you look amazing!" He couldn't take his eyes off the beautiful older woman, proud that she was his mother.

"I second the motion." Said Tom as Charlene walked by him he reached between her legs, pushing the panties aside and stuck his finger in her pussy. She was very wet. "I think your mother is enjoying her exposure." As he held up his finger to show their son how wet she is.

Charlene was mad. "Stop Tom or I will go up and change and this modeling adventure you want me to go on will stop now. For Gads sake Jamie is our son."

"Okay,okay I will behave, but you look so sexy I couldn't help myself." He said in his defense.

"I forgive you, but let's remember that Jamie is our son and I am doing this to help his class. Jamie, don't tell anyone what your father just did to me either, if I hear anything about this modeling session from your friends I am done with this. Got it!" Said his mother as she burned a hole through his person with her eyes.

"I got it Mom! Said Jamie, trying to change the subject he continued. "Why don't you sit down and have breakfast before it gets cold?"

"Good idea." Chimed in Tom wanting to defuse the situation.

Charlene sat on a chair at the breakfast counter, it was a high top and she had to keep her legs spread for balance as she waited to be served. Jamie brought over his mother's breakfast and almost spilled it on her, when he saw her slit open and red through the panties. He knew she was very excited, when he got close to her because he could smell her arousal and this gave him a hard on. Embarrassed he turned his back to his mother and father to try to get his love muscle down his fat pants leg and not as noticeable as it is now. Tom knew what his son's problem was because he had the same problem trying to keep his member down as his wife looked amazing in the see through negligee'.

The breakfast was a mixture of mundane talk and sexual tension breakfast was over too soon for Charlene and not soon enough for the two men in her life.

"I will help clean up." Said Charlene before anyone could stop her. She had the dishes in the sink and bent over, she started to unload the dishwasher, this gave both men a wonderful view of her flower of life and her tight brown eye, as the panties were transparent with her arousal seeping into the fabric of the panties. She was trying to stall as long as possible her exposure to her son, but that ship has sailed as both men saw all she had to offer already, her husband never tiring of seeing her womanhood and her son seeing her most intimate area for the first time he was ecstatic. Charlene even though she didn't know exactly what she would be required to do for the audition; she stretched out cleaning the kitchen to an hour when she usually can do it in about fifteen minutes to ward off her loss of modesty as long as she could.

Meanwhile Jamie was setting up the front room to use as a studio. There was a big picture window which faced out the front and was a southern exposure that he planned to use photographing his mother. He was sitting on the couch reading a text book when his mother and father entered the room.

"I see you have everything set up Jamie." Said his father.

"Yes Dad, Mom we can start with you standing in front of the window. I will take some silhouettes of you with the sun at your back."

"Won't people outside see me in the window?" No Jamie lied.

"Charlene just enjoy and take direction from Jamie." Her husband said, with a disarming smile and a wink.

Charlene stood about five feet from the picture window and faced her son's camera. They could see the mature woman was stressed as she posed. Tom and Jamie had to go slowly and try to bring they woman they love to calm down or her stress will show in the photos.

"Mom back up to the window more I will tell you to stop." Said her son looking through the viewfinder. "Good" He said when she was a foot from the glass.

He took the first photo and showed it to her. The image was black you couldn't see her with the light coming through the glass only her silhouette. You could see her negligee' but it was dark. He had her turn to the side, back and to the side again he took several photos.

After looking at the photos which all parties thought were good. Charlene said "Let's continue." To the surprise of all present as she was calming down and starting to enjoy the session, she liked being the center of attention.

"Sit on the sofa, knees together and smile your best smile think of something you want to do." Said her son.

Giggling she said. "How about I am finished now and we go shopping." Really not meaning it as she was having fun, she just wanted to tease both men.

"You're doing a great job Charlene" said Tom

"Yes, you're a great model Mom" Said her son as he snapped one photo after another.

Jamie was taking the advice of Professor Beatty namely take his time make sure the model is comfortable before you go to the next phase of the shoot, so he took over an hour to make sure his mother was comfortable modeling before the real shoot started. He could see his mother was becoming comfortable being in front of the camera and noted by her facial expressions and body language she was not stressed anymore. Her legs were parting and her smile lit up the room.


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