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Forcing Aunt Lisa Ch. 02


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To be continued...

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SirDesteclesSirDestecles5 months ago

LMAO, this is as comically fucked up as the first chapter. Firstly, rape is an instant dead turnoff for me, add a torn, bloody pussy to the mix and I'm sickened, but is so far removed from reality, this may not be hot but it's a fucked up dark comedy. The most broken part is where hubby decides now, while she's distracted by the massive manmeat in her newly stretched bucket-cunt, is the time to break in that ass that he's been denied for so long. The funniest part is her mid-fuck lambasting of her hubby and nephew as well as post-rape ruminations about how to handle or plan her future rape-fucks! The paint by numbers sentence construction just adds to the surreal situation! 5/5

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Just lousy.

servant111servant111about 3 years ago

Pummeling a 14 month inch monster cock through the cervix and 4 inches through the womb to spend 30 minutes hitting the womb rear wall would spontaneously abort the fetus. Substitute a metal probe for a monster cock and you have described much of the procedure for a standard planned parenthood abortion.

To say that the author needs to consult some basic medical guides is given here.

Still this is an outstanding stroker. 5 stars

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Made me cum!

This is wrong, but so hot! The writing is good. I want more!

vickeyfleevickeyfleeabout 5 years ago
Hateful sin please

To whoever wrote the comment "hateful sin" if this is how you really feel about stories such as these then explain why the hell your reading them! You have the right to stay away from sites like this but yet here you are leaving your stupid ass comment. No one held a gun to your head and forced you to read this but you did. Your choice leaving comments like this just shows your ignorance. It's fantasy not real get over it

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
And then she miscarried...

Since the author clearly knows nothing at all about female anatomy. Terrible episode.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Anatomical impossibilities

The cervix does not work this way. Also, the vagina is elastic and will go back down, she’s not going to be wrecked for anybody else. Please research the female anatomy.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Weakness of women is being Shown..

why is she so weak with her hubby nd her nephew why don't she rip-off his cock and knock him off rip his hairs cut his hand by teeth and beating him to his death after this he would have never been so hungry for her. Also never allow him to touch herself ever again

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Hateful SIN !!!

Writing sex stories to make people erotic is understood but using it to spread dishonour and force in sex will not lead the society anywhere...Also, PLEASE PEOPLE, try to understand the crimes committed in the society because of this. we would never want any pig to fuck our close loved ones so why do we enjoy reading and watching forced sex? So that we could do the same thing to others too? IS IT RIGHT IF SOME FUCKING ASSHOLE RAPED YOUR OWN SISTER OR MOTHER? Absolutely not. So please take it as a respectful request to never ever watch or read such porn that makes us develop Bad Feelings for our own relations and loved ones.

One more thing...



jenorma2012jenorma2012almost 9 years ago

this was worse than the first one, why she is still there is really stupid

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Rape her womb!!

Hot work. I just wish she had been raped more. CJ shouldn't have listened and just forcibly cum in her womb until she was bloated and swollen again. Her womb is only good for having cum and piss ruining it, who cares about the baby. Have CJ rape her whore pussy and womb full of cum until she fucking ruptures!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Not another illiterate nigger fag !!

"1*" !!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
When the story change to other situations where Lisa understands....

that she has the chance of a lifetime to be loved, used, appreciated, and exhausted, all with permission of her hubby. Can't wait for the next installments...

gondaolgondaolover 11 years ago
Ch 2 Pg 2

Kinda short

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

Good story

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
what the hell?!?

It started off so well, & then suddenly there were all sorts of crazy physical impossibilities. Please read up on the facts of human physiology (or skip those descriptions entirely) because having them be so blatantly wrong is distracting from what is otherwise a sexy story.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
Niece's involvement

Now with both the nephew and niece involved it would be great to have a foursome where the niece seduces the aunt and it just takes off from there.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago

This one was better than part one. I liked the parts when she screams at them.

Don't let the boys find out that she is really liking it, that adds to the story.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago

Another titillating and disturbing installment. I was afraid you weren't going to add the husband for anal play, but you did! Thank you, thank you, thank you! Please make her cum around, oh hell, rape her again, I don't care just give me another chapter! Now I'm off play with my self, thanks again!

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