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The way it should be.
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We decide to go out to dinner at a very nice restaurant in Boston. You are wearing a fairly short, black skirt that ends just above the knee, a fairly thin white blouse, thigh high stockings, and heels that accentuate the muscles in your calf. I am wearing dark slacks, a mock turtleneck sweater and a loose blazer. In the car on the way into the city, we talked about all sorts of things, continuing the process of becoming better acquainted. We flirted a bunch also. Touching each other's hands in the darkness of the car. Every so often I would slide my hand under your skirt and gently caress the insides of your thigh above the stocking. Towards the end of the ride into Boston, I left my hand under your skirt. As we hit the occasional bump on the highway, my hand would brush against your panties, teasing your shaved pussy. By the time we get off 93 you are becoming very aroused. You love it when I just reach out and play with you, taking what I want.

We arrive at the restaurant and the valet checks you out as you leave the car. He can see that you are turned on. Your nipples are hard and pressing through the front of your blouse and can be seen in the opening of your jacket. I move around the car and you take my arm as we head in for dinner. You start to pull your jacket closed, but I stop you. I like the world to see how hot I can get my girl.

The host tells us that it will be a few minutes before our table is ready. We head into the bar to have a glass of wine before dinner. As we stand at the somewhat crowded bar, I press me body into you from behind. You relax, and press back into me and all feels right. I lift the hair from your neck and plant a half kiss, half bite on your neck right below your ear. A little moan escapes from your mouth. Only I am able to hear it. A thought occurs to me. I whisper into your ear, "Why don't you go into the rest room and remove your bra and panties, little one."

You pause for a moment, turn to me, your hand brushes my crotch as you reply, "Yes sir." Then you are gone.

I wait for a few minutes with a huge smile on my face. A few people at the bar try to start a conversation, but I am elsewhere. I am concentrating on your smiling face and the curves of your sexy body. I see you slipping through the crowd. Your wonderful breasts are swaying under your blouse. It appears that you have another button open. Wonderful.

You walk up to me and hand me your bra and panties with a triumphant smile on your face. I pull you close and we kiss. There is an energy that passes from our bodies through our mouths into each other, sealing us together. The host comes and leads us to out table. As we walk through the tables, my hand rests on your ass, displaying my ownership of you.

Somehow, we end up sitting at a secluded table towards the rear of the restaurant. We sit in the booth together, our legs pressing together. Throughout dinner we touch and tease each other. By the time we reach our post meal coffee, my fingers are exploring your pussy under the table. I rub your now dripping pussy gently from your swollen clit to your tight little rosebud. Every time my fingers pass your opening, it is like your lips reach out to try and pull me inside.

I give you a command, "Unzip my pants and take out my cock." You do so. "Now, little one, slowly jerk me off as I play with you." Again you do as you are told. You tease me with your fingers and hand as I do the same to you. Your breathing is starting to quicken as your pleasure increases. We are totally focused on each other. I have been aroused by your presence since I first laid eyes on you today. Your sensual hand job is bringing me closer to climax. My fingers speed up their rubbing of your clit. You put your head back against the booth and moan. You are incredibly close to orgasm. I slow down. I think that I will keep you on the edge for a while, until you are begging for me to let you cum. Your eyes shoot open and you look at me with a touch of disappointment.

"Keep doing what you are doing." Your hand speeds up and I am soon shooting all over your hand. After I finish, you lick your fingers clean. We look up and see the waiter standing there with the check. I then lick my fingers clean. I savor your taste. I plan to have more soon. We leave the restaurant after paying the bill.

On the way home, I have you unbutton your blouse and play with your tits. I love to watch you touch yourself. I like to pay attention to how/where you are touching yourself so I can better learn what you like. Later in the drive, I have you shift in your seat, lift up your skirt and spread your swollen lips wide. For the final portion of the drive, I tease you and rub your clit. We pull into the drive way and I continue to touch you. I crawl on top of you and start to kiss you as I rub you even more. I devour your mouth as I bring you closer and closer to an orgasm.

"Do you want to cum?" I ask.

"Yes," issues from between your clenched teeth.

"Yes what?"

"Yes master."

"Good girl. You may cum for me." Before the words are out of my mouth, your body writhes and you scream into my mouth in pleasure. I can feel your heart pounding in your chest. As your body calms down I see a small tear in the corner of your eye. I move down and kiss it away. I hold you close as we lay in the front seat of the car together. After a while, we start to feel a chill in the air. We move into the house to start the rest of our evening.

In the house, you follow the house rules. You remove your clothing and kneel with your head down in the center of the living room waiting for me.

Music starts. You can hear and smell a fire starting in the fireplace. You sense me behind you, but you don't dare look up. I reach down and touch your hair, feeling its silky texture around my fingers. My hand twists in your hair and I pull your head back to look into my blue eyes. For a moment we stay like that, gazing at each other. I guide you to your feet and step back, looking at every inch of your naked body. Memorizing the texture of your skin. Becoming intoxicated by the scent of your perfume mixed with your arousal. I remove my shirt and you reach out to touch my chest. Taking some liberties, I see. We will have to correct that shortly. For now, I let you move your hand over my chest. Your fingers snake through my chest hair.

I roughly pull you towards me and press you to me. Your beautiful tits press against me and I press my lips to yours. My tongue slides past your lips as I take ownership of your mouth. Soon, I will claim the rest of your body.

Part 2

We continue to kiss passionately as we stand in front of the fire. For many delicious minutes we make out like teenagers standing in the living room. My hands slide all over your body, reveling in the texture of your soft skin. Your hands roam all over my body also. You take your cues from me. My hands slide down your back. Your hands slide down mine, etc. I take pleasure in the fact that you are waiting for my tacit acceptance of what you are doing before proceeding any farther. Finally, my hands come to rest on your sexy ass. I squeeze and lift simultaneously and force you to press even harder than you all ready were into my crotch. I swear that I can feel the heat from your pussy through my clothes. Finally, I break our kiss and look into your eyes. I tell you to undress me.

You remove my shirt and then drop to your knees before me. First one shoe than the other comes off, then my socks. You run your hands up the front of my legs and rub your hands over my hard cock. After a bit of teasing on your part, you open my pants and slide my boxers and slacks off in one practiced motion. My hard on springs out and points directly at your wonderful tits. "Master," you say, "will you fuck my mouth… please?"

"Of course." I love it when you are so polite.

There you are, on your knees in front of me. Your lips open and invite me into your warm, wet mouth. Your tongue flickers lightly against the sensitive area on the underside as your cheeks suck in to provide extra suction. My hips start to involuntarily move as I start to claim your mouth with my cock. You feel my hands in your hair as I start to take charge of the pleasure. Your hand caresses and teases my swollen balls, just like you know I like. There quickly comes a time when you start to moan around my balls. I look down at your face and see that you eyes are closed and you are enjoying this as much as I. You are glowing in the pleasure that you are giving me. You alter what you have been doing and hold the swollen head of my cock in your mouth. One hand is still playing with my balls as the other starts to jerk me off into your mouth. This is all it takes. I feel the familiar tingling start in my legs as they lock. I throw my head back and let out a low moan of my own.

"I am going to cum," I tell you. As soon as I say it, it happens. My cock erupts, shooting strings of my hot cum into your mouth. You lap it up, loving the taste of my sperm.

As you swallow my load, I drop to my knees in front of you. I press my lips to yours as we lower ourselves to the thick rug by the fire. I kiss my way down your body. Your neck, ears and shoulders all get kissed and nibbled on as I work my way down to your wonderful tits. My hands gently knead your flesh as my tongue starts to tease your nipples. I switch from one side to the other. Whichever nipple is not being orally stimulated is being lightly pinched and rubbed. Your nipples become like hard, sexy diamonds. I move my attention to the rest of your breasts, kissing and tasting every inch of your luscious flesh.

Soon my mouth moves downward, kissing across your ribs and stomach, swirling for a silly second in your navel. Soon I get to the sensitive area of your hipbone. I start to place some bitey-kisses on the bones and you giggle as it tickles. I love to hear my slave laugh like that in sheer joy.

You spread your legs, trying to steer me, but not asking, hoping that I will suck on your clit. I stop what I am doing and sit up so I can look at your face.

"Do you want me to lick your pussy?" I know the, answer, but I like you to ask for it.

"Please…" is all you can say.

"I don't know. Have you been a good girl?"

"Yes, I have been so good. Please, master, eat my pussy." I love it when you get this turned on.

I dive into your pussy with joy. My fingers spread your swollen lips apart as my tongue travel from bottom to top. I stop and slide my wet tongue over your soaking pussy. God I love the taste of you. I play with your clit, for the most part. Gentle flicking my tongue over your sensitive, swollen nub. Occasionally, I slide lower and fuck your tight little pussy with my tongue. Your hands, of their own volition, entwine themselves in my hair. This is too much like you are trying to gain control. You have given me all control. I can tell that you are close to another orgasm. But, I stop. I reach up and take your hands as I look at you.

"Little One, I own you. This is not allowed"

"I know," you say in a small voice. "I couldn't help it."

"We are just going to have to do this the hard way." I place a pillow from the couch under your sexy ass and position myself so I still have access to your wet, tasty box. I reach under your legs and take hold of your wrists. You are now unable to move your arms at all.

I recommence my licking of your pussy. This time it isn't as sweet and gentle. There is more aggression in my tongue's movements. Your clit is worked without any mercy. Feelings of pleasure run at lightning speed through your body. Soon you are writhing on the floor and moaning wordlessly at this wonderful torture. You start to almost scream as your orgasm explodes like a fourth of July rocket through your body. Yet, I do not stop licking your pussy. Your nectar is freely flowing out of your pussy onto my face. I keep right on lavishing exquisite torture on your clit. As soon as you almost calm down from the first orgasm, I suck your swollen clit into my mouth and flick it like I do with your nipples. You shriek in delight and launch into an earth shattering orgasm. Your head whips from side to side as you moan in a primitive language.

I release you and move up to hold you as your body quivers. You turn and bury your face in my chest, safe and sound as you recover… waiting for the rest of the evening.

Part 3

We lay in front of the fire, enjoying the sensuous heat from the fire and our bodies. I lay behind you, holding you safe in my arms. Your hand draws a lazy, contented pattern on my thigh. Gently, I start to kiss your neck and shoulders. In a short time, you are passionately responding to my mouth and pressing your body into mine. There is no mistaking the lust that is flowing between us. You can feel my rock hard cock pressing between the cheeks of your luscious ass.

I nudge you over so you are on your stomach. I roll over on top of you and press your body to the floor under my weight. I take your right hand, raise it over your head and secure it there with silk ties that are attached to the underside of the couch. I do the same to the left arm. You are bound in a "Y" on the floor.

I straddle your hips and start to massage your neck and shoulders. You are all ready relaxed, but I want to make sure that you are as happy as can be. I lift your hair out of the way and kiss the back of your neck along the spine. This raises goose bumps on your skin.

Mt tongue trails down your spine, tracing each vertebra. My fingers trail along your ribs, lightly tickling you as they move down. Soon I am massaging your lower back, exploring the swell of where your hips join with your back.

I sit up and look at you tied in front of me. You are so trusting and so sexy. I think to myself that I am incredibly lucky to share these explorations with you.

I lean forward and again cover you with my body. I raise my hips and guide my rigid pole between your legs. The swollen head of my cock pressures your wet pussy. I start to whisper in your ear, "You are such a good slave… the taste of your mouth is intoxicating… the feel of your skin is like heaven to my fingers and tongue…" As I am talking to you, my hips start to move, sliding my shaft against your pussy. I feel your nectar coating me. Your swollen lower lips open - ready for me to claim you. Your body starts to move of its own will, reacting to this new stimulus.

My hand gathers a bunch of your hair and I lift your head so I can whisper to you again. "Do you want it?"

"Yes. Please, oh god, give it to me." Your breathing starts to quicken. "Yes, please… fuck me!"

The teasing that I have given you has taken you back to an almost animal state. Your brain has been taken over by passion. I love it when I take you to this level. I raise my hips and slide into your tight, little pussy. You arch your back, giving me complete access, as is required of a good little slave.

Slowly, I start to piston in and out of you. Your box holds onto me as I withdraw and welcomes me every time I push in. This slow, tantalizing torture increases both of our arousal. With this pace, you can feel every vein, every texture of my cock. Both of us gasp and groan with pleasure. You are pinned beneath me, with no choice but to accept what I do to you. This is exactly where you want to be.

I pull out of you and raise you up onto your knees. You are still face down to the floor, but your sweet little ass and your pussy are up in the air for my taking. I slide into you again. This time there is no teasing. This time, I immediately claim you. I revel in your acceptance of your submission to me. My pounding into you drives you closer and closer to another orgasm. You arch your back and my cock starts to hit different, sensitive areas inside of you.

The way that I am holding onto your hips allows me complete access to your ass as well. I start to rub your puckered rosebud with my thumb, creating additional sensations to course through your body.

Slowly my thumb works its way into your backdoor, stretching your ring. That does it. You soar into another orgasm. I feel your vaginal walls clamp tight onto my thrusting cock. I almost can't push into you anymore, but it feels like heaven. The pressure is incredible and I am close to cumming, but I hold off. I want to see your beautiful face when I do.

I reach up and untie one of your wrists. You are instructed to roll over onto your back, which you do quickly. I place a pillow under your ass and retie your hands above your head. Placing your legs over my shoulders, I slide my cock over your pussy, between your lower lips. The underside of my cock caresses your clit. Over and over again I tease you. A little whimper escapes your mouth. Sensual torture is so much fun. This time, I am teasing both of us.

I don't want to wait any longer. I slide back into your hot box to continue the use of my slave's pussy. I stay motionless, joined to you in pleasure for a bit. Your chest and face are flushed. Your eyes are slightly glazed. Your tongue darts out to wet your lips.

I look at you and smile. My hips start to thrust into you again. You start to push back, as hungry as I am for this pleasure. The pleasure starts to build in me. A fire runs up my legs and down my spine, meeting at my balls. The feeling of my cock sliding into your tight pussy, my balls slapping spanking your ass and the vision of your body tied up before me is more than I can take. I start to erupt. My hot cum spews forth into your wet pussy. The pulsing of my cock sets you off also. Your head is thrown back as you scream out in orgasm. Your body quivers against me.

As we return to the earth, I reach up and untie your arms, then lower myself on to you. Our arms wrap around each other and we drift off to sleep, safe with each other.

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