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First Time's a Foursome


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Waves of pleasure shot through Veronica, the orgasms made more intense as she could feel the vibrations from the climaxing teen below her and sense them from the couple beside her, their cries and pants confirming their enjoyment. Her tongue sped up, slamming deeper and harder into Hanna's hot hole, the older woman swallowing the delicious cum as quickly as the teen could secrete it. From the corner of her eye, she could see that Sarah had temporarily lifted her face from Penny's slot, leaving it unoccupied. Not for long though as Veronica reached out and began to rub hard at the clit, before thrusting her fingers into the cunt; she could feel both swimmers trembling and shuddering in ecstasy under her sensual attack.

"Mmnnn, yessss," groaned Sarah, as she rode the teenage face beside the Principal, "Do her pussy, Veronica... mmmmnn, don't stop licking Penny."

Whether it was realising that Veronica was finger-fucking her friend or the taste of the juicy cunt Hanna went even harder, her tongue driving up like she was in an ice-cream eating conversation, digging deep and fast into the older black woman's cunt and making Veronica burn with pleasure. It was hard to keep her own tongue going as she continually wanted to scream and shriek and yell out her pleasure, in fact after a minute she was unable to hold it in, lifting herself up straight, her eyes closed tight and crying out to the ceiling, "Aaaarrrgghhh, yesssss, yesssss, make me cum, aaaaargghhh!"

By the time she'd opened them again, Sarah was down, lying diagonally, so she could feast on Hanna's cunt, her red hair seeming to bounce up and down as she lapped so eagerly that her entire head was bobbing up and down. It looked damn hot, and Hanna certainly seemed to be enjoying it as she continued eagerly to eat Veronica's twat, but the problem was the position Sarah was in made it difficult for Veronica to access either teen's fuckhole for her to carry on her meal. Luckily, she had an idea, which would allow her to taste Penny while Sarah got to enjoy Hanna.

"Okay ladies, let's get into a new position," she said in her best teacher's voice as if she was instructing a class to rearrange their chairs. "Penny you turn round so you're lying with your head opposite Hanna's pussy... that's it. Now Sarah, get over Hanna's mouth and then lick Penny, and I'll do the same and lap Hanna."

The three others quickly saw where she was going and eagerly moved to the new positions. Veronica waited for a second until she was sure they'd got it right and Hanna had her face in the swim Coach's crotch, whilst Sarah in turn was licking eagerly again at Penny's shaven slit. Then the black woman rolled on her side, lifting her leg so that Penny's mouth could easily find its target. The blonde teen paused for a couple of seconds as if she was savouring the sight in front of her before she gave a moan as her own twat was tongued and dipped her head to the side, up against Veronica's fuckhole, and began to lick it. The Principal shuddered in pleasure as she, in turn, was making sure Hanna's legs were open and using her fingers to pry open the slit, so she could see the juicy pink insides. She thrust her own tongue up there and began to swirl it around, racing over the younger woman's soft walls and sweeping up the delicious cum.

The room was filled with muffled groans and grunts and the sound of slurps and licks, as the tongues and fingers slammed into wet cunt. The bed squeaked softly as a wave of vibrations seemed to flow along the daisy chain like it was plugged into the main, each one of them shivering and shuddering as her pussy was pleasured and passing that pleasure on to the next one. They quickly seemed to get into a matched pace, Veronica finding every time she upped the pace by lapping at Hanna, a few seconds later she'd find that Penny was increasing her speed to keep up. It was no surprise that the older black woman was soon lapping Hanna as hard and fast as she could, it was a win-win situation, as she both got to drink the tasty juice of the brown-skinned teen and to have her own pussy pleasured to high heaven by the blonde; she was sure Sarah was equally appreciative and she knew, from their shudders and licks, that both the younger women were enjoying it immensely.

"MMnnn, urrrrhh, ooohh," one or other of the women gasped or moaned in their occasional breaks from cunt lapping, though even when they weren't licking they were fingering, driving their digits into the sopping hole in front of them and making sure the pleasure never ceased. Veronica could feel the orgasmic bliss rising in her, waves of sexual pleasure rolling up her limbs and through her chest, each muscle seeming both tight and relaxed at the same time. She licked harder at Hanna's cunt, being rewarded by Penny licking viscously at her own pussy. She wondered how the teen could cope, how her tongue wasn't numb with the enthusiasm she was lapping as Veronica was a much more experienced pussy-lapper and her jaw ached and her tongue was sore -- of course, it was worth it and it was likely that the eagerness the teen was putting into lapping the Principal was being replicated by the Coach on the blonde swimmer. Not that it mattered how Penny was keeping herself going, only that it was and she was driving Veronica towards climax.

"Aaarrrrghh," Veronica wasn't the first to scream aloud nor was she the loudest (which were Sarah and Penny respectively), but the orgasm when it hit her was more than satisfactory. In fact, she felt like every inch of her was being dipped in a warm honey and then jolted by electric shocks.

Penny had rolled a few inches away, her pussy out of reach, as she lay on her back panting and obviously stupefied by the power of the orgasm she had just received, leaving Veronica's mouth free to shriek her enjoyment, especially as Sarah despite cumming herself was still hammering away at Hanna's hole, which encouraged the teen to hammer her Principal's. "Aaarrrrghhh," Veronica shrieked louder, her body seeming to melt into a gooey mess that Pooh Bear would have absolutely loved, "Aaaarrrrghhh!"

Even as she was climaxing Hanna was screaming as well as she came, her ecstatic cries almost as loud as Penny's had been, showing how much she was enjoying her orgasm. Veronica slipped away, allowing the teen space to scream and for herself to steady her breathing and let her heart rate return to something resembling normalcy. Hanna was gasping for breath as well, splayed out on the bedding, and gulping in air as if oxygen had just stopped being rationed. For a few moments, the four women lay in various positions across the bed, recovering and enjoying the calm after the storm of pussy licking. Eventually, Veronica sat up, her eyes skimming over the sexy naked teens lying either side of her, dialling her libido back up, "How was that?" she asked.

"Oh God, good," groaned Hanna.

"I enjoyed it, it was fun," agreed Penny, giggling a little as she remembered.

"I'm definitely going to be giving more girls a try," added Hanna, turning her head less than subtly towards her friend.

"Me as well," added Penny, "but I don't think I'd totally want to give up cock."

"There's ways to have the best of both worlds," said Veronica. She got up off the bed and walked over to the drawer with the suitcases in.

"Oh, I'd be so up for that," said Hanna.

"You mean..." giggled Penny and blushed again.

Veronica didn't answer, at least with words, instead turning to face the teen's two strap-ons dangling from her fingers. The teens both looked at the toys, biting their lips lustfully, their eyes tracking one as Veronica threw it across to Sarah before returning their gaze to the black woman as she pulled the other one up her thighs and tightened the buckles.

"They look big," said Penny, she didn't seem to be put out by that.

"I've not seen a real one that large," added Hanna, she didn't seem to mind that either.

"You want to try out what they feel like?" asked Veronica, though from the looks the two teenagers were giving the strap-ons, she felt the question was superfluous. Nodding eagerly Penny and Hanna rolled onto their backs next to each other and clasped hands as Sarah and Veronica got onto the bottom of the bed and crawled forward like two cougars stalking their prey. The young swimmers spread their legs open, exposing their shaven slits, the juice glistening under the light as they eagerly rubbed and massaged them with their spare hands as the older women slowly advanced, metaphorically and literally licking their lips at the sight of the tight, teenage twats.

"We're going to fuck those cute cunts so hard," growled Veronica. It was the last chance for the teenagers to say no, they'd rather keep their teen pussies for guys, but Veronica wasn't expecting either girl to demure. Nor did they...

"Oh God, yes, fuck my cunt," groaned Hanna, rubbing her palm over the wet slit, making the labia wobble and jiggle.

"Me as well," her friend said with equal passion, "I want a big strap-on in me."

"It's your lucky day," grinned Veronica as she ended her crawl directly over the blonde. There was a whinny of pleasure from Penny as the plastic prick penetrated her ready pussy, Veronica holding the toy tightly as she guided it in with practised precision. The teen spread her legs wider, so that one was well over Hanna's, making sure her cunt was as open as possible to allow the dildo to slide in deep. Her eyes shut and she bit her lip gently, her back slowly bending and her head going back into the mattress as Veronica steered it in, pushing it as deep as it would go and making Penny groan and moan in excitement and there was little doubt that the blonde was enjoying losing her lesbian virginity -- probably more so than her original loss (which Veronica was sure had probably been a quick fumble in the back of a car with the boy cumming in thirty seconds).

The teen squeezed her friend's hand and Hanna squeezed it back. She was grunting and gasping as well, as her pussy thrilled to the entry of her coach's cock. The older redhead knew what she was doing, almost as well as Veronica and the younger woman was soon shuddering in pleasure, her back arching and her toes straightening as Sarah quickly found the spot.

The two teachers began to go faster and harder, as they got into a rhythm, slamming their strap-ons deep into the two teenage holes. Beneath them, the teens cried out in ecstatic delight, as the cocks, larger than anything they'd had before, drove into them and discovered new points of pleasure, previously hidden but now uncovered. The younger woman's bodies shivered and vibrated against their older lovers, the frisson between them evident every time the teachers came down, their tits pressing at the two teenager's pert pair.

"Oh yes, yesss, yesss," the cries of the teens filled the room, high pitched and passionately loud, volume and tone increasing the harder the older women drove in, which made Veronica go even harder and Sarah do the same. "Yessss, yessss, yessss," screamed Penny and Hanna in unison, making clear to their new lovers how much they were enjoying the strap-on cocks filling their young fuckholes. "Yessss, oooohhh, yesssss," they shrieked, their backs bending and their tits bouncing up at the descending older women's "Yessss, yesssss, please, yesssss!"

Veronica went as fast as she could, the bed shaking as she and Sarah slammed down. The two teens screamed louder, writhing around as the cocks filled them. Veronica grinned as Penny's legs shot up and wrapped around her, the teen's firm calves, toned by years of swimming, rubbed against Veronica's legs. The blonde's head was pushed back deep into the quilt, her eyes firmly shut as if she were terrified that opening would leak out the ecstasy that was rushing through her body. As if to confirm that the teen's hands clamped onto Veronica's back and she pulled herself up, shrieking in pleasure as her body banged against the older woman.

"Aaarrrghh, yessss, fuuucckkk!" Hanna was screaming as well, her naked body glazed with sweat as she was pounded. "Yessssss! Yesssss!" Her screams were so loud that Veronica was almost deafened. She gave a grin at Sarah who gave her one back and then continued to give the teen beneath her something to scream about. "Yesssss, aaaaarrghhhh, yessssss," Hanna's yells reverberated around the room.

"Fuck me, yessss, fuck me," if Penny wasn't as loud as her friend, she was equally impassioned, her hands on Veronica's back, gripping her Principal so hard that the black woman knew she'd have marks on her skin come the morning. However, Veronica didn't care, a few scratches were the price and sign of a good fuck and Penny was turning out to be a very good one, especially for her first-time lesbian. Veronica took her role as an educator seriously and one of the most important points about any lesson was making sure it stuck; for Math and English it meant going through the same material again and again, until even the densest pupil got it, for lesbian lessons it meant fucking the teens until they'd orgasmed repeatedly and then carrying on; there was little doubt that Penny was learning her lesson and Veronica was enjoying the teaching. Beside them, Hanna looked like she too was enjoying her education from an older woman and Veronica made a mental note to make a comment in Sarah's annual appraisal about the personal attention she gave her students and the benefits it brought them.

"Aaaaarrrghhh, yesssss," Penny climaxed again, her back arching so hard she almost threw off Veronica, "Aaarrrghhh, yesssss!"

"Fuucccckkk! Yesssss!" Hanna screamed beside her, showing every sign that she too had been taken to sexual heaven.

"Let's give them another round," panted Veronica. Sarah nodded her agreement and slammed into Hanna's sopping cunt again.

Veronica paused for half a second to wipe a bead of sweat from her forehead before resuming her ploughing, thrusting the strap-on as deep as it would go into Penny's pussy. The teen gasped and squealed, her fingers stabbing at the black woman's back and her legs pinioning her, continuing to enjoy her education a lot more than when she was in the classroom. Veronica put in an extra amount of effort, making sure that this would be a pussy pounding the teen would never forget and if she went back to men, they'd feel limp and slow compared to the dildo-hammering she was getting; Penny was definitely appreciative, crying out in ecstasy with every thrust, her yelps and shrieks becoming louder as she was driven towards another orgasm.

"AAArrrghhh, yessss, yesssss!" the teen screamed so loud that it would be a miracle that Hanna managed to be louder than her, a miracle Hanna managed to perform. "AAArrrghhh, yesssss!" the two teens shrieked in unison, their bodies shuddering as the ecstasy poured through them like water bursting through a damn, "Yeesssss, aaaaarrghhh."

Panting Veronica lifted herself from the teen, her cock dripping with the younger woman's juices. Beside her Sarah was doing the same, blowing upwards at a spare strand of hair which had fallen across her face. The Principal could have continued for longer and Sarah, a professional athlete certainly could have gone on, but neither wanted to use all their energy yet, nor to totally tire the two teens and leave them incapable of more; not when there was another hole that they had to try.

For a few moments, the two swimmers lay recovering as if they'd just broken records at the crawl, Veronica and Sarah both got up off the bed and sipped at the wine, it was tepid, but remained, just about drinkable, especially as they were thirsty after their energetic romp with the teens.

"That was amazing," Hanna said, rolling onto her front to look at the two older women as they sipped wine a few feet away.

"God, yes," Penny remained on her back, kicking her legs up as she talked and hanging her head and arms over the edge of the bed, "I don't think I've ever had such good sex, it's almost put me off, guys."

"Almost?" Veronica smiled.

"I'm totally going to be fucking women at college," said Hanna.

"Me as well, and before," added Penny.

The two older women put down their glasses and returned to the bed, crossing each other's paths so that Veronica headed towards Hanna and Sarah towards her blonde friend. The two teens giggled, correctly surmising that the evening's fuckfest wasn't yet over. "Let's swap," smiled Veronica as she took Hanna's hand and helped the teen onto her feet. The teen's mouth was already open by the time Veronica's closed on it and their tongues slid together passionately, slithering forward and back as they explored. The older black woman's hand was down at the teen's slit, rubbing the wet cunt gently, a tip of the finger between the lips, making Hanna shiver excitedly. The sound of slurpy kissing filled the room as Sarah and Penny also made out with equal enthusiasm.

Veronica broke the kiss, lifting her head back and looking at Hanna's pretty face as the teen grinned, "I'm up for swapping," she said.

Veronica's hands reached around the teen's back and then down to clasp at the younger woman's firm butt cheeks. She squeezed them, pressing her fingers as deep as she could manage into the flesh, before pulling them gently apart and pushing them together. The teen gave an anticipatory moan, her cunt rubbing at her Principal's thigh. "What about swapping holes as well?" she asked. There was a slight risk, moving to this higher level, but unless she'd totally misread the situation, it was low.

Hanna looked a little surprised and beside her Penny giggled as Sarah played with her ass, the blonde turning towards her Principal and friend to hear what was being decided. "You mean anal?" asked Hanna, biting her lip a little nervously, "We've not done it before." Penny nodded to confirm her friend's point, but most importantly neither teen was saying no or moving away.

"You'd not had lesbian sex before either," said Sarah, showing that it wasn't just Veronica's idea and that both the older women would be up for banging teenage butt. Penny looked at her, then at Veronica and finally at Hanna.

The other teen paused, "Will it fit? The strap-on is pretty big and y'know we're virgin up there so it'll be tight."

"Don't worry, I've brought some lube," said Sarah.

"I can't promise it won't be sore at first, but in my experience, women love having strap-on dildos in your butt, if you thought you'd cum before this will double it," said Veronica.

"We could give it a go," surprisingly it was Penny who spoke for the two teens. She smiled nervously at the older woman, before turning back to her friend, "It was fun losing our lesbian cherries together, let's lose our anal ones as well."

"I'm in," nodded Hanna, suddenly sounding more confident now her friend had decided for them both.

"We'll lube up," smiled Veronica, patting Hanna's ass-cheek before the teen sat down on the bed beside her friend and watched the two older women as they opened a tube of gel, that Sarah had brought. Veronica applied it liberally, there was no point in stinting, as Hanna had said both were anal virgins with assholes as tight as Scrooge McDuck and the toys were big, much larger than anything the girls had faced before; lots of lube was needed. She squirted a second helping onto her hands and smothered the toy with even more lube until it was literally dripping onto the carpet.

On the bed the two teens had got onto their hands and knees, side by side, their cute butts pointing towards the horny teachers. Penny whispered something to her friend and the two of them reached round to their cheeks and pulled them apart to give the older women a better view of the holes they were about to fuck. The teen rosebuds looked so small and firm that Veronica added on yet more lube, if the cock didn't go in it would be because it wasn't oiled enough. Sarah paused, waiting for the Principal to make the first move. Veronica stepped forward, climbing onto the bed behind Hanna, she reached around the teen's waist and onto her flat stomach massaging it as she pulled the teen upwards, her mouth moving down to give her a kiss. For half a minute their tongues flittered against each other as the older woman's hands caressed the smooth flesh, as she waited for Sarah to join her. "You want us to fuck those hot little asses of yours?" the Principal asked as her friend teased Penny's cunt with a finger beside her.

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