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Fitness Model Moms Ch. 02

Story Info
A widow and single mom named Amy wants to have a baby.
11k words

Part 2 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 10/14/2015
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Author's Note: The story isn't related to part 1. This is its own separate story.

Fitness Model Moms Part 2

Chapter 1

"Mmm, damn woman, that feels good," Amy said, lying topless on her tummy in her bedroom. Her best friend, Monica was sitting on Amy's butt, covered by boxer shorts, massaging her back.

"Glad you like it. I picked up a few tips over the years," Monica said, enjoying her last night visiting Amy in Miami before her drive back to Tampa tomorrow.

"Mmm," Amy moaned. "Monica? Can I tell you a secret?"

"Of course!"

Amy started to move, Monica getting off her butt, lying in the bed next to her. Amy smiled, grabbed a t-shirt, putting it on then curling up next to her friend.

"I think I want another baby," The 37-year-old said.

"Oh? I see. Hmm, you still could at your age," Monica said. "The only issue is your career."

"I know," Amy bit her bottom lip. "But, I know for a fact some models still work when they're pregnant."

"True. They have pregnancy sportswear and stuff. I'm sure you could still find work."

Amy and Monica met when Amy was 21, Monica was 26. They were booked for the same modeling job, and became fast friends.

Both have wild, curly manes of blonde hair -- Monica's a darker shade, occasionally light-brown when she dyes it. Both have similar senses of humor, both are mothers, and both love their careers as fitness models. The only differences are their height and eyes. Amy is five feet tall, blue eyes, several inches shorter than green-eyed Monica.

"Think I should do it?" Amy asked.

"Yes, I think it'd be great," Monica answered. "You thinking of using a donor?"

Amy paused, sitting up in bed, shaking her head of curly blonde hair. "Nope."

Monica was confused.

"The uh, old fashion way."

"Oh, I see. But, I mean, you're single and -- "

"I know!" Amy shrugged. "I guess I need to find someone."

"Are you ready for that?"

"I think so."

"Are you sure? It's been, what, almost a decade since -- "

"Marty passed away," Amy nodded referring to her late husband.

"I know this sounds silly, but do you think he'd be ok with it?"

Amy shrugged, "I'm not married anymore. I fulfilled our vows, our oath to one another. I wouldn't be cheating, or hurting anyone."

"That's true. If he's looking down on you, or listening, I think he'd say 'Yeah go for it! I'm up here, in paradise; I don't care what you do down there!'" Monica said. The two women giggled.

"I guess you're right!"

"The only other concern is the actual mechanics of it. Are you ready to have a man other than Marty penetrate you? Heck, even get you pregnant?" Monica asked.

Amy took a deep breath and nodded. "I think I can! Yes!"

"Like I said you wouldn't be hurting him. I don't think people in Heaven even look down at Earth. They are in such a far better place," Monica said.

"You're so sweet," Amy caressed her friend's face.

Amy got off the bed, walking over to a laptop then brought it back to her bed. Opening it up, waking it, she opened her web browser.

"Don't judge me!" She told Monica.

"I'm not, but what are you going to show me?"

Amy sighed, "What I've been looking at on occasion."

"Uh oh," Monica feigned concern.

Amy was opening new tabs and selecting a bookmarked website. She did this several times until several tabs were open, loading a website. Monica's eyes widened as the current tab displayed a website with black men, naked, posing in various positions.

"Wow. So this?" Monica asked.

"Yep," Amy nodded. "These too," Amy clicked on the other open tabs, each one containing a bookmarked website featuring naked black men, close-ups of their cocks and finally, one that Amy loved most, a site showing black men and white women having sex.

"Oh my," Monica held her hand to her mouth. Amy scrolled down, an assortment of pictures, animated gifs, videos were displaying. All featured white women sucking or riding black men's cock.

"I don't look all the time, but," Amy shrugged. "It's kinda hot, right?"

Monica nodded slowly, her eyes fixated on a looping animated gif of a white women licking all around a large cockhead.

"Hey! You there?" Amy joked, causing Monica to exit her trance.

"Yes! Why exactly are you looking at this?"

"Well, besides the fact, I've been getting hornier as time moved on, there's also a guy at the gym. I think I may have a crush on him. I don't know!" Amy laughed.

"So he's black?"

"He is."

"You want to date a black guy?"

"Well, not really. I mean, I guess. I don't want to ever get married again, but I do want a baby. I do think I'm ready for sex again, and I gotta admit," Amy looked at the gif on her monitor. "That does look delicious!"

Monica nodded again, her eyes drawn to the long cock that was being serviced by the white girl.

"Hey!" Amy snapped her fingers.

"Sorry. Yes, I think you could date and uh," Monica had trouble talking.

"Kill two birds with one stone? Get laid and get pregnant," Amy completed her friend's thought for her.

"Mmhmm," Monica nodded.

"Sweetie, do you want me to leave so you can be alone for a bit? Just search for interracial gifs or big black cock -- it's so easy to find," Amy teased Monica.

Monica shook her head and chuckled, "No, no it's fine. Let's get ready for bed."

Amy shut the laptop down, putting it back in the corner, and got in bed with Monica. The two friends cuddled; the taller one's arm around the shorter.

"So what's your plan?" Monica asked.

"I'm going to talk to that guy. Just see where it goes," Amy rose on her elbows. "I've been fantasizing about it. You know, dating black men. I thought maybe I could date around and pick three finalists. The winner would be the one to get me pregnant."

"Heh, how would you determine the winner?"

"Well, whichever one is the best."

"Best at what?"

Amy blushed, giggling a bit.

"Ah I see. Best in bed?" Monica asked. Amy nodded, lying back down, resting her head on Monica's shoulder.

They were quiet for a moment, Monica playfully slapped Amy's ass. "You have a nice one of these. I'm sure you could find a few to date. They like nice booties, right?"

"I'm pretty sure all men do. Marty certainly loved it."

"Yes. I know he'd want you to move on and not be sad and lonely for the rest of your life. I just have one question."


"Are you going to tell Caleb?" Monica asked, referring to Amy's son.

Amy rolled onto her back and was quiet for a moment. She ran her hand over the waist band of a pair of boxer shorts Caleb out grew a few years ago. They fit Amy perfectly.

"Yes, at some point I'll have to."

Monica nodded; the two women were quiet for several minutes.

"I want to do this too!" Monica blurted out.

Amy turned around, smiling at her friend, "Really? You want to get pregnant too?"

"No," Monica smiled, biting her bottom lip. "I want to date black men too! I've never done it and I'm not getting younger, might as well!"

Chapter 2

The next morning Amy and Monica were enjoying coffee after breakfast. "So you're going black, you'll be sleeping around to find the best guy in bed, then let him knock you up," Monica said, a night of sleeping on it allowed Amy's plan to sink in.

Amy's son, Caleb walked in, causing Amy to shoot Monica a look, as if to tell her to be quiet.

"Or the biggest!" Monica said, making Amy blush in front of her son.

"What?" Caleb asked, getting some toast. "Biggest what?"

"Nothing, honey," Amy said. "Just work stuff."

"It could take several months to find the biggest one," Monica continued.

Amy rolled her eyes, "Yes, the biggest might not be the best."

Caleb chomped on his toast, sitting next to his mother.

"But yes, they'll be quite a few to try out," Amy winked at Monica. "And I can't wait."

Caleb finished his toast and left. "Does he have a girlfriend?" Monica asked.

"Doubt it. He might, but he hates being at that community college, he doesn't like the people there. He just wants to move on."

"Going there for two years certainly saves some money," Monica said.

"I know! I keep reminding him, only another year of classes then he can transfer to Miami U," Amy said.

Monica finished packing and Amy saw her off. It was Sunday and Amy had plans that afternoon.

Standing in front of her late husband's headstone in the cemetery, Amy pulled away a couple of weeds and brushed away part of a palm tree frond.

"Better," she said.

"Martin, there's something I need to talk to you about," Amy said, switching to "Martin" instead of "Marty" when she had something serious to talk about.

"I've been visiting you often over the years, but I never spoke about what I'm about to tell you now," Amy added.

She paused, took a deep breath. "I'm horny. I've been getting more and more horny in the past year. Not only that, but I want to have another baby before I'm too old."

"Sometimes I'll touch myself," Amy admitted to the headstone, looking at his name etched into it. "Sometimes I'll even look at, um, adult material."

Thinking of Monica's words the previous night, Amy continued, "I want to kill two birds with one stone. I want to have sex and choose the most enjoyable man to impregnate me. I will never, ever marry again, but this little journey will provide me with what I want."

"After the baby is born," Amy shrugged. "I'll be done, I'll be happy to go on raising the child as a single mom."

Amy took a step back, turning around. She stopped herself, facing the grave again. "Oh yeah, one other thing. I really, really want to see what it's like having sex with black men. I've been looking at a lot of interracial porn lately. And, well, I want to, um, go black!"

Something caught Amy's eye in her peripheral vision. She turned to her right seeing an elderly couple at a nearby headstone. The women's mouth was hanging open in shock.

"Um, sorry," Amy's eyes darted from side-to-side. She leaned down to whisper to the headstone, "We'll talk later."

Amy quickly rushed off, feeling better for confessing her plans, and embarrassed that the older couple heard her.

"Hank," the woman spoke up. "Did that woman just say what I think -- "

"Yep," Hank interrupted her, putting his arm around the woman's waist, taking their leave.


Later that afternoon, Amy worked on her tan in the backyard. She thought about her plan. Tomorrow at the gym, she'd approach the black man she had a crush on. He was huge, very tall, and very muscular. Amy smiled, thinking of seeing him naked, her hand trailing down her washboard tummy.

There was one, final person she wanted to run her plan by -- her son Caleb.

After taking a shower, the towel wrapped around her as she brushed her hair, Amy walked toward Caleb's room.

"Come in," he said after she knocked. He was sitting at his desk checking email.

"Can we talk?" his mother asked.


Amy set her brush on his desk, motioned him to back away in his chair to make room for her. She sat on her son's lap, the towel still wrapped around her body.

"What is it?" Caleb asked.

Amy stared for a moment at her son. He looked a lot like her late husband -- dark hair, blue eyes, tall.

"Honey, I need to be honest with you about something."

"Sure, what's going on?"

Amy chose her words wisely. "You know I'm not that old and I've been thinking about something for a while now. I've made a decision."

"Am I in trouble?"

"No! Nothing like that. It has nothing to do with you. Actually, it kind of does. Honey, what are your thoughts on having a baby brother or sister?"

"Um, well, I guess that's ok. Are you thinking about having a baby, mom?" Caleb asked.

"I am."

"Hmm, I see," he looked away.

"Would this bother you?" Amy tipped her son's chin so he was facing her.

"Well, not really. I mean, I don't think it would," Caleb shrugged.

"It won't really affect you. Except for maybe the baby waking you up at night from crying," Amy smiled. "Other than that, your life won't change."

"Right," Caleb nodded.

"I mean, I'd love some help every once in a while. You could change diapers for me!"

"Heh, sure Mom," Caleb said. "So are you using a donor or a segregate?"

"As I told you, I'm not THAT old," Amy tussled his dark hair. Her tone and face went serious, "you're an adult now."

"What are you getting at?"

"I can talk with you about an adult topic. You're almost 19."

Caleb raised an eyebrow, knowing where this was going.

"I haven't, um, been with a man since your father passed away. We're coming up on ten years."

"Oh, I see, um -- "

"I just thought," Amy interrupted him. "Well, I could kill two birds with one stone. I could date some; I could maybe um, have intercourse, and get pregnant in the process."

"Right. I see. Yeah," Caleb said, hoping this little chat was over.

"I hope you understand."

"No, I do. I really do. You're not old, you're lonely, and you want to be a mom again. You and dad technically aren't married anymore."

"And I'll never marry again. This is just for me to love and raise a baby one last time before I'm too old. Once I get pregnant from the right guy, I'm done."

"Gotcha. Date some, crap like that, choose the nicest guy," Caleb stated, having trouble with this adult conversation.

"Yes! Something along those lines. I just need to know if you're ok with me doing this."

"It's not a problem, Mom. Next year, after another year in community college, I'll be gone."

"You'll be at Miami, right?"

Caleb shrugged, "Maybe. I might not get accepted. But If I am, I still want to live on campus."

Amy nodded, "I see." She didn't want to talk about that just yet; one thing at a time.

She stood off Caleb's lap. "Alright, so we're good?" Caleb asked.

"I think so. Are you?"

"It's cool, Mom. Really it is. Just don't talk about it, don't flaunt your dates and your dating life around me. I've had poor luck with girls, I don't need to be reminded that I'm alone."

"Caleb," Amy put her hands on her hips. "You are NOT alone. Stand up."

Caleb shrugged, doing what he was told. Amy threw her arms around his waist squeezing him hard. "Don't ever think that. I'm always here for you when you need me."

"Ok, Mom," Caleb smiled, patting her back.

"You look so much like your dad," Amy ended the hugging, looking upward, caressing her son's face. She thought about how much she still missed her late husband.

Their eyes met, Amy looked away before she teared up.

"Alright, good talk, I will see you later tonight!" Amy exiting his room.

Pushing away sad thoughts of Marty, she unwrapped the towel around her, walking naked toward her room. "Mmmm, starting tomorrow, time for me to get some black cock!"

She nearly rubbed herself raw, looking at interracial porn before falling asleep. Her last thoughts for the night were she now had the green light from her son to go out and get pregnant. She also had Monica's comforting words about Marty. She wouldn't be hurting him; it's been ten years and he's in a far better place.

The final thing on Amy's checklist was going on birth control until she found the right black man to be bred by.

Chapter 3

She bided her time all week, altering her schedule to attend the gym later, staying longer than usual, watching the black man she wanted to sleep with. She learned his schedule, figuring out when he left. He stayed very late, near closing, and was usually never alone.

On Friday, Amy lucked out. The man wasn't with a friend.

The entire workout session, she watched him, lusted after him, imagining herself undressing for him, mating with him.

He picked up on Amy's signal, nodding, smiling politely to her as he went to various machines and free weights.

Finally, near closing time, right before midnight, Amy approached him, leaving with him. "Hi!" she smiled at the huge man.

"Hey. How are you?" he said, looking to Amy, towering over her.

"Good. I've seen you around some, I thought I'd introduce myself," Amy said. "I'm Amy," she extended her hand.

He shook it, his huge hand covering her small, dainty one. "I'm Ronnie. Nice to meet you."

"So, uh, do you compete?" Amy asked.


"Yes. You're huge!"

"Oh, right. Body building. I've thought about it. I may at some point," Ronnie smiled, licking his lips, looking over Amy in her tight spandex top and shorts.

Amy blushed, "So um -- "

"Dinner tomorrow?" Ronnie said, reading her mind, smiling.

"Yes!" she blurted out, laughing. She couldn't believe it was this easy.

"Good," Ronnie said.

They exchanged numbers and decided to meet the following evening at a new Italian restaurant near the gym.

Amy watched him pull out of the parking lot, beaming. She decided to call Monica.

"Ugh! Ugh!" Monica grunted on her back, in her bed, getting fucked by someone she met at the gym too. He was an 18-year-old black high school quarterback.

"Ah shit," he whispered, slamming his hips into the older, white fitness model mom.

Monica's phone rang, she recognized the ring tone. She stopped the young man, reaching to answer the call. "Hello?"

"I have a date! Tomorrow night!" Amy ecstatically said.

"Oh, uh, that's great. Really great," Monica said. The quarterback leaned down, sucking at Monica's tits, and then licking up to her neck.

"Are you ok? You sound busy," Amy said.

"Yes!" Monica moaned when his tongue reached her ear. "I mean, I'm fine."

"Hmm, you are busy. What are you -- "

"I'm getting fucked. Ok, sweetie? And he is doing a VERY good job," Monica said.


"I told you I was going black too! We'll talk later, bye!" Monica's thumb missed the end call button. She placed the phone back on her bedside table.

Amy gasped listening to her friend on the other line. "Now then, keep giving me that big black dick! Yes! Just like that! Your mom thinks you're at a friend's house, right?" Monica asked.

"Yes ma'am," the teen replied. Amy hung up and got in her car, giggling.


The next evening at 8:30 pm Amy's mouth hung open, eyes wide with shock as she stared at Ronnie's massive member directly in front of her.

"It's small isn't it?" Ronnie asked, pretending to be sad. "I'm sorry, I'll put it away."

"No!" Amy stopped him.

"Heh, I think we both knew where this was going when you came back to my apartment," Ronnie smiled. Ronnie was standing in front of her. She sat on the couch and watched him fish out his cock.

"Uh huh," Amy nodded.

"Now then, how about some dessert? Unfortunately, It's a bit salty and takes some work to get, but I think you'll love it!" Ronnie said.

"Love it, yes," Amy looked on, still in a daze.

Ronnie snapped his fingers, "Hello? You home?" He joked again, "Oh, I see how it is. It doesn't impress you. I'll just put the little guy away."

"No!" Amy shouted, quickly grabbing his cock by the base, stuffing it in her mouth, sucking and slurping all over the tip.

"So good, so delicious," Amy thought. "I'm doing it!"

"Easy, easy now. We got all night," Ronnie said, stepping out of his pants, while Amy hungrily sucked on a cock for the first time in almost a decade.

Ronnie sat on the couch, watching Amy work. Her mouth was so stretched she could hardly insert it into her throat.

Amy, on her knees in front of Ronnie now, lifted her dress and began furiously rubbing herself. "Yes, yes!" she thought.

"Ahh, that's it baby, that's it," Ronnie leaned his head.

Amy, cum-lusting, growled at Ronnie, taking his cock out of her mouth. "Give me that cum!"

"Whoa, whoa, damn girl!"

"I haven't had this in a very long time. Now blast the back of my throat with your cum!"

"You got it. But we aren't done after that," Ronnie said, standing. "Get ready."

His huge, dark brown hands on each side of Amy's head, he began face-fucking her. "Incredible," she thought, letting Ronnie use her mouth.

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