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First Time's a Foursome

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Principal and Coach seduce two swim team teens.
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"Come on, Casey Jones High," Veronica Campbell, Principal of that very school shouted enthusiastically. Supporting one of her students in coming first in the Butterfly, after a second had come very close second in Freestyle wasn't the reason why she had taken the weekend off to drive a couple of hundred miles, but it was certainly a secondary benefit and would make it much easier to justify the budget next year -- heating swimming pools were not cheap. She glanced at the school's swimming coach, Sarah Van Houten, the petite redhead was cheering on her girls enthusiastically.

Veronica turned back to the pool, clapping her hands and shouting out again. Penny MacDonald, the blonde captain of the swim team had opened up a clear lead, almost a full body ahead of her rival and in the last few seconds the race was hers to lose. A quick glance down showed that Hanna Page, the second member of the team at the finals was also up and cheering enthusiastically, her light brown skin (a sign of her mixed Scottish, Philippines and Indian ancestry) still glistening with water following her second-placing. It was hard to decide whether she was more fuckable than Penny or whether the other's blue-eyed WASP looks won out -- it was a conversation that Veronica and Sarah (and some of the other lesbian teachers) had had several times without coming to any conclusion, beyond that both looked damned hot in their swimming costumes.

In the pool Penny was holding onto the side and panting, looking around to check if she had won. "Yes!" Veronica was up and clapping, Sarah either jumping up at the same time or so near as to notice the difference. The blonde teen's eyes fell on the tall black principal and the petite pale redhead, the differences between them making them instantly recognisable and their enthusiastic applause confirming she had won. She grinned as she raised her hand in victory, before gripping the sides of the pool and hoisting herself up, the water gushing off her toned body. Veronica licked her lips as they became dry with lust, fully aware that Sarah was enjoying the view as much as she was.

The loudspeaker was announcing the race results as the organisers moved over to speak to Penny and the runners-up and to get them over to the podium for photos. The blonde teen paused on her way over to get a hug from Hanna and the two eighteen-year-olds exchanged a few words, Hanna briefly lifting up her own second-place medal to show her friend before Penny ascended the podium for the brief ceremony. Veronica waited until it was over, before gently prodding Sarah in the side, "Shall we leave now?" The race after was the backstroke, but Casey Jones had no swimmers in it and as she had little interest in seeing who won Sarah nodded her agreement.

The two women picked up their rucksacks and pushed past the people still in the row. A quick glance showed that Penny and Hanna weren't staying to watch the race either, but were heading to the changing room. When they were planning the weekend a few days ago, Sarah had suggested that they could join the two teens as they changed with the pretence of either congratulating them or commiserating. Veronica had scotched the idea, there would be plenty of opportunities to admire the two teens' naked bodies later and why risk rushing things? So instead they went to the complex coffee bar and ordered a couple of low-fat lattes as they waited for the teenagers to finish changing.

They got a few admiring glances as they sat there; Sarah was attractive, Veronica agreed, in her early thirties with her deep red hair just above collar length in a short bob, her pale skin freckled, and she had no problem finding other women to fuck. However, Veronica was confident enough to recognise that more than a few of the glances were also at her, despite nearing fifty the black woman was still in shape, her body firm and toned, her breasts - not large, but not small either - still defying gravity and at near six foot she was more than a head over the more petite Sarah. They both ignored the looks they got anyway, neither was into guys and whilst, at other times, they might have been interested in some of the hot-looking young women (especially the swimmers) they were waiting for a specific pair.

"Hi Ms Campbell, Ms Van Houten," Hanna arrived, her sports bag over her shoulder, whilst just behind Penny followed. Both teens were dressed in tracksuits which didn't really do much for their figures, with their hair in neat ponytails.

"You two ready?" Veronica said, though as it was obvious they were and as she and Sarah had finished their coffees she stood up. "Shall we go and book into the hotel?"

It was too far to drive back that night and Veronica had used some of the school's sports budget to book a hotel for the four of them, though if the two teens hadn't been as hot as they were she'd have made Sarah drive them back in the evening (as she, herself, certainly wouldn't have spent a day travelling just to watch some plain-janes swim). Taking out her car keys she led the way to her car, "For tonight you can call me Veronica and Ms Van Houten, Sarah, okay?"

"Sure, okay," replied the two teenagers as they dumped their sports bags in the trunk and got into the car. The hotel was about fifteen minutes away and the two teachers kept the conversation neutral on the way, talking about the swim meet and school swimming generally and whether the girls were going to continue with it when they both went to college in the Fall. The two teens, who had been a little awed by travelling with the Principal in the morning (and possibly a little sleepy as it had been an early start) began to relax and by the time they rolled into the hotel's parking lot were talking to their teachers more confidently if not fully freely.

Getting their things out of the trunk, they went to book in. The hotel was not the most expensive or exclusive in the city, but it was certainly at the higher end of the market and whilst it would leave a hole in the budget, which meant the football team wouldn't get the new kit their coach was arguing for, it was worth it. Both the teens certainly looked impressed, as did Sarah -- who at least had been expecting it. Veronica went to the reception, "Casey Jones High School, we booked two twin rooms."

The receptionist swiftly looked through the bookings and confirmed it, before handing the keys to Veronica, who kept one and passed the other to Penny. "You brought smart clothes? The restaurant has a dress code." The two teens nodded and Veronica looked at her watch, "Shall we meet down here at seven for dinner."

The two girls agreed and the four of them headed to their rooms, the teens on a different floor to the teachers. Veronica opened the door to their room, stepping aside to let Sarah enter first and then following wheeling her travel suitcase behind her. Sarah had parked hers by the bed and was sitting on it bouncing softly as she tested the mattress. She waited to speak until Veronica had removed her jacket and lifted her suitcase onto the dresser to unpack it, "I was thinking they looked so sexy in their swimming costumes."

"They are a very hot pair," agreed Veronica, taking out her dress and carefully unfolding it to make sure there were no creases.

"You think we will be able to fuck them tonight?" asked Sarah, there might have been a trace of nervousness in her voice or it may have been anticipation, possibly it was both.

"Yes," Veronica replied confidently, "The day I can't coax a couple of teens into a sexfest will be the day I book into an old people's home."

Sarah nodded, but she still looked a bit anxious. She'd been open about being a lesbian when she was being interviewed, which was at least one of the reasons, probably a major one, why Veronica hired her. But whilst she had banged a few college girls this was the first time the coach was making a move on a student, albeit both were eighteen and she'd be under Veronica's tutelage. The older woman pulled out one of the strap-ons and dangled it on her finger, before putting it back and pulling out a second slightly larger one, "I think this," she said and then before the other woman could answer said, "Trust me, if those two aren't les-curious I'm a shape-shifting alien."

"You're not are you?" a small smile passed over Sarah's lips.


"A shape-shifting alien," Sarah replied.

"No," Veronica gave a small laugh, "What do you think? Are they lesbians?"

"They've both had boyfriends, but no I think they're both interested in other girls, I've seen the surreptitious looks they give in the showers, I'm actually surprised they're not seeing each other."

"Probably don't realise the other is into women as well, I've been a teacher nearly thirty years and teenagers' capacity not to see the obvious will never not surprise me," Veronica put down the strap-on, "You want to shower first or me?"

"You can," replied Sarah.

Veronica began to get undressed in front of the other woman, she wasn't shy about her body, it was good for her age -- frankly, it was good for someone of Sarah's age as well (though perhaps not quite comparable to the coach herself, toned as she was from hours in the pool). Anyway, she and Sarah would be seeing each other naked tonight as they shared the two teenagers, so it was only giving her an advance peek. "Tonight will be fun," Veronica removing her dress and letting the other woman look at her admiringly.

Sarah nodded, her smile more confident, "It will," she agreed.

Veronica and Sarah were down a few minutes before seven, not wanting to make Hanna and Penny wait. That was optimistic on the teen's timekeeping as it was near quarter-past when the younger women arrived down. It was, however, worth the wait -- both teens had dressed for an expensive meal out, Penny in a strapless red dress which hit the top of her thighs and Hanna in a black number, which whilst it had straps was cut further on the cleavage so that the sides of her firm breasts were on display. Both had spent the time curling their hair, so that it fell in ringlets over their shoulders and, as there was no make-up ban now they weren't on school premises, had dolled themselves up with bright lipsticks, blusher and eye-shadow. They looked delicious, thought Veronica and she saw that Sarah was also quickly checking them out, before calming herself; it was best to play the long game.

"Shall we go through for dinner?" Veronica stood up. Both the teens' eyes widened momentarily as the two women got up from the table they'd been sitting at. Veronica was unsurprised, both she and Sarah had gone for sexy dresses which clung to their breasts and hips, and if Veronica's was longer than the coach's thigh-length one, the younger woman had legs which would have been a shame to keep covered. She walked towards the restaurant, swinging her hips more than she normally did imagining the teen's keeping an eye on her tight tush under the equally tight dress.

The maitre'd showed them to the table Veronica had booked earlier, she had specified that it should be secluded without explaining the reason why and the head waiter, professional that he was, had not queried why four women, two older than the others, wanted privacy. Veronica took her seat, waiting until the others were settled before moving it slightly closer to Penny and opening the menu, "I can recommend the lobster bisque or perhaps the oyster plate" she said to the teen, "Oh and don't either of you worry about the price, you're here on school business so it'll go on expenses." Penny looked down at the prices, her mouth falling slightly open as she regarded them. "It's more expensive than a MacDonald's," Veronica confirmed, "but so much more tasty." She looked up, across the table Sarah had moved closer to Hanna and was showing her the menu, her arm 'accidentally' brushing at the teen's as she turned over the pages.

"I'll go for the lobster," Penny said, "If it's not too expensive."

"School will pay," confirmed Veronica with a smile, "I think I'll have the same." She put down the menu and picked up the wine list, swiftly perusing it, before looking up at the table and making sure she picked up the teen's as well as Sarah in her gaze, "White wine okay for everyone?"

"Are we allowed to drink?" asked Hanna.

"I won't tell if you don't," Veronica smiled, her grin getting broader as a brief vision of the teen naked swam in front of her. "House white?"

The wine and food were soon decided and ordered and the four of them began to talk. The two teens were still a little nervous about speaking in front of the older teachers, so Veronica started off on neutral and easy conversations, about college and career plans, how long they'd been swimming and other sports they played, she and Sarah listening attentively to the younger women and making them feel like they were the centre of attention. As the food and drink arrived Veronica made sure the teen's glasses were full, but also that they didn't top them up too much; she wanted them relaxed, not tipsy. She moved the conversation on to talking about her experience as an educator, Sarah joining in and then both of them reminiscing about their own school and college days, which they made sure didn't sound that different from the teens -- except for not one of the stories involved any men; she wondered if the teens picked that up if they did neither mentioned it. After a few stories, she moved on to feminism and its continued importance, gently positioning the idea that women could be as good as men in all things. Sarah was joining in, following the plan they agreed on and dropping the bombshell of her first lesbian experience was with one of her swim team friends when they were both eighteen and that was as good as a man, better in fact and then Veronica also admitted that she had enjoyed her time with women, much more than any man. The teens didn't have time to digest the news before Sarah and Veronica switched subjects again and talked about politics and current affairs, both of them making sure they brought the younger women in and listened to their opinions and views. Veronica was happy with the way the seeds had been planted, noticing that both Hanna and Penny were giving subtly different glances at the older women as if they had just seen behind a door that had been opened and were deciding on whether they liked the view.

The final bill arrived and Veronica signed it to go on the school account, before glancing at the now empty wine bottle. "That was a most fun evening, I've not enjoyed a meal so much for ages."

"The food was lovely," agreed Penny.

"It was more the company," Veronica flashed a smile and was gratified by the quick blush which came to the blonde's cheeks.

"I enjoyed it as well," Hanna chirped up, "It's kinda strange hearing about your teacher's lives outside school, but y'know, interesting, about what you did when you were our age."

"It's still early, what about we go to our room and I can order another bottle of wine and we can carry on talking," smiled Veronica.

Sarah was smiling and nodding, knowing that had been the plan all along. The two teens also gave their enthusiastic agreement, "I like that." "That sounds good," Veronica called the Maitre'd over and ordered another bottle of the house white to be sent to her room.

The service was so good, that by the time they'd finished the coffee and taken the elevator to Veronica and Sarah's floor, the wine was already sitting in a chiller outside the room, four glasses next to it. Veronica took out her key and ushered the two teens inside, and they entered without a thought, their lesbian virginity doomed from that moment -- not that either would complain later.

"Why don't you sit on the bed?" smiled Veronica, though there were couches. Neither teen demurred, sitting next to each other as Veronica poured the glasses. She gave the first two to Sarah who handed one to Hanna as she took position beside her, whilst Veronica took the final two and passed one to Penny before sitting down next to her, so close that it took only the slightest movement from their legs to touch.

"This is nice, isn't it?" said Sarah and the two teen swimmers sipped their wines and nodded.

The company and conversation combined with the wine's flow to continue to relax the girls and neither seemed phased that they were sitting so close to the older woman that their limbs brushed against each other whenever they raised their glasses. After a few moments of discussion on how nice the room was, Veronica moved to the next stage of the seduction, "So what do your boyfriends think about you both being away this weekend?"

"We're both not really seeing anyone at the moment," Hanna said.

"I'm surprised about that, two very stunning young women with killer bodies, should be fighting them off," Veronica replied.

The two teens blushed and gave embarrassed giggles, "I sometimes see one of the footballers," admitted Penny, "It's not serious, we're not dating or anything, just hooking up sometimes." She paused, suddenly realising who she was with, her cheeks going a slightly different red, "I shouldn't be telling you that, should I?"

Veronica laughed and casually put a reassuring hand on the teen's thigh and kept it there, "It's all good," she replied, "When I was your age I had a casual thing with this cute blonde cheerleader, where she and I used to casually eat each other's pussies." Strictly speaking that was more when she was in college as she hadn't really bloomed in High School, but this was a seduction, not her autobiography. Beside her, both the teens' eyes widened at the explicitness of their Principal's answer and both gave another small giggle, but it was obvious that whilst both were a bit embarrassed they were also more than a little intrigued.

"Me too," Sarah quickly saw which way the conversation was going and jumped in, "except my hook-up wasn't a math geek, I guess as a swimmer I was the hot piece of property and she was the bookish nerd. She was hot, though and could tongue like nobody's business."

The two teens laughed a little, not sure how to answer. Veronica took advantage to slowly slide her hand down Penny's thigh, noting the teen made no objection. After a second it was Hanna who decided to speak, "So you're both lesbians?"

"Yes," replied Veronica on Sarah's behalf as well as her own, "Guys just aren't something we're interested in, sex with women is better, they're much more fun."

"They definitely are," confirmed the swim teacher, nodding knowingly at the younger women as if they should be ready to agree.

"So have you girlfriends?" asked Hanna.

There was a little uptake of breath from Penny as if her friend had been a little bit too daring, but Veronica gave the blonde's thigh a quick squeeze to tell her she didn't mind the question, "Lots," she said with a cheeky smile, "but none special."

The two teens giggled and blushed at the effrontery of the Principal, but before they could say anything Sarah also replied, "Not at the moment, I'm single." Veronica knew that wasn't true, Sarah lived with a woman who worked in the Council's Parks and Recreation Department, however, she also knew the swim teacher regularly and openly cheated on her with hot women.

"So all four of us are unattached," Veronica mused, "I always think singlies get the most fun, you can do what you want when you like and with who you like." She raised her glass in a tiny salute, "To the single life."

The two teenagers giggled and nudged each other playfully before joining in the toast with Sarah, the older woman smirking as she drunk her eyes flickering over the two nubile swimmers on the bed next to her. "Yes, my experience with guys," she said once she finished, "is that they're very me, me, me."

"Yeah," Hanna nodded, turning towards Sarah as she replied to her coach, "The guy I was seeing used to call me every night, he said it was cos he wanted to hear my voice, but I think he was just checking on me."

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