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Forbidden in the 1950's Ch. 01

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Young married woman takes a walk and sees something.
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Part 1 of the 5 part series

Updated 11/30/2023
Created 07/14/2023
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All characters in this story were over eighteen years old before any sexual acts occurred. Adolescent background is only included to explain the family restrictions and expectations placed upon the characters. No sexual acts of any kind are described pertaining to underage persons.

In the spring of 1955, Lena Marie Glidden was enjoying a walk along the bank of Pecan Creek. It was a small creek in northern Louisiana. The people there were guardedly friendly at least outwardly. She had been married to Neil Glidden for a year. He was a pastor of a small Baptist Church near where the creek intersected Pecan Lane. Lena and Neil had met in yet another small church. Lena had not dated before she met Neil. Her parents were very strict. She was their only child. They were ultra-conservative evangelicals who tended to think the worst of everyone who was not in their small church.

Neil's parents raised him in the faith and prayed constantly that he would be 'called to preach' someday. They were from a larger town about ten miles away from where Lena lived. To Lena, they might be called 'city folk' even though the town consisted of paved streets and two stop lights. The town sat on a small state highway and stop signs dotted the streets that intersected the highway. The town constable kept the coffers full via numerous speeding tickets that he gave out to strangers. He had a tan Plymouth with a 'bubble gum' light on top.

Neil had acquiesced to the call from the Lord and surrendered his life to preach the gospel. Not particularly popular at his high school anyway, Neil began the Lord's work by 'witnessing' to all his classmates. It was something that was required of all 'born again Christians' to stem the tide of people going to hell. After his call, Neil became even less popular. Students would walk around him in order not to be confronted with their sins. Neil's parents were quite pleased that he had answered the Lord's call and constantly prayed that God would send a girl to to be his help mate.

When the two met during an after-church social during a revival in another church, Neil was smitten with the pretty, petite girl. She had an easy social presence that Neil didn't possess. She talked with him at length learning where he was from and what he was interested in. Being it was revival season, the talk turned to their dedication to God. Neil explained that he had been called to preach during a revival in his own church the previous year.

They both turned eighteen shortly after school started that year. Lena sensed a connection with Neil. He seemed to fulfill the expectations that her parents had for her to dedicate her life to God. Her parents silently hoped for her to meet and marry a devout young man who had no intentions of defiling their daughter before marriage. Not attending the same school nor church, Neil was at a loss for a way to see the young woman again.

As luck would have it, they both attended a mid-week revival of still another small church in the area. Neil's home church pastor was preaching the revival. He reminded all the young people that pre-marital sex was a sin. Dancing was the devil's handwork. Rock and roll was the beginning of the fall of all teens and must be avoided at all costs. Even listening to that type of music was a sin. At the social after the sermon, Neil and Lena again shared the punch and a conversation. Lena talked to most everyone at the social and Neil felt uncomfortable talking to anyone but Lena. At least here, most of the kids were outwardly of a like mind as Neil.

Neil also knew from experience that most of the young people who prayed at the altar during the revivals seemed to forget their commitments when comfortably back in school the following week. At his own school, Neil was steadfast to remind the young converts that their lives must change after their conversion to Christianity. Many of the young people simply prayed to re-dedicate their lives having committed a variety of sins and being found out by adults and peers. It was a way of hitting restart and getting the do-gooders off their backs for a while.

Neil worked up the courage to ask Lena if he could call her and talk about their walk with God. Lena agreed but thought that Neil needed to brush up on his social skills and confidence if he was indeed to become an instrument of God's plan. Neil had noticed with some jealousy that Lena was also talking enthusiastically with both the girls and the guys at the socials. She engaged people and it was easy to notice her as she skittered about the room talking about school and plans. She was curious about the couples who were dating and attending the socials together. She longed for the freedom to go on dates with guys. She wondered when her parents might consent to letting her go out.

Neil's parents were a little better off than some people in the small town. His dad was an insurance agent and travelled extensively in the area. At that time, door to door was essential to success. In addition, his dad had a secretary to hold down the office while he was out in the county. Neil's mom sold his dad on the idea that they should buy Neil a cheap car. She reasoned that since his call to preach, he should be attending more church sponsored activities in the area. Based on that argument, his dad agreed and bought Neil a used care of vintage 1950. Not much to look at but the engine was a straight six and the inside was clean.

Neil began calling Lena. His plan was to take her on a date. She had told him that her parents hadn't yet approved of her dating but seemed to be softening a bit. Her parents liked the fact that she was involved in the church and didn't see any reason for her to be alone with a boy away from supervision. Like Neil, Lena worked mostly with her mom and mom seemed to grasp the inevitable. Back then it was not uncommon for parents to be overly protective of their kids. They faced no repercussions from other parents. In fact, if a parent of another child got too nosy about their lifestyle, her parents reasoned that they were of the devil and needed to reign in their own child more. Unsupervised teens would inevitably lead to pre-marital sex and that, to pregnancy.

Neil and Lena kept in touch for the fall semester only seeing each other at some church functions nearby that they coordinated. After Christmas, Lena came up with a plan for Neil to come to her home and talk to her parents. She was sure that the parents would be impressed with the young man's religious fervor and dedication. That is exactly what happened. Neil approached her dad and politely asked his permission to take his daughter to a church function in his home church. Lena's parents reasoned that such a dedicated boy as Neil would not possibly take advantage of their daughter.

Neil was a relatively small boy standing about 5'-6" tall and weighing a slight 125#. He was reasonably good looking. Lena was 5'-5" and weighed approximately the same as Neil. As was the style back then, Neil plastered his dark brown hair with Brylcream and looked like a nerd. However, that was the look he was going for modeling himself after several evangelists who had preached at their church. Lena wore the loose dresses that all young ladies were expected to wear. This was so as not to cause the boys to stare and commit sin. She had nice, B cup breasts which were always encased in white cotton, full-coverage bras. What was hidden, of course, was that her breasts were a perfect conical shape. They were topped by pretty pink areolas and nipples consistent with the size of her breasts. She had a pretty figure with a full ass and a nice tight waist. She never wore tight clothing. Her charms were always hidden from sight. Even her mother was not fully aware of her daughter's lovely perfect breasts. Modesty was the norm for the whole family.

Lena did have a sparkle in her blue eyes that attracted more attention than her dad was comfortable with. She wore no makeup and her hair was always styled in an old fashioned doo. In fact, she wore her hair just like her mother did.

When Neil had noticed females during his teens, he was convinced that lust was a sin. He prayed to God that his eyes would not cause him to go to hell. Lena had some urges but she was constantly drilled that she remain a virgin. Masturbation was not talked about in either of their homes and schoolmates steered clear of them thinking them the classic 'goody two shoes'.

On their first date, Neil picked Lena up in his old car. He met her parents again and answered the questions from her dad. Where are you going? When will you bring my daughter home? He also asked for Neil's home phone number just in case they were not home on time. By this time, Neil and Lena had become frustrated with the severe rules of their parents. They were both excited to be on a real date. Well, as real as it could be going to a nighttime church service. After the service, Neil and Lena talked in the parking lot until most of the cars had disappeared. He was not brave enough to try to kiss her and she didn't know what to do if he did try.

He asked her if her parents would maybe allow them to go roller skating the next Saturday night. They could eat corn dogs at the rink. She didn't promise him other than she would ask her parents. Neil had met with them twice then and thought that permission could be granted by Lena just asking her parents. The next evening, Lena called him and told him that her mom had agreed and told her that she would talk to her father that evening.

After picking Lena up from her house, they went directly to the roller-skating rink. She was wearing a print dress which came to her knees. It was short sleeve but the neckline was very high. They rented their shoes and cautiously made their way to the floor. Neil held out his hand and she took it not wanting to fall while getting on the hardwood floor. It was like an electric shock to him. Her hand was so soft and warm. They skated slowly, neither one very skilled. They had both skated before at different church outings but not enough to be very confident. They skated for about thirty minutes, then took a break for corn dogs and soda.

Lena had money but wondered if Neil meant to buy her refreshments. She followed him to the concession stand. He ordered for both thereby signaling that he was the treating gentleman. It was just like she had dreamed. Finally, she was allowed out on a date. She knew most girls her age had been dating for a year or two. Here she was already eighteen and on her first date without anyone to chaperone.

They ate and talked. Neil was beginning to feel more comfortable in her presence. Lena's personality made everyone feel that way but Neil assumed that he was charming her. Being naturally shy, he relied on her to carry the conversation.

Since Lena was outgoing and regardless of her prudish aura, several boys asked her out during her last semester of high school. She declined, not wanting to start a relationship that her parents might not approve of. She was ashamed to tell them that for her to go out on a date with them, they would have to come over first and meet her parents. She knew her parents would not consent. She had already had a date with Neil.

The curriculum for girls in the 1950's was very traditional. Boys were taking advanced math classes while girls studied general math focusing on household budgets. Boys were taking advanced science classes while girls were taking beginning biology and home economics. Girls were expected to take typing and bookkeeping just in case they wanted to venture into the jobs market before they settled down and became solely mothers and housewives.

This was especially true of students in the south. Schools were segregated. Public restrooms and drinking fountains had signs designating: WHITE ONLY and COLORED ONLY. If traveling black people were hungry, they had to go to the rear entrance of a café and hope that the black cooks would feed them. At this time, the equality movement was considered as a communist plot to sow discord among Americans. Historically, the period was not terribly far removed from the era of the civil war and southern restoration. Parents passed down the sorrowful history to their children. The children grew up and passed it down to their children. It would take generations to begin to build at least some unity in the country. Even that was not complete.

Most conservative southerners voted with the Democratic Party. Republicans were thought of as carpet baggers and reconstructionist. That would change generations later when the Democrats became more liberal.

To white southerners, blacks were mostly still considered servants. A black businessman would need to sell to mostly black clientele. Occasionally a white person would stop at a small black owned store if they were in dire need of tobacco or a quick soft drink. The black storekeepers catered to the 'white folk' hoping that a good relationship would foster a more inviting atmosphere for black jobseekers.

However, to most white people in the '50's, black men were dangerous. They were dirty and foul smelling and sex crazed. Lynchings were known to happen if a black man looked upon a white woman. Black men had to keep their eyes cast downward when addressing white people. That was just for their own safety. The KKK was active but usually didn't show up publicly. Even though Neil and Lena's parents were devout Christians, they felt that blacks and whites should not mix. It would be too divisive in the church and take the focus away from worshipping the Lord. Both sets of parents did, however, teach their children that it was wrong to treat blacks badly. After all, everyone was the Lord's creation. It was just that it was better to keep to your own race socially.

That backdrop had nothing to do with Neil and Lena's relationship. They were not exposed to black people other than seeing them in town or at their homes as one traveled the small dirt roads prevalent in rural America in those days.

Graduation approached. Both were excited to be finished with high school. Being a good student, Lena was allowed to enter a ladies' trade school. She continued studying the same 'girl' curriculum that she had started in high school. She had a part time job working for a local hardware store. She did some rudimentary bookkeeping and secretarial work. The work experience was as helpful as the continuing education. Her parents began to wonder if she and Neil might indeed get married.

Neil began attending a church supported college in the fall. He had earned a scholarship based on this status as an ordained preacher. In the Baptist faith, anyone who had been 'called to preach' could be ordained as a minister. He attended Chapel twice a week and joined a local church since he was staying on campus. His home was a good two-hour drive from the college. He met plenty of young men at the college, not all of whom were budding preachers. The college was known to turn out quite a lot of teachers for the area. The atmosphere was not as antiseptic as he had thought. The parties were, of course, off campus but Neil would overhear stories in his core classes. He made sure to pray each day to purge the thoughts of such worldly vanities.

Lena was still living at home. Her father bought a car for her mom and Lena could drive over the forty miles to the trade school in a larger town. Sometimes her mom would drop her off at school but this required two trips. Luckily, she met a girl from the town where Neil's parents lived. The girl suggested that they carpool to school. That helped and Lena and Mildred became friends. During their commute they talked about everything. Mildred asked Lena about her boyfriends. Apparently, Mildred had quite a few boyfriends. She explained that she didn't want to get tied down to a guy while so young. Her parents liked the idea but they didn't know that Mildred was an easy lay. She chose boys who could be discreet and who didn't want to settle down either. It was still a small town, so Mildred found some boyfriends at the largest town around. She didn't share much with them and most thought she was from their town.

They actually didn't care, for Mildred would drive around the local hangouts until she saw a young man by himself. Or she would cut one out of the pack. Sometimes she would go hang out with girls who were grouped up and gossiping. She would seem to fit in until a guy approached and made advances. These guys didn't have to woo Mildred very much. Soon the chosen guy would be on lover's lane with his cock deep inside her pussy. Mildred loved sex. However, she didn't get much lovers talk from Lena and finally got the message that Lena was indeed a 'goody two shoes'.

That didn't actually stop her from probing Lena a little more about her relationship with Neil. Once filled in with the details, Mildred began asking questions about their sex life. Sadly, Lena explained that so far, they only had held hands.

"Not even a kiss?" Mildred exclaimed.

"We want to remain chaste until marriage."

"Oh, wow. So, you are going to get married? When?"

"Nothing is planned now. Neil is in college studying for the ministry. He hasn't proposed formally but he talks about our future together, so I suppose he thinks of me as his fiancé."

"And not even a kiss so far? Almost nineteen and never been kissed. Weird."

They didn't pursue this line of conversation for very long. That didn't, however, stop Mildred from sharing an occasional story about her most recent lover. She even mentioned penis size. Lena remained quiet during these stories. She did start to have yearnings based on Mildred's lusty tales of sex. One day a friend of Mildred's, Sandra, hitched a ride to school. She was impressed with Lena's personality but wondered why she dressed so frumpy.

"You are very cute, Lena. You should buy yourself some prettier clothes and use some makeup," volunteered Sandra after they had talked about most everything else.

Sandra and Mildred began sharing stories of boys they had fucked. It was all so new to Lena. She wanted to show her displeasure with this type of conversation but she managed to let the girls alone while they shared their sex lives. Lena couldn't believe these girls were so forthcoming about pre-marital sex. She wanted to curtail the conversation but she was feeling a certain dampness in her drab grannie panties.

That night, for the first time, Lena became so horny that she placed her fingers onto her warm sex. She felt it was wrong to masturbate but the stories of the day had gotten her so curious that she wanted to feel the thrill of getting herself off. She used her natural lubrication to get the outside of her vaginal lips all slick. She continued until she felt the top of her sex harden. The thrill of touching herself like that was totally exhilarating. She began feeling faint but continued to rub the lubrication across the hard button. Without realizing it, she began to stiffen. An overwhelming euphoria entered her brain and she had to put her other hand over her mouth to keep from screaming.

It was he first orgasm. Something her mother had never told her about. It was something that she had not learned from Mildred. It seemed so natural, yet she knew it was wrong. She vowed never to do that again. She thought about it all the next day. She rode to school with Mildred with a new understanding of natural desires. She understood that even the saved had families or were married. That meant that sex was very natural. Regardless of the topic being alluded to in church and at home, she thought that it was natural for people to crave sex. Still, she vowed to remain chaste until marriage.

That night she put on her flannel gown and went to bed hoping to fall asleep quickly. She thought immediately about the disgusting act she had performed the past evening. She had to get it out of her mind. The harder she tried, the more frustrated she became. She pulled up her gown and felt the outline of her prominent vaginal lips. Lightly stroking her pubic area was not a sin, was it?


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