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Forever Incest: A Mom's Story

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A mom uses a photoshoot to seduce her son.
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Summary: A mom uses a photoshoot to seduce her son.

Note 1: This is a Nude Day Contest story so please vote.

Note 2: Please note there are two versions of this story being released today. One from the point of view of the Mom (this story) and another from the point of view of the son. While it likely doesn't matter which order you read them... this one is where I would start.

Note 3: Thanks to Sams_Island for editing and enhancing these twisted, mirrored tales.

Forever Incest: A Mom's Story

"You need to get laid," Gloria, my older sister, said for the hundredth time in the past year... two years after I caught my husband cheating on me, after which he'd divorced me!

It was a regular comment during our weekly lunches and this time I tried to laugh it off with, "That's what toys are for."

"No, you need to be bent over a kitchen table and railed," my blunt, sexually charged sister said.

"Nice," I said, shaking my head.

"I'm serious," she continued, "there is nothing better than just being banged hard and turned into a complete slut for your own pleasure."

"Have you ever met me?"

"I know that behind your prim and proper political career façade is a submissive slut who loves doing as she is told," Gloria accused, unfortunately knowing my sexual past.

She was a hundred percent correct. While I worked as a personal assistant for a U.S. Senator, dressed as professional office staff in her home state political office, and presented myself as sweet, compassionate, and conservative... which in all fairness I was... behind that exterior I was once a submissive slut who would do almost anything for a dominant man.

"You can't let that asshole control you for the rest of your life," Gloria stressed, never using his name, always referring to him as asshole. "Remember, he left you, which means he is no longer your dominant."

God, it was embarrassing to hear myself described in such base terms, but she was right. As much as I was an in-charge person at work, in my sex life I'd become dependent upon the control of a man. A man I'd thought loved and respected me away from the bedroom, as much as he loved and dominated me in it.

"I know, I know," I sighed, yet still unable to move past the fact that not only had the asshole destroyed my faith in men, he'd also crushed my confidence by doing it with a 19-year-old girl.

"So, I have made a decision for you," she said.

"You have, have you?" I asked, knowing arguing with my sister was a no-win proposition.

"I'm going to create an online dating profile for you."

"I don't think so."

"I wasn't asking," she said. "Get Jeremy to take some photos for you."

"If I do this, will you stop nagging me?" I asked.

"Maaaaaybe," she playfully said, meaning she wouldn't.

"Fine, whatever," I sighed, thinking I did need to get back out there. My son was eighteen, he was going to college in the fall, and I would be completely alone.

"Good," she said. "Get Jeremy to do it today."

"Fine," I repeated. "Since you won't stop nagging me until I do."

"You know me so well," she said. "Of course, you also have one other option."

"What is that?" I asked.

"Fuck Jeremy," she said, making me gasp.

"Jesus, Gloria," I said, shocked she would say I should have sex with my son... even for my out-there sister this was a bit much.

"What? It's not like you haven't already crossed the incest line." She smirked as she referred to one wild drunken night from our past.

"That was one time when we were drunk," I stressed, recalling that crazy night where we'd ended up in a threesome with a dude we met at a bar in college. A night that had somehow ended with my sister and I in a 69 where we both made each other cum.

"I'd do it again if you want," she teased, having offered that to me on more than a couple of occasions of late. Yet, that guilt of committing incest had always lingered in the back of my head... even though it was tempting as I could use a good orgasm and my bisexual older sister could likely give me the orgasm of my life (or at the very least the last two solo years)

"So you keep telling me," I said, hiding my own slight curiosity to replay that night.

"Plus, you know Jeremy would love to fuck you," Gloria added, continuing to push my buttons and not let it go. "I mean, asshole got himself some teen action, why shouldn't you?"

I immediately found myself back on that terrible day. I'd accompanied the Senator to a meeting at the university where my husband was an associate professor. After the meeting, I'd separated from the group to surprise asshole with some office nooky. Only to be surprised myself when I'd walked in on him already getting some. Some gamin-looking freshman was bent over his desk, getting banged hard.

What had made it worse, was that instead of being surprised or defensive or apologetic, he'd just grinned evilly at me and instructed me to come all the way into the office and close the door behind me. Since I already had sex on my mind, I did as always and followed his direction without thought. Not until he told me to see how good his cock looked going into a tight, young pussy and implied that it was a regular part of his student counseling, had I been able to break loose from his spell and run crying out of his office.

"Gloria, enough," I said, my tone making it clear this had gone far enough.

"Fine, fine," she said, putting her hands up and laughing as she stood up. "I was just saying you have a solution at home."

"Well, don't," I said, as I stood up too.

"Okay," she said, as she gave me a hug. Yet, she couldn't go without one parting shot, "Just think about it. Jeremy has grown into one hot stud."

I sighed as she walked away.

I returned to work, pushing the ridiculous idea out of my mind, as I had a busy afternoon.

It wasn't until I got home that I remembered I needed to ask my son for help with something sensitive. And I also couldn't help but remember my sister's parting comment... she was right, my son really was a handsome young man. On top of that, I'd long strongly suspected he had a sexual fantasy about me... as he was always admiring my legs in nylons... just like his father had. Even now I could see the bulge in his sweats as he took what he thought were sly glances at my legs and feet.

It wasn't until we were finishing dinner, that I let out a dramatic sigh.

As anticipated, he asked, "What's wrong?"

"Your aunt thinks I should start dating again," I put out there, curious of his reaction. If he didn't like it, I would tell my sister no. I could wait until he went to college and I moved to Washington D.C.... a decision I'd only recently come to and had not yet told my son.

My son surprised me with his reaction. "Damn right you should."

"You think so?" I asked.

"Mom, you can't let that bastard continue to ruin your life," he said, looking me directly in my eyes. "He's had an invisible hand making you miserable for far too long."

I sighed. Not because I didn't appreciate his support, but because he was right. Just like Gloria. I had allowed a man's unfaithfulness to break me. I needed to take my life back. I went to speak, even though I wasn't sure what I wanted to say, when his phone beeped. He ignored the phone, following my no phones at the table rule, like he always did.

"Mom, you can tell me anything," he said, suddenly placing his hand over mine. I couldn't help but feel a warm sensation run through my body at the gentle, innocent intimacy. It would have been completely innocent if my sister's nasty incest suggestion didn't pop into my head.

His words were so comforting and soothing, and the sexual angle of Gloria's words aside, I realized my boy had indeed matured into a solid young man ever since his father had left. So, while I told Gloria most everything, I had been holding a lot in for a long time and suddenly thought I might have another adult I could talk to. I smiled, enjoying the soothing safety of his hand on mine. "Gloria said you would be supportive."

He nodded, continuing to build my confidence exactly when I needed it. "Well, Gloria is right, I would do literally anything for you, mom. You mean the complete world to me."

"That is so sweet, honey," I said, desperately trying to push out the inappropriate thoughts Gloria had planted. I told him something I didn't tell him enough, "You are a good son."

"I'm a great son," he joked, always able to make me laugh... in that way he was a lot like his grandfather.

"Yes, you are a great son," I agreed with a laugh, playing along, "in fact you should get a trophy that says so."

"Yes, I really should," he smiled, before he brought the conversation back to where it started. "Now, there is obviously something you want to ask me."

I suddenly felt balled up and cramped with the anxiety I'd been holding in, and in preparation for speaking to my son like an adult I turned my chair to the side and stretched out my body, with my legs extending to the side of the table where Jeremy sat. I don't think I did that on purpose, but I both noticed and appreciated that his eyes were immediately drawn down the length of mocha-coloured-pantyhose covered leg he could see, stopping at my feet. Through the hose he could easily see my newly pedicured toes - in a pretty pink I hadn't tried before but was quite happy with. Apparently so was Jeremy, because I noticed one of his hands going under the table and couldn't help but wonder if that wasn't to adjust himself.

I threw out Gloria's suggestion. "Well, your aunt seems to think I should get on a dating website."

"She's probably right."

Deciding to just throw it out there before I changed my mind, "Would you take a few photos of me to put on?"

"Of course," he responded without hesitation.

"Thanks," I said, "I know you have a great eye for photos." While Gloria had obviously been dangling the incest idea out there, having Jeremy take my photos was actually a solid suggestion. He was a gifted photographer with a growing photography business on the side, greatly enhanced by a pro-level camera I'd gotten his father to buy him for Christmas last year.

I wiggled my toes, not to tease him but something I often did as I could seldom sit still. But again, I noticed it immediately drew his attention.

"Thanks," he said, looking down at my feet and then back up to me. "Why don't we do it right away."

I suddenly found myself excited to pose for some photos... I suspect the shot of whiskey I'd had while making dinner and the whiskey drink I'd had during the meal had something to do with that. "Okay, I'll go change."

"Actually," he said, as I began to get up to go to my bedroom, "why don't I take a few of you in this outfit and then take some in two or three other outfits?"

"Really?" I asked, surprised as I was still in my work clothes... professional, but not really sexy.

"Yeah, we can show different sides of you," he suggested, as he seemed to be seeing me... the real me.

"Um, okay," I agreed, feeling a strange sense of vulnerability.

"We will do a whole photo shoot," he said, before smiling and maybe joking, pointed to my almost empty drink. "Some may need some alcohol."

"I already had one," I said lifting up my glass with a playful smile and downing it.

"Well, in fancy photoshoots it's usually wine or champagne, but they both taste like shit anyways," he said.

"I'll stick to my JD," I said, not into wine or champagne. I got up from the table, walked over to the liquor cabinet and pulled out a half full bottle of Jack Daniel's. I poured myself one and added the Coke. I asked, as I took a sip and turned to my son, "Do you want one?" As I did, I noticed his attention was again on my legs. It was adorable that he thought he wasn't obvious.

"Sure," he answered, as I allowed him to have a drink with me once in a while... and this situation seemed the perfect time.

I poured him a stiff one and brought it over to him, sitting back on the edge of the dining table next to him. As I handed him the drink, he said, "Thanks, Mom," as he looked directly down to my toes. After he took a drink, and coughed a little, he asked, "What are you trying to do, get me drunk?"

"If we are doing a photoshoot, I am definitely getting drunk," I said. Thinking some liquid courage would help allow some provocative pictures of me to be taken, I downed half the second glass. "You know I don't love having my picture taken."

He kept his charming smile on his sexy face (did I just call my son sexy?) as he looked me in the eyes. "You are a beautiful woman and should not be at all uncomfortable with photos being taken of you."

"You're sweet," I said, appreciating the compliment.

He asked, as he glanced down to my feet again, "You do know what my friends call you, right?"

As I took another sip of my drink, I shook my head as I replied, knowing some of his friends definitely had crushes on me. "I don't think I want to know."


"Is that even a word?" I asked. Even though I knew what a MILF was, he didn't need to know that.

"I'm not sure it's in the dictionary, but it's definitely a common word out there."

"I'm scared to ask what it means," I said, feigning ignorance, as I crossed one leg over the other and noticed him again staring down at my feet... this time for a very noticeable amount of time.

He got excited, really excited, as he said, "Wait here and don't move."

"Don't move?" I asked, a little perplexed.

"Not a muscle," he ordered, quickly leaving the kitchen.

I remained in the exact same position, which was hardly the most comfortable position I realized after a few seconds. I had done it to slightly itch the top of my left foot. As he returned, camera now in hand, I asked, even though it was obvious he wanted to take a picture of me in this pose, "What are you doing?"

He said, as he lifted the camera to his eye, "There is something about this pose that is so natural, sexy and sensual it needs to be photographed."

"Really?" I asked, thinking this was not really a sexy pose, "this is pretty basic."

"It shows you in your natural state," he said, as he snapped pictures, so I quit talking and just looked at him.

"I'm even still in my work clothes," I pointed out after a few pics were taken. If I was going to put some photos on a website and that was a big if, I didn't want them to be in my work clothes... I wanted pics that made me look pretty, sexy even.

"Authenticity," he said, as he kept taking photos, seeming to be really focused. Although I wasn't positive, I think he took some of just my legs and feet based on the angle he briefly held his camera. This didn't surprise me as I knew he had taken pictures of my legs and feet on other occasions. At first, I thought it was weird, but then I remembered some exciting things his father had done with my legs and feet before revealing himself to be a cradle-robbing asshole. If his father's kink hadn't done me any harm, why should his son's? Besides, it was flattering to know that I could still have this effect on a man.

Just going along with it, I asked, "Should I smile or be doing anything?"

"Don't move your legs but feel free to drink your whiskey," he said, as he continued to snap photo after photo, confirming his dedication to his art. I glanced down and noticed I could see all ten toes rather perfectly... that was certainly what he was focusing on.

"Okay," I said, as I took another sip and tried to keep the perfect pose for my stocking-clad-toe obsessed son.

Finally, however, beginning to lose my balance, I warned, "I can't hold this position much longer."

"One last idea," he said, as he looked at me, "can you lift your right foot up to your shin?"

"Um, sure," I said tentatively, even though I knew exactly what he wanted to take a photo of.

"Perfect," he nodded, as he snapped more photos of me. "That's good."

I said, curious how he would respond, "I can't fathom that will be a great profile pose. I have whiskey in my hand, in boring business clothes and the background is my kitchen."

"First, I can make the background anything I want later," he said, stopping snapping photos, "although I like the natural comfort of allowing someone to see you in such an everyday situation."

"I guess," I said, finally able to stand normally, as I stood up from the table with my legs apart a little.

"Two, your business attire is one side of you," he continued, "as is your hair in a ponytail."

"Definitely one of the more accurate portrayals of me," I said, wearing my hair in a ponytail more times than any other style.

"And third," he finished, "I think you looked absolutely beautiful and sexy in that pose."

"You do?" I asked, again flattered at his kind words. Sure, being called sexy by my son was weird, yet somehow it made me feel good about myself.

"Mom," he said, apparently trying to get me to believe in my beauty, something I had done before my ex-husband's betrayal, "you do know you are one very hot woman and as I mentioned, a complete MILF in everyone's eyes."

"You are so sweet," I smiled warmly.

"Every word is true."

I said, wanting to see how he defined the word, "But, you never told me what a MILF was."

He bluntly responded, "A mom I'd like to fuck."

"Oh my," I feigned, acting like I was shocked by this definition.

"You don't even know how beautiful you are, do you?" he said, his constant compliments beginning to melt my heart.

"Honey, I--" I began, but he stopped me before I could complete my thought.

"No, Mom," he interrupted, looking me directly in the eyes, "you are a beautiful woman inside and out. A real catch. Someone that deserves happiness. Someone that deserves the entire world."

"I don't even know what to say," I said, his heartfelt words making me a muddled mess. I could feel tears suddenly stream down my face... which made me feel pathetic. To my surprise, he snapped some photos. Putting my hand up to block the lens, I asked, as I wiped the tears from my eyes, "Please, don't."

He did stop shooting but continued the abundance of flattery. "I mean it, Mom, you are not only a beautiful woman, but a strong, intelligent one with a powerful impact on our state and its citizens and you deserve a man who understands that."

"Thank you, Jeremy, I appreciate that," I blubbered, as he put his camera down on the table, walked over to me and brought me in for an embrace. I wrapped my arms back around him and for a while we just held each other. It was after almost a minute perhaps, that I felt his penis twitch against my leg, which surprised me and yet also didn't surprise me. No, him being hard was not at all surprising, but what I was curious about was if he'd pressed it against me on purpose or not? Did he want me to know he was hard?

Acting like I didn't notice, when I definitely noticed, I let him go and said, "Thanks, honey, I needed that."

"Any time," he replied.

Needing another drink, not even sure when I finished my last one, I went and poured myself one more as he said, "Now go change into an outfit you would wear on a date, and I'll clean up these dishes."

"You sure about this?" I asked, even as I wasn't sure we should do this.

"Tonight is all about you," he said, then added, "Plus, if the dating site and photos were Aunt Gloria's idea, she'll give me a ton of shit if I don't come up with the perfect pictures for your profile."

"Yeah, she would," I agreed, pouring Coke in the glass... if I didn't get the photos she insisted on I would never hear the end of it.

So, I headed out to my bedroom to change into a red dress Gloria had suggested would be perfect for photos.

In my room, I got out of my clothes, and as I slipped off my panties I noticed they were undeniably wet. No doubt, posing for sexy pictures and the strange flirtation was turning me on. Deciding to dress up as hot as possible, and teasing my son as much as possible, I slid on a sexy thong and matching lace bra before adding a garter-belt and silky sheer stockings that had a sexy seam down the back of them... these would drive my son wild. I couldn't explain it, but the idea of teasing my son was a taboo turn-on... even if I had no intention of crossing the invisible line of incest. Plus, Gloria had suggested I wear them as she'd bought them for me to try and get me out of my post-divorce funk.

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