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First Time's a Foursome


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"I definitely feel us lesbians have the better part of the dating bargain," smiled Veronica, "I've never been with a woman who suffered from premature ejaculation or couldn't get it up."

"Miss..." giggled Penny as her friend blushed.

"I said you could call me Veronica tonight," reminded the black woman, giving Penny's thigh another squeeze as she did.

"So do you like being lesbians? What is it like?" asked Hanna, "I don't think I could spend my entire life without a guy's thing."

"You could be bisexual if you wanted to keep your options open, some of the hottest women I've ever fucked liked both," said Veronica, deliberately swearing to gauge the teen's reactions.

"Miss...Veronica," giggled Penny, her face red.

Hanna seemed less embarrassed, "That would be the best of both worlds, you wouldn't have to say you're straight or gay, it'd just be who you wanted to be with."

"Yes, though I'm just not interested in men," said Sarah and Veronica noticed her hand was slowly moving up Hanna's back, not yet onto naked skin, but certainly slowly creeping up the dress. "I'm just a pussy gal."

Penny giggled nervously again, more embarrassed by the turn of the conversation than her friend, but equally, she didn't seem to mind that Veronica had her hand on the teenager's thigh, gently stroking and squeezing it in a way that the younger woman must know was inappropriate for a Principal with a Senior. "Is our language too dirty?" Veronica asked.

"I don't mind," grinned Hanna, naughtily, "We all swear like troopers when we're in the changing room and no teachers are around."

"I'm just not used to it from you and Miss...um, Sarah," giggled Penny nervously again.

"It's just words," said Veronica with a smile, "Cunt, twat, pussy, gash, slit, fuckhole," she added.

"Yep, fuck, bang, shag -- that's British slang - tits, ass," added Sarah.

"You've told me about that guy fucking your cunt, so you use them as well," teased Hanna.

"Okay," said Penny "Pussy, twat, fuck, ass, tits and cunt.... that better?"

She was still blushing as the others laughed and Veronica squeezed her thigh, "It's adorable," she said, "Very cute."

Beside her Hanna looked relaxed and happy, not seeming to mind that her coach's hand was on the back of her neck gently massaging round the top of her spine with her fingers. Penny still looked a little tense, not yet getting quiet into the flow, Veronica moved her hands up and onto the teen's shoulders and started to gently rub. They were tense at first but soon began to loosen, the teen again not making any complaint as her Principal touched inappropriately, convincing Veronica it would only need a few more pebbles to start an avalanche of pussy licking.

"So now we've made clear Sarah and me enjoy women, what about the two of you?" asked Veronica, "Have you ever kissed a girl?"

The two teens looked at each other, Penny blushing again and her friend smiling; it seemed that Hanna had an idea where this conversation was going and liked the destination. She answered, "Not yet."

"Not yet?" queried Sarah, her hands all over Hanna's naked shoulders, squeezing and massaging them in a deeply sexual way.

"Everyone tries at college, don't they?" giggled the teen.

"What about you Penny?" Veronica asked the blonde.

"Yes..." the teen said and then added, flustered, "I mean I've not kissed a girl, but I'm sure I'd try in college."

"Why wait for college? That's half a year away," replied Veronica, "Why waste Senior Year, when there's so many gorgeous girls around."

"You have a point," giggled Hanna, "Doesn't she Pen?"

"I mean, I guess," responded her friend, a little nervously.

"So you think when we go back to school on Monday we should hook up with a cheerleader, I heard rumours that Peri Price enjoys eating pussy," Hanna grinned cheekily.

"Why wait until then? You could try it now and see if you like it," Veronica said, her thumbs teasing Hanna's friend's shoulders as she spoke.

"I'm up for that if Penny is?" Hanna said.

It was Veronica who spoke for the blonde, "She is." She had judged it right as despite her obvious nervousness Penny gave a small nod of agreement. "Why don't you try with each other?"

"Okay," there was a note of disappointment in Hanna's voice, as she'd obviously been expecting to be making out with her hot swim coach, but Veronica and Sarah were playing the long game and you didn't start it with your star players on the field. Veronica slipped her hand under Penny's blonde hair, pulling it back so it didn't fall over her shoulders as the teen leaned forward towards her friend. The two swimmers met, for a second their lips remaining closed and pursed against each other, before their mouths opened and began to move, with the gentle sounds of them coming together filling the room. They continued at it for perhaps half a minute before Penny pulled back an inch or two, her cheeks tinged red. There was a smile on her friend's face, showing that she, at least, was happy with the result.

Veronica stroked Penny's shoulders, skimming her fingers sensually over the bare flesh. "How was that?" she asked, but before either teen could answer she added, "Do it again with tongues."

Neither teen hesitated, if Penny remained nervous and unsure, she wasn't going to let that pause her. Again the two young women came together, their mouths opening as their tongues slid against each other. The sounds were louder and more passionate, as they explored and probed each other's mouth, slurps and licks and light moans combining. Veronica grinned at Sarah, who grinned back as both waited for the two teens to disengage.

"That was better, you looked like you were enjoying your first girl-on-girl make-out," said Veronica. Hanna nodded and Penny blushed but didn't deny it. "Now, turn your heads to me and Sarah and let's see what you've learnt."

Hanna grinned widely and swung her head towards Sarah so quickly that she almost dislocated her neck. Penny gave a little gasp, of surprise or fear or something else was unclear, but after only a second's pause, she turned towards Veronica. By that time Sarah and Hanna were already kissing hard, the older woman's expertly bearing down on the teen. Veronica gave Penny a quick smile and the teen nervously smiled back, before nodding, closing her eyes and lifting her face towards her Principal's. Their lips met, the teen's nervously opening for Veronica, her tongue gingerly probing out to meet the older woman's. Veronica pressed forward, jamming her lips tightly at Penny's, her own tongue thrusting forward eagerly to race over the teen's and pound into her open mouth, swiping around as it explored. Her hands were on the teen's waist, gripping her firmly, her fingers squeezing at the teenager's toned body through the dress. She could feel Penny gradually relaxing as she began to enjoy herself, even when they took a second's break to breathe the teen returned without coaxing and if she wasn't taking control of the make-out she definitely followed happily.

From the corner of her eye, Veronica saw that Sarah had broken from Hanna and was waiting for the other woman to do the same. Almost reluctantly Veronica pushed Penny back, waiting until the teen's eyes had opened again and she had run her tongue over her lips, to clean their saliva, before speaking again, "Now you've seen how we do it, have another go."

Penny turned towards Hanna, who immediately nodded and moved in towards her friend. Penny met her and the two of them returned to their passionate kisses, their mouths opening and closing as they tried to engulf each other, their tongues slithering forward, tips touching.

"Let's help them out of those dresses," said Veronica to Sarah, loud enough for the teens to hear and object if they wanted to -- she didn't expect them to do so and they didn't. It was the work of moment to pull the zip down all the way to Penny's lower back, just above her ass and the work of moments more to grip the material and tug it down so it fell from the teenager's breasts. As Hanna's dress was down to her waist seconds later, the two teens found themselves tit to tit, their nipples brushing at each other. They continued kissing, not seeming to mind. Not that their tits were rubbing against each other for long as Veronica slipped her hands around and grasped at Penny's, they were firm and pert, no more than a handful - a swimmer's pair. They still felt lovely under Veronica's hands as she squeezed and kneaded them, feeling her knuckles touch against Sarah as the coach also played with Hanna's.

There was a brief break in the teen's kissing and Veronica quickly turned Penny's head towards her and planted her mouth on the blonde's. The teen didn't hesitate, her lips opening and her tongue flickering at the older black woman's. Veronica kept her hand on the back of the teen's head, stroking at her and encouraging her, as she used the spare to undo the straps on her own dress and pull it down. Veronica would have normally put her breasts down as medium, they weren't large swingers, nor were they smallish hillocks, but out of the four she was the biggest by far. She pressed further forward, letting Penny feel them rubbing and bouncing against each other as they continued to kiss.

Reaching down, after a couple of minutes, Veronica took hold of the teen's wrist and lifted the hand to her own bosom, she didn't need to tell Penny what to do as the teen began to squeeze and play at it, making Veronica shiver excitedly. Her hand returned to the teen's tit and she began to play with it, finding the nipple and squeezing it between her fingers as her tongue drove deep into Penny's mouth.

"MMnnn," there was a moan from Hanna and Veronica could see her fellow teacher had pushed the teen back onto the bed and was sucking at one of her nipples. It seemed like a good idea, so Veronica broke momentarily from Penny and before the teen knew what was happening had pushed her backwards onto the bed, her mouth moving down to the young woman's titties to suckle and slurp at them. Penny was soon moaning with the same pleasure as her friend, little cries and groans coming from her half-open mouth as the older woman's teeth tickled and teased at her teenage teat. The swimmer's back arched and she shuddered, the guttural grunts getting louder and more intense. But they were nowhere near where they were going to be. With her spare hand, Veronica was hoisting up Penny's dress, bunching it around her waist, before going lower and slipping between the young woman's legs. The teenager's panties were no impediment, Veronica pushing aside the strip so her finger was sliding over the smooth skin and the puffy labia. "Mmmnnn, oooohh," the moans were more excited as Veronica continued to rub away, "Ooohhh, yes, ohhhh, that's good."

Beside her Hanna also groaned, competing in volume with her friend. Both began to get louder, for Penny at least, this was because there were now two fingers sliding in and up her hole and whilst Veronica couldn't see where Sarah was placing her hand she suspected there was a similar cause for Hanna's gasps. The black woman nibbled at Penny's hard nipple and worked the twat faster, driving her fingers deep into the rapidly dampening hole, the juice seeping out of microscopic holes and covering Veronica's fingers. The teen seemed to have got over her nervous bashfulness and was arching her back and rocking eagerly as she was digitally penetrated. Veronica lifted her head from the tit and said, "How's this? How do you like my finger fucking?"

"Oh God, yes," gasped Penny in reply, "It's so good, I feel so hot."

Veronica slid her thumb over the clit and pressured it, making Penny cry out even harder, her hands balling into tight fists as waves of warm delight poured through her. Beside her Hanna was also gasping, her hand gripping her friend's wrist so hard that it was like she was trying to crush it. Penny didn't seem to mind, so wrapped up in her own enjoyment that the school band could have paraded through the room and she wouldn't have cared. "Oohhh, yesss, ooohhh," she tried to lift her hand to grasp at her breast, but unfortunately her friend was still gripping her wrist and accidentally forced it down. The blonde gasped and bucked and shook herself free, bringing her hand up to her tit to fondle and knead as Veronica's mouth returned to its twin.

Sarah stood up and pulled her dress up over her head and tossed it on the other bed, before peeling off her thongs and sending them over her shoulder. Hanna used the pause to roll on her side and join Veronica in stroking Penny's twat, "This is fun," she giggled at them both, "It's not what I expected."

"MMmnnn," Penny moaned, probably in agreement, and dropped her hand. Hanna saw an opening and began to lick and suckle her friend's breast, her head brushing against her Principal's as Veronica's teeth tugged and tasted the other teat. With Hanna temporarily looking after Penny, Veronica got up to take off her own dress and panties, so she was wearing only her high-heels and stockings. It didn't take her long, but by the time she had undressed Sarah was already back on the bed, next to Penny, turning the blonde teen towards her and kissing her passionately. Taking that as her friend asking for a swap Veronica moved next to Hanna and slid her fingers into the tight teenage slot.

"Ooohhh, that feels good, mmmnnn, yes, use my pussy," Hanna gasped, lifting her mouth from her friend's bosom. Veronica drove in faster and the teen bucked in pleasure, "Yessss, yesssss, make me cum."

"MMMnnn," Penny groaned as Sarah continued to kiss her, whilst fondling her breasts. She had reached down with her own hand and was rubbing at her clit. Seeing that the hole itself was unoccupied Veronica knelt down between the two teens and whilst continuing to finger Hanna ferociously inserted a couple of fingers back in Penny. The blonde's groans were audible even with Sarah's mouth firmly clamped on hers and she moved her hand back to give her Principal more room. Veronica smiled as she began to get into a rhythm with both swimmers, thrusting her fingers into their soaked holes.

Both girls' twats were wet and warm, both tight as they clamped around her fingers. Hanna might be louder and more vocal, but that was probably because Sarah kept interrupting any cries Penny was making by sticking her tongue in the teen's mouth. Both were shuddering and shivering in passionate bliss, Penny's pale skin reddening as the blood rushed from it, whilst Hanna's feet swung and pattered against the ground as if she was running on the spot. Both were obviously loving it and Veronica, in turn, was immensely enjoying giving it to them. However, it was time to make them cum so they could start to return the pleasure.

She drove quicker and harder, her elbows pumping away like pistons on a steam engine as she plunged her fingers as deep as she could manage into the two fuckholes. The teens shuddered in pleasure, their backs bending as the waves hit through them. Seeing the way it was going Sarah lifted her mouth from Penny's allowing the blonde teen to vocalise her feelings, "Aarrrghh," the teen almost immediately shrieked, "Yessss, yessss, make me cum, fuuuuckkk, make me cum."

Her friend was equally loud, "AAarrrrghh, God, that's so good, don't stop, aaaarrgghh, yessss, please never stop."

The two teens were soon a quivering, mewing mess, blasting out their delight, as they came, the cum literally dripping from the two soaked holes, "Yessss, yesssss, I'm cumming," yelled Hanna.

"Me too," cried out Penny, "Aaaarrrghhh, yesssss."

Veronica stood and licked her fingers, tasting the delicious cum that coated them. The two teens were lying on their backs, their feet on the floor, panting and gasping as they tried to regain a sense of balance.

"My God," that was something Hanna managed to eventually gasp.

"It was," agreed her friend, "I didn't know orgasms like that existed."

"That's just the start," grinned Veronica, "but I think it's time you got me and Sarah off, don't you girls."

The two teens nodded in happy agreement, "How?" asked Hanna.

In reply Veronica got back onto the bed on her haunches and positioned herself over Hanna's face, lowering herself down gently, "With your mouth," she instructed.

The teen's reply was muffled but her response was enthusiastic, her hands reaching up to grip her Principal's thighs to hold her in place and her touch flicking out to start its business over the black woman's shaven slit. Sarah grinned at Penny and the blonde nodded again, lowering her head back and licking her lips as she waited for her coach to position herself over her face so she too could begin her lapping. Both the teens were soon tonguing upwards, licking eagerly at the cunts that were so ground into the faces. Veronica shivered in sexual delight, it was hard to believe that Hanna had never eaten pussy before such was the skill and energy she was putting into slurping away at her Principal's. Just a foot away she could see that Sarah was also benefitting from Penny's cunt-lapping skills, the blonde getting over her earlier nervousness and giving her coach a tonguing that the redhead was obviously appreciating, "MMmnnn, yes, keep at it Penny, you can do it, yes, oh God, yesss!"

Veronica pushed herself harder onto Hanna, pressing her cunt so deep against the teen's mouth that if she hadn't been a practised swimmer who knew how to hold her breath she'd have passed out from lack of oxygen. The teen's fingers nipped at the older woman's thighs as she grasped her harder and her tongue drove even faster, forcing its way up the wet slit and guzzling down its juicy contents. Veronica shuddered in pleasure, her back bending and her falling back as she growled upwards at the ceiling. There was no doubt that Hanna was enjoying it as much as her teacher, not only was she going at it as eagerly and fast as a greyhound after a rabbit, but her own pussy was glistening with a slick wetness. It made Veronica hungry herself and she licked her lips, imagining the moist, yumminess of the teenage cunt.

Beside her Sarah was squealing and shuddering, almost bouncing on Penny's face. Her pert titties were jiggling as she arched back and then doubled forward, her curling red hair seeming to leap as if it was flames burning from her head. She managed a grin at Veronica, "Damn, this is good, Penny's such a great licker."

"Hanna as well," panted Veronica, she squeezed her calves appreciatively against the teen's head and gasped as the younger woman responded by sticking her tongue in even deeper than before, finding spots yet untouched to taste. "I'm going down," she added.

The beautiful looking teenage twat seem to rise up to meet her, though that was an optical illusion brought about by the pleasure melting her brain, as it was Veronica who was descending. She put her hands inside the teen's thighs and pushed them open, the younger woman didn't need much encouragement and her legs widened enough that they were over Penny's, her firm calve massaging at her friend's shin. It began to rub harder and faster as Veronica started to lick over the slit and up to the clit, making the teen shudder and shake. Her own hands moved to Veronica's ass, grasping at the round rump and using it like a pulley to hoist her face up and even further into the older woman's hole. Veronica's own tongue sped up and she pried apart the teenage slit with her fingers to dive down into the wet goodness. The teen shuddered harder, licking back eagerly and energetically, the slurps and grunts of the two of them loud and enthusiastic only matched by Penny and Sarah as the swim coach also returned the licking she was getting from the younger blonde. The four women happily enjoyed the taste of each other, their cunts juicing up with cum, their hands grasping and rubbing at each other's bodies, the bed swaying gently under the enthusiastic sixty-nining.

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