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"What are you talking about?" Janet asked in a confused voice.

Max turned around quickly and said, "How about a movie in my mind of me fucking you in your ass?"

Janet gasped loudly and then groaned deeply as her hips jerked back and forth hard several times. She bent forward at the waist and groaned even louder as her hips jerked even harder.

Max's eyes were wide and his mouth hung open. Was she doing what he thought she was, ran around in his mind for nearly a minute before he asked, "Are you doing what I think you're doing?"

Janet groaned again and nodded her head.

Max let out a groan of his own as he continued to watch his sister coming her brains out.


He ended up half carrying his sister over to the side of the bed and sat her down. The toy box ended up next to her. Max had backed away from her until he bumped into the wall. "Dangerous, very dangerous," he whispered softly.

Janet took a deep ragged breath and opened her eyes to look at his face. She had a crooked smile on her face. "You sure hit that fantasy dead on the head."

Max didn't know what to say, so he kept his mouth shut but the movie of fucking his sister's ass was back in all its glory. He groaned deeply and bumped his head on the wall. Maybe that would jar it out or at least turn it off.

Janet giggled and said, "All that will do is give you a headache." A second later, she gasped sharply and then groaned long and loud.

Max gave her a funny look and then noticed where her eyes were. He looked down to see his dick standing up straight. A full three inches and the head were bare above the waistband. He grabbed his dick with his right hand and the waistband with his left as he tried to stuff his dick back into the underwear.

"No!" Janet said sharply and loudly. He stopped what he was doing and looked at his sister. She shivered hard and whispered, "Leave it the way it was."

"But...." He said and then groaned as she sat up straight and pushed her chest out.

"I'm way more nude than you are," she whispered with a shiver. She stood up and took the three steps to stand directly in front of him. Her hands went to the hem of his t-shirt and she pulled upward. When the shirt bunched up under his arms, Max raised his arms and she took his shirt off.

"Much better," she said as she took a step back. His dick was back to standing up straight. She grinned and whispered, "Much better in every way."

Max groaned as she tossed the shirt over her shoulder. "But, but, but," he stammered and she backed up to sit on the side of the bed again.

She had a big smile on her face as her hands came up to squeeze and massage her breasts. She moved her hands down to either side of her hips and shivered hard. "That could lead to another orgasm," she said with a crooked grin.

When her brother didn't say anything, she reached for the lid on her toy box. "My bed isn't a good place for you to do that," he said suddenly.

She looked at him and grinned. "I guess my bed is out of the question also." When he only nodded his head, she asked, "Then where?"

"I, uh, don't think anywhere is really safe," he said quickly.

Janet laughed and said, "How about the backyard?"


She laughed again and said, "I've never been outside anywhere near this naked. The big fence would make it safe from prying eyes. The sun would be hot. The pool would be there to cool us off."

"You would end up with grass stains on your elbows and knees," Max said and groaned deeply as the movie in his mind moved to the backyard.

Janet stood up with a shiver that was visible. "The backyard it is then. You grab a couple of the big beach towels and I'll meet you out there."

"Uh, where are you going first?" Max asked in confusion.

"There is something I need to do."

Max was still confused as she stood up, picked up the toy box, and left his room. He followed her out and then got more confused as she went into her room and shut the door. With a shrug, he headed for the main bathroom and the towel closet.


By the time Max reached the backyard with the towels, his dick had softened some, and he tucked it back into the left side of his underwear. He noticed there was a clear wet spot where the head rested.

"I'm surprised I haven't gone off like a fountain," he whispered to himself as he sat down in a chair next to the table by the pool. It was hot outside in the sun and the umbrella in the table gave him some shade. A light breeze added to that coolness.

He heard the back door open and close. He turned and looked that way. His mouth dropped open as he watched his sister walk his way. The sheer white thong was gone. In its place was a silvery triangle of cloth that barely covered her slit and outer lips. Her whole mound was bare except for the narrow strip of red hair up the middle of it.

She stopped in front of him and grinned as she sat her toy box on the table along with two cold cokes. "I thought we might get thirsty in this heat," she said as she sat down in the chair next to him.

In the bright light, the balls on either side of her left nipple sparkled and shined. He could also see the scattered freckles on her upper chest. There were only a few on her belly and legs. Across the bridge of her nose and cheeks, they were thicker. The same for her arms.

His eyes went back to the tiny bikini bottom she was almost wearing. "I, uh, didn't know they made a bikini bottom that small. What the heck does the top look like? A couple of small Band-Aids would be my first guess."

Janet grinned. "I had to order this from a company in Australia. There is nothing like it around here. The top is barely wider than my nipples and barely goes from the top to the bottom of my breasts."

"Uh, have you ever worn that anywhere?"

Janet giggled. "Only in my room and Jenny's room. Under my clothes, several times, when we went out. That's about as far as my nerve has allowed me to go."

"How do you keep it in place," Max asked as he looked at the tiny bikini again.

Janet laughed and asked in return, "You're supposed to keep it in place?"

Max did a double take at his sister's face and she grinned. "You should see it when Jenny has it on."

He groaned deeply at the vision behind his eyes of Jenny's large breasts in such a skimpy top. "Be still my heart," he whispered a moment later.

"I should have worn the top to give you a better sense of size."

Max groaned again. "Oh, don't worry, my mind is supplying all that and more."

"Her mound is wider and higher than mine and she keeps it smoothly shaved," Janet said in a soft whisper.

Max groaned again. "You're killing me here," he said as his eyes wandered up his sister's body.

"Torturing you is so much fun," she replied with a grin as his eyes met hers.

"You're doing an excellent job."

When his eyes went to her toy box, Janet moved the chair until it was facing her brother. She sat down and opened her knees as wide as the arms allowed. Her feet were together but they were up on the toes. She flexed her hips up and felt her ass slide forward in the chair. She did that several more times and grinned as her brother groaned softly.

Max's eyes jumped to his sister's lap as she spread her knees. As she flexed her hips and slid down in the chair farther and farther, his eyes grew wider as her thighs parted more and more. He expected her plump outer lips to pop out from under that tiny bikini at any moment.

Janet picked up one of the cokes and leaned forward to hand it to her brother. When he took it, she leaned back and picked up the remaining one. He opened his and took a sip. She grinned and rubbed the cold can over and around her right breast. She moaned softly and her upper body gave a jerk.

She moved the can to her left breast and groaned as she rubbed it all over. Both her nipples hurt from being so hard. "That... that feels so good," she whispered a moment later.

Max just sat there with his mouth hanging open, his eyes fixed on her nipples and the droplets of water on her breasts. Several grouped together and ran down her lower ribs and on down across her belly. His eyes ended up back on her spread thighs and the tiny bikini covering her sex.

Janet had a grin on her face as she popped the top on the coke and took a swallow. At the sound the can made, Max's eyes jumped to his sister's face. She smiled and said, "Playing with hot things and cold things is fun. A cold coke on a nipple followed by a warm mouth will almost make me come."

"Jenny?" Max said and then added, "I'll have to keep that in mind for the future."

Janet sat the coke aside and opened her toy box. "There are so many things you obviously don't know."

"I know a lot more than you might think," Max said quickly.

"Only in theory," Janet tossed back just as quickly.

"Well, uh, yeah," Max said and then sighed. "So, what are you going to show me?"

Janet pulled a small slender pink vibrator out and held it up.

Max grinned and said, "I know what that is for."

His sister shook her head as she moved the pink vibrator to her left hand and got a bigger fatter one out of the box. "This one is for the front," she said and shivered hard. "The pink one is for the back and makes my orgasms even stronger than they ordinarily would be."

Max's eyes jumped back and forth between the two toys. A moment later, he said, "But..." and left it hanging.

"Exactly," Janet replied with a big grin.

"At... at the same time?" Max asked quickly.

"Sometimes," Janet whispered as her hips flexed harder and faster than earlier.

Max's eyes dropped to his sister's barely covered sex as her hips moved and then jumped up to her face. "Show me," he said in a soft voice.

Janet shivered hard and flexed her hips harder than ever. "I... uh, I, uh, you," she stammered and then groaned as she replied, "This is supposed to be tell, not show and tell."

"Guys are always more visual," her brother said with a grin. "Showing always works better than just telling."

"Yeah, but," Janet said and then groaned deeply. Just the thought of her brother watching her push the vibrator into her sex and ass almost made her come.

"Exactly," Max whispered as his eyes dropped to his sister's sex. Her thighs were even wider as she had slipped lower in the chair from her hips flexing.

Janet groaned again and quickly laid the vibrators aside. She reached into the toy box and pulled a brown colored vibrator out that had a main shaft with a finger sized arm coming off it at the base.

"Jenny bought this one for me," she whispered softly. "Between it and her tongue, I would come for what seemed like hours."

Max squirmed in his chair as he thought of Jenny's head between his sister's thighs and groaned as he visualized the main part of the vibrator ramming into her pussy and the finger going up her ass.

Janet watched her brother as he squirmed and giggled as he groaned. "It was more like me humping this thing like mad and screaming my head off the first few times she used it on me."

"Screaming?" Max asked with a confused look. "How did you keep from having mom or dad pounding on your bedroom door? Or kicking it in for that matter."

"Both of Jenny's parents work and she doesn't have a brother or sister. Her house was the perfect place for us. It allowed us to do all sorts of things in all sorts of places."

Max groaned as his mind tried to supply pictures of his sister and Jenny having sex all over a house. On the stairs was the first place that popped into his head. One sitting on the top step and the other on her knees a few steps down. A dinning room table flashed across his mind and he groaned again.

Janet giggled and whispered, "So many places and so many position two people can get in." It was as though she was reading his mind.

Max shivered hard and whispered, "I'd settle for the floor or a bed or even a couch."

"How about the lady sitting in a chair with her legs draped over the arms on both sides?" Janet asked with a catch in her breath as she visualized herself sitting in that position. Jenny had eaten her pussy and fucked her with toys in that very position many times.

Max's eyes jumped to his sister's lap and she giggled. "No, I am not getting into that position."

"Uh, why not?" Max asked and licked his lips.

Janet made a whimpering sound at the appearance of his tongue and whispered, "I'd get into far more trouble than I could handle and so would you."

Max's eyes flicked up to his sister's face and back down to her barely covered sex. "You could teach me how to eat, uh, pussy," he said under his breath.

Janet groaned and shook her head. "Nope. No way. It's not happening," she said quickly.

Looking up at his sister's face, Max grinned and said, "You can't fault a guy for trying."

"There wouldn't be much teaching as I'd be coming in very short order."

"Hey, it ain't like I'd know what I'm doing or anything," Max said in a confused voice.

Janet giggled and shivered hard. "It wouldn't be the what but the who that would blow my mind."

"Huh?" was Max's witty reply.

Janet closed her knees and squeezed her thighs tightly as she whispered, "Think about what I said. Me looking down to see your face between my thighs and feeling your tongue in and or on my sex. Now think about that in reverse. Me on my knees in front of you."

Max groaned long and loud as he grabbed his lap and rocked forward. Janet's eyes grew wide as she watched him stand up quickly. He had both hands on his dick as he turned toward the pool and walked toward it. When he reached the edge, he stepped off and disappeared from sight.

"What the heck?" Janet said as she stood up and walked over to the edge of the pool. Her brother was completely underwater and rubbing at the front of his underwear. Whitish milky spots appeared in the water as he did.

"Oh shit!" she whispered a moment later as it dawned on her what had happened. With a beet red blush, she spun around and hurried over to sit back down in her chair.


She saw the top of her brother's head several times but it was more than five minutes before she saw him moved up on the steps leading into the pool and sit down. He looked her way and quickly looked away. "Are you okay?" she asked a moment later.

Max nodded his head and then shook it. "That's..." he said and then groaned softly. "That's never happened before."

"Uh, what's that?" Janet asked in as calm a voice as she could muster.

Her brother looked her way with a big frown on his face. "Like you don't know," he said in a loud harsh voice and then looked away. He took a deep breath and stared at the far end of the pool. "Sorry, I shouldn't yell but it is embarrassing."

Janet giggled. "Like me coming in the doorway of your room. That snuck up on me and I think the same thing just happened to you."

Max nodded and said, "Big time." A moment later, he held up his underwear and said, "I'll have to do laundry later."

Janet giggled again. "You can put those in with my shorts and the white thong."

He looked her way and grinned. "I could put the underwear back on but they wouldn't cover much. They are clear where ever they touch me."

Janet nodded. "That white thong has been that way several times. Some of my other panties more than that and I've worn none of them in a pool."

"I, uh, didn't know women got that wet."

Janet shifted in her chair. "I'm sitting in a puddle pretty much right here and right now."

"Uh, what caused that?" Max asked.

Janet shifted in the chair again. She was back to sitting with her feet together and her knees wide apart. Looking down, she could see that about half the lower part of the bikini bottom was missing between her outer lips. She shivered as she looked at her brother.

"Wearing this bikini bottom, sitting the way I was, showing you my toys, and talking about them. That's more than enough to get me sopping wet."

Max was looking her way as he started to stand up and then changed his mind and sat back down. "I'm, uh, not sure I should come over there or not."

"It would make talking easier and we wouldn't be as likely to scare the neighbors if they are outside," Janet said with a grin.

Max looked around at the high fence and said, "Uh, yeah, you're probably right." He stood up part way and sat down again. "The problem is, I've never been naked around a, uh, female, uh, woman before."

Janet laughed. "I'm female and I'm a woman but I'm also your sister, so.... Come on, I promise not to laugh. Not loudly anyway."

Max gave her a dirty look and stood up. He climbed the steps and turned toward her. He grinned and wiggled his hips from side to side. His semi hard dick moved back and forth, as he did. "There's nothing for you to laugh at," he said as he walked in her direction.

Janet shivered as her eyes ran up and down her brother's body. He had a nice build. Strong legs and a thick chest. His arms were muscular but not bulky. As he stopped in front of her, her eyes jumped from his slowly hardening dick to his face. "You're the nicest looking naked man I've ever seen in person."

Max chuckled as he moved to his chair and sat down. "I'm probably the only naked man you've ever seen in person."

Janet's eyes dropped back to his hard dick and she shivered again. "That's true but...."

Max was distracted as his eyes zeroed in on his sister's lap. "Uh, you do realize you're having a, uh, fall out, uh, slipping out problem don't you."

Janet groaned loudly as her hips flexed up and down several times. "Oh yeah, I'm very aware of it and slip as in very slippery is correct."

Max's hand was headed for his hard dick but he detoured it to his thigh. His eyes were drinking in the sight of his sister's outer lips as they slipped a little more out from under the bikini bottom. He licked his lips and looked at his sister's face. "Do you still have the butt plug in?"

Janet nodded quickly. She whimpered softly and closed her knees. "You, you want to see, right."

Max nodded as quickly as she had and then took a deep breath. "Only if you want to show me."

Janet shivered hard as she stood up. She grinned at her brother and said, "You surprised me. I figured you would have yelled, "Yes," at the top of your lungs."

"I, uh, I, uh, yeah. That was my first thought but.... I am learning a few things," he said as he watched his sister turn around.

Janet looked at her brother over her shoulder and shivered hard. "This is going to be so interesting for both of us."

"Interesting?" Max asked but she only grinned at him for a moment.

With a deep breath, she took a step to the side with one foot and then the other. Now her feet were far more than shoulder width wide. A soft moan became louder as she bent at the waist until her hands could grab her ankles. She was looking at her upside down brother from between her legs. She could also see that more of the bikini bottom had disappeared between her outer lips.

A deep groan from her brother drew her eyes back to him. His eyes were locked onto her ass and sex and his right hand had a tight grip on his dick. She wondered if he was about to come again. With a groan of her own, she reached up with both hands and pulled the strings at her hips up higher.

Returning her hands to her ankles she could see that the only thing the bikini bottom was covering were her inner lips and her clit. Her sex clenched up tight as she looked at her brother. Her asshole clamped down tightly on the butt plug and she moaned deeply. Showing off this way had her close to an orgasm of her own.

"That, uh, jewel looks beautiful between your cheeks," she heard her brother say.

As she slowly straightened up, she whispered, "It feels beautiful, also."

She moved her left foot over next to her right and turned around. Max grinned at her and said, "That bikini isn't covering much right now."

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