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FoY 1: Flavors Of Youth

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Helping his crush has sweat(y) consequences.
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All the characters in this story are over 18 years of age.


FLAVOR... what a wonderful feeling that is. Everyone in this world lives for it. Something that can only be felt, only be experienced, only be described in words and yet we fall in love with it. In fact, love is also a flavor. Okay, I had to say it, and now I will get into this FLAVORful story.

Iam Tyler, 22, 5'9, black eyes, more towards the slim side but not skinny. I know you guys probably don't care about me but still it's my duty.

So umm, where do I start?

We were in college, but only for few more months, as we were nearing the end and most of us have already got internships going. Iam one among them too. But that's a separate story which I will share to you later but long story short, on the first day, due to natural circumstances I was running late.

So, while trying to get into the elevator I bumped into a woman and unfortunately, she had coffee in her hand, and it unfortunately splashed on the files she was carrying on the other hand which unfortunately she dropped, and the papers scattered across the floor. I immediately bent down to help her with the situation I had caused.

Thank God it happened outside the elevator surrounded by witnesses because had it happened inside the elevator, she would have killed me with those toned hands of hers and disposed off me like how she disposed that sipper mug. That's the look she gave me or perhaps that's what I understood from that look. I helped her with her papers, and I profusely apologized even though it was already getting late for me. After I helped her with her papers, some of which were stained by the coffee, which I knew she had to reprint, I again apologized and took the stairs this time.

When I reached the 6th floor, short of breath gasping for air, I was rushed to the CEO's office. It looked like the briefing had already started. There were 3 interns including me.

One of them is a girl named Sabrina. A beautiful Indian girl around my age. Long jet-black hair reaching up to her butt, with matching eye color, olive skin and a cute pair of lips painted in red, she was slim, but mind you not like anorexic slim but athletic slim. Heck, she looked like a model but also, she perfectly fit the trope of cute girl next door. But with the white button-down blouse and black pencil fit skirt and black stockings and black shoes, she looked professional, like how we were supposed to look. And the other guy is Liam.

While I was lost in her beauty, she gave me a nod and smirk, which I interpreted as she trying to make me realise that our CEO is looking at me, and it turned out to be correct.

First impressions are the best they say and if that was true, I would have probably been fired on that day which luckily didn't happen.

She was sitting in her chair behind the desk, and I could see only from above her waist and from what I could see she was going to become a constant part of my erotic fantasies. A drop-dead gorgeous woman with dark brown hair up to her chest, Greyish blue eyes and wide red lips, she took my breath away when she curled it into a smile.

"Looks like someone forgot to set the alarm," she said, her tone strict and professional even when she smiled. The other two gave a little chuckle while I was busy admiring her beauty and contemplating what excuse to give. Similar to Sabrina, she wore a white button-down blouse but the only difference being that her ample bosom was making a bulge that could not be missed. They were big. 'ALEXANDRA HOWARDSON' the nameplate on her desk read. She was looking at me, looking straight though me with her greyish blue eyes that I had to croak twice before introducing myself and giving a lame excuse for being late after which the orientation continued, or rather restarted.

"So that concludes the briefing. I hope you have fun as much as you work and learn," she finished, lighting up the room with her warm smile. "And one more thing. You have been assigned a mentor. She should have been here for the briefing," just as she was saying the door opened and a woman entered the room.

"Here she is. Your mentor Amber Rayne," she said. The woman went straight to Alex and placed a peck on her lips. The kiss lingered for a few seconds making it look personal than professional. And when she raised up to look at us, I realized how big I had screwed up, and it wasn't me being late on my very first day. She is the woman I bumped into earlier, while I was running late. I could see her smile shorten when her eyes met mine, but still maintaining her professional demeanour she said, "Sorry I missed the orientation. Got caught in a little problem while coming up," she said looking at me, "Iam Amber Rayne. Chief Financial Officer. Looks like we have got a lively bunch this time," she said.

It wasn't very hard to deduce that our CEO and CFO were close and that I would be looking for a new job sooner than later....

OKAY I GOT DISTRACTED. Coming back....

So, uh... luckily, I still have that job and it doesn't look like she is holding on to that incident, but it doesn't exactly seem like she has let it go either. I'm managing NO PROBLEMO.


I have a crush on this girl. I mean CRUSH crush. Her name is Katherine Johnson. We call her Kate. Well not me. Even though we were in the same classes throughout the entirety of college I haven't had many chances to talk to her. But I can describe her for days. She has the body of a swimwear model. She is about an inch taller than me. With light brown hair flowing up to her waist, hazel eyes and full lips she has been the constant inspiration for my late-night adventures, along with Alex recently. She is a basketball player and a track runner. She has a slender but toned body not overly muscular, with a beautiful bulge in her chest, her washboard abs and narrow waist with a flare at her hips with an firm ass to die for she is like a Greek goddess. But that's not what attracted her to me first. It's her Angelic smile. Usually, people like her always have an attitude taller than them but she was the most down to earth person I have ever known. She maintains a strict diet as required by any person in sports. That means no smoking and occasional drinking. She does well in her academics too. And her goal is to represent her country at the international stage. Damn she is a really the complete package. Diamond in the rough.

I always attend her basketball matches. Iam not gonna lie that I didn't like seeing all the girls jumping and running, with their breast swaying in all directions but what attracted me the most was the state they were in after the match.

Their hairs sticking to their forehead and face, their lungs huffing and puffing and gasping for air, their body completely drenched making their dress stick to their curves and most importantly the smell of sweat in the air. LOVELY. If u haven't guessed by now, I have a huge sweat/smell fetish especially the smell of sweat mixed with the pheromones makes my brain a complete mush. That's one of the main reasons for me to hit the gym regularly and try to stay fit, while ogling at those beautiful women of all ages and body types sweat their frustrations out.

Kate looked as beautiful as always after her basketball match today. I always made it a point to say well played to her after the matches but only if she could know that. Apart from this she also runs laps around our track from 5 every morning.

She just runs and runs and runs while I just get tired looking at her. I always made sure she wasn't looking at me. I just couldn't. It was the reason why I didn't have a girlfriend too. I am just afraid of getting hurt because, well my fetishes are, you know, and I don't want to lie or settle for something I don't like. Iam content for now with just watching.

She wore a sports bra that accentuates her beautiful breasts and short shorts that grips her toned ass like a vice. She looked sexy while running, especially with her hair in a ponytail with a few loose strands clinging on to her wet forehead and whenever she tried to push those loose strands back that's when i ascended to heaven, staring and drooling over her beautiful armpits. Yes, I love Female Armpits.

It has been the centre of my fantasies for years now. What i would give to smell the aroma of her sweat mixed with her pheromones emanating from her beautiful underarms, to kiss that sacred hollow and to plant my lips all over her smooth armpits, lick and suck that smooth skin glistening with my elixir of life. While I was in my fantasy land she started running again and I was pulled back to reality. Just because I like armpits it doesn't mean that I can't appreciate her round full ass tightly hugged by her shorts, her shapely legs that goes on for days, covered by knee high socks and a running shoe and her beautiful bosom heaving up and down when she runs, and her soft fleshy lips opening and closing gasping for air. I just like armpits more.

I thought this was going to be just another normal day in my life but something happened, which at that time I didn't know, was going to change my life forever.

Kate fell with a loud thud and it jerked me out of my day dreaming. She slowly sat up, holding her ankle and from what I could see she was clearly in pain. There were only a few people at that time and most of them didn't know what had happened and I didn't want to wait for someone else, so I just ran to her.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"I'm fine.... It's just my ankle. This is the second time," she said, holding her left ankle, moaning in pain.

"Let me take you to a hospital," I offered.

"No, it's not a big deal...Uhm... Just take me to the infirmary," she suggested, "But It doesn't seem like I can walk."

"Let me carry you to the infirmary. Get on my back," I said removing my jacket and helping her to get up enough to get on my back. And I would never forget that moment. The moment she raised her arms to put her forearm around my neck from behind, I was literally in heaven. Her wet body clinging to my back, I could feel her breasts moving up and down in tune with her heavy breathing, and her sweaty legs crossing me across my waist, but above all that the smell of her sweaty body just wafting into my nose straight to my brain. If it wasn't for her moaning in pain, I would have just stood there for eternity. Then I wrapped the jacket around her lower body and held it tight as an added assurance, so she doesn't fall.

I carried her to the infirmary as fast as I could and opened the door to see only the nurse looking at her phone sitting in her chair. Looks like she was startled when I opened the door. But even more so when I shouted EMERGENCY.

"GOD Tyler!!! It's just a sprained ankle," the nurse was scolding me. I get her. Maybe it wasn't that serious but hey, you never know.

Kate was sitting comfortably now and laughing at this situation. Looks like all she needed was some analgesic spray.

"All done," the nurse continued "Just be careful while using your left leg and if you have any problem again, please do come visit me at any time. ALONE," she said, staring at me as she got up from the bed and went to her desk. "And also, please refrain from practicing for atleast a week until the swelling subsides."

"WHAT?" I shouted before Kate could say anything. Both stared at me, one in shock and one in anger, and I'm sure you can understand which one is which.

"Well just one week is surely not enough. You should take a month off," I said, trying to be understanding of her situation, but also, realizing I won't have to wake up at 5 every morning.

"Well looks like the doctor has given his opinion," the nurse said in a sarcastic tone, with an annoyed smirk on her face. Just then her phone ringed and she went out talking.

"So how are you feeling now?" I asked her.

"Iam fine. But first, Thank You!" she said with a warm smile that melted my heart, "I'm glad it didn't turn out to be an EMERGENCY!" she said, and started giggling. Even though she was teasing me it felt good to see her smiling like this especially after what had happened.

"Yeah, I'm glad," I said, taking in her beautiful smile.

"Well, Iam thinking of resting here for a while. Iam feeling sleepy," she continued, "Once again really thanks for your help. You can leave if you want. I don't want you to be late because of me," she said.

"Well, if you want me to carry you, please call me," I said jokingly, even though I didn't have her number. She just smiled and nodded her head and I left.

I was almost at the entrance before I realised, I left my jacket in there. Normally, being the lazy person Iam, I would have left it for tomorrow. But now it's just another chance to see my angel.

I started walking towards the infirmary again happy to see her again. I opened the door to the room and realised the nurse hasn't returned as her desk was still empty. I turned and walked to the bed hoping to strike up a conversation, "Hey I just left-"

My eyeballs nearly popped out of my eyes seeing the scene. It was Kate lying down in the bed, sleeping, but that's not it. As the sun has started rising, and it has become bright here, she was covering her eyes with her left forearm while sleeping. Leaving me an unadulterated view of her left armpit.

I silently went near the bed, and it looked like she was already in deep sleep. But still I don't think I could have resisted, even if she was awake. I took a step back and took a few seconds to admire the view in front of me. The beautiful sleeping frame of a goddess. Her shoes have been removed and kept near the foot end of the bed and only her left sock has been removed. I could see her right sock, glistening, like she had washed her foot with her sock on. Her right foot... oh my god!

I checked for the nurse, but she was nowhere near, so I slowly crept to her bed and took her right shoe and just pressed it against my nose. The smell was heavenly. All those strong smells of foot and sweat, with nowhere to go, wafted inside my nose sending a shiver through my spine. I put that shoe down and took her left shoe only to find a present inside. Her sock. I quickly took a sniff from the left shoe before dropping it, to take the left sock in my hand. It was still wet, but has started to dry and the acrid smell was making my dick harder. I took the sock and sucked it into my mouth. Man did it smell strong, and all that sweat that poured on my tongue when i squeezed it, it was amazing. I was harder than ever I have been in my life. I sucked on the sock for few more seconds, before putting it back inside the shoe and now it was time for the main platter.

Slowly i crept closer and pressed my nose to her left sole and took a deep whiff. I didn't need to be told that she had been running. This amazing smell. I could just smell her foot for the rest of my life. I placed gentle kisses on her sole and each toe getting a taste of them in the process. I was leaking precum in my pants. Next, I did the same with her sock covered foot the taste and smell being even stronger just assaulting my olfactory lobe from every angle making me quiver.

I stood up to see whether my activities have disturbed her sleep but no signs of it so far. 'Now then the most crucial part' I thought to myself while I moved towards the her sacred hollow. I could see that she was cleanly shaved as always and the sweat had dried, giving off a wonderful smell even when I was quite a bit far away. I lifted my right hand and used just the index finger to trace a line on her armpit scooping some wetness along the way. I brought the finger to my nose, and I was immediately hit with a smell that I could only describe as Heavenly. What might have been a pungent and sweaty Odor to a normal person felt the same to me, but it was the best smell I had ever inhaled in my life. I didn't know that my dick could get more harder until now, throbbing and threatening to break out of its confines, leaking precum enough to create a wet spot. Luckily, I was wearing boxers.

Now then I decided it wasn't going to be enough and so I just went for it. I lowered my head down to her armpit and took a deep sniff. My mind was swimming in a myriad of emotions while I practically started hyperventilation, trying to get more and more of this unique scent of her sweaty armpits. I even got a faint scent of her deodorant. Her natural Odor literally made me a quivering mess, my cock threatening to shoot in my pants. The strong Odor was driving me insane and I was getting lightheaded. I wanted more. I decided this was the only chance I was ever going to get, and I decided to go for it. I brought my tongue out and took a long lick along the hollow of her armpit. MY GOD! If my brain was a mess before, it practically started dancing now as I was treated with an acidic sour taste and a pungent musky aroma. But it was short lived, as she started purring in her bed.

'OH SHIT!' I thought to myself quickly getting up and grabbing my jacked and running towards the door. Just when I was got the knob, I could see someone on my peripheral vision. It was the nurse. She was looking at me with a slight grin and a mischievous glint in her eyes.

'How long has she been here?' I pondered but the more important things came to my mind. 'She couldn't have seen what I was doing from where she is, Right?' but I decided to stay calm.

"Hey, I just left my jacket here? See you later," I said, turning the knob, hoping to get the hell out of there.

"I'm glad you got what you wanted," she said. I could feel a mischievous undertone in her voice. I decided I must be imagining it and just walked away.

That night I jerked off three times thinking about what I had done. I even had this crazy idea of the nurse catching me in the act and she is taking charge to discipline me and making me suck both of their feet and armpit. Ohh fuckk it was so hot. I didn't know when I dozed off.

Next morning I woke up late, knowing she wasn't going to be there. She wasn't in our classes. Same for the next two days. And then a week went by. Internship in the morning and classes in evening. Basketball wasn't as interesting as before. But still I was jerking off to that crazy memory while spicing it up with my own imagination.

Finally, she was back on Monday. I felt I should talk to her, ask about her leg. When everyone had left, and she was packing her bag and getting ready to leave, I went and stood in front of her.

"Hey how are you feeling?"

She just smiled and to my shock she got up and gave me a hug, "As you can see, I have no problem standing or walking," she said smiling, "Once again Thank You!"

I was in heaven feeling her chest pressing against mine. "You are exaggerating. Anyone in my position would have done the same," I said trying to sound humble, and cool.

"Oh no! Iam very sure no one would have done that except you," she said, grinning ear to ear.

"Well, I don't know about that. It is an honour to be of help to a future star of our country," I said, trying to understand what she meant by her previous sentence.

"Well, I hope so too. I just wish I got better soon so I can get back into practice. That would be good for all of us," she said, flashing me a cute smile.

"Well, I can't wait to see you back in action. Don't forget me when you become a big star," I said, playfully.

"Oh, don't worry about that. I will never forget you and I will make sure you won't forget me either," her lips curving into a sly grin. 'Make sure?' while i was pondering that, "Hey, see you tomorrow," she said, edging away from me.

That night I was replaying our conversation, happy that I finally got a chance to talk to her.

Next day, she was back on track, sweating out, like the events of the previous week didn't happen. I was happy for her, and for myself.

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