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For the Love of God Ch. 10


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As soon as I had ejaculated, I regretted everything.

What had come over me?! Being masturbated by own step-son during the family dinner?! I really had lost my mind!

Jacob looked less confident now that his right hand was filled with fresh juice. I tried to discreetly put my dick back in my pants.


Again, I had lost track of the conversation.

"Sorry, Mary, you were saying?"

"When does your brother arrive tomorrow?"

"We'll actually meet at the factory late afternoon to deal with the paperwork for the dispute at work. We'll come here straight from work, probably around 7 or 8."

"I trust you both will be on your best behaviour, then." She said to the boys.

"Of course, mom." Jacob said, still keeping his right hand well hidden under the table. I quickly glanced at the floor, there was cum there too.

Fuck. I had to come up with something, anything.

"Let me go grab the desert, guys." I stood up and bumped the table so several glasses of cokes and my beer feel over the tablecloth.

"Jesus, Matt! Be careful!"

"Oh Gosh, I'm so sorry! I'll go get some water."

Jacob used the diversion to grab some napkins and he pretended to clean off the floor. That strategy had worked before, it worked again!

The little prick though! Under the table, he was not wiping off his fingers but he was licking them off! He was unbelievable! I bet the transwoman in that porn movie I had watched would not have dared to do such a filthy thing.

Thankfully, we were able to move on to the desert without getting caught and the rest of evening was actually nice. Mary chilled a little and we played a board game with the twins. Someone coming in might just think we were the most perfect family.

Maybe my brother would think so and would not see through the cracks.

Still, as the hours went by, I remained flabbergasted by Jacob's audacity. He had crossed every possible limit and I was very mad at myself for getting dragged in his filth. I should have put a stop to that. But how? He always knew how to get me!

Martin was right, Jacob could be very convincing when he wanted to get a dick.

I had shivers just thinking that he could pull off the same thing in front of Jeremy the next day! One way or another, I had to put an end to that madness.

Once Mary had gone to bed and Aaron had locked himself in his bedroom, (probably wanking off to some porn), I pulled Jacob from the living room. He was semi-asleep on the couch.

"What are you doing, dad?"

"You just follow me, little brat!"

I was already dragging him, pulling his arm.

"You're hurting me, dad!"

"Shut up!"

I was furious. Probably more at myself than I was at him. All things considered, my anger was not fair but regardless, I needed to teach him a lesson. I threw him in the garage. We needed to have some kind of intimacy. To do what? I was not too sure yet.

"What the hell did you think you pulled out there?" I whispered angrily at him.

"What are you talking about?"

I slapped him.

"Don't play dumb with me, boy! I'm talking about dinner of course!"

"But I thought that you liked it... I mean... You did love it! You came!"

"That's not the point, Jake!"

Shit, did I just admit that I had indeed loved every second of it.

"This was incredibly risky, what is wrong with you?!"

"I don't know, dad... It's been so long since we have done anything, and with uncle Jeremy coming tomorrow, I was thinking we'll get even less chance to... to play together. I've been very good for the past week, daddy, no dildo, no dick, nothing! I deserved to have some fun!"

"You... You deserved to have some fun? Are you hearing yourself? God. Could you not just wait for your mother and brother to be asleep?! I mean, we could have had fun right here, right now, if you were so desperate!"

A huge smile enlightened his face.


"I don't know. We would have had to be really careful."

He got closer to me.


He put his filthy hands on my crotch again. What an insatiable slut!

"Oh no, boy! Not tonight! Not like this!"

"But I thought... You were just saying that..." He looked at me with his puppy eyes, pulling the same trick Aaron used on their mother. "What do you want, dad?"

Until this point, I actually had no idea but right at that instant, it hit me. I suddenly knew exactly what I wanted to do to Jacob.

"Tonight. I'm going to punish you for being such a naughty boy."

"I... I'm not sure to understand."

"Pull down your pants, son."

He seemed perplex.

"Here? In the garage?"

"Don't make me repeat myself."

He grabbed the top of his pyjama pants and while looking straight at me, slowly pulled them down to his ankles. He was not wearing anything underneath. His dick was semi hard. I did not care about that. I was there for something else.

"Turn around." I spoke.



He nodded his head yes and obliged.

Finally, his peachy bum was all mine again. Two round and bubbly ass cheeks. I almost asked him to spread them but I managed to contain myself. Maybe it was stupid to pretend that I was not as much as a perv as he was, I was certainly not fooling Jacob, but I still tried.

In a way, more than to Jacob, I did not want to admit it to myself that I was dying to see his virgin hole again.

"I think I have been too loose with you lately, Jacob."

"We were just having fun..."

"Bend over, right here, against the work bench."

He turned his face towards me, now there was clear excitement in his eyes. The bitch!

"Daddy?" He asked softly.

I did not have to repeat myself this time, he arched his back and as instructed, he leaned forward the work bench. Fuck, I was getting hard again at that sight. I had watched and rewatched the video of him in a jockstrap but nothing could match the real thing.

I caressed his ass lightly. He let go of a soft moan. I refrained myself from sliding a finger in his ass crack.

"It is about time that I punish you, Jacob."

"Oh yes, Daddy, I've been a naughty boy."

Again, the audacity! He was playing it up!


I let go of my first hard slap on his ass. His ass cheeks bounced for a few seconds. What a marvellous sight.


He was not expecting that.


The second spank was even harder than the first one, it let a clear print of my red hand all over his right bum.

"That's for being a very naughty boy, unable to control himself!" I told him, slapping again.


"Hum... Oh Daddy... That's..."


"Hummmm... Fuck!"


"Please, Daddy!"


I could not stop myself, spank, after spank, after spank. Jacob's ass was getting purple and the image of Terrence's gigantic dick smearing precum all over that sweet peach was popping in my brain. I so wanted that.

"Don't tell me you actually like that, slut?" I whispered in his ear.

"What I like does not matter, daddy, I'm yours."

My dick throbbed in my pants to those words. In yet another pulsion of lust, I knelt down and spread his ass cheeks myself. Before me, his beautiful pink virgin hole. So tight. So perfect.

"You little bitch! What am I going to do with you? You only know how to suck a damn cock! That's all you'll be good at for the rest of your life."

"You can do whatever you want of me, daddy, whatever you want."

For the first time, I really considered sliding down my pants, revealing my big hard dick and shoving it in that incredibly tight hole. Sure, it would destroy him, but he needed that hard-dicking. He could not be a virgin all of his life! I bet that he would beg me to pound his ass some more!

I stood up and spanked him one last time. I yelled at him:


I stopped myself in the middle of the sentence, I was struck by lightning, my hand in the air.

Behind me, the garage door had slammed opened.

And then, there was the scream.

"MATTHEW! What are you doing to my son?"

Mary was right there, behind us.


Thanks for your feedback on the previous chapters, guys! Looks like things are getting riskier... and naughtier. See you nexxxt week!

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

love how the series is coming along! so excited to see how jacob reacts to his uncle coming to town. (and i gotta say i appreciate you gendering the transwomen properly. the same can’t be said for a lot of other smut lol!)

dnsontndnsontnabout 2 years ago

This continues to be a great read. The humor and the outrageous situations are just as entertaining as the raunchy sexual encounters. Can’t wait to meet Uncle Jeremy!

BaraTiddiesBaraTiddiesabout 2 years ago

Lmfao some of this comments take this too seriously

Dpj49Dpj49about 2 years ago

There’s no way that could go unnoticed at the dinner table. First too much movement required and second, what about the fucking smell. I know it’s fiction but please don’t insult our intelligence. I’m confident you will redeem yourself in the next installment.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

The carelessness and risky chances make this story less hot. It changes from Matt and Jacob’s desires for each other to more of rubbing it in Mary’s face as she sits right across the table.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

The carelessness and risky chances make this story less hot. It changes from Matt and Jacob’s desires for each other to more of rubbing it in Mary’s face as she sits right across the table. That is not cool nor is it sexy.

MarcLuciFerMarcLuciFerabout 2 years ago

OMG. no. no. no you can't leave it there. Don't worry Matt, if you can't come up with an answer for what you're doing with Jacob, I'm sure a resourceful boy like him will think of something. By the way, what was Mary coming to the garage for anyway? Is that where she stashed the dildo she found? Was she planning a little sinful and ungodly sexual pleasure of her own? LOL!!!

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